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Politicians And Their King

Every year, the feast of Christ the King has a special meaning for me. As a person who grew up in a far more Catholic environment than the one where I live today I could observe, in fact for many decades and in different Countries, how politicians prostituted themselves to the prevailing leftist,, BBC- and Soros-fuelled narratives and happily declare good today what they themselves deemed unacceptable yesterday.

Looking at this Country (the UK) alone, we had a Labour government institute the so-called civil partnerships (remember that stuff? That came from that old deception, that you can accept sexual perversion and make it socially sanctioned, but without touching marriage) and, only a short number of years later, a so-called conservative (the party’s name) government actually instituting the so-called “gay marriage”, merely because the PM wanted to keep having sex with his toxic, extremely bitchy wife. Most “c”onservative Mps went along, lest they should suffer consequences.

In both cases, hundreds of legislators were willing to go along with what they knew to be anti-Christian measures. They probably did not believe in God (the vast majority of them I would say), or they preferred to delude themselves that they were just being nice and inclusive. The feast of Christ the King reminds me every year of what will happen to those politicians who behave in an anti-Christian way and are not given the grace of final repentance. Take it from me, there will be many of them, because such an obdurate refusal of Christ is not a very good indication that one will receive the abovementioned grace.

The same goes for other measures. Pretty much all those legislators, in Italy and elsewhere, who introduced abortion legislation have now gone to their judgment. I wonder what excuses they made for themselves, but I can tell you that, when they died, those excuses counted for exactly zero. It’s a very heavy burden to die with, because it’s total – and I mean: total – betrayal of Christ, particularly from people who, in some way or other, called themselves Christian.

We tend to immerse ourselves in the challenges and tragedies of our time, because we feel them burn on our skin and leaving us scarred. But if we take a different approach, and start looking at things from above – that is: from heaven’s perspective – then we can easily picture the great plan, Providence at work in everything, and those who have mocked God being – unless given the special grace of final repentance – called to pay the price of their arrogance.

Mind, I say this without a spirit of vengeance. I do wish salvation to everyone, considered singularly. However, when I consider things collectively, I know where the wicked go, and I know that a decade-long defiance of God is very rarely followed by a death in friendship with Him. In this, as in everything else, providence is at work.

They can scar us as much as God allows them to.

Our scars will, one day, turn to our profit.

Satan’s “Health Care”

In another tragic document about the depravity of the XXI Century, we have a woman posting her at-home-abortion on TikTok.

The female is, predictably, from California, a place that has become the very epitome of everything that is evil. The shocking fact here is not, specifically, the abortion – many women kill their babies in their own womb, particularly in places like California -. No, it is the absolutely Nazi attitude of calling the murder of her own baby “health care”.

The utter contempt for human life is of the sort that would have made a Dr Mengele proud, though I doubt Dr Mengele would have aborted his wife’s own baby.

Many women abort, I am sure, out of weakness. They know it’s wrong (if you have a shred of humanity in yourself, you know it’s wrong; a woman with a baby in her womb and, again, a shred of humanity in herself must feel it in a most particular way), but they find it preferable to do what is convenient and save the remorse for later, likely hoping that the years will cause them to forget the entire episode. Many of these women end up, as the decades go by, crushed by what they then more and more clearly realise is the killing of her own baby, something for which they must have found convenient excuses at the time (“the Democrats say it’s a lump of cells”), but which time then reveals with ruthless clarity.

Not this one here. She goes so far as to title her video “my first abortion”, clearly showing that, to her, killing a baby is not different than excising a cyst. This kind of woman is, if you ask me, not likely to be crushed by remorse in her old age. This is pure evil, put on show to satisfy this woman’s desire for approval and notoriety.

No, don’t tell me that “she does not know any better” or “she was raised in the wrong environment”. This level of evil is clearly beyond mistakes made by others and clearly beyond even that sort of encouragement given by societal stupidity.

This is Satan at work. For all to see. Now on TikTok.

I don’t know you, but when I read such news and know of such people the very first thing I think is: reprobation. Reprobation is very strong with this one.

Who knows…

One day she might find herself in hell, and be given a camera to film herself there, in unbearable pain, courtesy of Satan’s “health care team”

Abortion Reflections

Hhmmm… wrong skin colour, I am afraid….

And it came to pass a Finnish minister, in charge for only 10 days, was forced to resign because of old statements of his, which supported some sort of “climate abortion”, that is: the abortion of af-rik-an children in order to prevent them, once born, to cause co2 emissions.

When I read the news I was initially surprised. Does Finland not have abortion already? For how many decades, by now, they have not cared whether a baby is born or killed, merely requiring one or two doctors to give the obligatory assent? And is this baby killing mentality not widespread all over the West, particularly the northern parts?

Also: is this sort of massive pre-birth genocide not exactly the same recipe advocated by globalist cabals, and billionaire “foundations” in the Bill Gates mould?

I must confess, I needed some instants of reflection. There had to be something I was missing.

And then the penny dropped.

The problem here was not the mass murder of babies in the womb. Nobody among these people really cares for them. The problem was that the babies in question were af-rik-ans!

You see, you can’t say that! Finn babies can be aborted, but “black lives matter”, see? Plus, Europe needs (better: these people think it does) the import of massive quantities of cheap workforce. Cheap workforce from Af-rik-a will ensure at the same time that the toilet bowl is spotless, and that pesky Christian traditions and mentality are destroyed!


Now I understand why the guy had to resign. And no, Finn babies will continue to die.

Totally Confused: Frankendyke And Liberty.

Whoopi Goldberg does not know what she says. Likely because she is unable to think.

Her “argument” seems very linear. I respect that you think abortion is the killing of a baby, but I ask you to respect that I disagree and allow me to act accordingly, because America.

Let us now make exactly the same “argument” in a different topic: I respect that you think that slavery is unjust and against human rights, but I ask you to respect that I disagree and allow me to act accordingly, because America.

Now substitute again for pedophilia, incest, and bestiality. Tax evasion, and drunk driving. Drug dealing, weapons trafficking, and domestic violence.

You see where I am going with this. The protection of life is an absolute. If, in a certain situation, a life is considered worthy of protection (for example: the unborn child will be considered such, the wilful murderer won’t), this protection must be accorded always, not according to opinion because “America”. Fundamental issues of right and wrong cannot be left to individual “opinions” that one must “respect” by not enforcing the decision on the issue on them. You don’t get to decide, together with your doctor, if you are killing someone or not.

The argument is so obvious that in no generation before ours such a stupid thinking was employed. You could be in favour or against a certain punishment for, say, drunk driving, but the idea of allowing a different treatment to some because you are “respecting their opinion” about it was not there.

The (biological) woman does not understand simple things. I think she is so ugly – both inside and out – that her brain fled in horror several decades ago, and was substituted for a Chinese knock-off found on EBay, that this Frankenstein dyke has been trying to use since. And if things did not go in that way, it was not for her brain’s lack of trying.

I wonder how many among the old harridans watching the show got the obvious flaw in the “reasoning”. Very few, I would say.

But then again, this is why they keep watching her.

The Loyalty Game

“She has such beautiful hair, don’t you think?”

Let us say you are a young man in the Disunited States. Like many people, you don’t have the strength to go your own way and form your own opinion. Your faith has always been very tepid, and never nurtured. Your parents divorced, leaving deep scars in you. You will feel you need a tribe to belong to or undergo a total crisis.

You will vote Democrat like all your friends do.

But your desire to belong to the “cool kids” will not end there. Being insecure, you will always be in need of “belonging”.

The tribe is in favour of abortion. You don’t feel good at the idea of killing a baby, but the fact that it is legal is, as you admit to yourself, convenient. You are also looking to score the one or other of the young female members of the tribe, which makes abortion a very comfortable position to have. The tribe approves it, and it approves you.

The people around you will, then, start telling you that perversion (something your parents always abhorred) is not bad at all. In fact, it is normal. You understand very rapidly that your (natural) feelings would lead to being excluded from the tribe. Therefore, what you do is to suppress what you know to be true, and simply ignore that you are doing just that. Yes, it gets uncomfortable at the start, when you are introduced to young men with a very shrill voice, the ones your father mocked so brutally. But you get accustomed to them, because belonging to the tribe is more important.

Slowly, you discover that the tribe wants you to belong to it, but doesn’t really value you as an equal. As male and white, you carry with you the two modern variants of the Original Sin. You notice that you start apologising more and more often. You also discover that you are not expected to have your own opinion. As a person tarnished with the two above mentioned issues, your job is to obey and speak only in approved platitudes. You would resent it, if you allowed yourself such sentiments; but by now you have become quite good at ignoring them. Still, you notice by now that you are not a valued member of the tribe; you are merely tolerated as the one who, in ticking two huge Oppression Boxes, will always belong to the less equal than others.

You still want the girls, though, and you start pandering to them with the servility that is, by now, your second nature. You are now a feminist, you go to the marches, and you make all the right noises. However, it proves a difficult job, as the girls actually fully ignore you. Stranger still, you keep noticing that those very girls always talking about oppressive males regularly open their legs for the wrong guys: the assertive, macho ones. The MAGA ones, even! A part of you is starting to understand that you are just the kelp, the low-status male there to serve the few Alpha Kings and all the aspiring princesses; but they, the princesses, want to submit to the alpha wolfs, to the leaders of the pack, even as they criticise them relentlessly. They are, well, men.

Liberal women like men. At least, they sleep with them. A lot.

You? You can pay for their taxi fare to the demonstration.

You dismiss these flashes of reason immediately. They are poison for your tribe membership, and you will never be alpha anyway. Best thing to do is to keep apologising and waiting for the “right girl” to come along. Yes, she will have gone through 30 men by that time. But it does not matter, because you are emancipated, remember?

At this point, you wait to know what you are supposed to think in anything and everything. Immigration, Trump, Wall, Syria, and everything else is seen through the eyes of the tribe. You could never go back now. You have told too many people that you are a feminist anyway. Your “this is what a feminist looks like” t-shirt is everywhere on your Facebook page. Mass “unfriending” would be, now, every bit as traumatic as your parents’ divorce then.

Still, at this point something deep inside you understood what your life has become: humiliation.

The humiliation is constant. In your infinite apologies, in your constant fear to offend others that your black acquaintances never show (and no: they are not friends with you, because you are tarnished), and in your unlimited faithfulness to the tribe’s latest fad.

The list of letters after LGB keeps getting longer, and you know that all those people are claiming, inside the tribe, a special status that will always be precluded to you, because of your skin colour and sex. You keep memorising longer and longer strings of letters, though. Your survival in the tribe is at stake.

The humiliation has now become total. You are now requested to unconditionally agree that a woman can be a man, and a man a woman. You need to learn new pronouns more complex than Latin declensions, though Latin is symbolic of male oppression and you could never even quote a word of it.

What to do? What to do?

Your doubt is very short. The tribe demands total self- abasement, and the tribe is the only thing that stands between you and a huge crisis.

So you go on, now accepting your humiliation.

They have taught you how to think in exchange for your second-class tribe membership card. You shut up and suck it up.

Your only consolation is that you are not alone.

Millions of Democrat voting white males are exactly in the same situation as you.

KKK vs Chelsea Whatever-her-name-is.

Gotta love the refreshing frankness of Paul Joseph Watson. He is a tad harsh but, as you know from this blog, harshness is what we need these days. I suggest you watch the video and, come to that, subscribe to the channel.

I would like to add to what PJW said something more germane to the aim of this blog. I am persuaded that being a Trad Wife is not only a better deal for a woman than being just another female hamster wheeling a pathetic version of the already pathetic sex and the city show. I am persuaded that a family-oriented role correspond to the deeper aspiration of most women and is, therefore, very satisfying and life-fulfilling, irrespective of the work involved.

A mother of numerous children having to care for the entire household will not have a very relaxing life. Already the worries for her offspring should make the vapid life of the Chelsea-what’s-her-name of the video look rather stressful. But the mother will have a deeply fulfilling life, perfectly in tune with her natural aspirations, perfectly in line with how she is wired. The same can be said of the countless unmarried or childless aunts who, in former decades, contributed to the enlarged families where they lived. A life lived in according to the aspirations and instincts God gave us may not be a relaxed life, but it will be a fulfilled one.

In addition to this, I would like to point out not only to the emptiness, but to the utter vulgarity of that Chelsea woman, now clearly on her way to become the next disgusting example of very badly aged drake, Madonna-style (the singer, of course).

All this tells you how deeply unnatural it is to try to behave and feel like a man, when you just aren’t one. This mad desire to be like a man is, first and foremost, unfeminine, and everybody (particularly women) notice it. This is why these women are, very obviously, trying to persuade themselves and broadcast urbi et orbi that things are fine in their life: they know they aren’t.

Lastly, I would dare to think that what goes on in the mind of these unfortunate beings is much, much worse than they let appear in the video. How many of them are, now that their eggs have gone, tormented by the baby, or babies, they have killed in their womb and will now never raise is difficult to say. God will not be mocked, and he will bless these women with abundant, if very painful, teaching moments. The explosion of suicides of old women, a phenomenon practically unknown in the past, is another tragic indicator of how things have gone wrong.

So: these SINKS have failed at being real women, and they have utterly failed at being imitations of men. They have failed at everything. It’s no surprise there is so much alcohol going on.

The younger women, with all their shortcoming, are attentively observing their mothers and aunts, and their female friends, and have decided that whatever achievements their mothers and aunts are bragging about, isn’t really worth much.

Now, same as two hundred years ago, Kirche, Kueche und Kinder (church, kitchen and children) remains the deep aspiration of your average woman, and thank God for that.

No Compromise

Predictably, the changed legal landscape concerning abortion in the United States has caused a big increase in the already vocal debate. In fact, it is not difficult to see that the 2024 Presidential Election will be rigged – sorry, I meant fought – having this one as one of the main battlegrounds.

In my estimation, we need to avoid the all too usual sin of the conservatives on these occasions: trying to look “moderate” or “reasonable”, likely in the hope of getting some of the people who are on the fence.

Guess what: you can’t sit on this fence. You are going to fall on one side, or the other.

No compromise on any kind of abortion term. No compromise on any abortifacient/pill. No compromise on any (true or claimed) rape or violence or whatever. No compromise with anything aimed at ending a life that has started.

Besides the obvious ethical ground, there is a very practical one for this position.

The battle against abortion is not a legal, strictly speaking not even a religious, but a civilisational one. This is an absolute evil, and an evil that defines the people and generations condoning or even approving of it. Therefore, any kind of “practical” compromise weakens the very premise.

You can’t have a compromise over the Holocaust. You can’t decide that the extermination of a people is only allowed in “practical” or “reasonable”, compromised terms. You reject the Holocaust altogether, no ifs and no buts. This is the only way how you can, in fact, make the point.

In time, it is the fundamental point that will get across; and when that happens things will be much easier, because an awful lot of humans behave humanely, when they are not given excuses.

Defrocking Catholicism

Worth more than tax money.

I have not followed the details of the matter. There might be something I have missed. Si sbalio, mi corigerete (look it up!).

But it seems to me that Father Pavone does more for the unborn in one day than all of the US Bishops, together, in a year. It seems to me that there is something deeply, fundamentally wrong in confusing an obviously Catholic issue like abortion with a strictly-intended party political activity.

Padre Pio, during the election of 1948, explicitly invited his faithful to vote to defeat Communism. Should we defrock him, too? And what about all those countless priests who, in former times, took obviously Catholic positions in political controversies? Should every priest who approved of anti-abortion legislation be defrocked, too?

Mind, I do not have all the story. There might be legal technicalities, and there might be other issues. But it seems to me that Father Pavone is not welcome within the US Church establishment, because it gives the lie to their way too cozy relationship with the Democratic Party, which has the right to kill the unborn as a fundamental part of their ideology.

Sheesh, the same people who allow angry lesbians every licence to pretend they are nuns, will defrock Pavone? The same people who consider Pelosi and Biden worthy of receiving communion, will deny Pavone his role as a priest? What is this, a joke?

I am not liking this and I am not buying it. If this is done out of fear that the Church could lose its tax-privileged status, then it is really disgraceful; then in that case, the right of the Church to talk Catholic should be defended vigorously in Court and, if necessary, the tax-privileged status renounced.

There must be more to this than meets the eyes.

I am grateful for link that give more background to the story.

Bullies in Belgium.

Belgians are, according to a horrible magazine, running to “de-baptize” themselves (something they can’t really do; but the diocese will make a note of their desire to un-sacrament themselves, so it’s black on white when they die…) in droves. Their already very bad church attendance is also going down faster than Hunter Biden’s cocaine high.

I have written recently about post-couf Mass attendance. However, I also wonder: how is it that the anti-Catholic stance always seems to be more virulent where the Church is already massively lacking in charity, because trying to appease the world?

The answer to this is, I think, very simple: the world cannot be appeased.

There is no universe in which the local church takes the cowardly approach, and is not made to pay for her cowardice. In fact, I think that the Lord, in His wisdom, has decreed that this be expressly so, in order for the local church to be punished for not doing her job.

The article in the horrible magazine hints (perhaps out of anti-catholic spirit; perhaps just out of available information) that this desire to (try to) un-baptize oneself might have to do with the issues surrounding sexual degeneracy.

Say: young woman believes herself a lesbian, introduces her parents to her wannabe spouse, and the parents of the two dykes are now, suddenly and after a life of calling themselves Catholic, incensed that the luuurrv of their daughters cannot have a stamp of approval by the local church. How dare they, think the parents: One Love, and all that rubbish. As we live in an age of virtue-signalling, they then proceed to (try to) “un-baptize” themselves so that they can boast of this great feat on Facebook, harvesting the approval of their circle they so ardently crave.

Mind you here: if the Church in Belgium had been savagely thundering against abortion, sodomy, and euthanasia (the latter has now become a Belgian passion, like chocolate and waffles), then it would not be so expedient to seek (wannabe) “un-baptism” as a virtue signalling argument. Why? Because the virtue signaller seeks the approval of the mass of his friends. A brutal confrontation would make the argument simply toxic. Virtue signaller doesn’t like toxic. He prefers easy. His little Ukraine flag is there exactly because of the virtual certainty that all his friends think the same way.

In Belgium as elsewhere, the church needs to up the ante and massively raise the level of confrontation. This has a great effect and often works very well on this life (it always works well in the next). Why? Because, clearly, Christ wants it so, showing us countless examples of local churches picking up the fight and doing greatly in it, and local churches trying to avoid the confrontation and being crushed, but more slowly.

Nobody respect someone who makes an argument he is embarrassed of. On euthanasia, sodomy, and even abortion, the church counter-argument is so full of appeasements, so cowardly in its explanation, that it is not surprising at all that it gets rejected outright.

The Church in Belgium is like the boy who, fearful of a fight, ends up being the bitch of his bully.

When confronted with a bully, never try to appease him.

You are always, always better off picking up the fight.

The Satanic Platforms

Would have liked a sea platform, too: Dr Mengele.

As I wrote years ago, it was good to approve anti-abortion laws in many States in the past years. Firstly, it kept the pressure high. Secondly, it creates a legal background for an eventual Supreme Court surprise.

The surprise has happened, and in many States anti-abortion laws have now already come into effect. This had on a lot of abortionists exactly the effect that holy water has on demons. Hence, the search for every possible means to keep killing babies.

A quite strange one is the extra-territorial abortion platform. The idea is that if, say, Alabama protects children, wannabe baby killers will be encouraged to have a boat ride offshore, where their baby will be swiftly (or slowly) murdered, courtesy of Dr Meg Autry’s team. Dr Autry must know something about killing babies, because she says the baby killing platform is her “life’s work”.

You are such a darling, Doctor Mengele Autry.

I honestly doubt this will work. In order for the platform to escape, say, Georgia or Alabama legislation, it must be, actually, really outside of the United States. This, again, poses an awful lot of legal questions impinging on whether the medical insurance pays, what is the legal position of these Sea-Mengeles, and what is the legal position of all who, from Georgia or Alabama, assist in the perpetration abroad of what is a grave felony in their own States.

Plus, the costs. Platforms, boats, or whatever it is that you plant in the middle of the sea, cost a lot of money to run and maintain. From food to medical equipment, from transport to structure maintenance (ships are extremely costly to maintain), this looks more like a fantasy for well-off east coast babykillers than a viable “solution” for Alabamians in the mood for killing Junior. The alleged costs alone (USD 20m, no idea how they were calculated) seems to indicate the madness, then in Alabama you can build an awful lot for a fraction of the cost, and this is only supposed to be a limited-space, dystopian killing machine.

I don’t think it will work. But hey, it will give some sorely needed Copium to the abortionist masses as they come to term with reality: the Supreme Court sentence is here to stay, we are now in the offensive, and they are, for more and more eyes to see, Dr Mengele’s Troops.

The UN, The West, And Us

In another demonstration that we really live in a bizarro world, the head of the human rights busybody organisation of the UN has defined killing your baby in the womb a human right. If you don’t believe me, here is it, straight from the horse’s mouth.

The UN should foster peace, actually in order to save human lives, a € what they do is promote a Nazi ideology where human life is despised to the point of being made disposable at a whim. I have no doubt there will be UN organisation thinking the same of sodomy, lesbianism, or being persuaded that you are an elephant, or the like.

NATO, born many years ago to protect us from Communist aggression, has now become the instrument of aggressive, imperialist policy, using entire Countries as pawn in the pursuit of its (actually, the US’s) imperial hegemony.

Doctors, who are actually supposed to “do no harm”, are, in their vast majority, in the first line in the carrying out of vaccine mandates.

The West, once proud of its freedom of opinion, has now become a dystopian propaganda cauldron, relentlessly brainwashing a population that becomes, itself, more and more stupid as their phones get more and more smart.

We, as the collective West, have lost our way, and have compromised everything (from the UN to, actually, the Church) in the process.

We have done this because we have forgotten Christ.

Let us hope that the awakening and coming back to our senses does not become too painful.

The Famous Hanger: Baby-Killing In Europe And The US.

We are working for you, little fellow…

Most of my readers are, clearly, North Americans. It is, therefore, fitting that I explain to them the cultural differences about abortion that I see on both sides of the Pond.

In Europe – and, to a certain extent, even in the United Kingdom – abortion is not seen as something that “empowers” anybody. It is not seen, by most at least, as a “conquest”. It is, also, not seen as the disposal of a “clump of cells”.

Your average European (particularly South European, but also North European) sees abortion as an embarrassing remedy to a grave life crisis. He will not deny that the fetus that is being legally disposed of is, in fact, a human life. He will simply reflect that he would prefer this emergency exit to be available to his daughter, and that he would not be strong enough to resist suggesting that course of action if his girlfriend (sex and marriage having been decoupled from the daily life of your average European decades ago) were to become pregnant.

Basically, it’s a choice dominated by convenience and cowardice, and people know it. This explains the remarkable absence of public debate about it pretty much everywhere this side of the Atlantic. It is, in fact, impossible not to notice that the demolition of Roe vs Wade is treated as “US news”, with nobody expecting a serious debate about abortion in Europe. Mind, it is my opinion that things will change in the years to come; but, for now, it is what it is: a sort of situation of convenience, of which it is conveniently, but silently agreed that the least it is said about it, the least discomfort for everybody. Tellingly, at Mass yesterday, after such a historic moment, the homily did not contain a single word about the Supreme Court decision. Unsurprisingly so, if you think how difficult it is to hear a priest even saying the word “abortion”, or discuss the evil of abortion, from the pulpit (you get to be content with vague words about life beginning at conception, or the like. But for heaven’s sake, let us never call the killing of a baby the killing of a baby! People might get upset!)

It is, therefore, with a certain degree of astonishment that I, as a European grown up in a Country where abortion does not have such a rabid ideological component, witness the feminist rage currently going on in the US. It is a shocking, hysterical behaviour that you would not see in Europe. The hundreds of rabid fanatics banging on the doors of public buildings would not be seen here. Similarly, you would not see the controversy framed as “stay away of my uterus”, as if a uterus had any rights over a human life. Instead, what you would see would be the usual, emotional tales of girls who have committed suicide, the gruesome stories about abortions made with ***the famous hanger*** (there is no mention of abortion without the unavoidable famous hanger), and the like. But the idea of “it’s my uterus and I decide whom it should kill” would, by and large, not be there.

To very many people in Europe, the arguments used must appear extremely evil, and shockingly so. They paint a picture of an extremely polarised Country, whose societal fabric has been torn apart by the satanic push for baby killing, sexual perversion and, now, institutionalised child grooming and child abuse.

Here, abortion is just something people prefer not to talk about; something one tries not to think about, like the number of men the wife slept with, or the daughter sleeps with, or (in the UK) the son sleeps with.

In time, the death of Roe vs Wade will produce results here, too.

We can, at least, build on the lack of satanic hysteria.

Roe vs Wade Is Overturned. Now The Next Battle Begins.

Yesterday must have been one of the most important days in the history not only of the US, but of humanity in the last decades.

Finally, Roe vs Wade was overturned. It is impossible not to see in Donald Trump the man chosen by Providence to set the process in motion, which led to yesterday’s glorious decision.

Obviously, this victory does not end the war. But it truly is difficult to overestimate the legal and cultural reach of this decision. In the next years, abortion will be more and more in the defensive as new legislation protects life in many of the U.S. States. Similarly, the “wind of change” will unavoidably travel and, in time, invest Europe, where opposition to abortion is (particularly in the South) widely spread.

We see here how things are done. All those sanctimonious Judases who thought themselves too holy to vote for Trump have no part in this victory. This victory belongs to all those who have put the life of the unborn before their own vanity and virtue-signalling.

Similarly, this victory is, if properly exploited, a herald of things to come. The greatest taboo of the Supreme Court has just fallen. Why would pervomarriage think it is safe from attack? This is like the taking of a very important citadel, opening the way to a fertile plain rich in wealthy cities and fertile fields.

Of course, the war will be long and the battle will not end in our lifetime. But if you ask me, 2022 will be remember as the reversal of 1973, and this will do a lot of good both to the West and to the entire planet.

As I keep reflecting on this day (a day that I thought I would not see in my lifetime), I thank God for the joy of seeing this day in my lifetime. But I also say, from all my heart, the following words:

Thank you, Mr President!

Strategies Against Babykilling , Or: Never Get Tired Of Losing.

US Bishops confronted with Babykilling

Next month, the Supreme Court will hear the case of the Texan Heartbeat Bill. I have said before, and repeat now, that I am not expecting a positive outcome. We have already seen during the Great Steal that the Supreme Court is not even in a position to counter obvious election fraud, so they’re not going to stop a genocide, either.

Still, we need to learn how to fight these battles from our enemies. They don’t get tired of losing. The promoters of sodomy were not fazed at all that they were losing referendums about it. In fact, they lost 38 out of 38, and they still went on. When they found a way (activist judges) they carried this up to the Supreme Court; which, at that point, was too weak to resist the riding tide of leftist perversion.

We need to put in place a similar mechanism. Yes, this battle will be lost. But if images of babies in the womb get into most American houses, this will have done a lot to slowly, but surely, change the climate around baby killing. This can be done with YouTube videos (I have posted one weeks ago), internet sites and, next years, Truth Social.

Another vehicle is to start publishing more and more stories of women who regret their abortion, or committed suicide in their old age because of an abortion decades later (yes, this is “a thing” now, a previously unknown phenomenon which is assuming alarming proportions). The “empowered woman” narrative needs to be countered with some sobering reality. in time, it will not fail to work.

I would also like more, ahem, “feminine perspective” around the issue. “I thought I would be empowered, now I am just an old slut”-type of stories. No doubt, millions of women will identify with the former slut who is now “transparent to men”, and will start wondering whether this is real liberation, or slavery to a world without God, piety, or decency.

Another, very effective way would be the systematic shifting in language. Perverts have kept saying “gay” for “perverts” for decades, uncaring of mockery and disgust, until the use has become so mainstream that even the likes of Breitbart now use it. We must do the same with Babykilling, then the word “abortion” is not evocative enough.

Of course, an important element in this would be the US Bishops starting to roar from the pulpits and the newspapers; unfortunately, kitten can’t roar, and you should not expect any help, bar one or two exceptions, from that bunch of cowards, atheists, and perverts. The fight will not be fought with the church hierarchy. It will, at least in the US, be fought against its desire to do anything against it. Every promoter of mass slaughter of unborn babies will walk and receive communion in front of the camera (even a monstrous looking dyke like the Mayor of Chicago, Lady Frankenstein Chicongo, I am told, but I didn’t have the heart to check…). If you say anything, you will be called “divisive”. It is what it is. Forget those hirelings. They are of no use.

Then we have prayer, and penance. We have the Rosary. We have Our Lady. We have the Saints and the Angels. We have God. Believe me, all this is better than Facebook.

We will lose this battle. But we will use it to gain some ground in the ongoing war. At the appointed time, and by God’s grace, things will start going in the right direction.

What we must do, is to never get tired of losing.

It Takes A Nation

I begin to suspect that some people think that the US Supreme Court might really uphold the Texas Heartbeat Bill and put a huge dent in the Holocaust Industry in the United States.

I don’t think this is going to happen.

What I have seen of the SCOTUS all through history is that they were never immune from political influence. After the Secession War, they approved restrictions of the Second Amendment because they were afraid, and wanted to punish, Confederate veterans. They allowed abortions because they had no balls and no will to oppose the mounting tide of babykillers. They decided, very recently, that the Founding Fathers actually wanted a Country where perversion is protected, they merely never knew it. Also recently, Roberts decided Obamacare is actually a tax in order to not have to strike it down. It’s just the way it goes, and the more controversial the issue, the more the political pressure is felt. T

he most striking example of this is merely months old: the Supreme Court refusing to intervene in the most blatant vote manipulation ever seen in a functioning (up to then) democracy.

The same Justices who were not able to defend the Country from 100 ballot fraudsters will not have the guts to defend unborn babies from 900000 murderous women a year, all the industry around them, and all the ideology that goes with them.

The way forward is, in my opinion, not pretending that this influence does not exist, but making it work for us.

The anti-abortion sentiment in the US must grow to the point where the Supreme Court feels that they have to put an end to it, lest they lose invitations to nice parties and enlightened circles. They have clearly shown (particularly Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett besides the usual leftist suspects) that they have no fortitude for courageous decisions. Therefore, their cowardice will have to arrive where their integrity could not.

I am not saying this to depress anyone, and I truly hope I will be proven wrong here; but I am just trying to be realistic, and to describe to you the cards on the table as I see them.

I am afraid that, to paraphrase the horrible saying, it will “take a nation”.

Sorry, Adolf… Or, Science For Abortionists

If you don’t know the Youtube channel of Thomas Schwenke, today is a good day to put an end to this deficiency in your life. I have seen several videos of this guy, no one that wasn’t absolutely brilliant.

This one is no exception. It is, as they say, “science”.

I wonder how anybody, after seeing this or any other similar educational video, can decide that life does not begin at conception. There really is no escape.

Life **does** begin at conception. There is no other possibility. It’s the way it is.

Sorry, Adolf.

Dangerous Imbeciles

No hoeing the ground for her…

No wonder they treat us like imbeciles. Many of us are.

Kate R.

Thus writes reader Kate R. in a recent comment, and I think that she is right. I would like to also expand a bit and explain what I think is the real problem.

Dumb people have always existed. Mediocrity in everything has always been the guiding star of most people. Thinking has always been a business for which only a minority was ready. If you read books written in past ages, mocking the so-called “wisdom” of the time, you can have a good idea of what I am talking about. If you love Italian literature, Leopardi’s Zibaldone and Manzoni’s immortal I Promessi Sposi deal with the issue with brutal, but amusing, frankness.

However, there are two elements that differentiate this age from all ages that preceded it. They are the fact that 1) Modern Cretin has a university degree, and 2) Modern Cretin had no religious upbringing.

Once upon a time, a peasant knew he was a peasant. He could have thought that he possessed his own degree of smart thinking, with which he tried to impress the other peasants; but deep down, he knew that he did not know jack of pretty much anything beyond, perhaps, a modicum of technical/professional knowledge.

Also, yesteryear’s peasant lived in an environment that gave him, without even having to carry out the complex task of thinking, a whole set of predetermined, inescapable rules, pretty much all of them inscribed within a rigid Christian framework.

Therefore, a mediocre brain born in 1693 had two great advantages when compared with the mediocre brain born in 1993: he knew he was dumb, and he knew how to get to heaven.

This is not really happening anymore, and it is certainly not happening among the urban heathen populations of the XXI Century. They have acquired (like their peasant, or fishmonger, or blacksmith ancestor), a technical knowledge allowing them to work in their professional environment. But their brain doesn’t really know how to work properly. They feel educated and smart, though, which was not the case for their ancestors. You only need to tell them what “science” says, and they will swallow it hook, line and sinker, because doing otherwise would make them feel, well, exactly like their uneducated ancestors. They will believe in global warming, but will not believe in a Creator, and will be too dumb to simply grasp how infinitely illogical and, in a word, plain dumb both positions are.

Nor will they have the safeguard of a religion telling them to shut up, pray, and get on with the program of working towards Salvation. They will make their own rules, they will make of their own little, arrogant, dumb selves their own personal gods, and they will feel good and very sophisticated in the process.

This is the situation we are living in today; but today’s peasants are far easier to manipulate than yesteryear’s ones, because they can be easily allured with “science”. The woman who wants to be free to kill her baby in the womb will not stop for a moment – because she is *dumb*, and because she is *faithless* – and think that an abortion is killing her own baby in the womb. She will, very simply, await some stupid slogan like someone telling her that some evil man wants to threaten her “body”, or wait – if particularly dumb – for someone telling her that it is “science” that a baby in the womb isn’t really a human being…. et voila’, you have another dumb woman supporting abortion as she sips her $4.25 latte with her “sexually curious” female friend, possibly talking about marijuana, favourite bed practices, and vibrators. The same applies, of course, to their male friend, very stupidly hoping to get a piece of the action by wearing some senseless t-shirt with “the future is female”, or something like it, and not even understanding that women find such a behaviour pretty much as sexy as a drunken beggar vomiting on his pants.

This, my friends, is the reality of the Imbeciles of the XXI Century.

They are many, as they always were.

But this time, they are far more dangerous.

Mounting Pressure On Abortion

And it came to pass that the Supreme Court provisionally left alive a Texan law forbidding abortion from when a heartbeat is detectable, that is, around six weeks. Six weeks is good, then, unless and until technology advances, most women will discover too late that they are pregnant. One can also see a powerful argument in the collective imagination here: when a heartbeat is detected, how is this not a baby? I know, life begins at conception; but very many who don’t believe it will find it difficult to resist the heartbeat argument.

I have no illusion that this Texan law will survive the scrutiny to come, as I can’t imagine that jellyfishes like Kavanaugh and that traitorous other woman will find the fortitude to make the right choice here (a fairly easy one btw, as they could state that modern technology makes things known today that were, officially, not grasped in January 1973). Still, this decision is important.

It seems to me that there is a growing pressure against abortion, and that all these legislative measures officially doomed to fail are slowly but surely chewing the Nazi Wall away. In the end, the stolen 2020 elections have made clear to everybody in the most brutal way what everybody with a brain already knew: the important, society-changing decisions of the Supreme Court are eminently political. The Justices pretended that the Constitution gives the right to abort and to live in abominable circumstances because that was the perceived climate of the day among the urban elites and the press, and the Justices were either all too willing to go with it, or too cowardly to oppose it.

In the next years we might see something like that, but in reverse. As the pressure mounts to put some limit on the senseless genocide, the Supreme Court might, at some point, pick some excuse to do just that, whilst claiming to stay within precedent. In time, when the climate is further improved, Roe vs Wade could be ditched with some other argument picked to hide what the Justices very well know: the times, they are a’ changing’, again.

The Evil Side used this tactics to promote perversion and, at least in other countries, abortion.

I think we should use the same tactics to oppose both perversion and abortion.

Hagan Lio! Shocking “Live” Abortion Video

The line above, if you copy and paste it on your browser, will lead you to the most shocking video you have ever seen: a video recording of an abortion as it happens; so to speak, “live”. I think from the video you might see more details about the pro-life organisation which posted it on Gloria Tv; I did not manage to embed the video together with the source, apologies to the posters for not getting the credit.

This is, without any doubt, the most shocking video I have seen (just jumping around the video; it truly is unbearable) in my entire, not-so-short life. I thought I was about to vomit. Do not get near this unless you feel up to the task.

No words, no matter how strong, about abortion can match the atrocious reality.

It is, therefore, fitting that the atrocious reality be made available and spread,

lest the delicacy of our palates leads to more deaths of innocents; and what an atrocious death it is.

We live in the middle of a holocaust.

We should not be worrying about delicacy.

Smash this video in the face of your abortionist (not “pro-choice”; abortionist, as “a person who enables abortions) acquaintances.

Quarrel with people!

Lose friends!

Obsess about abortion!

Or, as that guy said…

Hagan lio!

Some Career Advice For Andrew Cuomo

It is Sunday now and things are getting worse and worse for poor, poor baby-killing Andrew. As everyone and his dog is now calling for his resignation, it appears even his staff has had enough and they are now voting with their feet. (I hope they don’t get paid if they don’t work; but even if they are working from home, it’s clear they don’t want to be seen near the guy).

Now, Andrew should understand this: however this ends, he is toast. Even if, for some improbable joke of fate, he insists on not resigning and the news cycle manages to save him, he is utterly and completely destroyed. There will be no new term, there will be the constant threat of impeachment, and he will be buried by insults (from both sides) every time he opens his mouth, which he loves to do so much they gave him an Emmy.

In other words, Andrew Cuomo is, at this point, irretrievably damaging a brand that had a lot of tractions among baby-killers, aka Democrats, for a long time.

If I were one of his woke friends, and would be sitting with him in sort sort of pub, protected by the insults of the general public, I would say to him that it is time to think what he wants to do after politics. He is, more likely than not, still able to leverage the many favours he has done to many, many powerful people and get some extremely well-paid position in the private industry. But he needs to understand that if he goes on this way, his particular brand of baby-killing will become so toxic that it will be difficult to do even that.

Not, mind, because of the baby-killing. Democrats are, as we all know, all very much in favour of that, and those who are personally opposed are collectively supporting it (as in: “I am personally opposed to the reintroduction of slavery, but I respect the opinion of those who think differently”, or the like). Not even for the killing of 15,00 Grannies, least of all for lying about their deaths. No, the problem is that Cuomo has gone against the most sacred of the sacred cows of the Democrats: he has made himself liable to the horrible accusation of sexual harassment of women whilst White.

It does not look good, does it? Male, White, and very powerful, Cuomo represents everything that is wrong with humanity for a good chunk of the Democrats electorate. He will just not be allowed to get away with it. Joe Biden “different cultural norms”, happily applied by Dementia Joe to the extermination of entire populations, will not be used to help him. Nor will he be able to appeal to the moral standard applied to every rap and hip hop singer in the Country. They are mostly Black, and Democrats, who claims they are not racist, seem unable to expect the same standard of behaviour from Blacks than they expect from Whites. Still, neither Cuomo, nor any other Democrat, can say that this is as racist as racism comes.

Look here, Andrew. Nick Clegg, a UK politician, managed to almost destroy his party, lose face and be despised by everyone in just a handful of years. But then, his being a complete moral vacuum landed him an extremely well remunerated, and possibly even powerful, position at Facebook! If you are a leftist, it does not matter how badly you fail, provided you know when it’s time to go. This, Andrew, is something you will have to think about very hard.

I know, I know. You love power over everything else. You also enjoyed the bullying, the threatening, the flexing of your considerable political muscle. But you see, all this is now gone. Accusing you of mistreating people is rapidly becoming the most popular sports in the Country, before (woke) Football and (half woke) Baseball.

Your game is over, Andrew.

Do the smart thing, resign now. Keep a low profile for a while, and then collect the favours powerful interests of all sorts owe you. If you are smart now, you will be fine.

In the end, there will people out there who are so dumb and corrupt, that they thought you were good for an Emmy!

Every Little Helps, Or: Three Cheers For Arkansas

The great state of Arkansas has sent to the Governor a bill banning abortion, including the cases of rape and incest.

You may say that this is just an exercise in futility before the cowards at the Supreme Court strike this off. However, I think that it is important that such bills are approved and make headlines.

Firstly, the approval of such bills by appointed representatives of the people would, if carried out in many States, put pressure on the above mentioned cowards, and we know now how easy it is to pressure most of them.

Secondly, the bill helps to get rid of those stupidly emotional “rape and incest exceptions”. As if a baby could lose his right to live merely because of the circumstances that caused his life to be, well, an innocent human life. This is a self-defeating, contradictory, utterly illogical position, probably created to win votes among the emotionally challenged but, in the end, denying the premise: if it is wrong to kill an innocent baby in his mother’s womb, no rape or incest will ever make it right.

If the example of Arkansas is followed in many more States, the debate will take different contours. We will not have useless yesmen (and yeswomen. Talking to you, Coney-Barrett) at the Supreme Court. In God’s good times, we will have the right people, and it is wise to start paving the way for when they come.

I know, not one little, innocent life will be directly saved by this bill. But we will never now how many women decide not to abort their child because of initiatives like this one.

As a famous slogan in the UK goes, “every little helps”.

Scared Of Living

The delivery guys who bring me my packages tend, as a rule, to deal with me as if I was a leper. Incidentally, I wonder if they know what leper is.

Young colleagues of mine profess themselves scared of the virus. Not for grannie’s sake (grannie only needs to isolate, and Bob’s your uncle…) but for themselves. Some of them might actually even mean it, instead of looking for excuses to work from home.

Countless teachers, here in the UK, are scared not for, but of their children, and none of them approaches 80 years of age.

OK, they are mostly women.

OK, they are mostly commies.

OK, they are mostly lazy.

But I think a lot of them actually believe that rubbish.

All over the West, countless politicians have amply understood that they should have reopened their economies a long time ago, provided they really had to shut it down in the first place. But they are now all too scared, and too clearly held hostages by an evil coalition of media and pressure groups (from think tanks to their own advisory bodies) to do anything. Boris Johnson is a perfect example. He is like a guy who has distributed “laziness pills” to everybody for months, and now does not want to tell them that the time of the happy pill has to come to an end. However, it might be a bit more complex than that.

It is as if the Country were composed of the following segments: the first, now free to abandon itself to their most beloved activity: cowering at home in fear and predicting the end; another one, terrified of actually having to work; a third one, uncaring that the economy goes to the dogs provided they can stay in bed in the morning; and only a fourth one, possibly still a minority, angry at the loss of liberty and the damage for the economy, or scared for their own future.

The Prime Minister does not care for those who actually want to work and go back to normal. He does not care for those fretting for their own livelihood. He does not care for the suicides. He does not care for the most elementary freedoms. He goes on TV and lectures you on why you must be a good boy and keep being punished without complaining.

I reflected on this today, and suddenly it was clear to me why the fight to ban abortion is so far away from victory.

These people do not care for their own freedom. They are scared of even living their own lives.

Imagine how much they care for the lives of the unborn.

March On, Mr President! Make Liberals Cry Again!

I read that the decision has already been made: the Senate is ready to examine the candidate to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  

It is late in the day, but not too late. If the Senate plays, there is time not until November, but actually until January. If the usual judases (Murkowski, Romney!) put obstacles in the way, this will inflame the campaign and mobilise even more Trump voters.

I think there is a clear enthusiasm differential between the vast number of clearly pro-life Republicans, and the smaller number of abortion bigots on the other side. This issue might well persuade to vote 1.25, or 1.5, or even 2 Republican voters for every Democrat who will decide to vote to prevent a more conservative Supreme Court. The fact is, the educated people on both sides are voting anyway, but against less educated and perhaps apathetic Republicans who might be moved to go to the poll because they find sufficient motivation in the SCOTUS appointments, there will be much fewer less educated Democrats who have even a faint interest in matters that do not give them a new TV set.

This is, by the way, why Republicans find it so easy to mobilise their voters with the SCOTUS arguments, whilst the Democrats need to stoke racial hatred as the only way to mobilise the overfed backsides of their less educated voters. The fact is that, as I wrote just some days ago, the ground is slowly but surely shifting, and on the matter of the unborn it is the Republicans who are now on the offensive and have the more motivated troops.

In fact, it is not unrealistic to think that, with God’s grace, the emerging of the Supreme Court appointment as a key issue in the 2020 election (whether the replacement for RBG is appointed or not; Breyer isn’t a spring chicken, either, the Wide Latina has health issues, and a 2020 victory opens the door for the replacement of Thomas and Alito with younger, but solidly conservative candidates) will move the one or other religious Black voter, who for mysterious reasons had refused to add two and two, to finally jump on the Trump Train.

March on, Mr President! Make Liberals Cry Again!







RBG: Forgive Me If I Don’t Cry


Ruth Bader Ginsburg has just passed away.

De mortuis nihil nisi bonum, they say. But I have never seen anyone refraining from saying a couple of inconvenient truths about Stalin, Hitler, or Pol Pot. Therefore, I take the beautiful, graceful saying to apply to people not in a public position, and who cannot give scandal or be used to cause evil anymore.

I have said my three Eternal Rest for her. I must confess it was hard. But after I did it for Bin Laden, I set a precedent I want to stick to.

Let me be clear: the news is not as good as when it became known that Hitler had offed himself. But it’s not much worse, either.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a perfect representative of an evil generation of angry feminists, so disappointed that they were born without a willie, that they lost sight of their humanity in the process.

I am pretty sure she did not see herself as a monster helping the killing of millions of babies. Like many people who have deluded themselves that they are good, because they pursue some lofty ideal existing only in their minds, she must have thought of herself as someone who, actually, does some good. Make no mistake, what she thought of herself in her delusion is not of any help to her now.

When sanity comes back, History will remember her as one of the example of the murderous insanity of this utterly insane age.

She was, predictably, openly atheist. As such she is, to all of us, a dire warning of what monsters can grow in the mind of a person, when faith has been kicked out of it. There is no one more evil than those who, without God in their mind, think that they can “change the world”.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has gone to her judgment and, if her life is any indication of the state of her soul at the moment of her death, the destination appears clear: hell, and not even an ordinary suffering in it at that. Jewish, Atheist, and openly abetting baby killing, she was a triple rejection of Christ, and a triple menace to Christianity.

No, I will not cry for her. Instead, I will rejoice in the thought that God’s Perfect Justice is at work at all times. May He have mercy on me, a poor sinner, when I die.

Pray for her because you are a Christian. Think of her poor Guardian Angel, whose tribulations have now come to an end. But do not join the chorus of those who will, now, “celebrate” this piece of feminist, atheist human disgrace.

By now, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has realised that it would have been infinitely, infinitely better for her if she had become, say, a housewife; happy in her role, obedient to her husband, caring for her children and those around her, spreading joy among those who love her and whom she loves; following her religion, even if the wrong one, and one day either joining the Church by God’s Grace, or among the very few who, living and dying in the wrong religion, are, thanks to the inexhaustible Mercy of Our Lord And Saviour, still saved, however little the chance may be.

It was rabid feminism, baby killing, and a rabid chase after her insatiable ego instead.

Let me conclude with one last point, and it will not be an easy one to read.

We do not have the details yet, but it seems unlikely to me that RBG did not know that the end was near, perhaps to the month. My take on this is that she knew, and she chose not to resign anyway, in order to make it as difficult as possible for Trump to appoint a replacement before the election.

This one, ladies and gentlemen, was a bitch to the end.






Leftist Catfights, Feminism, And The Evil Of Female Suffrage (Achtung! Language!)

She means “huge cake”…


Rose McGowan has started another very noisy catfight with Alyssa Milano. The language is not very ladylike, but then again none of these women are ladies, so this is par for the course.

To an external observer, this kind of behaviour says a couple of things:

Firstly, the vitriol and acrimony that acidic women can mobilise dwarfs everything that men are able to muster, against even their worst enemies.

Secondly, this acidic behaviour is seen, at its most vitriolic, in women of the alternative kind: feminists at large, assorted leftists, promoters or enablers of any kind of “rebel” behaviour (McGowan was once in a relationship with a chap called Marilyn Manson. Look him up…).

Feminism is just pure, unadulterated poison. It makes of women toxic, repulsive war machines, whom men find as amusingly disgusting and strangely fascinating to behold as the Bearded Woman and the Cannon Woman.

Feminism is, also, the easy escape for women who, once beautiful, start to fade and look for other ways  to gratify their vast egos. Just to make an example: I don’t remember Natalie Portman ever talking about feminism when she was in her prime. But when she started approaching her Forties, and started to see roles she would once have competed for going to younger women, she miraculously discovered Hollywood’s sexism. Ouch! Should she ask to be electronically erased from her role in the Episode I of Star Wars, a role clearly obtained thanks to her being an extremely pretty, ready-to-eat, white chocolate truffle? Or was she so thick that she didn’t know it, and realised it only when her beauty started to fade?

Feminism, like all forms of leftism, destroys everything that it touches. It makes of women who could have grown to be sweet wives, mothers and aunts, living a happy life and giving happiness to those around them, resentful, bitter, ugly beings whom even other women look at in repulsion.

Enjoy your online feud, McGowan and Milano. Of the two, McGowan is the lesser witch, and she might slowly be on her way to recovery from witchdom. But she is one of the driving forces behind #metoo, so she is toxic all right. And no, her past is no justification for #metoo, or anything leftist or stupid.


I look at the ocean of poison these women can unleash, and wonder how it was that women were allowed to vote.

I wonder, in fact, how difficult it is to see that reasonable and feminine women will always have their own interests protected by men – and their own big, beautiful hearts and big, beautiful emotions, kept in check by the more rational thinking of their fathers, brothers, and husbands – much better than if they are allowed to vote, unleashing on themselves wave after wave of mass feminism, mass abortion, mass divorce, mass dissatisfaction and, ultimately, mass betrayal of their God-given role as women.

Reflect on this without the spectacles of the uncritical thinking of this age, and realise that female suffrage has allowed women to relentlessly work against themselves, creating an ocean of frustration completely absent in the contented, feminine, gentle, soft and giving hearts I remember in the old women in my extended family when I was a child. How miserable they would consider the life of today’s “liberated” woman, working 60 hours a week in her Forties as she keep trying (without success!) to persuade men that she has a wiener, wondering how she never found the “right guy” as the clock now ticks furiously (answer: because you were toxic to him!) and being slowly, but every year more clearly, eaten alive by the two abortions she had in her youth.

Were the men, and women, of past generations more stupid than we are today?

I think the contrary is the case.

They understood life. We don’t.










Good News: The Squad Is Growing!

An important round of Primaries took place yesterday. I have two considerations on this, though I would want to dwell more on the second.

The first: people went to the ballots, in their very large majority, for this. It is obvious that there is no need for mail-in votes. The mail-in is part of a huge scam orchestrated by Dems to get the White House in the only way they can: by cheating.

The second: we see a strengthening of the extremist wing of the Democrat party. This time, an almost unknown nurse with no political experience unseated a member whose family has held the seat for the last 50 years. This happened in Missouri, in the electoral constituency of the dope-head, robber, and cop-assailant turned “gentle giant”, Michael Brown.

What this tells me is that the riots, the disorders, and the deafening anarcho-communist propaganda weaken the Democrat party as a whole (because they scare away the Moderates and Independents they so desperately need), but also energise the left wing within the party. The Pelosis and Bidens of the world are now very officially between the rock of Trump and the hard place of the Anarcho-Communists; worse, when they try to appease the latter by moving their rhetoric sharply to the left, they lose ground anyway because, by all their flaws, the anarcho-communists are smart enough not to believe in these recycled, re-warmed, $20-000-fridge, hands-in-all-pies, yesterdays’ converts, wannabe revolutionaries of the Democratic Establishment.

Needless to say, this is good news for us. It will move the Party further to the left (certainly because of the now expected new influx of extremists; possibly, because of the desperate attempt of the old guard to further steer towards the left), thus making it even more unpalatable to even more people.

A lot of voters may not entirely like (nor do I) Trump’s stance on the Chinese Virus; but they only need to reflect for three seconds about what would have happened if these people (from Pelosi to Tlaib) had been in charge starting from January of this year, and the decision becomes extremely easy.

The “squad” will soon be a soccer team. Pelosi &Co., who did not have the strength to fight them then, will likely not find the strength to fight them now. The “squad” is going to make a lot of noise, basically drumming for… Trump. Meanwhile, Pelosi & Co. will kneel, and look even more pathetic than they already are.

If the Democrats were smart, and had their own long-term interest (besides the one of the Country) at heart, they would put a clear distance between them and the BLM types; isolating them, not accepting candidates with a racist and Marxist ideology as suitable Democrat candidates, and forcing them to create a new fringe party. This would mean defeat in the 2020 election (that is coming anyway), but a very high likelihood of recovery in the next years as the party frees itself of the toxins of Marxism and presents itself as a God-hating, baby-killing machine of the moderate sort.

They don’t do this. What they do instead is march toward the Left, pandering to people who hate them and want them gone even as they alienate the sympathies of those who like a soft-spoken baby killer; those, that is, who are ready to overlook the lesbian “wife” of the candidate if downtown is clean and quiet, and don’t mind a modicum of eco-nonsense if they can go about their business without fear of riots.

The reality in front of them is now very simple and very brutal: the squad is growing, and the Dems are shrinking.






Triple Motivation, or: The Revenge Of The Useful Idiots?

This year, we are all awaiting with great interest to know who the VP candidate for Joe Biden will be. Whilst Tim Kaine was barely perceived as alive (albeit it is not necessary to be alive to vote Democrat), the new Veep candidate will be the de facto candidate to the Top Job.

What we know up to now is this:

  1. The candidate will not have won a Presidential Primary (unavoidable)
  2. The candidate will have a vagina (mandatory)
  3. The candidate will not be White (mandatory)
  4. The candidate will be fully on board with both abortion and alphabet agenda. (unavoidable)
  5. The candidate will be on the side of the rioters (probable).

You may think that point 4 will not make a great difference and, in fact, we could observe in the last cycles that millions of people who call themselves Christian do not hesitate to vote for a party so obviously pushing the devil’s work. However, I think this time we might have some surprises.

If the taboo of the Black allegiance to Democrat is broken (it seems very likely; see my lats post), who is to say how long the reluctance to vote Republican will last? I reflect that many of the people who are now thinking of voting Trump because of the way he is giving them more opportunities are the same people who (take for example Southern Baptists, or other Black Protestants) must have been uncomfortable for many years now with voting Democrat and supporting abortion.

In the past, they could have persuaded themselves that the economic issues demand that they vote for the Democrats. But this is getting more and more difficult when, to the already thorny issue of abortion, you add both the Alphabet agenda and the realisation that the Democrats simply want to keep them in the Plantation.

So you have a very powerful triple motivation to ditch decade-long allegiances: economy, abortion, perversion. It is fair to say that, until the beginning of the decade, only one of the three issues was really center stage, and only during the second Obama administration did the Democrats go Full Fag.

I am more uncertain as to the Latino population, because I suspect that the many Catholics in this ethnic group take religion less seriously than many of their Black Protestant counterparts. Still, the way Biden goes Full Bernie, and Bernie goes Full Castro, should be a sufficient element to move at least some of the Cuban vote further in favour of Trump. I doubt abortion and perversion will do much to move votes on that corner, but you never know.

In a word, it seems to me that everything is working against the Democrats, and that they are not noticing it. Like a Francis in great form, they keep looking stupid because they cannot see that they do.  Their idea of winning an election seems to coincide with getting support on Twitter and Facebook. Yes, I think they are that stupid.

Plus, some leading Democrats might know better, but might be guided by the desire to save their seat, and the Country be damned. Nancy Pelosi, for example, must live in terror of being AOC-ed in her own, very leftist, Constituency. Therefore, she veers to the left, fully uncaring of the damage she inflicts on the Country, but confident that this is the best way to save her seat and – even from the opposition – her influence and the many way in which she can, after reaching more than $120m of family patrimony, march toward the $200m barrier and break it. Yep, having a Pelosi in the family seems better than having a doctor. You don’t let some AOC or Tlaib ruin that, do you?

I think the democrats top echelon are doing all wrong while ensuring that they stay in power after November. I actually think the top echelon might be seeing this, and not caring one bit. It’s the others who are their useful idiots. How many of these wake up and smell the coffee (many, it appears), might decide the November vote, or make of a victory a landslide.








Black Lives Matter, Or: Knocking On SCOTUS’ Door


Yes, Black Lives Matter!!

The pro-life law in Tennessee, though immediately blocked by the court, is a good sign and an indication that the pro-life movement keeps going strong in the South.

These laws are not voted with the expectation that they may come into effect in real life. They are voted in order to knock at the Supreme Court’s door again and again, and – as they say today – “raise awareness” about the murder of innocent, unborn babies.

There will never be a guarantee that your Justice does not go Full Fag (like, recently, Mr Gender Gay Guy Gorsuch) on the one or the other issue, or actually go Full Fag as a person. But this does not mean that one should not try to put in the Supreme Court Justices that are as sound as possible, then pray hard, and then test them with laws like this one.

The “awareness” effect is also not to be underestimated. Unborn lives matter. In fact, it is sad that this law, or the conservative press in general, does not use the “black lives matter” slogan to protect the lives of Black babies slaughtered by their mothers and their (Democratic) legislators every day. This would use the attention generated by the media for a false, wrong cause and turn it into attention for a true, worthy one.

It is beautiful to see Tennessee going the right way and doing it the smart way. At some point, and with God’s help, the SCOTUS wall will fall, just like the so-called Blue Wall did.

We just need to keep praying, knocking, and trying.



Unborn Baby Lives Matter



Every day, more than 2,000 baby lives are murdered in their mothers’ womb, in the US alone.

They are not held in a very dangerous position by a stupid Law Enforcement Officer. They do not die following cruel, but in the end merely aggressive, careless or very negligent behaviour. Nor are they culpable of anything. They don’t go around passing fake bills, they are not high on drugs, they don’t try to resist arrest. They are as innocent as anybody can and will ever be.

Still, they are wilfully killed in various ways.

In some cases, they are reached, in their mothers’ womb, by pieces of metals, scissors of various kind, or other implements, and cut to pieces. Then, their poor remains are extracted or sucked up in ways I cannot describe precisely, though I have cursorily read and can (barely) imagine the gruesome details.

The most peaceful of places, the most warm, nurturing, motherly space everybody of us has ever been in his life, is opened to the executioner, with the consent of the baby’s very mother.

I am not talking about negligence. I am not talking about abuse of power. I am talking about cold-blooded, calculated killing.

This happens thousands of times every day, in the very Country where George Floyd lived.

Where’s the leftist outrage?

These poor innocents are, more than proportionally, Blacks.

Where is Black Lives Matter?

We live in a very stupid world, where facts don’t count, numbers are racists, and emotion-fuelled media screaming is everything.

We need to wake up and start using our brains again.

Starting from November.

Obsessing With Abortion. No, Not Francis….

Trump's decision to appear live at the US March For Life shows once again a handful of very evident facts:

1. This President is way more Catholic than the Pope. As Francis invites us to “not obsess” about abortion, Trump actually does exactly that.

2. Trump engagement in favour of the Unborn is more than a mere slogan, as such a hard pro-life profile is not sure to bring him additional supporters. This is a man of integrity keeping his word, not an Auntie Merkel saying what is convenient on the day.

3. The cowardly US Bishops relentlessly working against the most outspokenly pro-life President since the Gipper show that they do not care about the unborn, and are perfectly at ease with the pro-death agenda of the Democratic Party. This, with the excuse of their socialist-spectacled decrying of “social injustices”.

4. The unborn US babies are, mostly, legal US citizen in fieri. Too much Stars and Stripes for the Democrats and their Bishops, I suppose. They prefer to let these oppressed, innocent US Citizen (in fieri) die, and prefer instead to import illegals from (let us say this again, because repetitive iuvant) shithole Countries, who then proceed to Somalise and Haitise the US as much as they can, perpetuating the power of the Democrats in the process.

5. Thank God for President Trump.