Blog Archives

Listening To An Ass

I have read somewhere today that the Evil Clown has invited the faithful to silence during Mass, because when one is silent one can “listen to his heart” and, more importantly, “to the Holy Spirit”.

I will gloss over the inanity and banality of the words, probably inedible by a smart child of five. What I would like to point out is the subversive message hidden behind the stupid platitudes.

If I can claim to have the ability to oh so emotionally connect to the Holy Spirit, it might not be long before I claim to “recognise” a message that goes against Doctrine. Being thus persuaded of the goodness of my heart and my Direct Line to the Holy Ghost, I can easily persuade myself of the legitimacy of pretty much everything, like living in adultery and even daring to sacrilegiously present myself at the Communion Line.

What Francis does – in that stupid, sugary, childish way of his – is to encourage his (un)faithful to the very epitome of the sin of Pride: thinking that, in the end, I know better than God.

As you laugh about the arrogance of this man and the travesty of Catholicism he peddles to the Reprobates, please reflect on the many similar ways in which your local priests might try to smuggle the same impious message.

Reality check: I cannot listen to the Holy Ghost like I listen to music, nor can you. The Trinity speaks to me through the Church given to me for my salvation. The Bride talks to me every day through her beautiful, bimillenarian message.

Do not listen to Francis. Francis is an ass, the only thing you can learn from him is how to become unbearably stupid, supremely boring and diabolically subversive. Listen to the Depositum Fidei instead, and learn to know and love Church teaching. Therein, not in your own delusions, lies the Holy Ghost.



What’s Wrong With Autumn, Anyway?

At times I struggle to see whether the Evil Clown is using figures of speech of his native Country, is talking the first nonsense that comes to his mind, or is just drunk.

The latest comparison between the people of Spring and the people of Autums is such an occasion. The stupid comparisons the – possibly drunken – man makes to insult us all mean the same thing: adulterers, infidels, perverts, and misfits of all sorts are the good guys. We, who try to live a Christian life and condemn those who give scandal (and even want to be right in doing that), are the bad guys, the (this is another one) chillies in vinegar or such like nonsensical comparison.

I love aceto balsamico, by the way, and make frequent use of it. For everything there is a season, even vinegar, and the season might actually be Autumn.

Someone should take the grappa bottle out of the man's hands.

Pope or no Pope, this one is now way past the point everyone else would deserve to be bitch slapped, big time.




Another One Bites The Dust: Cardinal Tettamanzi Has Stopped Harming The Church.

It's time, Your Grace...

Cardinal Tettamanzi is not among us anymore. Where he is, God knows. However, there is something that even we can know.

If Catholicism is true, everyone who dies unrepentant of wilful grave sin goes to hell. The metre for what is sin does not reside in his own conscience, but in the Truth that God established. Therefore, believing ourselves the most ardent followers of the Lord will be of no avail to us, if our actions and our entire ideology go against this Truth and, therefore, against Our Lord. Methinks, Luther might have died believing himself the greatest Christian since St Paul. You know where he is now if he did.

Cardinal Tettamanzi is a prominent (both because a Cardinal, and because of his own particular sins) representative of the generation that betrayed the faithful in the most cynical way since the Church was founded. Whether he considered himself “charitable” is neither here nor there now. Whether he adhered to and defended the Truth is – unless he seriously repented before death – everything that counts.

You could put it in a more cynical way and say that if God allows a generation of traitors, opportunists, cowards and outright sellouts to save themselves en masse, then Francis is not far from the Truth; he is, in fact, much nearer to it than all those generations of Catholics warning us of Hell since time immemorial. If even the greatest generation of traitors ever to sell their faithful leads to almost general salvation, we as normal pewsitter are really, really safe and hell does not need to bother anyone whose nickname is not “Stalin”.

However, we know from the teaching of time immemorial that we, the normal pewsitter, are not safe at all. Therefore, the likes of Tettamanzi must be in the greatest danger of eternal damnation, all of them, to the last slimy traitor.

Even among the bad, Tettamanzi was one of the worst. The successor of Martini in Milan, he was the more cautious version of his predecessor, a bit like a strong poison diluted in water. His leftist leanings were so obvious that Comunione e Liberazione (a then powerful, wannabe Conservative organisation) could not stand the man. He was invited to the Sham Synods even if above the standard age of 80, and punctually leant his support to sacrilegious communion for adulterers. The picture is clear then: another sellout and Judas of the worst sort.

Do I wish him salvation? Individually, poor bastard, I do. But he belongs to a group at very great risk of salvation, so we only need to switch our brains on to know that the probability of damnation of the likes of him is very high.

Unless, that is, Catholicism has lied to us for 2,000 years…

and Francis is right.



On The “Brother And Sister Thingy” Again


The nine Kennedy siblings. Notice the total absence of sexual attraction.

I have already published a blog post about the talk given by Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the 5th of December. 

Bishop Schneider states the following:

 A pastoral accompaniment and discernment that does not communicate to the adulterous person, the so-called divorced and remarried, the divinely-established obligation to live in continence as a sine qua non condition for admission to the sacraments, exposes itself in reality as an arrogant clericalism, as there does not exist any clericalism so pharisaical as that which arrogates to itself rights reserved to God.

We see here a theme mentioned very often: that what is clearly a scandalous adulterous relationship is fine if continence is given (and, I add, necessarily made public). 

I always found such affirmations “off”, and – perhaps because of the times we live in – more than a tad stinking of Vatican II. According to this thinking, it appears that two old people could live together in what appears to be, for all the world, an adulterous relationship, with the addition of the obvious fact that they have no sex and they, duh, admit it. But you see, I though the adultery consists in the way of life, not in the accidental circumstance than one or both the adulterers happen to be impotent, or not interested in sex. This, leaving aside what must be, in very many cases, the obvious provocation of the couple who is in an age where sexual activity is to be assumed but tell you the “brother and sister thingy” because hey, we don’t want to give scandal, do we now?  

I have asked before, and ask again, help from my readers in finding statements supporting this “brother and sister thingy” before the age of Vatican II. I never could find any, hence my detecting the pungent smell of V II.  

Interestingly, in the already linked interview Bishop Schneider also states the following: 

One of the most ancient and unequivocal testimonies of the immutable practice of the Roman Church of rejecting adulterous unions by way of the sacramental discipline–unions of members of the faithful who are still linked to a legitimate spouse in a matrimonial bond—is the author of a penitential catechesis known by the pseudonymous title of the Shepherd of Hermas. The catechesis was written, in all probability, by a Roman priest at the beginning of the second century, as indicated by the literary form of an “apocalypse” or account of a vision.

The second dialogue between Hermas and the angel of penance who appears to him in the form of a shepherd, demonstrates with admirable clarity the immutable doctrine and practice of the Catholic Church in this area: “What, O lord, will the husband do if his wife persists in this lust of adultery?” “Separate from her and the husband remains on his own. If after having left his wife he marries another woman, he also commits adultery.” “If, O lord, the wife, after she has been abandoned, repents and wishes to return to her husband, will she not be restored?” “Yes, he says, and if the husband does not receive her he sins and becomes guilty of a great fault. He should, instead, receive the one who has sinned and has repented. . . . Because of the possibility of such repentance, the husband should not remarry. This directive applies both to the wife and to the husband. Not only is there adultery if one corrupts one’s own flesh, but also the one who acts similarly to the pagans is an adulterer. . . .  For that reason it was ordained that one remain alone, for both the woman and the man. One can repent . . . but he who has sinned must not sin again” (Shepherd of Hermas, Fourth Commandment, 1).

See? Second century, and no brother and sister thingy to be seen absolutely anywhere. “Remain alone” cannot mean anything else than “remain alone”. The point is also forcefully made that every spouse must be ready to readmit the other in the family life. It seems difficult to reconcile this with what we hear today: the children would be oh so horribly traumatised, and the like. Did they not have children in the Second Century?

It seems clear to me that what is required is that no alternative family is created, period. No “brother and sister” thingy, and no “let’s think of the children” thingy. It is not clear to me what part of

 For that reason it was ordained that one remain alone, for both the woman and the man

I have not understood. 

Once again, I am grateful for every authoritative statement in this regard from pre-Vatican II times. As it stands now, it seems to me that the matter is not being appropriately dealt with, and that it was exactly this “brother and sister thingy”, together with the bringing of children into the equation, that created the slippery slope that ends up with…

Kasper and Francis.



Homophilic Exhortation Almost There


Languidly lost in thoughts of.. sodomy? "Tucho" Fernandez.

Languidly lost in thoughts of.. sodomy? “Tucho” Fernandez.



The news reaches us from Rorate Caeli that a) the apostolic exhortation following the Synod will be released within march, and b) the main contributor will be the not at all manly chap you see in the photo above.

Fernandez is known as liberal beyond the point of heresy, and his publications and interviews have already caused scandal in the past (I might have written about it, if I had the time). Of course, being one of those chaps who hate everything of Catholicism he is very thick with our very own Francis, and it is therefore no surprise the Evil Clown has given him the task to write the lurv-fest manifesto. 

Now, the damage will be noticeable, but still contained if the apostolic exhortation will limit itself to the usual rhetoric about lurv. Much worse it will become if Francis will dare to insert in it statements in obvious contrast with Natural Law (and the reported link states it will, barring intervention from the CDF as this is an official Vatican document). Much, much worse will this become if Francis goes to the extreme point of introducing actual, concrete measure measures facilitating, the sacrilege of communion for adulterers or any form of benediction of perverts’ “couples”, or the like.

Three months ago I would have told you that, if the last scenario were to occur, all hell would break loose. This after Francis had been successfully stopped by an unseemly and not very brave, but undoubtedly effective “rubber wall” at the Synod.

Now, I begin to have my doubt that this would happen. Since the end of the Synod we have assisted to events (like the “world religion light fest”, the “world religion FrancisVideo” and the communion sacrilegiously given to Protestants in the Vatican to mention only three, and I am still neglecting the new rules about the washing of the feet at Maundy Thursday’s Mass) that have caused nothing like the minimum amount of clerical scandal and opposition that would have allowed me to sleep well. I know, none of this is magisterial in the proper sense, but when all you see is silence from our Bishops and Cardinals then you wonder whether these people are picking their battles, or picking their nose instead, as Francis continues with a relentless barrage of heresies and blasphemies.

I wish I could be more optimistic. I normally am. But the aftermath of both the light show and the video (not to speak of the sacrilege in the Vatican) have frankly scared me. Methinks, the decision of Francis to allow the Proddies to receive communion (as I write this I have news of one, yes, one bishop condemning this) might have been the result of his feeling emboldened by the lack of clerical flack after the previous events.

We will see what the future brings. We stay strong in the faith, then Francis isn’t the faith, merely an evil clown. We accept this Pontificate as God’s punishment for the immense presumption of wanting to remake the Church in the image of.. man ongoing since 1963. We resign ourselves to die in an age of confusion, but to die without any confusion at all in our hearts and minds. We keeping fighting the good fight; a fight which, as we all known, is already won, no matter what the appearances in this vale of tears.

The Catholic Truth is as shining now as it always was. Alas, now it is shining by contrast with heresy, but it is shining still. She is still there, unaltered and unalterable by any evil pope, or any of his less than manly minions.

Stay strong. Pray more. Do penance. Begin to recite the daily Rosary. Pray frequently to St Michael. Defend proper Catholicism whenever and wherever you can (smartly and prudently) do so. Keep battling.

Old asses die, and become glue. This particular old ass might well have a much worse destiny.


The Spirits You Have Cited

It appears the “apostolic excrementation” of the Evil Clown might be published within the first quarter 2016. I have often stated th following two concepts: a) Francis will certainly not dare to introduce heretical novelties, unless he thinks he can get away with it, and b) the man is such an arrogant ass that he actually could think that he can get away with it.

Please understand this: any and every attempt at subverting doctrine would unavoidably state that the step of the Pope is encouraged, authorised or otherwise sanctioned by an already existing document, providing the Church with either a precedent or a pretended “consensus'. Francis would never be so stupid as to say “and now I give you FrancisNovelty”. Rather, he would claim that he is merely developing on something already existing.

Two documents come to mind for the purpose: Familiaris Consortio and the final Relatio of the Synod. It is, therefore, absolutely vital that the Catholic world reiterates that such a precedent is not contained in any of those or in any other document, and that any heresy that should come from the Evil Clown would have to be answered by Francis and by Francis alone. It is, of paramount importance that prelates from all Continents state that both the above mentioned documents cannot be manipulated to promote heresy, and the latter will not be accepted.

It is extremely dangerous to attribute to the final relatio, or to Familiaris Consortio, a meaning they do not have. May this be motivated by a sincere desire to help the Church, the fact remains that in this way it becomes easier for Francis and his minions to exploit the narrative you are yourselves helping him to fabricate or, rather, are actually fabricating for him.

Goethe said it with an expression well known in Germany: die Geister, die ich rief / werde ich nicht mehr los, or loosely translated “the spirits I have called, I can't get rid of them anymore” (poetic translation: “The spirits I have cited / my commands ignore”).

Pay attention to the spirits you cite.



Rescuing Pollyanna (If At All Possible…)

Pity Pollyanna. She is having a horrible time. First the Synod weeks, and the obvious pressure from Francis to have the Bishops embrace heresy. Then the bitchy rant at the final address. Then the Hen-Goddess new religion and, unless I am forgetting something, another Scalfari impromptu-interview.

Pollyanna is devastated. She had told you the man Scalfari was very old, and sooo unprofessional he would not even use a recorder. Old, half-commie, atheist gaga! Who would trust him?

Turns out, Francis does! Again, and again! Actually, it seems Francis trusts the man every time something extremely heretical should be attributed to him, minus the smoking gun! The atheists who get saved following their own conscience, the reprobates who are destroyed rather than suffering in eternity, and now the ways to be paved to allow adulterers to receive: all come from the trusted pen, and the switched-off recorder, of the old gaga to whom Francis keeps coming back!

Pity, pity poor Pollyanna! She must be suffering as atrociously as the adulterer who won’t give up adultery, but want to receive communion!

Sniff!! Pass the Kleenex, fast!


As the Year Of False Mercy is approaching, I took pity myself, and have decided to help Pollyanna keep deluding herself. This, I find very charitable, and the height of mercy.

I therefore suggest to Pollyanna the adoption of the following lines:

1. Francis hates Scalfari. Francis’ is a cunning plan to expose Scalfari’ mendacious assertions. I mean, Francis a heretic? Who would believe that? (Here Pollyanna must laugh out loud, undeterred from the fact that no one else around her does).

2. Francis is meeting Scalfari again and again because he wants to convert him. This is also why he is such thick friends with every heretic in red or purple. What a cunning strategy!

3. This interview never took place. Nor did the other ones. Lombardi is an accomplice of Ms Chaouqui in trying to expose and demolish Francis’ papacy, saying the interviews really took place. They didn’t, I’m telling ya! Francis is simply too good to humiliate Lombardi! His goodness is being abused by evil people! Bad, bad wolves all around! We must protect the Pontiff from them! (A lot of emphasis on these phrases, please. Exclamations galore. It discourages thinking).

4. Francis wants to initially cause scandal, and appear a heretic. When Catholics stand up for Truth, Francis will intervene and say: “see? You got it now! This was the best way to let you understand the beauty of orthodoxy!” Oh, the ways of the Lord! The Ho,ply Ghost is working for us through Francis as I speak!

5. Francis wants Satan to believe he (Francis) is on his (Satan’s) side. This way, Satan will become complacent, and will start making a lot of mistakes. At this point, Francis will launch a huge attack against heresy. I am sure of this. No, really. My cousin’s best friend is persuaded, too. And boy, he is smart…

6. Francis is infallible. Always. Therefore, he cannot be wrong. Don’t be a bad Catholic. We follow Peter!

7. Francis makes us uncomfortable. This is good. It means that we need to reflect on where the Church is going. “Do you still not get it?”

8. The Holy Ghost must have great surprises in store for us. This is so exciting!

9. I am sure Francis has everything sorted. He is the Pope. He knows best. Who am I to judge?

10. Don’t be so angry. “Be like a little child!”


Well, I have done my best.

It required a great effort. It comes handy I love Kafka.

But no, it did not work.

Pollyanna simply cannot be rescued anymore.


Truth Can Never Change. Adulterers Can Never Receive

Iota unum non praeteribit.

We live in unbelievable times. Therefore, I will have to explain the obvious lest someone has missed it.

The Church has, with St Paul, always believed that adulterers are not allowed to receive communion.

As this is what the Church believes, there are no instruments at disposal of anyone by which they could say that this has been changed.

If the Archangel Gabriel were to come down from heaven this afternoon, shortly before dinner time, and tell you “Good afternoon. God above has just told me that adulterers can now receive communion”, of course you would not believe him.

If a pope – I obviously do not mean this unspeakable ass; I mean a solid, orthodox, pious, prestigious pope – were to wake up one morning and say “God has appeared to me, and He has told me adulterers can now receive communion”, you would immediately call him a heretic, no matter how good he appeared until the evening before.

If a pope – any pope; see above – were to write twelve encyclicals, eighteen papal Bulls, thirty-four motu proprio and ninety-seven apostolic exhortations declaring that adulterers can receive communion and implementing several measures to have the novelty enforced, you would call the pope a heretic, all his documents heretical and not to be believed, much less obeyed, and all those who obey him in this heretics and traitors.

The simple fact is: truth can never change. Therefore, adulterers can never receive Communion.

You might, in the future, hear all sorts of strange stories. For example, if the Evil Clown issues a document following this Synod, he is most certain not to explicitly say that adulterers cannot receive communion. He is also most likely not to repeat in it the Athanasian Creed, or the Our Father.

Guess what? The Athanasian Creed will still be in place, and will not be tacitly abrogated because Francis hasn't mentioned it. The Our Father will still be in force as both prayer and dogmatic statement, because he is both. Communion for adulterers will still be forbidden, because this is what the Church has always believed.

It is astonishing that I have to write such obvious blog posts.

But somehow I think it might help in the times we are about to face.



The “Mercy” Fraud

One of the most disquieting traits of our time is the tendency to look at concrete, everyday situations without a general view of what is right and wrong. This attitude is typical of children – who can't understand why the dangerous dog should be put down – and shortsighted, when they are in good faith, adults – who can't understand why a murderer should be executed -.

The right answer is always the logical, not the emotional one. The dangerous dog should be put down because the interest of safety comes before the child's desire that the dog may live; similarly, the execution of the murderer should be carried on so that elementary needs of justice and deterrence may be satisfied, even if the crying girlfriend of the assassin is on TV all day telling us what a sweet, good-as-pie, misunderstood man he is. The child, and the girlfriend, will plea for mercy. But it is false mercy that puts others in danger, and takes away from criminals the fear of their own destruction.

Logic must come before emotions. Laws – both legal and moral – can't be bent to accommodate feelings. Lex, dura lex, sed lex. During the reign of Blessed Pius IX there were hundreds of executions, in a State with a population of merely a couple of millions.

This obvious reasoning applies also to the Sacraments; the more so, because the things of God are so much more important than the things of man.

Marriage, it is said, is in bad shape. We have in front of us the suffering of so many who have made a mistake. Should we not have mercy, and spare them?


We shouldn't.

Marriage is a sacrament. Once validly contracted, it stays. Whatever suffering the marriage causes, the once chosen bond stays. If the wife goes to bed with the entire regiment, she is still the wife. If the husband become violent, or alcoholic, he is still the husband. His becoming violent afterwards is nothing to do, absolutely nothing to do with his having married before. The once validly celebrated sacrament stays. Hitler didn't stop being baptised because he became the Fuehrer, either.

If you're married, you're married. “But if he has become violent, then it means that he did not intend to marry me” must be among the most stupid things that can come out of the mouth of a human being.

The man wanted to marry, which is why he did it. He could take this decision because he could think. He was considered an adult able to make his own decisions: drive a car, enlist in the army, buy a home. All decisions which have a big influence on his life, or can be deadly to others. Still, he was considered able to make them. No one doubts this.

If a soldier rapes a girl in an occupied enemy village his superiors do not say “evidently, you never wanted to become a soldier”. He still is very well a soldier, which is why he will be court martialled. The decision, once validly taken, stays. An adult is, by definition, one who is able to make his own decisions and will answer for them. Retrospective rearrangement of a taken decision is neither here nor there. If you validly bought a house and discover the mortgage is too big of a burden, you can't just make your decision null and void because “you didn't really know what you were doing”. Was the house legally purchased? Yeah? Then it's all yours, my boy…

Therefore, any argument aiming at persuading you that the church should be “flexible”, “merciful”, or whatever else, and ignore the reality of a decision once validly taken in order to pretend the decision was never there in the first place is not only factually and logically flawed, but radically sacrilegious. It is very obvious that the current climate encourages spouses to lie about the bond they once freely chose; the recent “simplifications” go even further down that road, encouraging a narrative in which the spouse is a victim (of his or his spouse's “inexperience”) and therefore, implicitly but clearly enough, authorised to lie.

This isn't mercy, this is a fraud, and a sacrilegious one at that. God will not be fooled. At seven, a boy can theoretically send himself to hell. Imagine an adult trying to fool God about his own marriage. Congratulations, Pope Francis. You have just made the devil a huge favour.

Mrs Pious Adulterer will, we have said, insist that she could not make the choice. But ask her whether she would be ready to consider null and void the purchase agreement of her house because, ten years later, the seller discover he wasn't “mature enough” to make such a decision, and see what she answers.

The same person who would be insulted at your implication that she should be incapacitated – because obviously not able to buy or sell cars, houses, heirlooms, and the like – will eat you alive if you tell her that if she was able to make an important decision like buying a car or a house, the more so she was able to make the obviously far more momentous decision to marry; a decision taken almost always very formally, very solemnly, with great pomp and ceremony, in front of all relatives and friends, and with all the attached, well-known emphasis on this bond being “forevah and evah”, and now suddenly discarded like a bad joke.

“Me? Promise? Solemn? Oh no, I wasn't really serious, you see!”

“What do you say? Incapacitation, guardian, protecting me from myself? You b@st@rd!!!”



Was The Synod Aborted?

You are so judgmental! Legalists! Pharisees! Dead inside!

There are rumours (also reported by S. Armaticus' and Father Z's blogs) that the Synod will be structured in a different way than the 2014 debacle. No relatio post disceptationem, no general discussion after the small group meetings and, most importantly for us, no official document with at least a pretence of doctrinal value at the end. Instead, the small groups would give their reports to the Clown, and he would simply give the usual, fluffy, nonsensical, and frankly stupid speech at the end of the, at this point, fairly useless proceedings.

We do not know if the rumours will be confirmed. If they are, it seems to me Francis has taken his decision: rather than go to battle and be defeated, he decided to avoid the battle in the first place.

One understands the reasoning. Any kind of general discussion would lead – from what has transpired in the last months, and what Francis must perceive even more clearly behind the scenes – to a brutally clear reaffirmation of Church doctrine on marriage, with the implicit threat of openly defying the heretical Pope if he dares to open his heretical mouth. It goes without saying that the leaking to the press of the statements of the orthodox bishops would be savage even if the Clown were to order secrecy. He would be brutally exposed, and he knows it very well. Not all fools are idiots. Not to that extent at least.

Add to this that most of the participants have learnt a thing or four from last year, and must now trust Francis less than they would a Palestinian used cars salesman. Francis tried the big surprise last year, and still got one on the nose in a matter of hours. This year, there will be a lot of clenched fists waiting for him from the start. No, the bishops and Cardinals owning the fists will not put it in that way. But my reading of the last eleven months is that this is exactly what will happen.

I do not trust the man one bit, though, and when I read the news the first thing I thought is that Francis would announce that there would be no official, “doctrinal” document at the end, and then suddenly vomit one prepared with his own buddies beforehand. But I think I am just being a tad paranoid here. Francis could vomit such a document every day if he wanted to; he does not want exactly because he knows what would happen to him afterwards. His only reasonable chance would have been to show at least a semblance of “consensus” behind him. Failing that, he is toasted.

Nor am a I afraid that Francis could try to rig things at the last minute calling a “simple majority” vote on controversial issues or texts. The Church does not work that way, and it is no coincidence last year's synod considered “rejected” those paragraphs that did not get 75% of the vote. As the Church is, qua definitione, forbidden from proclaiming any “new doctrine”, no position with a mere majority of bishops could cause more than a schism at the most, but it would have less than zero chances of being seen as anything even remotely approaching validity from any orthodox Catholic. If Francis dared to do such a thing he would be destroyed, and he knows it very well, too.

Lastly, let us reflect on who the man is: a Jesuit of mediocre intelligence, with some skills in intrigue-making. but with nothing approaching both the stature and the attributes necessary to so openly defy the Church. This is no Antichrist. This isn't even the False Prophet. This here is a mediocre Peronist with an utterly embarrassing lack of common intelligence, and a crass vulgarity that betrays the boor at every step. In any non-religious position he would be covered in ridicule day in and day out. Only the white habit protects him from the worst. Even on this blog, I hasten to add.

If the rumours are confirmed, it would seem this synod is going to be aborted.

In this, I am all pro-choice.



The Heretic Between Adultery And Sodomy


As the days of the Synod approach, we know that two main points are on the heretics' agenda: adultery and sexual perversion.

Some very interesting contributions have been written to the effect that the adultery issue was meant to be the Trojan Horse for the “laundering” of homosexuality. I personally have the following views on the matter:

1. As numbers go, adultery is a far more pressing issue for Father Heretic than sodomy. Among the nominal Catholics in his parish there will easily be 50 public adulterers for every public dyke or sodomite, and whilst fags have relatives who may well “symphatise” this is no less true for the adulterers. Basically, if the German Pater Haeretisch wants to garner consensus and Kirchensteuer-money around him adultery beats sodomy hands down. Adultery's laundering is also, undoubtedly, his main economic interest.

2. However, Pater Haeretisch may well be a pervert himself, and in this case the matter of sodomy will touch him in a rather more striking way, the usual conflict of the sodomite – the knowledge that he is wrong, dirty, and a pervert – being amplified by his supposedly being a man of God. One can imagine for many of these Pater Schwulette the issue is more pressing than even the Ka-ching of the parish tills.

3. The one aim does not negate the other. Adultery is, grave as it is, a sin that still goes with nature. Sexual perversion is, as going against nature, a completely new ball game. There is no imagining that the laundering of sins against nature would not achieve, a fortiori, the result of laundering sins according to nature. Even an atheist immediately recognises – though he may not admit it to you – the substantial difference between the two situations, because sins that go against natural law are etched in the conscience of every man however big his effort to conceal it.

Therefore, at the Synod we will have a highly explosive mixture of issues which touch the wallet of the heretics and issues which torments them. They have Francis on their side, but Christ is against them.

How thus battle will end in the end, you already know. But we want it to have an end, actually, sooner that “in the end”.

We must continue to denounce adultery as well as sodomy; the faggot priest as well as the avid or simoniacal one; the sins that go with nature as well as those that go against it.

Francis and his army of clowns will not prevail. Not in the end but, preferably, not in October either.


Adulterous NuChurch: One New Book Already Out, Another In The Making.

Father Z informs us that a new book, authored by eleven Cardinals, is about to be published. The book aims at combating the “protestantisation of the Church”. I can imagine that the matter of communion for adulterers will have a prominent space, but it is clear that this book deals with a more general topic, and it is meant to help recovering authentic Catholicism at least in matters of Catholic morals as opposed to this “inclusion” madness, but hopefully also dealing with issues concerning the liturgy, the other sacraments like Confession, and the Catholic life.

More in general, though, this book clearly has its gun sight aimed straight at one person: Francis. It is obviously published in preparation to the Synod, and the defence of Catholicism on a broad front cannot but be another implicit, but clear demonstration of growing restlessness at the broad attack that Francis has launched against the Church in the way it thinks, operates and prays.

I do not remember books authored by multiple Cardinals as a Church tradition. We now have two in a little more than one year. Whatever anyone should tell you about this being about the rediscovery of Catholicism etc, this can only have one aim: to present a solid wall of Orthodoxy to Francis and his army.

Not coincidentally, the same article reports that another book is in preparation, exclusively authored by African Bishops and Cardinals. This will be fun, too.

Francis has clearly decided to launch a Big Heretical Offensive in October, which is why the blog post on the Rape of the Church is still pinned at the top of this blog. But he must know that he will never prevail, and will have either to abandon his satanical plans or to push forward towards a nuclear conflict from which he will, even if he survives it as pope, never recover.

Perhaps nothing of this will happen. Perhaps Francis will die before the Synod begins. Perhaps he has already decided blabla is good enough for him, and he will use the upcoming Year Of False Mercy to spread more heretical practice and thinking without an open confrontation. We don't know.

But there are more and more people who are sending clear signals that they will not shun the fight, however painful.

Let us pray for the Cardinals and Bishops who do their job and speak out for Truth. And let us hope we will soon have a new Pope, who thinks and act like a Catholic instead of like a socially envious, not very intelligent Castroite.



What Did St Pius X Do Wrong?

Uncharitable. Unwelcoming. Saint.

I can’t hear anymore all this talk of the new ways how the Church must include, or integrate, or let feel welcome all kind of, obviously, unrepentant sinners.

What exactly did the Church in the time of St Pius X do that was wrong, and why?

Were there, in those times, no adulterers? No children born out of wedlock? No sodomy? Don’t make me laugh!

No. There was a massive amount of sin, because human nature is, after the Fall, automatically predisposed to sin.

Were our forefathers, then, “insensitive” to the “plight” of the adulterer? You bet they were! They were very sensitive to the danger of damnation, and had therefore no time for the rubbish of those who aren’t. If you believe that adulterers are in grave danger of hell all the rest follows; if you waste your time talking about “new ways of accepting them” you simply do not believe that adulterers are in grave danger of hell.

Think of it logically instead of emoting like a seventeen years old girl, and you will realise that there really is nothing in the middle. Every talk of “new” acceptance means an acceptance that does not include: 1) admission of grave sin and grave scandal, 2) repentance, and 3) amending of one’s way and putting an end to scandal. Therefore, any talk of “new” acceptance means making people more comfortable on their way to hell. Crucially, though, it makes the other pewsitters feel good and sensitive. Sensitivity is the opium of the small “c” catholic.

What did St Pius X do, exactly, that was wrong? Can you give me exact details? Did he not know that the child of the adulterers would feel bad? Of course he did! But you see, the likes of that great Pope were infinitely more interested in the salvation of souls than in the comfort of children! The Blessed Virgin in Fatima makes the children very uncomfortable, and does not give them any of the sensitive rubbish of the modern times!

Nor can you say that in those times such adultering couple and their children were rare. Firstly, and insofar as this was the case, they were rare (or less frequent) because the “insensitive” rules were openly preached and brutally enforced by a strong Church or, among the Proddies, by strong Christian feelings. Secondly, such situations were, actually, very common whenever Christian rules did not arrive, or where they were despised; the slums of (Protestant) Victorian London are a rather striking example of this.

You can’t have your cake and eat it. You can’t uphold Truth, and preserve “sensitivity”. You will never save souls by adapting truth to the sensitivity of children. I was told the brutal truths of hell when I was four. I am sure it did not harm my soul one little bit. Of course it would have hurt me to hypothetically discover that, say, my parents were living in sin. But then again this “hurtful” society created children whose parents were not living in sin! Conversely, it is this stupid sensitivity and fear to hurt anyone that creates the adulteries, the scandal, and the children born out of wedlock!

Was Pius X, then, not inclusive? On the contrary, he was very inclusive of the repentant sinner! Did he feel any need of “new” ways of including adulterers? No, it is very obvious the great Saint did not feel any need for them at all! Was he, then, unaware of how unpleasant it is to be born out of wedlock, or to be condemned by your community for living in sin? Of course he was not!

I could go on, but I think I have made the point.

There is nothing wrong in the way the Church has always done things. There can be no way, no way whatsoever, they were wrongly “insensitive” and we must find “new ways” to accommodate any sensitivity that was wrongly neglected before.

Let us realise that all this rubbish talk of finding new ways is the direct consequence of the loss of the fear of the Lord. If the fear of the Lord were still there, the priorities would be arranged differently.

Disagree with this, and you must admit that the Church was “not inclusive” or “not welcoming” in all her past history, all the way up to the enlightened Peron Generation: where air conditioning is evil, God scolds you but does not slap you, and it is necessary to “raise hell”.

St Pius X did nothing wrong. His Church was inclusive in the right way, and it was so out of real charity and love for the salvation of souls. Whatever harshness this charitable mentality caused was the unavoidable consequence of the harshness of the simple truths about salvation and damnation.

It is our generation that does not know what fear of the Lord is, and therefore forgets real charity and sinks in an ocean of diabetes-inducing talk of welcome and inclusion.

Get your priorities straight. The rest will follow from there.



For German Heretics, It’s 1944

The story in short: a powerful “Catholic” lay organisation claims Church teaching in matter of adultery and sodomy must changed, because… they prefer it that way, and the Evil Clown agrees with them.

The young bishop of Passau, Oster, makes something very Un-German: he speaks out, all alone, against the evil. The usual attacks ensue. But this time, five other Bishops (all of them, apparently, fairly young) speak out very clearly, thank the Bishop of Passau for his words and firmly take place beside him.

Results? The front has broken. Actually, it's clear now that there has never been one, and only the German desire to appear “unite” and not be seen as fomenting “division” could lead to the explosion being delayed until now. The German heretics, claiming a situation of “emergency” and opening threatening with schism, have now completely, completely lost face if a couple of days were enough to have six of the twenty-seven German bishops very officially opposed to the Kasperites.

Mind: that six have spoken does not mean that twenty-one side with heresy. It simply means that one letter was enough to give the lie on the heretical claim of a German “special need”, and to show to the entire world that even in the hotbed of European Heresy there is no compact front against Catholic teaching, at all.

It's a complete loss of face. I am very confident other bishops will speak out for Christ in the next weeks; but even if this were not the case, the six bishops have caused utter and complete devastation in the camp (as in-camp) of Kasper, Marx, & Co. What they can now claim is, at most, that heretics are a majority among German bishops. Fat chance to win with that.

The dream of a compact wall demanding a different “pastoral” treatment for the German sheep is all but gone. Kasper & Co. stand now openly refuted, and possibly in the next weeks openly humiliated, by their own bishops. What a sad end. What an inglorious way to go to hell.

I start to think that October might go down in history as a very clear reaffirmation of Catholic truth; because if you know Germany, you know that group thinking is very strong there, and the marching out of line fully against the Country's grain. That exactly in Germany one bishop's initiative should be enough to let the supposed hive mind collapse in a matter of days tells you a thing or two about what must be brewing elsewhere.

Marx and Kasper should get the stake, and the stake is what they would have had in times which value truth more than niceness. I doubt my suggestion will be adopted – there would be the need for the one or other legal change too, you see… – but it certainly is the punishment these two, and their main helpers, have deserved.

Which leads us to the Evil Clown: the man who started the entire mess by openly praising Kasper's “theology on his knees”, and will now prudently distance himself from the position he has done the most to further.

Francis is obviously on the side of heresy. He has pushed it, and continues to push it, every way he can short of an ufficial declaration of allegiance. Every Catholic with some discernment knows he is on their side. But as a Jesuit, Francis will find a way to throw his allies under the bus, and deny he ever wanted anything else than… socialism, enviro-mentalism, and cheap publicity for himself.

For the German heretics, it's now 1944. It's not sure they will lose, but the situation looks clear enough.



Synod: Cardinal Pell Is Clearly Upbeat

Impressive declaration of Cardinal Pell in Rome, on occasion of the March for Life: the Synod, says the Cardinal, will “massively endorse the Tradition” of the Church, as reported by Newsmax.

Now, it is not uncommon at all that a Cardinal would predict no attempts at changing Truth. Truth can't be changed anyway, and you would expect the vast majority of Bishops and Cardinals – open heretics excepted, as in the case of many in Germany – to say nothing else.

What impresses here is the use of the adverb “massively”. The Cardinal has been on the front line of this unbelievable controversy, and it is difficult to think he is not constantly in contact with other Bishops and Cardinals about what is going to happen in October.

Therefore, I think that only one of two is happening: either the Cardinal is the target of willed misinformation aimed at inducing the orthodox prelates to lower their guard before the Nuclear Explosion, or – far more probably – the exact contrary is actually taking place: the Bishops will not accept any surprise and will greet the Synod with a massive call for the upholding of Truth. This will make it impossible for Francis to come out with surprise initiatives, and will leave him fully exposed in any attempt to cross the line of orthodoxy.

It is, obviously, far too early to say that this battle is won; but with God's grace, there are now signals that things at least appear to be going in the right direction.

Francis isn't so stupid that he does not know even a Pope is powerless when he attempts to change doctrine. He can, of course, throw a lot of smoke bombs around and truthfully persuade the enemies of Christ that he is on their side. But the attempt to bang his head against the granite wall of the Depositum Fidei in the hope the wall gives way is a different matter altogether, and would most certainly end up with a broken skull at some point.

There is no way to avoid the nuclear confrontation if Francis is set on it. But one wonders how detached from reality a man – and be him the Pope – must be to make such decisions.

We must keep praying. We must remain cautiously optimistic in the final victory of Christ, but without being overconfident as to what will happen. The Cardinal does it very smartly, contributing to the creation of a climate in which no dissent is allowed, and every bishop is expected to stay the course. Five more months of this, and I can hear the boos and public calls of “heretic” if Kasper & Co. dare to make a move. Which, in such a scenario, they might not dare at all.

We must keep praying for a positive outcome of this bally exercise in stupidity called the Synod on the Family. And for the rapid end of the Pontificate that gave us the stupid exercise in stupidity in the first place.


Contra Mundum

The Traditional Catholic Priests has one (actually, two) posts about St Athanasius.

St Athanasius did not declare the Pope deprived of his office. He did not start any “Athanasian” church. He did not care about precedent, either.

St Athanasius did the Catholic thing, and kept doing what had always been done to the end; irrespective of how mad, or weak, or evil the Pope of the day was.

We look today at those years and see a coherent development: Satan tries to destroy the Church. Faithful Catholics react. Satan loses.

However, in those times things were certainly not so linear. For many years, actually a couple of decades, vast part of Christianity must have looked like a nuclear wasteland, the air full of Arian nuclear fallout. It was, certainly, not so easy in those days to believe in the Indefectibility of the Church as we do now.

We do now. We know now. We can now look at two thousand years of history and see the Church surviving every crisis.

Whatever happens in October, do not lose faith. Most importantly, do not expect that a solution must arrive very soon. We may face many years, and perhaps decades, of nuclear wasteland. We live nowadays in times of instant response and instant information, but the Lord does not seem to think in this way. When the Blessed Virgin of Quito says that she will intervene when everything seems lost, this certainly does not mean “a couple of days after a devastating announcement”.

This is not how it has worked in the past.  In the past faithful have been expected to live in die in their faith, no matter what; and to trust in the Divine Help for the church on earth, when God finds it fitting. 

If the Kasper hits the Synod, we may be asked to do the same: live and die in our battle.

But how better our situation will be than the on in which the contemporaries of Athanasius found themselves.

Athanasius famously said that if the world was against him, then he was against the world.  He had no precedent. Never had a crisis of such magnitude presented itself in the life of the Church. 

We have at least this big precedent, and we must prepare ourselves as October nears; then never was the good Roman saying si vis pacem, para bellum as fitting as it is in this situation.

If the world goes against us, let us answer like Athanasius.  


Not Much Of An Apostolate




I must have written (indirectly, at least) about the initiative in the UK of the hundreds of priests who have signed a petition to urge the Synod Fathers not to sell out in October (no matter what pressure they get from the Evil Clown; that’s not in the petition, but take it from me). 

A similar initiative has been launched in the USA in the last weeks. Father Z has the story and the updates. 

The updates make for very interesting reading. As the number of priests rapidly swelled to 775, as I write this to the 775 priests only correspond four bishops. With around 40,000 priests in the US, we are moving towards 2% of the priests. But if we consider that there are around 440 bishops  (including the retired and the auxiliaries, none of them prevented from signing the petition) we see that bishops have been very slow to join the campaign and below 1% at the time of writing. More interestingly, we see that when there is an initiative meant to draw a line in the sand concerning Our Lord’s teaching, US priests are, on the whole, (bad as their average quality probably is) around double as zealous as their own bishops, who are supposed to be the successors of the Apostles; and one wonders of which one many of them are the successor.

It will be interesting to follow this statistics as October nears. Of course, the petition does not mean that those who do not sign are Kasperites, but it certainly means that very many of those who sign are not going to comply with whatever nonsense is going to come out of the Synod. It might also mean that many priests or bishop do not see the danger of a nuclear explosion in October, which is frighteningly naive even assuming it is not disingenuous.

We must intensify our prayers that Francis will not push the nuclear button in October. But the more priests and bishops show him what is what, the better it is for everyone. 







Synod: More Gauntlets Are Being Thrown Down

Let's see if it gets picked up...

Let’s see if Francis picks it up…

As the Synod approaches, the signals multiply that the dreamed-of pacific acceptance of the Heresy of Kasper is a fantasy for pot-smoking liberal prelates. 

The last ones are a string of influential religious and Catholic thinkers, clearly drawing a line in the sand. The link is here.  In short, they are four: Father Brian Harrison, O.S.; Joseph Matt of The Wanderer, ( I think this is the cousin of the excellent Michael Matt of the “Remnant”, already well-known to the readers of this effort); Professor Robert Spaemann, a German theologian; and Father José Granados, another theologian who is, interestingly, also well-connected with the Vatican machine. 

I invite you to read the article and follow the four in detail. I notice here that I never noticed the “Wanderer” as a publication fighting for orthodoxy in the muscular way I would love to see around (the “Remnant” is, if you ask me, of a different caliber altogether). Still, the Wanderer not only reminds the Pope of the teaching of the Church, but it – in the message, if not in the words – defy him to come out with a robust defence of the teaching of the Church come October. The letter is here

All of them make very important considerations, but the most brutally frank is, if you ask me, Father Harrison. He goes so far as to state the following words:

I feel I should conclude this talk by going on record as stating that I myself, with the help of God, will never profane the Sacrament of Penance and violate my own conscience by giving a sacrilegious absolution to someone in that situation, no matter what higher authority in the Church might tell me to do so. May God, through the mighty protection and intercession of Saint Joseph, Head of the Holy Family, preserve his Church from endorsing Cardinal Kasper’s iniquitous revisionist proposal.

This, my friends, is a gauntlet all right, and I can hear the “thump” as it falls on the ground.

Let us see who within the Church – be he a priest, a bishop, a cardinal, or a shameless Pope prostituting his office for the sake of popularity – has the nerve to pick it up. They must know, however, that before any eternal punishment – in which they obviously do not believe – they will be confronted with a savage battle on this earth, as they are refused obedience to their heresy and impiousness.

Francis, Kasper & Co. are drunken fools if they think that they can explode a nuclear device in October and see the waters calm down after a week or two of mumblings of dissatisfaction.

He who starts a nuclear war must deal with the nuclear fallout. At the end of which not him, but the Church, will emerge victorious.

We need more of these gauntlets. The more they are, the more improbable the nuclear conflict becomes.

October is going to be our Cuban Missile Crisis.

We must not let the Commies win.



Finding A Job For Francis

There is an excellent blog post from Louie Verrecchio imagining what Francis would say if he were… a Catholic interested in Catholicism instead of a faithless, wordly old man interested in his own self-aggrandisement. I suggest you click here and read the post in its entirety.

I would like here to develop a bit on the point and wonder whether this disgrace of a Pope could not see in environmental issues a way to achieve popularity the easy way.

We all know Francis has already put a huge bomb under the chair of the Church, but the reaction of sincere Catholics who actually believe in heaven and hell defused the bomb before the explosion. The following months showed even to the most stupid (and Francis is not so stupid) that a huge conflict awaits him if he pulls a stunt in Kasper style next October. The events in October also indicate that this here is not a brave man; and we already know that he is a real Jesuit, intended here in the usual meaning of “sly, oily, slippery, accommodating little piece of work”.

What is, then, such a man to do? Could it not be that faced with the choice of being remembered as the Pope of Destruction or the Pope of the Environment, he would choose the second role and a quiet life?

Francis might be content with becoming the Apostle Of Mother Earth. The White Mandela for the stupid masses looking for the World Uncle. The Friend Of The Squirrels. You get the point.

This is easy to do, and not fraught with the potential for self-destruction a Kasperite Campaign starting in October would have not for the Church (which is Indefectible) but for his own very backside.

The issue of the environment would allow him to reach both these objectives: self-promotion among the unthinking masses, and avoidance of a nuclear conflict that could well destroy him in the reputation, if not in the office.

A Pope lives of his being seen as the spiritual guide of Catholics. As the spiritual guide of hippies amidst the ferocious condemnation of Catholics no Papacy has ever been, is, or will ever be worth a dime. And yes, the world at large would still recognise who are the Catholics; even – actually, first of all – those who insult them all the time.

I do not know what the man thinks. I think he is cunning, but I do not think he is intelligent. Actually, he seems to me clearly less endowed than average in that department. He might well feel safe in October, and perhaps use his own environ-mental popularity overdose to think he can pull the Kasper-stunt without danger. But this is rather far-fetched, and contrasts with the obvious CV of a man who was, all his life, not prone to vocal conflict, particularly when dangerous to him. Francis always went for the easy way: the populist rhetoric, the Pinocchio masses, the rides on the bus, the ecu-maniacal stunts, all that pleases the crowds, without ever risking being transferred to the Tierra Del Fuego.

Enviro-Idiot. That would be one possible role for Francis, particularly if it helps him to spare us a nuclear conflict of communion for adulterers. He might well warm to the job. I even hope he will, so that his mind is occupied – and his ego satisfied – elsewhere. Until we get freed from his presence, and pray and hope that a better successor will be given to tend to us.

How we have fallen. Reduced to hope that a Pope might be inducing by wordly popularity to forgive Christ a tad less, or not spit to his face like a mad Roman soldier…

One day all this will be gone. Let’s hope that day comes soon.



Anti-Kasper Book Receives Church In Poland’s Official Endorsement

“Remaining in the Truth of Christ”, the “five Cardinals' book” already the object of the famous “raid” at the Vatican (where manipulation, theft, and lies are nowadays called “mercy”) is now available in the Polish version, and carries the endorsement of the Polish Bishop's Conference.

One cannot imagine many warning shots clearer and louder than this one. Instead of expressing themselves in favour of the Sacrament in single statements, the Polish Bishops endorse the entire book, en bloc.

Let us skip the niceties here, and let us say straight who the addressee of the endorsement is: the Unholy Father himself, as he lives and… eats. It is not really thinkable that the Bishops would make such a statement merely to slap a couple of German prelates. Rather, they are putting their very face on the line, and stating clearly that they are compelled to defend Christ's teaching wherever the attack may come from.

It would be beautiful if other Bishops' Conferences would follow the example, but I doubt there will be any other takers. In the chaotic hours after the homosexual Relatio post disceptationem the Poles were exemplary, other Western Bishops' Conferences certainly weren't.

It is good that these warnings are sent. Si vis pacem, para bellum. Those within the Church who are ready to fight and to fight hard – and to fight hard against the Pope, if needs be – can do nothing better than to say it out loud, and let whoever has ears to hear.

The other way – the naive hope that there is no need for such warnings, because they could be interpreted as hostile to the Unholy Father; who, being a nice chap, doesn't want to do anything naughty anyway… – only emboldens the enemy; and yes, I am talking of Francis. I do not think the Polish bishops have many illusions as to who the enemy is. They do not say it openly, of course, but it's clear enough.

Francis understands very well the universal language of a – metaphorical – punch on the nose. Last October he showed how ready he was to backpedal, though not without some bitching to let us know how cross he was. But the bitching was merely the petty revenge of the bad loser: in the end he knew what he had to do, and he caved in to the pressure because he immediately realised he could not afford a massive conflict with his own bishop.

This, my friends, is the way. Those prelates who still care for their own salvation must keep sending warnings, and at the same time put their face on the line: if given the choice between remaining in the truth of Christ and selling out to the lies of Francis, they won't choose Francis.



“Iota Unum Non Praeteribit”: Remaining Faithful In The SHTF Scenario

You get the drift...

You get the drift…


The text below is part of a comment I have received, from the faithful reader Akita:

What of all the children who would suffer because the Church, who should be their protectress, enables divorce and remarrying, saying their remarried parent is A-Okay–nothing to see here folks! All the poor, faithful abandoned spouses! It’s utter insanity and chaos looming.

If all the above comes to pass, (and I’m not kidding myself that homosexuals in drag and the divorced and remarried have not already received Holy Communion by renegade priests) and doctrine does change, because praxis changes, how is the deposit of faith maintained?

Okay, it has not happened yet, and I am praying mightily against modernism, but it’s as if all of Catholicism is holding their breath, waiting for the results of the next Synod.

I found this very interesting, and would like to make an observation or two as to how we should react in the unfortunate, but not inconceivable case that the SHTF.

A) The Church cannot say that it is fine to divorce and remarry. Individual priests, bishops and even Popes may say that, but they would be heretical and sacrilegious. If many of them say so, many of them are heretical and sacrilegious.

Mind: no matter how many priests, bishops or Popes are heretical and sacrilegious, the Church teaching does not change. The teaching of the Church cannot change more than 2+2 can make 5. Bad teachers do not get to rewrite the rules and facts of their subject matter,

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. (Matthew 5:18)

In Latin:

Amen quippe dico vobis, donec transeat cælum et terra, iota unum, aut unus apex non præteribit a lege, donec omnia fiant.

The iota (i) was the smallest letter in Greek and Hebrew. “Not one iota” means “not the smallest thing”.

This, my friends, we must keep in mind every day and every moment. Not.One.Iota.

B) I am under no illusion in many countries (Germany, says) sacrilege happens every Sunday, en masse. Does this change anything in the Eucharist? No. Not one iota. Will God punish the priest and (un)faithful insulting Him in this way? Bar repentance, most certainly. Has the doctrine changed? No. Not one iota. Has the doctrine changed if thousands of priests do the same? No. Not one iota. Has the doctrine changed if, every Sunday, every single faggot and dyke breathing in Germany stands in line to “receive” Communion? No. Not one iota. Will the faggots and dykes, and the priests abetting them, and all those accessory to their sins with their own “inclusiveness” be punished for that according to God’s justice? Bar repentance, most certainly.

C) The concept of “doctrinal change” is non-existent. It is an oxymoron. When orthodox priests and cardinals say to the press that to change the discipline means to change the doctrine means simply this: that you cannot claim that you are following the doctrine if your praxis gives the lie to your claim. The rules of mathematics cannot change. Neither can Church doctrine.

D) The Deposit of Faith is maintained as it was always maintained: by transmitting to those who will come after us the truths we ourselves have received from those who came before us. Tradidi quod et accepi, “I have transmitted what I (myself) have received”.

In concrete, the one or other will notice that his priest is not interested in avoiding sacrilege as much as he reasonably can, and subscribes to the “radical Neo=Paganism” (bishop Athanasius Schneider) of the new Religion of Mercy. Means allowing, time for another parish, I would say. If you are 104 years old, have stopped driving during the Reagan administration and have no means to drive or be driven to a sound parish, offer it up to the Lord but do not stop attending Mass if you reasonable think the consecration is valid.

Many others will notice that their priest remains steadfast. The beauty of the Deposit of Faith is this, that it can’t be tampered with. You can’t twist it to let it say what you want it to say, like political slogans and tenets. No one who is vigilant can ever be deceived; actually, only those can be deceived who want to.

The doctrine can never be changed. There can never be an issue of “the Church has changed her doctrine”; this talking is BBC hogwash. What can happen, is that even inside the Church heresy and desecration are ripe, and clergy abandon Doctrine to follow heresy.

Let those who feel inclined to do so reap what they sowed. But we, dear readers, we will transmit what we ourselves have received.

It may be our lot to die in the middle of a paganised world, and with the daily sight of a raped Bride in front of us. If this is so, then let us die in the faith of the Lord, and in the sure knowledge that the rape will not remain unpunished. 


The Heresy Debate

There is on the NCR a disquieting interview to the disquieting Austin Ivereigh.

In it, Mr Ivereigh tries to absolve Francis from the accusation of actively promoting the Kasperian heresy, but in doing so depicts a papacy that is every bit as heretical and subversive as he denies it is.

Take this phrase:

What do you think is the Pope’s general view of the synod?

It’s a misreading to see Pope Francis as seeking to impose a concrete solution to anything. He sees himself as initiating and overseeing a process, which is basically of the Holy Spirit. His own criteria for discernment are: If you get people together who are faithful to the magisterium, who speak boldly from their own experience and listen humbly to each other, and you give the process sufficient time for a proper discernment, then, if there is a convergence at the end of it, you can be confident that is of the Holy Spirit.

If this is what the Pope thinks, I ask for the privilege of being the one who sets fire to the stake. This would be a Pope who thinks: “let us call together who are orthodox today and, if they wake up heretics tomorrow hey, it's the Holy Spirit”.

In the same vein, the entire interview is made as if discussions about fundamentals of the Faith were something permissible, or even good. Read the rest on the interview there and you will see what the drift is.

If Francis is as bad as that, whether he is in favour of this or that particular heresy or sacrilege or abomination is merely an incidental problem, the byproduct of a general issue. If Francis is as bad as that, we simply have a Pope who considers Truth disposable, provided it is disposed of by people whom he considers “sound” before agreeing on some new heresy.

This is insane.

But mind, this is what a journalist says who is defending him from the accusation of promoting a heretical agenda!

Seriously, what has become of us? Is anyone still sober around Catholic magazines?

The Catholic discourse has decayed so much, it has fallen to such an abject level of ignorance that one cannot even recognise any element of Catholicism in it. This is like reading the magazine of the Chinese Communist Party, articles written by people who pretend to be communist for the benefit of people who pretend to read them.

There can be no debate about heresy, desecration, abuse of Sacraments, whatever goes clearly against the Depositum Fidei. There can be no good in a Pope thinking, even for a second, of proposing such a debate. There can be no way or mechanism or triple salto by which Truth can be changed. There can be no way a Pope thinks a madness like that and is not the enemy number one of the Church, and Satan's most helpful chess piece on the chessboard.

What has become of us.


Cardinal Pell Sounds The Catholic Trumpet Again

You can almost hear the Cavalry charging....

Cardinal Pell has given another example of a Cardinal who has no qualms in saying very publicly what is wrong with Modernism. He does not say “with Francis”, but considering that Francis was now confirmed to be behind the disgraceful Relatio post disceptationem it is clear who is the principal addressee of his intervention.

Cardinal Pell’s post is so pithy, that you will read it in perhaps a minute. But he punches hard, for sure.

I keep being unable to see how Francis can even think of trying to see his revolutionary agenda sanctioned at the next Synod. He might as well fall on the sword. It is very obvious there will be a huge counterreaction if he tries another stunt like he did in October.




Cardinal Marx’s Schism Threat Reeks Of Desperation

Coldly looking down on Catholicism: Cardinal Marx.

I will leave it to another post to comment on the open threat of Schism that Cardinal Marx has formulated, and that was everywhere yesterday evening. The words used by the Cardinal are so provocative, so unbelievably stupid that they deserve a detailed “copy and paste” I cannot do now.

What I notice here, though, is that the unworthy, schismatic Cardinal would not even think of formulating such threats if he had some founded, realistic hope that the Synod will, less than eight months from now, substantially accommodate the heretical requests of Prostitution & Simony Inc, aka the Church in Germany.

If, therefore, the heretical line has no chance to pass, a schism will have to be threatened and, possibly, put in place. Not officially, of course, but unofficially: exactly as the Dutch did with the notorious “Dutch Schism”, which ravaged the Dutch Church from the mid-Sixties to the beginning of the Eighties and delivered to Catholicism in the Netherlands a blow from which it never recovered. On that occasion, the Dutch started doing everything the “Liberal Presbyterian” way, but stopped short of saying “we are officially in Schism”. No doubt, Marx & Co. are planning to do exactly the same. This will not be an easy task (I am sure there are plenty of Catholics left in Germany), but it is feasible seen the very strong tendency of the German people to follow the Obrigkeit without questioning, and even to the point of self-destruction. I have already written that this man should be defrocked. It is clear I was right.

Still, the main point here is another one: it appears that Cardinal Marx is throwing the towel on the Synod.

This makes sense. The idea of an open clash of worldwide proportions is not viable for anyone but the maddest of pothead Popes. Francis knows that such an atomic mushroom would atomise his Pontificate. His lío does not extend to self-destruction.

We have seen last October, in the clearest possible way, that If Francis sees that the revolution cannot be accomplished without grave harm to himself – make no mistake: he does not care a straw for Christ or Truth – there will be no revolution. In the months since October he has tried to push his heretical, unChristian, sacrilegious agenda, but he has clearly met with strong resistance both and public and – it can be safely assumed – private. The signs are multiplying that he is about to give up on the project, fearful of months of negative barrage before the Synod.

Mind: we do not know what goes on in the head of a man who thinks it a capital feat to steal a crucifix from the hands of a dead man, admitted to smoking marijuana and had once found a stash of it on his luggage when he was Archbishop, has a notorious heretic as a spokesman for the English speaking Countries, lives under the roof of a homosexual, finds it normal to consort with Trannies, and the like. We do not know. The man is just a walking disgrace.

But that he is so detached from reality that he does not understand in what troubles he will put himself if he keeps running head on towards a very hard wall: that, perhaps, he has understood.





Meet The Papal Thieves

Father Z has it in English, and has the original in German.

In the wake of the October Synod, around 200 copies of the well-known “Remaining in the Truth of Christ” are sent to as many bishop using the Italian postal service. Only two or three reach their addressees, all the others simply disappear.

Whatever you want to say of the Italian postal service: no, it isn’t as bad as that, at all.

Now a journalist, Manfred Ferrari, has information, and makes names: the books have obviously arrived to the Vatican post office, and have been stolen from there to prevent them from being handed to the Bishops.

The journalist makes the name of the person allegedly behind it: Cardinal Baldisseri.

This, my dear reader, is theft, and who has organised this is a thief. Let us see what Cardinal Baldisseri has to say about this, if he deigns to say a word after such a grave episode, and such grave accusations of what must be, even in Argentina (but perhaps not in Bergoglioland?), a very grave offence.

What kind of people these apostles of mercy are! Bullying hypocrites like Father Rosica; vulgar thugs like his Basilian confrere, Father Scott; and now apparently even thieves, not ashamed of stealing en masse from their own bishops!

But then again what do you expect when the Merciful In Chief is a man who brags of stealing a crucifix from the hands of a dead man, and considers such feat absolutely brilliant and worthy of a wink-wink of admiration.

What a walking canalisation these people are. And the brashness, the sheer arrogance of how they go on about their business, safe in the knowledge of the protection of their own disgraceful superiors, is what angers the most.

Whoever did this did not do it to help the line of the five Cardinals (read: Catholicism). Whoever did this must have been high enough to be able to order something like that and enforce obedience. Whoever did this either did it with Francis’ explicit approval, or he did it in the knowledge that upon knowing the facts Francis would have smiled on his “entrepreneurial spirit”.

A bunch of bullies, boors, and thieves. Starting from the very top. This is the Vatican as we write the year of the Lord 2015.




The Strategic-“Penitential” Retreat

Ariccia and its bridge. You can see the protections added to avoid suicides.

Ariccia and its bridge. You can see the protections added to avoid suicides.


You will ask why no nonsense from Francis was published today.

The answer is that it appears the man has gone in mini-retreat in Ariccia, a nice place outside Rome (note here: not Castengandolfo; that’s too much “Renaissance Prince”), with some of his bravi.

This one being a Jesuit, it is sold as a “penitential retreat”. Which, seen that we aren’t stupid, means that it is a strategic retreat to discuss in peace and without unwanted ears with his fedelissimi about what to do in the months to come.



I am often a tad too optimist, but I smell the pungent atmosphere of the film “The Downfall” here. Please consider that for one Cardinal Sarah who shoots with the cannon in all openness, there will be many who let their more discreet, but no less clear message come to the ear of the Unholy Father: you are playing with fire, and you won’t get away with it.

What to do, then? Continue with the “offensive of mercy” and hope both the bishops and the laity decide it’s the convenient thing to do, therefore they will support Francis? Or elaborate an elegant exit plan, by which the social issues and bla bla are slowly allowed to completely take the place of the Communion For Adulterers row?

We shall see.

Ariccia is very famous for two things: the porchetta and the bridge. The first is a traditional pork roast, of which the place is the undisputed capital. The second is a very tall, actually beautiful bridge, once notorious (and still known) for the suicides, and aptly called by the people “ponte dei suicidi”.

porchetta ariccia

I do not doubt Francis will sample with gusto from the first. As to the second, no, I do not wish that to anyone. Not even to Father Rosica, who might well be present at the retreat to explain to the Holy father how his lawsuit against poor Mr Domet will be a wonderful example of fight against “careerism, arrogance, hypocrisy, corruption and being too judgmental instead of merciful”.

The only thing I know, is that none of the present will get out of it one ounce more Catholic.


Cardinal Sarah Gives A Stern Warning To Francis


Cardinal Sarah

Cardinal Sarah


Read on Rorate Caeli the news of Cardinal Sarah openly warning Francis & Co. about the heresy of detaching the Magisterium from pastoral practice.

His words are brutally clear, and I quote them here again. The emphasis is, I think, Rorate’s.

“The idea that would consist in placing the Magisterium in a nice box by detaching it from pastoral practice — which could evolve according to the circumstances, fads, and passions — is a form of heresy, a dangerous schizophrenic pathology. I affirm solemnly that the Church of Africa will firmly oppose every rebellion against the teaching of Christ and the Magisterium.”

To call the “theology on his knees” “heresy” and “dangerous, schizophrenic pathology” is, I think, as clear as any word ever pronounced by Cardinal Burke himself. The clear mention that the Church in Africa will “firmly oppose every rebellion” drives another concept home: we will oppose rebellion even if headed by the Pope.

Cardinal Sarah is another one who decided to warn Francis before he does something extremely stupid, instead of waiting for him to do so and then complaining.

One can hope many others will follow his example in the months to come.


Cardinal Kasper Officially In The Tradition Of Luther.

Read on the last stunning declaration of Cardinal “theology on his knees”, “serene and profound” Kasper. The man happily lumps together, “in various ways”, St Thomas Aquinas and Martin Luther; because hey, in Kirchesteuer-Land Luther must be “included” in the “great tradition” of Christian Charity.

Said from a Cardinal, it is every bit as bad as if a German politician would include Hitler in the great tradition of German welfare.

Why does this disgraceful Cardinal utters such philo-heretical nonsense? Has he gone gaga? No, of course he hasn't.

You see, Kasper and his are the providers of immoral services to the German johns who pay the Kirchesteuer but do not even attend Mass. I read an article on the Catholic Herald giving some sobering numbers, and they were around so: for every three who pay, two do not even attend Sunday Mass anymore; and the number of those attending halved in the last 25 years or so.

These people are, in general, of the “I decide who God is” kind. They are divorced and remarried, or contracepting, or fornicating without a shade of remorse, and are otherwise so sold into the fable of their own “goodness” and “inclusiveness” that even a distancing of the Church from Luther is seen from many of them as uncharitable, oppressive, and otherwise obsolete. Many of them are believers of the “I believe in some sort of entity” way, some are certainly atheists. I have known many of them. Christianity in them is nothing but the thinnest varnish.

These are johns who do not even sleep with the prostitute they are paying, but they will insist for the prostitute to remain such for them to continue paying. Any sign of the prostitute's redemption would be cause of termination of the payment for many, many johns.

Now put yourself in the shoes of the Head Pimps: Kasper, Marx, Woelki, and the like. They must keep the customer satisfied. They must reassure the paying johns they won't be annoyed with Catholic talking or teaching. They must create an environment in which everyone is fine with everyone else, and Luther has an awful lot of good to teach. They must lull their clients in the illusion that as long as they continue paying it doesn't matter if they think Luther was a capital chap after all. Actually, they are encouraged to think this is very inclusive, ecumenical, charitable and, in general, very fine. This is the first game Kasper is playing.

The other game is the wink-wink game, a German speciality. These prelates all say to their paying clients: “see? There are things I cannot officially say, or cannot officially implement; but I will do whatever I can to accommodate you. If I win, I win. If I lose, please look at my battle for you and keep paying”. This is the “communion for adulterers”, “married priests”, “female priests”, and now also “same sex marriage”, meme that has gone on for many years all over the German speaking world.

The result of all this can be reassumed with two words linked by a hyphen: kar-ching.

Cardinal Kasper is not a surprise.

He is in the tradition of the oldest profession in the world.



“Dissenters”, And The Slandering Of Orthodoxy

Ah, words!

How powerful they are with the simple! How many of the latter there are!

Cardinal Wuerl has now made clear what the strategy of the Modernist faction (led by TMAHICH) against orthodox Catholics (factually led by the SSPX, and by Cardinal Burke in the Conciliar camp) in the months leading to October will be: comparing them to “dissenters”.

Wuerl’s aim is transparent enough: leveraging on the love for orthodoxy of your common Catholic to create an aura of rebellion around those who defend Catholic orthodoxy, whilst letting the heretics appear orthodox because the Pope sides with them.

Mind, Cardinal Wuerl makes no names concerning who the “dissenting” brother bishops are: but Cardinal Burke and Bishop Schneider immediately come to mind, together with the five Cardinals who authored “Remaining in the Truth of Christ”. Others have also spoken, but I think these seven are the main targets.

Will it work? Nope. Catholicism is a very strong plant, not easily eradicated from the West. Those who are instructed in Catholicism will not fall in the stupid trap. The stupid will, but they were lost anyway.

Now the problem of Wuerl, Francis and all the other heretics is this: they can certainly make an impression on the masses by telling them what they want to believe, but Catholicism is not a democracy. There will always be enough bishops, priests and laymen to utterly expose the lie, and cause a nuclear conflict that defies the scope of the rebellion on day one; because there will always be a compact front of true Catholics making it impossible for the others to claim that “the church has changed”. And I am talking of the West here. In Africa and vast part of Asia, the heretics have lost already.

Everyone knows what reality is. Even the most stubborn divorced-and-remarried, communion-taking activists will be forced to recognise that a heretical hierarchy had to pretend the rules have changed in order to accommodate them. There is no escaping facts, however loud you shout.

The slandering of orthodoxy has just found a new term, and who knows whether, perhaps, many more will be found until the High Noon showdown at the Synod. But it will never work.

If Francis thinks he can ram heresy down the throat of Catholic faithfuls and have them swallow it whole, he is very much deluded. His lies will be eagerly accepted by all those in desperate need of hearing what they know are lies, but all the others will atomise his pontificate both in life and in death.

Oil your guns, fellow orthodox Catholics. Come October you may have to use them day in and day out in your warfare against heresy from the highest place.

Christus Vincit. Christus Regnat. Christus Imperat.


Winds Of War






The usual Rorate Caeli has a beautiful contribution about a document published by the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, which is an organisation (a sort of club, seems to me) including some 600 priests and deacons, presumably not necessarily of the Rad Trad sort.

This document is beautiful in many ways. It is as clear-cut as you never read in typical V II priestly documents, and it is short and pithy so that it can be easily spread around; but most importantly, it contains what can only be seen as an open warning to Francis and his subversive cabal.

This is one of those moments that make it a consolation to run a Catholic blog. As I was reading the text I had the very clear impression that Francis has zero chances of wreaking havoc with the Sacraments without the sort of civil war that will, with all probability, destroy his papacy in life and after death. It was like listening to Aida’s war song: “Guerra! Guerra! Guerra, guerra, guerra!!”

He may well be intentioned to stage another big attack on Catholicism in October. But the real question is whether he will do so in the full knowledge of the consequences for his own Papacy. My impression continues to be that Francis is a paper tiger, and a first-class opportunist. He was tested last October, and put in front of the choice between nuclear conflict and caving in, he chose to cave in and bitch around about how we have one year to grow, or mature, or whatever it was. He may have thought that one year would give him more opportunity to organise himself, but this applies to the Catholic side too.

Francis is cunning, but he is not smart. Hey, he isn’t even able to control himself in front of a microphone. But some of those around him are probably smarter. They know that if Francis attacks, following him may well mean the loss of power, office or even habit when Francis dies. This is a calculation Francis does not really need to make, but they do. They will, when the moment of truth comes, have to make decisions impacting what they hope will still be a long career. I wonder how many will be ready to jump on Francis’ pirate vessel, or rapidly abandon ship when the enemy cannons are in sight.

Francis, on the other hand, is almost eighty. He is as vain as a fifteen-year old girl at her worst. Like her, he is ready to bitch about everyone but is not really willing to have his popular nose smashed hard. He wants to enjoy his years as Pope to the full. His vanity asks to be fed more insistently than the plant in the “little shop of horrors”, and grows possibly even faster. This is not a recipe for an ideological battle.

Che Guevara, bastard as he was, was ready to die every day for his cause, and did not care a straw of what people thought of him. Had he done so, he would have remained in Cuba, basking in his popularity and trying not to rock the boat. But he wasn’t that kind of man, you see. His uncompromising revolutionary stance is what gave him a following of armed desperadoes equally ready to die.

Where is Francis uncompromising revolutionary stance? Where are the desperadoes ready to follow him with no thought of consequences? A head clown running a manège of ambitious circus tools does not seem to me great material for the battle he would have to fight.

If you ask me, Francis will not have his wish. At least, I mean, if the opposition to heresy organises itself and makes its voice heard, as I think it is clearly happening both overtly and covertly. There will be no “growth” in stupidity. The stupid and opportunist would follow him until the going gets tough, but the tough guys (and gals) will bury his papacy.

When the time of having his nose smashed comes, he will prefer to limit himself to some whining and bitching.