Daily Archives: February 12, 2014

“Daily Homograph” At Work



You got to love how some journalists keep their nose in the wind and, uncaring both for the scandal they give and for their own salvation, re-align themselves with the prevailing fashion of the times and, presumably, the will of their chief editors.

The latest example is Ms Christina Odone, who nowadays writes for the “Daily Homograph”, a newspaper that used to be socially conservative and has now sold itself entirely to the lobby of the sodomites, with all this entails.

Ms Odone has a very strange logic: if a person she doesn't like has a certain opinion, this is reason enough for her to have the contrary opinion; though this brilliant criterion presumably only works if the thus obtained opinion is in line with the fashion of the day, and allows her to march in line with the world's army.

We are, therefore, informed by this genius that if Mr Putin is against so-called “same sex marriage”, she must be – how very convenient – in favour. How Ms Odone thinks this can be squared with 2,000 years of Catholicism is beyond me. I actually do not think she cares for a second, though, so her convenient statements make sense in the twisted mind of the opportunist. But then again she “admires” Tatchell, so I shouldn't waste time telling you what kind of circus Catholic is that.

Still, Ms Odone's is a very interesting train of thought. If we follow it, we must deduce that Ms Odone will, upon discovering that Mr Putin is against the Holocaust – or against euthanasia, or child raping, or incest, or bestiality – ipso facto proceed to become a supporter of all these things.

This, or the woman is just looking for an excuse to jump on the secular bandwagon; uncaring for her own coherence, much less dignity, much less salvation; making her theology as she goes along, and trying to give it and herself a varnish of Catholicism as credible as a prostitute preaching chastity.

I warn my readers not to trust these self-appointed “catholic journalists” whose only aim in life seems to be to give scandal to the faithful, and to undermine Catholic teaching in order to advance their own careers and wordly interests. There can be no excuse for such behaviour. Most certainly not for people too privileged and moneyed to claim the extenuating circumstance – if such it would be – that they have been bullied into such scandalous rubbish in order to avoid losing their job and remaining with no prospects, and a family to feed. Which latter would be a questionable excuse anyway, since everyone who embarks in a career as a political or religious journalist must know beforehand what the risks of the profession are, and whether he can afford to keep his own integrity if and when the test comes; because if he doesn't, it means that he has accepted servitude and plate-licking from the start.

Ms Odone is just the last example of everything that is wrong with supposed “catholic” journalists writing for supposed “conservative” rags, who feign to advance the cause of Catholicism and/or Conservatism and make, day in and day out, the work of the devil. Do not listen to their wannabe inclusive tosh, but at the same time do not be discouraged because of the damage they will invariably cause. Providence has arranged from before all time that God's will be done, and not one soul will be lost that God has not decreed should be allowed to be rightly condemned for the rebellion it chose.

I can't avoid thinking hell will be populated, in the next decades, by a rather tobust number of self-appointed “catholic journalists”, keeping company to the perverted “couples” with whom they found so convenient to side.

God knows if it was me, I'd rather die a prostitute than today's Ms Odone. A prostitute might at least be ashamed of what she does, and repent when the time comes. I doubt these self-righteous wannabe intellectuals have the same intellectual honesty; and their trespasses are far graver, as they publicly and openly attack Church teaching under the guise of modernity, inclusiveness or, as in this very stupid example, having to rebel to the Church because you don't like Putin's legislation. Legislation which, mark my words, would not have been out of place in any of the past 2,000 years of Christianity, but it's too much to bear for Ms Odone, the pious admirer of Peter Tatchell.

There will be wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

Beware of the “Homograph”.



Diplomacy Is Not Enough

Great believer in diplomacy no matter what...



The Italian newspaper Il Foglio has an appeal to Pope Francis to, in simple words, show some teeth in the face on the ongoing secular onslaught.

In times were lesbians are allowed to set the tone of the EU policy concerning sexual perverts, and the United Demons tell the Vatican where they need to align themselves to the Inclusive Truth, polite diplomatic reactions will never have any useful or permanent effect.

The people at Il Foglio – a rare newspaper nowadays in the Italian landscape, as it supports Catholicism with an energy and outspokenness unthinkable in the mainstream newspaper, all but converted to the “gay rights” gospel – recognise that the moment is not one for soft words, and polite disagreements. A battle for the direction of a great part of humanity is now ongoing, and the continuation of this pussyfooting – when we are lucky – will cause a de facto wiping out of Christianity from most of the West.

The appeal is neutrally formulated, and versions in French and English are also online. The introductory article (not sure the link works) is rather, with its explanation of the reason for the petition, the key to the understanding of the initiative. Follow the link to get the appeal in the language of your choice.

Do not be discouraged by the fact that the initiative is accompanied by praise for the Bishop of Rome, a praise most certainly entirely unmerited. To support the petition does not mean to support the Pope in his hippy antics, merely the initiative therein contained and the polite exhortation to become – and not one day too soon – more assertive.

I am glad there are still newspapers in Italy written – and read – by people who actually care for the Church and Her values. From what I can see, they are now becoming a tiny minority, as the once vast strata of “rather Catholic” non-churchgoers is dying, and is being substituted by the generation of their “rather indifferent” children, fully poisoned by the mantra of inclusiveness they see coming from the Anglo-Saxon world as the Italian clergy is nowhere to instruct them, or is all too happy to lick the plates of the Gandhi-admiring masses.

Consider putting your name on the petition. As I understand, an email is enough.

It won't change the world. It will most certainly not change Francis. But it will be a small witness; a signal of things that do not work, and must be changed.



Francis And The Poor Blogger

This Side, Or That Side

Good for your health: the humble carrot, or carota in Italian.

Father Carota has a beautifully suffering post about the drawbacks of being a good priest. Modern society being what it is, it is nowadays almost impossible to be a good priest without incurring the ire of the self-righteous semi-secular (but entirely arrogant) society; a society full of people expecting their every whim to be complied with, and ready to attack everyone refusing to play the game with the accusation of having “hurt” them. Such a priest will therefore, just for his willingness to be a good priest, accused of being “uncharitable”, variously “judgmental”, and most certainly “hurtful”.

In this case, it seems one or more rather wordly women used their Facebook account to smear the priest, guilty of the horrible crime of – inviting them to dress decently in the Church.

Shocking! I mean, shocking that there are still priests willing to do their job! Not many of those nowadays, I am sure…

Thirty years ago, the woman so addressed might have disagreed with Father's assessment of what is “appropriate dress”, but would then have very probably understood that, well, he is the priest, so that's that.

Not now. Now, a remark or a correction – or in extreme cases, a refusal to enter the Church – gives rise to a Facebook campaign, the idea that in such matters one simply accepts what the priest says being slowly inconceivable.

This is not Father Carota's fault, obviously, but I think the clergy as a category have much to answer for such a mentality. Decades of self-effacing pussyfooting, of non-authoritarian “pastoral” approach, and of ceaseless desire to be the “nice guy” have both emasculated and ridiculed the figure of the priest in the eyes of the populace. The Priest is not seen anymore as a person of authority, but as a low-paid (Germany-speaking Countries excepted) social worker whose only hope of being tolerated is to mingle with the world as much as he can. Therefore, if he tries to tell someone what to do – in matters strictly related to his own authority and sphere of competence, of course – all hell will break loose. Such behaviour must make on the ” occasional” folks (the “marriage and perhaps funeral” types) the same impression as the cleaning lady suddenly lecturing them about the Impending Revolt Of The Oppressed.

The figure of the priest has lost much in authority and, I would say, in manliness. This goes hand in hand with the loss of their function: being a priest, saving souls, admonishing and, when necessary, forbidding and reproaching. Nowadays, many priest go around bearing on their face a big inscription stating: “I apologise for being a Catholic priest and will try to keep your inconvenience to a minimum”. Is it a great surprise, then, that even public dykes feel it appropriate to stage a very public m circus upon being denied communion?

Still, the duties of the priest remain the same even after the category has brought so much harm on itself, though the prevailing winds will take care that many of them accurately avoid to do a proper job. The more grateful must we be to those, fairly rare, priests who tell it like it is and, faced with the choice between Christ or a quiet life, invariably choose Christ.

In the end, it's always this side, or their side.
