Daily Archives: May 10, 2024

It’s Time For A New Lie

This is for you, Greta.

The Gateway Pundit has an article about fewer Americans believing the “threat” of climate change. They give a political slant to it, and say it is to do with the Bidenomics making Americans poorer and the illegal immigration making people focus on real problems. However, I am not persuaded this is more than a secondary component of what is happening.

If you ask me, common sense says that, when you announce a huge problem that then does not happen, you slowly but surely lose credibility as wannabe Cassandra.

That stupidest of “documentaries”, the “inconvenient truth” thing, went out in 2006, which means that the script was out in 2005. The dumbomentary was full of apocalyptic predictions of what would happen in coastal cities like New York in a time frame (10 years) that was long enough to allow people to not be worried that nothing was happening yet, but short enough to make them start forking money to Al Gore now.

Eighteen years after the dumbomentary, absolutely nothing has changed. Of course, we keep having – as we always had – record warm temperature sometimes, somewhere. Of course we have droughts sometime, somewhere. Of course the Poles keep accumulating ice in some region and losing ice in other regions. Of course we keep having hurricanes and tornados, in not even an alarming frequency or gravity.

Of course, the planet is going its course as always, completely uncaring of what Al Gore says to make money. But then again the planet was created by God, and God does things in a tad more inscrutable ways than atheists can even imagine, and the need of some people to cry that the end is near – unless you do what they say – will always be there.

Still, this is a lie that is losing traction, which can be seen very clearly where the rubber hits the road, that is: when the easy declarations of prostituted politicians need to make way for painful decision.

The United Kingdom announced an ambitious “Net Zero” program by 2050, merely because Boris Johnson wanted to screw his feminist, environ-mental bitch wife. Fast forward only a couple of years and the successor of his successor, Little Rishi, is forced to water down the commitment and, in so many words, admit that jobs and reality must come before the stupid slogans some people want to hear, because the pain of job loss is far more real than the virtue-signalling attitude about “the climate”.

I think this will become a general trend in the next years. The ‘worry” about “climate change” will be something more and more people pay merely lip service to, whilst economic decisions are made rationally.

Former President Faggot Obama knows it, and he buys a 14 million dollar house in Martha’s Vineyard, pretty much the last place where he would buy a luxury house if he had the least belief in what he says.

But then again Obama is a pervert, but not nearly as stupid as the people who believe the rubbish he says.

I think it’s time for our billionaires and virtue-signalling good for nothing to start finding something else to make money – or feel important – out of telling us what to do.

March and April were uncommonly cold these parts. Everybody was complaining. But then again September and October were very mild, and the two phenomena have some sort of correlation. Therefore, everything is, once again, normal and just what is supposed to be.

It’s time for a new gig, Mr Gates. You need to find a new scare, Greta (your face is a good start anyway).

Don’t be afraid. There will always be an army of people stupid enough that they will believe every catastrophe that will happen in 2035.