Build Walls, Not Bridges

Busy building bridges to the enemies of Christ.

The Evil Clown has published a kind of hippy list of proposals for the new year. It is, as you might expect, the usual, sugary nonsense the Dalai Lama or Barack Obama might say. The first point is, rather predictably, “build bridges, not walls”.

You wish.

From the socioeconomic – and, well, patriotic – point of view, it is not only allowed, but mandatory and praiseworthy that a nation preserves its prosperity and prevents indiscriminate immigration. Smart Countries will, in fact, import those who are useful to them, and will not allow them to become part of the fabric of the Country if they know that they bring a mentality not compatible with the values of their host Country: the Germans and their Turkish immigrants are a valid example, or at least were before the Age Of Madness.

More importantly, and from the religious point of view, it is our duty as Christians to avoid exposing our Continents to the evil influence of false religions, particularly Islam. As a Christian, you cannot wish Christianity to become only one religion among many or, more probably, undergo a conflict with Islam merely because you want to feel good with yourself. The defence of the Christian fabric of the West is a duty of all Christians, not an option for the right-wing fringes.

The USA in a way, but much more obviously Europe are now in such a state that Christianity is no more than a thin veneer in their social fabric. We are now in the defensive, and we must preserve what has remained of Christian values from both internal and external assaults. This state of things will remain as long as we have dumb Papacies inspired by dumb Vatican II. When the Church is strong again, she will be able to reassert her role in Europe and to vigorously expand abroad. For now, everything must be done to protect Christianity inside, and there is no need to say that preventing massive waves of Infidel immigration is the mere start of it.

Build walls, not bridges.

And pray for the end of this Pontificate.



Posted on January 8, 2018, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. The concept of inviting immigrants of hostile/non-Christian countries (by Democrats) to a western country occurs to me as a small scale version of the woman or man who marries with the thought that ‘My love can change him/her!’ Only usually, that is done by a very young &/or very naïve, misguided person. What does that say about the campaigners for this forced immigration, other than there must be money involved.

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