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Memento Moore, Or: Sour Home Alabama?

Memento Moore…

I dedicate a lot of attention to the 2020 US Presidential election, because I think that Trump’s re-election is a key component of the March Towards Sanity that is taking place in part of the West and will, God willing, keep going in the next years. So much is at stake (abortion first, but also First and Second Amendment, judicial sanity and avoiding being run over by a Marxist mob among other things) that there can be, in my estimation, nothing more Catholic than drumming for Trump’s re-election.

However, there is a second aspect of the November election that is almost as important as the President: the US Senate.

Whilst it is certainly better to have Trump as President, even without any of House or Senate majority, than having Biden as President, however the arrangement of House and Senate, it is fairly obvious that the Senate will be a very important battleground in the societal conflicts of the next four years. As I write this, RBG is hospitalised, again, and it is highly improbable that she will survive the next mandate (heck: she might not survive next week…). Add to this the Wide Latina with a serious case of the diabetes, and Justice Breyer about to become 82, and you get the picture. Plus, all the other judicial appointments. Plus, the ability to better push  his agenda if he has reasonable control (talking to you, Ms Murkowski, Ms Collins and Ms Romney) at least of the Senate.

Alas, I am not sure that things are really going in the right direction there. The Alabama Republican primary saw the safe winner in November, Jeff Session, soundly defeated by a political unknown with several weak flanks called Tommy Tuberville.

You might say that this is different than the last Alabama Senate election, when Roy Moore very narrowly lost to Doug Jones. Jones also voted against Kavanaugh, thus making it even more difficult to be re-elected. But make no mistake, the Democrat will go for Tuberville’s jugular; and, in this, truth or facts will not have to play any role at all.

I am pretty sure that they will unleash an emotional tempest against him, to sway the estrogen-laden part of the voters, including the estrogen-laden male voters. he will be Christine Blasey Ford-ed like there is no tomorrow. Women will come out stating he touched them inappropriately circa 1982, or circa 1892, they won’t remember exactly but it will be irrelevant. He will be Kaepernick-ed by his former Black players like it’s riot day in Minneapolis. Financial dealings, locker talk, everythign since his birthday will be unearthed. Again, there is no need to find anything substantial. Emotional rubbish or outright lies will be just fine.      

Granted: Tuberville will have a great advantage that Roy Moore never had, as Trump will likely fight like a lion for him no matter what “tapes” come out. But will it be enough? Roy Moore seemed a likely win, too.

By contrast, Jeff Sessions, albeit in my estimation a failure as AG, would have been the most loyal, most dependable Senator Trump could have wished in the Senate, and his decades of scrutiny and vast personal integrity would have made any attack virtually impossible. Session was not the ideal candidate of a too emotional, vindictive President, but he would have been a virtually 100% November winner. Tuberville was certainly able to excite the Republican grassroots, but again, Roy Moore is a big cautionary tale here.

If Sessions had won yesterday, I would have relaxed, thinking that the Senate battle begins with the retaking of the Alabama senate seat. As it is now, I think it will be the dirtiest battle since Kavanaugh, and it could have been avoided.

Not a good omen, for sure.


And So It Begins


I do not know whether this is the beginning of the Age of Sanity, but it seems to me the sure beginning of the Age of Fun: years during which we will see a handful of brave man battling for the return of said sanity. 

Take Jeff Sessions, the new (to the Dems wishing the Senate will stop him: keep dreaming…)  Attorney General.

This is no Santorum guy, who bends his words everytime it is convenient to get some great prize.  This one has the guts to repeat, in front of the very people who must decide whether he is fit for the office, his brutal words concerning Roe vs Wade. Words so brutal, in fact, that they have been picked by his very enemies to try to (in their view) discredit him. 

It is good to have an Attorney General like Mr Sessions. The Attorney General is at the head of the law enforcement system, which in the ends puts him in the driving seat if he wants to push serious investigations against, say, Hillary Clinton, Planned Parenthood. He is also the chief lawyer of the US Government, representing it in front of the Supreme Court, again putting him in an influential position  by any attempt to dismantle Roe vs Wade.

As you can expect, a massive smear campaign against the man has already started; fuelled by the party of the Jim Crow Laws and Senator Robert Byrd, Ku Klux Klan member kept in the Senate by the Dems for decades.

The problem with such smear campaign is that they have become so trite, so obvious, so predictable thatthey constitute no more than background noise in today’s political debate. Actually, I would be suspicious of any major Trump aid not called “raciss”, or some other such like slur, by the Democrats.

I am fully confident that Jeff Sessions will be the next Attorney General, and an excellent one at that.

The Age of Fun is about to begin.