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Francis, The Case Study

“Love me tender”, Vatican edition

The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate were persecuted by Francis based on zero point zero evidence. The order, and its founder, were slandered and dragged through the mud for all the planet to see. Francis would care not one bit for evidence, or for a shred of decency.

This buddy of his, Cardinal Ouellet, is so fond of harassing women that he gets a class lawsuit against him. What does our own wannabe hero does? He orders a preliminary investigation, in charge of which he puts a close buddy of the Cardinal. The close buddy obviously decided that there’s nothing to see here, end of story.

At least, this Frankie-protege’ (literally) is not a homo. But hey, several other friends of Francis clearly appears to be. Think of Zanchetta, the buddy Francis couldn’t wait to make a bishop. And of course, we all think of Archbishop Paglia and the homo-fresco he commissioned to a homo-painter. Or of Monsignor Ricca, the guy with the Montevideo Lover, and the lift (or “elevator”) story whose details I don’t even want to know. Or of father Georgina, the man of whom everybody tries very, very hard to make us believe he is straight (and when you see a video of him, the game is up).

You will, hopefully, forgive me for thinking this: that Francis has no decency or shame; that he sees his position purely as a way to protect and reward his friends and those who have advanced his career; that he has an extremely alarming number of “friends” who are clearly bent (heck: one would be extremely alarming!); that he does not care for what Catholics think of him, because he despises Catholics in the first place; that he ruthlessly mocks, and clearly can’t stand, any traditional expression of Catholic piety and religiosity (those who pray the rosary for him must be mocked, and a boy with his hands joined in prayer is too much for him to bear); and that he ruthlessly persecutes those who dare being too Catholic, and too openly so: the Traditional Latin Mass obviously fills such a man with horror; the FFI I have already mentioned.

If you have forgiven me until now, I think you will accept my conclusion: that God has allowed an evil man, a man who clearly appears destined to have a very prominent position on the wrong side of eternity, to be made the Pope in order to show us that when you tamper with the holy traditions of the Church and sabotage her doctrine, you will get a Pope that is the visual representation of this deformity. This, I think, God has decreed that we will have to endure until He gives to bishops, cardinals and faithful the grace to finally shout that enough is enough, and to go back to sanity.

Francis is the symptom of the disease called Vatican II. Sadly, those who see this are a clear minority, with the others happy to sing diabetes-inducing hymns in church, identify Catholicism with niceness, and largely remove from their consciousness everything that Francis does. Their priests clearly help them in this because, hand on heart, I have never experienced a Pope so little mentioned from the pulpit than this embarrassing case study in the power of the devil.

Until the Great Awakening happens, I am afraid we will have to deal with Francis II, Francis III, perhaps Francis IV, and countless other cases of FFI, Ouellet, Zanchettas, & Co.

Pray, fast, and do penance.

This might go on for a while.

A Tale of Two Bishops

Bishop Zanchetta (for you and me: Zangaytta) has just been convicted to more than 4 years for various failings connected, all of them, to him being a homo.

I have written just a short time ago about all the ways the Evil Clown promoted this guy, and even protected him after he had to officially fall from grace. Zanchetta is a wonderful example of the thuggish way of the not so holy “father”; and, for the record, by such a stubborn protection of a guy who has no business being a priest in the first place, I still suspect Francis of being a homo himself.

Let us now move our attention to Puerto Rico, where six out of seven bishops have endorsed the self-poisoning of their sheep to please stupid politicians, mad voters, and the world in general.

One of them refused. Bishop Fernandez Torres, who dared to disobey The Francis in such a gruesome way, was also very ready to sign religious exemptions for his sheep; because the guy is, as you have understood by now, actually a Catholic.

How do you think Francis reacted to this act of rebellion to the Most Humble Wheelchair Lover of Pacifism and Non Judgementalism?

Well, he removed him from his post, of course *

What do we learn from this? Something that we, unfortunately, knew already. Be a pervert, and Francis will do all he can to help you. But dare to actually be Catholic, and you will be dealt with in no time.

Whilst we are all accustomed to this evil, we need to denounce it again and again, lest this satanical individual thinks we have just got over it and consider his homoantics and his enmity with Catholicism a part of the landscape.

The only consolation in all this might be this: that Francis chose to act fast because he sees his time on this vale of tears rapidly coming to an end.

I wonder where Dante would put him.

Likely among the Sodomites.

*no link because wrong publication.

Bishop Zangaytta And His Very Unholy Protector

“Zanchetta? One of those? Well I never….!”

Gloria TV has an article about the disgraced appointment of Francis, which so much headlines has already caused.

The article is impressive because it puts all Francis’ “mistakes” (more on that later) neatly in a row, showing a degree of incompetence, arrogance, and sheer banana republic attitude that surprises even in a man like him.

I have linked the article, so you can follow the timeline for yourself. I will only add a couple of reflections that the article does not contain.

This is another close friend of Francis who turns out to be homosexual. How many homofriends does this guy have? Don’t you find it, I should say, alarming that the guy should have homofriends anyway?

Francis fishes this guy out of his suspension, and gives him a cushioned position in Rome. At that point Zanchetta was already accused of homo abuse. How stupid, how tone deaf, how unbelievably arrogant is this? This is, clearly, Francis peeved that his favourite Fairy Bishop had to be thrown out of the bus (of sort, “health reasons…”) and showing everybody he is still the one in charge. That Zanchetta was also accused of embezzlement makes things even worse but oh, oh so Francis…

Where do you think is the homofriend of Francis placed? But…. in Santa Marta, of course! Where else would you put a homo Bishop, if not in an establishment run by another notorious homo? Am I the only one here who thinks that Monsignor Ricca is there to ensure the undisturbed coming and going of fig-fags of all sorts, and Francis knows it perfectly well?

Zanchetta is now awaiting sentence, and I am pretty sure Frankie awaits the sentence with some fernet-laced trepidation. Having a buddy of yours convicted for homo offences after you promoted and protected him at every step certainly does not look good.

Amazingly, the secular press does not seem to find the story very interesting, rather preferring to “investigate” what movement Benedict’s eyebrow might have made 42 years ago. I would almost think this is because Francis is a darling of the homo lobby, but I had better let this thought go, lest I should sin.

Be it as it may, denying Francis’ links to the gay lobby is slowly, but surely, becoming like denying Hitler’s link to the Holocaust.

Actually, in the case of Francis we have all the signed orders, too…