Why Ann Coulter Is Pro-Choice

Awfully sorry, young man (or woman), but you’ll have to die because Ann Coulter does not approve of the circumstances of your conception.

First of all, let me say that **in general** I am highly suspicious of the number of children allegedly conceived by rape. This does not, my dear female reader, concern *your own* rape, and I am sure your rape was entirely authentic and an extremely traumatic experience. I refer, though, to the fact that by reading around one has the impression rape is something that in the US happens all the time, as a matter of course; particularly if we think that after all is said and… done to conceive a baby is never an automatic matter, as millions of couples will testify.

Having said that, *some* babies are (must be; it is a statistic certainty) conceived through rape.

Here is where one of those phenomena start which I cannot but call inconceivably stupid, and a worrying sign of the inability of our generation to simply think logically.

To be an abortionist or pro-life can never be a matter of degrees.You either think an unborn child should not be killed, or you think his life is disposable. Tertium non datur. 

If one thinks the life of the unborn baby must be protected, then this must perforce be valid for every life, as there are no unborn babies who are less innocent than others.

If one thinks the baby can be aborted in certain circumstances, then one is simply an abortionist, and the only difference with the mainstream “pro-choice” abortionist is that he is in favour of choice in a more limited set of circumstances.

If you want to listen to pro-lifers, listen to real ones, like this pro-life activist conceived in rape and born notwithstanding two botched back-alley abortion attempts. She wouldn’t have had any chance in the world of so-called pro-lifer Ann Coulter, and would have had her life terminated with the seldom failing procedures of the professional Nazi butcher of Planner Parenthood. She lived, though, because to abort her was  a criminal offence, rape or no rape.  

Therefore, Ann Coulter – who has launched herself in a rather violent tirade against coherent, if perhaps not entirely articulated, pro-lifers like Richard Mourdoch – simply does not get what pro-life means. She is clearly pro-choice, with the only qualification that the choice whether to kill an innocent unborn baby must in her opinion be given only in case of rape.

This position is, besides being contrary to logic, not very intelligent also from a practical point of view.

If abortion were one day to be banned allowing for the rape exception, we would see an explosion of alleged “rapes” like humanity has never seen in its history; you would see girls denouncing their boyfriend of rape out of sheer selfish desperation if forced to a DNA probe, or simply claiming they have been raped by a stranger after a night in the disco if not. In a country which does not set extremely hard evidence requirements to the accusation of rape (as it was in Italy last time I looked, with the necessity of a medical report from a doctor documenting clear signs of sexual violence) this game could be played if not by anyone, certainly by anyone without scruples or desperate enough to think she has the moral right to put another man’s liberty and reputation in danger.

Let me say it once again: you either are pro-life, or you are pro-choice. If you think a baby can be aborted because he happens to have been conceived by rape, then you are most certainly pro-choice. Nor can it be said – as some Protestants might say out of sheer ignorance – that the Church allows for abortion in case of impending danger for the mother’s life. This is simply not the case, and those poorly instructed will have to inform themselves better. 

Ann Coulter is that kind of conservative who just doesn’t get the profoundly Christian roots of conservative values: this is why her conservatism does not extend to sodomites, and why she is in favour of killing babies.

We don’t need this kind of conservatism, because besides being immoral it is logically incoherent and therefore, in the end, self-defeating. True conservatism must come from a coherent, all-encompassing view of life that is inspired by a consistent set of values. These values are the values Christ and His Church gave us. There is no escape, and we can see from this episode how illusory it is to think that one can tailor one’s views to the fashions of the time.

Beware of the false conservatives. They are the bearer of a self-defeating ideology that does not do much less to damn your soul than the mindset of the liberals.


Posted on November 11, 2012, in Catholicism and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Mund, the problem with ‘conservatism’ in the US is that we have so many different flavors of it. We have conservatism that derives from Protestant fundamentalism, conservatism that comes from Trotskyites who became the Neo-Cons, conservatism from classical liberals who moved to the right, and finally, genuine Catholic conservatives. That’s why, IMO, why conservatives can gain or keep power in this country. We’re too divided philosophically.

    • Unless someone comes that united enough of them, right?

      Reagan and Bush did it; even Bush father managed to get elected…

      Obviously there have been some demographic changes since; but there have always been demographic changes. I can imagine the forecasts 100 years ago that Irish and Italians would give permanent majorities to Democratic candidates; but now, if I have read the data correctly, non-Latino Catholics have voted in their majority for Romney, who isn’t even conservative, much less Christian.. 😉


  2. Mundabor,
    if the death penalty is acceptable for the child of a rapist, what about the rapist himself? No pro-murder (NOT “pro-choice”) “conservative” like Coulter ever deigns to answer this question.

    On the lighter side:
    A few years ago, Coulter (jokingly) declared her opposition to woman’s suffrage. It is this kind of statement of hers (and that Obama would have lost … Maine!) that makes one see the wisdom in her proposal… 😉

    • I do hope she is for the capital punishment? Though you are right, if she isn’t for the rapist but she is for the baby there’s something very fishy indeed… But I appreciated the quip over the female vote.. 😉 I’d rather restrict the vote to those who pay a minimum in income taxes…
