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The “H” Word Starts Going Around. Heretics Terrified.

Act of faith. In Spanish, Auto da fe.

And it came to pass Ross Douthat had a generally excellent article (which you will google without difficulty) on the Final Relatio, and repeating concepts yours truly – and more and more others, thanks be to God – are now repeating: the Catholic side won, the heretics were defeated, and the proceedings were influenced by the fact that the Evil Clown himself (he did not use that terms; I think he used “pope”) bats with the heretics.

Now, if it is Yours Truly writing all these simple facts, not many notice. But if it is the New York Times, there will be some big waves.

Promptly, the heretical squad reacted to such a scandalous truthful writing. The whining and bitching went up to the sky (or down to hell), and a squad of heretical, whining, bitching teachers reminded Mr Douthat that being called a heretic can have consequences for those so called.

I am afraid the risk is very little. Which is exactly where the problem lies.

Not only truth cannot change, but truth has just been reaffirmed – in the weak, PC way so typical of V II – even after three weeks of massive papal pressure and relentless Vatican PR propaganda. It is now the time to start using the “H” word far more often, and start demanding that heretics be silenced, defrocked, and cast in the rubbish bin of Catholicism.

The scandal caused by these wayward, evil people has now made it to the mainstream secular press. We must keep the pressure. We must call a heretic a heretic. We must make this the narrative, that heretics are heretics. Not that heretics have won, which they haven't, or that they are winning, which they aren't.

We must toss the “H” word around liberally whenever appropriate. We must question the right of heretics to be priests, bishops, cardinals, teachers and, if push comes to shove, popes. When we do so, and the Catholic blogosphere and fora are inundated of people using the “h” word without qualms, the weak bishops will be encouraged to be less weak, and we might hear stronger words of orthodoxy.

The situation is so, that it is not reasonable to expect from our weak V II bishops that they lead the counteroffensive against heresy. It is clear by now they are willing to stop it in its tracks, but they are not willing to go over it with the steamroller. The laity must rise in the defence of orthodoxy and start attacking heresy. At some point, more and more bishops will find the guts to follow.

Aiutati, che Dio t'aiuta. Help yourself, and God will help you. We help yourself by helping our weak bishops to stand out for orthodoxy, not by writing around that they have caved in to heresy – which is not true – and that they are in a Catholic Alamo surrounded by heretics playing the de guello. If you keep spreading this lie, at some point it will become the truth, because if you concede victory to the defeated at some point the defeated will start claiming victory in all seriousness, you will believe him.

We have won. They have lost.

It wasn't a victory that will be sung in the centuries to come.

Let's start working on one.



Synods, Politics, And The Catenaccio.

The man most linked with the Catenaccio: Nereo Rocco.

Firstly, let me say that out of the last four wars, Italy has lost only one. And the one it has lost, it has lost because the US were on the other side. Like, well, pretty much everyone else. I will also notice, en passant, that the great Erwin Rommel absolutely loved Italian soldiery.

Having extracted this little pebble from my patriotic shoe, I will move to the important part of this blog post: politics.

I know, I know: there should be no compromise in the fight against heresy. But if we do not understand how politics works, of course we do not understand what is happening.

Out of 40 years of experience I can tell you that the Vatican politics is very, very Italian. Not, mind, XXI-Century Italian. Rather, it is very much XX Century Italian, Democrazia Cristiana-style. This kind of politics was difficult to understand for an Anglosaxon or a German, which is why neither ever understood how it worked.

This kind of politics had no harsh confrontations. No big proclamations of victory, defeat, joy, or disappointment. It was based on the principle that – in a world dominated by long-term professional politics – all the actors would have to live together for a long time, and would therefore never cross certain invisible boundaries, certain unwritten but very real rules of behaviour. In this world, the winner never humiliated the loser, and actualky he would never run the risks of pushing big – the precondition for winning big – in the first place. Victories could be clear, but they were hushed, and never total. Defeats could be clear, but they were never humiliating, and never total, too. The knives were never out. A great contrast with, say, even the Italian political landscape that came later, starting from the Nineties.

The Vatican works – like it or not – like the Democrazia Cristiana. All actors want to be there – like it or not – for the long term. Their way of winning and losing is – like it or not – different from yours. It has no proclaims, no great announcements. It is an internal matter as much as a public one. Everyone knows what has happened, and this is enough for them. They will say it. They won't shout it. The texts will state what is what. But they will never go full gas in one direction or another. Those politicians will also not seek the destruction of the enemy, because they fear consequences for themselves. But they will go for the victory on the point anyway. They will still draw a line you can't cross. But they won't go for your jugular. Not even if you are a Communist. I never liked the system. But I was also never blind to it.

Today's earthly Church, my friends, isn't Sparta. This is a black, red and purple Democrazia Cristiana, at all levels; and the head of the party is on the wrong side.

Foreigners don't get this. They don't get the Italian corridors. They don't even get when Italians – or people who think like them – are being smart. For decades, they thought Italy – the most stabile political system in Western Europe for 50 years – was an unstable country because of mere exteriors to which Italians did not gave any big importance, like the well-known fact that Italy often changed its Primo Ministro. Fools. They measured the Italian Metric system with their Imperial tools, and were surprised they did not get anywhere.

The very same is happening now. Those who got – or lived – a system akin to the Democrazia Cristiana and the soft Italian politics of the time immediately “get” what has happened, because they know how the system works. They know who has won. They know how they have won. They know that the losers very well know who has won. They know that there will be no steamrollers, and no parades. Remember, the enemy is in charge of the party, and the party grandees are no heroes at all. They are in for the long term.

The others are, it seems to me, struggling to understand. Like Germans after the football match, they will complain that the victory wasn't a sonorous 3-0. They do not get that at the Synod, the players got together and decided that it would be a 1-0 victory, limited but clear enough, and all three points for them; but no 3-0 or 4-0, because the manager sides with the other team, and they do not want to lose their contract. Like it or not, this is the way it works in the age of V II. This Church has no Spartans. I thank God she still has, at least, smart Democristiani. Democristiani, by the way, can, if push comes to shove, screw you all right anyway. But they will use a lot of Vaseline, and will say to the press it was just a suppository, inserted in full harmony with your wishes, and in a spirit of collaboration and fraternal mutual help.

Now don't get me wrong. I understand what has happened, but I do not approve of it. To remain by the football metaphor, I think heresy should be dealt with in the same way as Germany dealt with Brazil, pounding at them to the point of complete humiliation and annihilation.

At the same time, I do not live in a fantasy world. I must understand how these things work if I want to understand what is happening. Most certainly I cannot call the outcome of the Synod a defeat purely because the roaring anti-heretical wording was missing.

It wasn't a defeat. It was a victory. It was even a clear victory. It even took away all the crap of the Instrumentum Laboris. What it wasn't, was the 3-0 or, which would have been ideal, the 7-1. The Synod reminds me of the old Italian catenaccio: ugly to look at, more than vaguely cowardly, universally despised. And very, very effective.

Stuff the beautiful game. Bring home the victory. That's all that counts.

But please understand that we live in V II times. Do not pretend to think that Pius X is Pope. A heretic is Pope. This isn't the First Crusade. This is the Democrazia Cristiana. It will not turn into Sparta overnight. But it isn't the Communist Party, either.

You may – and I most certainly do – criticise the weakness of this soft approach, and say that heresy does not deserve this soft approach. You may – and I most certainly do – point out to the dangers of such a policy, which leaves the heretics defeated, but still strong and still dangerous. Heavens, how long will the Evil Clown live? How many Cardinal and Bishops will he appoint? By all means, decry all this!

But what you cannot do is to transform this victory in a perceived defeat, thus contributing to its transformation in a real defeat, just because you are not happy with what has happened.

A scant, dirty, 1-0 victory.

After a lot of ugly play, and shameless catenaccio.

And the three points home.


Cardinal Wuerl Admits Defeats

The WSJ obviously understands zippo of Catholicism. But I trust they can print a quote right.

Cardinal Wuerl himself admits defeat, and say the final Relatio has not even a recommendation that communion may be given to adulterers. The WSJ – who understands zippo of Catholicism – goes on to add Francis could do it, but again I do not my Catholicism from Muslims, either.

The facts on the ground are very clear. Cardinal Pell, Cardinal Mueller, Cardinal Burke have also confirmed the fact. Their criticism concerning the ambiguity of the text is extremely welcome, but nowhere they say that the heretics got their way.

In this time of rampant media manipulation,min which reality is shaped by emotionalism and perceptions, it is duty of every blogger, priest or layman, to state the facts as they are:

1) The text does not make ANY concession, NONE WHATSOEVER, to the heretics.

2) The text does so in that usual fluffy, PC obsessed, “nice” way we have been seen continuously since 1963 at the latest.

The events of the last days remind me of one of the main cultural differences between Italy and Germany. N Italy, when the national football teams wins an important game 1-0, with a penalty on the 90th minute, after a horrible, dirty game full of tricks, everyone rejoices. Why? Because victory was achieved. In Germany, everyone complains about the overplayed players, and the horrible game. Why? Because they have very lofty standards, and victory – no matter how scant – is not enough. And because they aren't the solar chaps that we are, of course.

What shall I say. Some people just can't win well. It is more important to them that they feel miserable, and announce the imminent end of the world.



Truth Can Never Change. Adulterers Can Never Receive

Iota unum non praeteribit.

We live in unbelievable times. Therefore, I will have to explain the obvious lest someone has missed it.

The Church has, with St Paul, always believed that adulterers are not allowed to receive communion.

As this is what the Church believes, there are no instruments at disposal of anyone by which they could say that this has been changed.

If the Archangel Gabriel were to come down from heaven this afternoon, shortly before dinner time, and tell you “Good afternoon. God above has just told me that adulterers can now receive communion”, of course you would not believe him.

If a pope – I obviously do not mean this unspeakable ass; I mean a solid, orthodox, pious, prestigious pope – were to wake up one morning and say “God has appeared to me, and He has told me adulterers can now receive communion”, you would immediately call him a heretic, no matter how good he appeared until the evening before.

If a pope – any pope; see above – were to write twelve encyclicals, eighteen papal Bulls, thirty-four motu proprio and ninety-seven apostolic exhortations declaring that adulterers can receive communion and implementing several measures to have the novelty enforced, you would call the pope a heretic, all his documents heretical and not to be believed, much less obeyed, and all those who obey him in this heretics and traitors.

The simple fact is: truth can never change. Therefore, adulterers can never receive Communion.

You might, in the future, hear all sorts of strange stories. For example, if the Evil Clown issues a document following this Synod, he is most certain not to explicitly say that adulterers cannot receive communion. He is also most likely not to repeat in it the Athanasian Creed, or the Our Father.

Guess what? The Athanasian Creed will still be in place, and will not be tacitly abrogated because Francis hasn't mentioned it. The Our Father will still be in force as both prayer and dogmatic statement, because he is both. Communion for adulterers will still be forbidden, because this is what the Church has always believed.

It is astonishing that I have to write such obvious blog posts.

But somehow I think it might help in the times we are about to face.



This Is Not The Place

If you want to decry the end of the Church, this is not the place for it.

If you think that the heretics have now managed to subvert Catholicism into a Kasperite sect, this is not the place for you.

If you get a kick out of defeatism, get your kicks somewhere else.

If you think that 75% of the bishops endorse Kasperism, or are even ready to tolerate it, this is not the blog for you.

If you are one of those who want to give the heretics a victory after they have been defeated – in this battle, of course; they are not extinct – I suggest not only you refrain from commenting, but you avoid this blog altogether.

Go help Satan somewhere else. Not here.

I am very mindful not only of what I write on my blog, but of the way my readers feel when they read it.

I will not allow this stupid self-demolition to make its way in my blog.

If you are one of the blokes mentioned above, this is not the blog for you.

From now on, moderation will be inspired by the chap you see above.




Francis Admits Defeat, Bitches Around, And Promises To Keep Promoting Heresy

“Those damn Catholic bishops have fooled me again…”

Once again, Francis proves a very bad loser. Like last October, when he could not refrain from snide remarks addressed at his bishops, the Evil Clown could not hold his tongue and had to vent his anger at his own guys, culpable of being so unbearably Catholic.

The man conceded defeat, extremely ungraciously, with the following words:

[The Synod had] “laid bare the closed hearts which frequently hide even behind the Church’s teachings or good intentions, in order to sit in the chair of Moses and judge, sometimes with superiority and superficiality, difficult cases and wounded families”.

The old man’s gall must have been about to explode. That’s what orthodoxy does to heretics.

This moment of extreme bitching is truly the litmus test of what has been going on during this pathetic, chaotic, amateurish Synod: Pope tries again and again to break the walls of Catholicism, fails, and is angry. His reputation as “Great Innovator” is now clearly in tatters. He looks like a failure of Jimmy Carter proportions. He has nothing else to do now than keep trying to salvage what he can of his oh so loudly trumpeted revolutionary papacy.

Make no mistake, the man will make further attempts. In fact, I think the next great Heretical Offensive has already started. But this time, my impression is that the battle will not be about changing the rules – which the man is not able to (try to) do together with the bishops, and is not willing to (try to) do alone – but about trying to create an effeminate, emotional, unofficial “parallel church” that does not need to have the rules changed, because the “Spirit” of the rules allows to break them anyway.

We must stay vigilant. The man is Pope, and Popes are dangerous and powerful even when they are so astonishingly incompetent, and stupid to boot, like this one. But I am so glad the man is so obviously incompetent.

The war is raging on. But Francis got a second message that he is facing a rather difficult task. The bishops have run circles around him once again, and whilst they have not dared to openly denounce the heresy it appears heresy has found no ways in. The Evil Clown has to live with it, and finds it difficult.

If I were asked to give him a suggestion, it would be the same one of some day ago: he should wait a while, resign, fly off to Argentina, and hope he gets forgotten.

Alas, I do not think this is what he will do. What I think he will do is keep trying to destroy the Church in any way he can, short of risking deposition and defrocking. He will keep trying, and keep losing, and keep digging his own grave. Because he is stupid, and ignorant, and incompetent, and too stubborn for his own good.

I do not think he will be successful, though I am sure many battles are in front of us. With every failed attempt Francis loses more credibility, and more and more naive supporters abandon him. His own bishops trust him less than a Palestinian used car dealer. They will keep a close watch on everything he does, and he knows it by now very well. If I understood the Bishops properly, and if I have properly interpreted the side events (the 13 Cardinals letter, say; a clear indication that many do not fear the evil wolf, and many of those are among his own key people) deposition and defrocking are still very much in the cards, if the man dares to cross the line of open heresy. The man must know it, and be afraid of it. If it were not so, by this time you would have had Luther beatified.

Francis keeps losing, and he keeps bitching. His pontificate continues on its way to utter ridicule and self-destruction. He is going absolutely nowhere, but he is making a lot of noise as he does so.

Poor stupid old man. I am pretty sure even Satan thinks him a useless ass.


Synod: Do Not Snatch Defeat From The Jaws Of Victory


Help Him to help you.

The day after the end of this mess, I am very worried that justified concerns about the weakness of the text may lead well-intentioned commenters to score self goals and, actually, involuntarily help the enemy.

Texts are texts. We consider them for what they say, not for what other people will pretend that they say. And we read them from a Catholic perspective, because this is what we are. 

The reality on the ground is this: the text does not say that adulterers can be readers at Mass. It does not say that adulterers can be godfathers at Catholic baptisms. It does not say that adulterers can be teachers at Catholic schools. It does not say that adulterers can receive communion. It does not in any way approve of gradualism. It does not in any way modify or deny Familiaris Consortio.  

All these things (the wrong readers, godfathers, teachers) can happen as a heresy-driven pathology and, factually, I am sure they do happen in places. But they happen because there is heretical will at play, not because the Relatio says so. The Relatio does not say any of this in the least. It is even very clear in the necessity to avoid scandal. It is also clear (if rather short) in the rejection of gradualism. But again, a text is not there to explain Catholicism to unbelievers. It merely needs to mention what believers already know. It’s a Relatio for Catholics, not a “comprehensive guide to orthodoxy for German heretics”.  

Cry “defeat against heresy” too much, and this becomes a very dangerous self-fulfilling prophecy. We have not been defeated. We have won. They have lost. 

When the heretics try to distort the text beyond recognition, as that scoundrel Schoenborn did yesterday, we do not help him in doing so. We reiterate Catholic teaching, and we defend a proper, Catholic understanding of texts that must be read in a Catholic perspective.

The story here is that at the Synod, Kasperism has been defeated, and it has been defeated on both counts of adulterers and perverts. There will be attempts to manipulate this text, but this is nothing new: heresy is always manipulation of texts, and there has never been any need of this final Relatio to promote any of them. We do not help the heretic to manipulate the text, but we denounce the manipulation and the heresy. Least of all we help Francis to try to introduce novelties based on what the synodal text does not say, but we help him to say that it does.  

 We must read and have the text read in the proper, Catholic way, that corresponds not only to the real meaning of the text, but to its only possible key of interpretation.

This, we do for two reasons: 

A) We insist on Catholics reading text as Catholics, not heretics. What the heretic imagines by reading a text is his problem. Better said, that he is a heretic is his problem. The Gospel is full of phrases that have been manipulated by heretics (divorce, “brothers of Christ”, “do not judge”, and so on). That’s what heretics do. As the Americans say: don’t be that guy! 

B) We are aware that a huge media effort is already underway to present a new “church of mercy”. We do not help the heretics to state their argument. On the contrary, we point out that this fantasy church is a heretical construction.

Do not play in the hands of the enemy. Condemn the weakness of the text. Blame the Synod Fathers for not having the guts to openly smash heresy. But do not say that these texts open the door to heretical activity or changes. Not only they don’t, but if you say that they do you help the heretics in their wicked purposes.

The texts that I have seen up to now are weak, but sound. The heretics have not got the text that they wanted. 

We decry that the Relatio is weak, but we do not make it unsound. Because if we do so, we create exactly the narrative that the Heretics want, and give them ourselves an interpretation of the texts that is exactly the one they want.

We have won, for heaven’s sake. It’s a 1-0 victory after a horrible and very dirty game, but a victory it is. 

Do not snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. 



The Day After: Back To Normal

The wall stands still. The moat is still there. Now let's start the dredging.

The wall stands still. The moat is still there. Now let’s start the reinforcements and the dredging!

I have removed this blog post from the top position in which I had “pinned” it. I have done so with a much lighter heart than when I had pinned it, and I think today should be a day of thanksgiving for every Catholic, reflecting what kind of nuclear explosion was feared until only weeks ago.

I invite all sincere Catholic to focus, for one day, on the good news that the Heretics have not made any breach in the wall; and every discussion about how much the walls are damaged, the moat thin and the soldiers on the ramparts demotivated, weak or traitors should not detract us from the fundamental fact, that this dawn sees Satan and Francis defeated.  

No, it’s not the victory I was dreaming of. But those were dreams.

In real life, boy, this has been the best outcome I would have dared to hope for. Only yesterday morning I was fearing the presence of phrases which, whilst factually mentioning heresy as part of the discussion, legitimise it as a Catholic position. In the paragraphs I have read yesterday there is nothing of the sort, and they were the most controversial. The final Relatio is even far more conservative than what I was fearing yesterday morning, when the danger of nuclear explosion seemed already largely (if not definitely) gone. 

It’s a weak wall. It’s a thin moat. But they leave no entrance.    

Deo Gratias. 


Final Report Out. Ambiguity Galore And V II Waffle Aplenty. No Nuclear Explosion. Kasperites Lose Battle. War Rages On.

We see here the bishops in their farewell photo before coming back to their dioceses...

We see here the bishops in their farewell photo before coming back to their dioceses…

I have just read (several times) on Rorate the translation of paragraphs 84-86 of the final relation of this disgraceful Synod.

My first reflections:

  1. It is an ambiguous document. However, pretty much all V II is made of ambiguous documents. par for the course. Crucially, no revolution or atomic explosion.
  2. Kasperism is defeated, at least for now. If I were a Kasperite and were to try to state that my position has been vindicated by this document I would look pretty stupid. However, if I were a Kasperite I would at least notice that my position has not been crushed to the ground. The emotional, fluffy V II language allows me to fight another day and try to score more points in the future.
  3. This is what the Italians call muro di gomma, a “rubber wall”.  Actually, it could serve as a very good definition of the word. It is an orthodox text, but a very weak one. It is a text that tries to contain only so little orthodoxy as necessary, in order not to humiliate the Pope or, said otherwise, in order not to start a major conflict with him. At the same time, it is a text that clearly stops Francis in his tracks again. I do not think this is a sound strategy. I think it a very dangerous one. But I notice that Francis gets stopped again and again. May the Lord free us of him soon.
  4. It has become apparent in the last hours (I have posted on the matter) that the battle in the coming months and years will not be based on texts, but emotions and perceptions. It will be the typical, retarded media battle of the XXI Century. You see already that ass Schoenborn trying to let the text say what it clearly does not say. I have read the ass this afternoon with terror, and then I realised the idiot was probably only trying to spin a defeat again. Check. Prepare for a lot of this in the years to come.
  5. I am not justifying the bishops. I think every Bishop who votes such a document should feel ashamed, and be shamed. Not, mind, because he has voted a heretical document; but because he keeps accommodating heretics (including the Pope) out of desire to avoid a major conflict that is possibly coming anyway.
  6. I can, however, understand (not approve; understand) the thinking. The thinking goes like this: “The man will be six feet under in just a few years; we will waffle him to death as many times as he likes, and put the nails in his coffin; then we will pick a Pope with a brain”. Very comfortable, admittedly rather clever, but very risky strategy. The man will appoint more bishop and cardinals. He has caved in several times already. At some point, he might decide to go nuclear. The man is stupid. Never underestimate the stupidity of the stupid. It could make them do very stupid things.
  7. Francis has lost again. If everything he can get is ambiguous waffle of the kind V II document have always had and will always have he is well and truly screwed, and I mean screwed as in screwed. At least for now. But again, he is still the Pope. The level of confrontation will depend on the level of exposure and personal risk he chooses to take on himself. Up to now, there is no indication he has the guts to defy the Church and risk losing everything, including job and pension. Up to now. You can never tell what an idiot will do if he feels assured of victory.

Just in case you are wondering…

I will sleep well tonight.

Make no mistake: the war rages on. A sizeable minority of prelates are openly heretics, and eretico numero uno has just given them a platform. They will keep spinning, whining and, I think, losing, but they must not be underestimated. The most dangerous thing that can happen now is complacency. We must not only stay vigilant, but be very much on the offensive in the coming battle: the “Mercy Orgy” that Francis wants to ram down your throat.

Before I close, a last but, I think, necessary observation.

Some of you may say that this phrase, or that phrase; when looked at in a certain light; or read from certain angles; or with the magnifying glass (yes, there…); or from a heretic; could allow the heretic to say that his position was approved. 

This is a logical non-starter. By definition, the heretic says that he is right based on fragments taken out of context. That’s what heretics always did, always do, always will. The adulterer who wanted to persuade himself that he can receive communion has already found in his degraded mind a thousand arguments and, in Germany at least, a priest ready to justify him (400 last time I looked; might be more in the meantime). The new document is of no help to him. He knows that the bishop, or even the Pope, who were to be his accomplices are as much heretics as he is. No one can read the document and say that it endorses Kasperism. But most of the readers would say that it is ambiguous and extremely delicate in its formulations; ambiguous to the point of shame; as if it was very aware that Kasperism has a lot of calluses, which should not be touched lest the Kasperites (and Francis first) start to scream. Alas, if you don’t trample the calluses of heresy you can’t say you have done a halfway acceptable job in defending the faith. 

This morning, I was very afraid that Francis has decided for the massive confrontation, for which he would have had many occasions and many angles (say: abolish at the last moment the single paragraph vote; or the 75% majority; or any other kind of trick). There were horrible noises coming out. When I calmed down, I realised that the noises where coming from the usual den of iniquity: the Vatican press office, and the liberal b@st@rds a la Schoenborn. I think I was right. 

The Atomic Mushroom was not to be today. Francis has obviously caved in again. He had his nose smashed against the rubber wall, again; and has decided that he will live with it, again. But it is clear that he wants to go on, and senses that to stop now would make of him the Greatest Failure Ever, and Clown Of The Millennium. Hence, the next Mercy Offensive now clearly upon us.

Go to sleep (if you live in Europe) and prepare yourself for the battles to come.

Many of those, I am afraid, before we get to our judgment; and may our battles be counted in our favour.


The Pitfalls Of Talking To Heretics

Massively distributed among bishops as I speak.

Massively distributed among bishops as I write.


As I write this, the final document is circulating and the Synod Father are digesting it.

It says here that father Lombardi has stated that the Synod father are satisfied with the text. Which probably means they aren’t.

What I find notable in the article is the “inclusive” cut that will probably be given to the text.

Let us imagine a paragraph states: “A minority of Fathers is of the opinion that we should give communion to adulterers, but the majority rejected the proposal”. Rinse and repeat concerning homos, decentralisation of the Church, or whatever you like.  Do you vote the paragraph down? These are the crude facts, not a matter of opinions.

Of course, such a document would be stating that heretical discussions are taking place within the Church; discussion in which heresy is not called by name, and is treated like a legitimate “minority opinion”. But again, this is the simple truth. This is what happens when you debate with heretics and accept them as interlocutors.

It would have been better to walk out of the Synod when it was clear that it was being used to even propose a heretical platform – no matter how clearly in the minority – than to have the media the world over repeat that the Church is discussing whether to change doctrine.

Prepare yourself for a long V II waffle full of double-edged swords – say: “the Synod Fathers are persuaded of the necessity for the priest to do all he can to allow adulterers to become able to receive communion”, which can be read in both a perfectly orthodox and a perfectly heretical sense – and pray that it does not get worse than that. 

If Sunday Evening arrives and there is no atomic mushroom in the Catholic skies, I for myself will go to sleep more relaxed, and dream of Pope Pius XIII in better serenity that I had in the last months.

But I still think it was a big mistake not to walk out of a Synod of Heresy. 





Heretical Numbers


Not clear what he has to be so happy about..

I have very much liked this article, that has in my eyes a rather intelligent analysis of what is happening at the Synod. 

The article seems instructive to me because of two interesting considerations: 

  1. Kasper has 10% if you are very optimistic. If you water down Kasperism to make it appear less heretical, or save face to the bishops in their own dioceses, you might arrive to 20%. We are, I add, talking of degenerate Westerners for the most part. Basically, heresy is spread, but not rampant, and can’t be shifted to the people irrespective of how much you try to make it palatable. 
  2. The “gay” gambit was a way to “go extreme” and then, if necessary, ditch the pervs against approval for the adulterers. A fag pawn, so to speak. 

As to 1, I reflect on this:

A) Jesus Himself had 8.33% Very Bad Apples. 

B) The “numbers” at the Synod are skewed in favour of heresy (both in number and in “weight”: Marx, Cupich, Kasper, 7 of the ten relators) because of the personal invitations made by Francis. I doubt the percentage is the same in the world at large. The world at large has more Burkes and less Cupichs than Francis would want you to believe. 

C) The Church is not a democracy. You can’t “change” Her with a majority vote. There are barriers to heresy that cannot be measured in noses. The Kasperites are far weaker in their position than a 10% vote share would make them in every “democratic” organisation. 

As to 2, this has always seemed a reasonable position to me, then at least in Germany the huge problem of flight from the Kirchensteuer must dwarf – perverted cassocks aside – any “concern” about 0.5% or so of the Catholic population. The German bishops and clergy are a bunch of simoniacal unbelievers. Some of them are certainly perverts. But the kar-ching is, if you ask me, most certainly the first care of all the others. You have much more to gain from pleasing the huge numbers of “c”atholic adulterers, than the much smaller number of perverts and their close relatives.

In the Anglo-Saxon world, however, it might well be different. There is no Kirchensteuer, but there are certainly an awful lot of perverted cassocks! This is where it made sense for Kasper & Co. to try to co-opt the Rosica and Cupich of the world for their own interest.

The latter had nothing to lose.

They don’t believe in God anyway.



Kasperism Soundly Defeated. V II Still In Place

Still very far away

Alarmed from a post on Father Z's blog, I have re-read the 4 English language reports, and added to them the 3 Italian language report and (being of excellent humour) the German one.

I repeat once again: the Heresy of Kasper has been soundly defeated. It has been defeated beyond the expectation of any concerned Catholic before the Synod. You can't tell me you did not sleep at night fearing what would happen, and are not very happy with the results up to now. (Of course, it ain't over yet; but this is a different pair of black shoes).

Still, I sense in some quarters a disappointment that suddenly the Church of V II has not died; as if the wonderful outcome of yesterday would authorise them to believe in the Rise of The Don Camillos, and the Death of The Kasperites. Unfortunately (cough), not one single Kasperite Synod Father has died. They are all still there. This is why the war still rages on.

Please read the reports attentively, and repeatedly. Only the German report dares to clearly, if subtly, support Kasperism. All the other reports are very sound in their rejection of Kasperism, but they are written by V II prelates. This explain the waffle, and the many references to pastoral care that sound weak and effeminate, and the way to look at the situation of adulterers and homos and try to bring them back to the fold.

It is true that Italicus B has a solid reaffirming of doctrine concerning reception of communion, followed by a reference to the internal forum that, whilst in the context of the just affirmed fidelity to doctrine, sounds stupid to say the least. It is obvious thar there is sensitive waffle aplenty, as in the suggestion of Anglicus D that “excluded” from communion be discarded in favour of “abstain” from communion. All of this waffle is in line with the reports of the first week. It is also to be expected by V II priests. It is, of course, a shame. But it is no endorsement of Kasperism in any way, shape or form. There is no revolution. There is no call for the “Spirit” to inspire Francis to adopt novelties. There is nothing of what kept you awake at night.

Heavens: only days ago many feared the Bishops would openly embrace heresy, and now even its sound rejection should not be enough? If you expected a charging Don Camillo, and everything else to you is a disappointment, I am afraid you had not the faintest idea of the precipice that stood in front of us.

I have had a blog post pinned at the top of this blog since the day the Instrumentum Laboris was published. Not out fear of V II ambiguous waffle (about which I never had any doubt), but out of fear of formal heresy proclaimed by a Pope and supported by his Bishops in one way or other. Praised be God, the second part has not happened and it is improbable that it will happen now. As to the first part, we shall see, but I am serenely confident.

It's amazing how easily dangers are forgotten once they are gone. This is like one who has run the risk of food poisoning and complains that the food does not taste as he wished. Yes, man. Yes, ma'am. It's V II food, it has always been crap. But it's not the poison you were fearing.

Pray many prayers of Thanksgiving instead, that we did not wake up one morning discovering that the Church Hierarchy has officially embraced heresy.

Pray, also, that the last days of the Synod may lead to the rejection of any new trick that the Evil Clown may be trying. But I see his space of manoeuvre as rather limited now. It will be, I hope, more like trying to push the waffle in an inclusive direction, than letting nuclear bombs explode.

We must stay vigilant, pray, and do penance. But we have no right to expect that the rejection of Kasperism will give us Vatican I overnight. As long as Francis is Pope, the emergency will be there and the war will be raging.

The battle of Kursk was won; but you still have 3.5 million Kasperite soldiers in front of you and Berlin is very, very far away.



A More Christian, Less Inclusive Language

Excellent post of Vox Cantoris about the homosexual cancer now afflicting the Church.

Two (at least) of my favourite issues are there:

  1. If a priest is so inclusive of homos, he might well be one. Cupich is a prime suspect.
  2. Christianity is not concerned of sensitivity when it is about warning people of hell. 

It is nothing less than astonishing that these disgusting sin, even in my younger years not even mentioned in polite society, but chosen for expletive language in every society because of the obvious disgust it provokes, has become something we must find attention in even describing,lest any fag should feel “hurt”.

Oh, they are “hurt” all right. Only, they are hurt in some other place.

It is time to slowly start going back to sanity, call abomination for what it is, and confine every hint to sodomitical behaviour where it belongs: expressions of insult, mockery and disgust.


Francis Is A Permanent Heretical Threat. Time To Walk Out.

God willing, the answer is: because it was run by an idiot.

God willing, the answer is: because it was run by an idiot.

This rather mediocre article about the Synod has a very interesting part. I quote:

His [Archbishop Coleridge’s] own discussion group, Anglicus C, for instance, chose last Friday to postpone tackling the classic Kasper Proposal (readmission to Communion after a “penitential path”) so that they could look at it with fresher eyes yesterday (Monday) morning. Which they did. Result: not a single voice in support of Kasper. Indeed, a different question seems to have been raised among them: “A penitential path – to what?” And, to judge from the way the one group wanted to handle such questions, the overall support for Kasper in the Synod is “very, very modest indeed.”

Let me translate this for you: when it became clear that Kasper had lost, the dissenting bishops got a grace period in order to save face and have an excuse (the “fresher eyes”; for heaven’s sake, if you need a weekend of reflection to decide whether Christianity is right you have no right to be a priest..) to backpedal. Which, on the Monday, they eagerly did. If, as I have read today somewhere, Kasper has lost even in the Germanicus group (see above under “saving face”) it appears clear that the heresy of Kasper has been massacred in the Synod. Of course, Francis is still the Head Kasperite; but I think that he got the drift all right.

Actually, I think he started to get the drift at the latest on Friday afternoon. On Monday of that week he had received the letter of the Thirteen Cardinals and, it is reported, had got a hissy fit. Midweek the reports of the circuli minores had been almost unanimous in their generally explicit criticism of the Instrumentum Laboris. In the meantime, the Catholic world (the true one; not the clowns and the Grimas) had been alarmed and had started to, ahem, make a great lio worldwide. Even the mass media were criticising this very unintelligent, amateurish nincompoop; and I learned today that when the final proposal of relatio comes out there should be a vote on every single paragraph; which is a heavy blow for the heretical agenda and gives, on this point at least, the victory to the Thirteen Cardinals, or whoever they were.

If you ask me, Francis realised at some point – between Thursday evening and Friday evening – that the Kasperite solution would be defeated big time in the Synod. At that point, he stood in front of the choice whether to force the point on his own authority, putting himself at the head of a revolutionary vanguard of heretics, or cave in. I am by now fairly sure that, ever the Jesuit, he decided to cave in already last week. When the history of this Synod is leaked in more details, we will probably know that by the weekend the “theology on one’s knees” was on its knees, and was getting executed in the rather luxurious and – we are told – calories-rich Kasperbunker, Downfall-style.

At that point, I think, the Evil Clown started to reflect what he could do to save face, preserve his image as progressive Pope and idol of the anti-Catholic masses, and get out of this Synod as the Great Innovator and Pope Che he thinks he is. Being the ass we all know and despise, I think he decided, pretty much in a matter of days, to arm another ill-thought, badly planned, superficial, stupid heretical bomb, and an old favourite toy of his. This time, though, the bomb is, if possible, even more dangerous and destructive than the “theology on one’s knees”.

“I cannot force the entire Church to adopt the Heresy of Kasper”, thinks the genius. “But I can at least try to see whether I can devolve the matter to the individual Bishops’ Conferences! The Kasperites would have their way anyway, and those obnoxious Catholics would be told that the “doctrine is intact” and we are just having “a regionally differentiated pastoral approach”, or the like”.

The Evil Clown must have liked the number, because on Saturday (if memory serves) he let the bomb explode with great, great noise.

Alas, the man is stupid. Therefore, he hasn’t stopped to reflect, and has refused to be warned, that if he is not allowed to destroy the Church in a certain X fashion he will very probably not be allowed to destroy the Church in any other Y, W or Z fashion, too. In order to think in this very elementary logical way one needs a functioning brain, and a minimum of humility. Francis has neither, which is why we aren’t out of the worse yet.

It seems to me that as I write this, on the late evening of Wednesday of the third week, the Kasper proposal as a heresy adopted by the Church is dead and buried. However,  the Kasper proposal as the result of the destruction of the very unity of the Church is very much alive, at least in the plans of the Evil Clown. By such an ass, it is truly impossible to forecast what he might not do. We could still be at the vigil of a Catholic nuclear conflict. Only, this one here would be fought with, if possible, even bigger bombs.

I have written on many occasions, and repeat it today, that the obscene spectacle of this old, lewd man trying everything he can to inflict as much damage to the Church as he can should not be further tolerated. It is high time that the bishops seize the moment and profit from the obvious isolation, patent incompetence and clearly heretical mindset of the man to completely destroy his papacy, burying it under a mountain of condemnation and ridicule.

A walkout of the Bishops as a reaction to this new, shameless, very obviously heretical, very public attempt to destroy the very unity of the Church would annihilate this papacy not only for our lifetime, but for all the centuries to come. It would inflict a terrible blow to the Cultural Marxists and assorted Modernists. Now is the time to put a factual end to a papacy which, I am fairly sure, many bishops have learned to fear and despise as a work of Satan as much as we do. 

Time to walk out.

Time to walk out.

Time to walk out.




I will make this short and, well, not entirely sweet.

Francis does not have a tumour.

Francis is the tumour.



Synod: The Rigging Of The… Electronic Vote?

We are now coming to the decisive days of this disgraceful, chaotic, catastrophic Synod.

The last information I gather is that:

1) The document of the 10-men commission (7 of whom heretics) will be distributed on Thursday.

2) The vote will be by paragraph, not “all or nothing”.

3) The Bishops will vote electronically.

Call me a mistrustful b@stard if you want, but I fear for the rigging of the electronic vote. These are people who do not hesitate to steal books from bishops. Why would they have scruples in rigging an electronic vote?

I thought this should be out there.

Together, if I may, with taking notice of the miraculous speed of the 10 (7 of whom heretics) who are going to prepare a document is such a record time.

A smell a rat here.

Actually several.

All of them of the “Francis” species.


Grima Introduces A Novel Jesus

“What if Jesus is rolling his eyes at two thousand years of Christianity and the Doctrine of the Church He founded?”

In a stunning example of satanic (attempt at) deception, Grima Wormtongue tries to persuade us that yes, we got it all wrong. We naughty Catholics! 

In his mercy (the Grimas of the world “do” mercy, a lot…) Grima explains to us that Communion can be received from the unrepentant. The unrepentant need it most, you see… A rather daring, 100% Christianity-free theology.

Where are you, Adolf? Why do you elude me, Joseph? You need communion, and I will give it to you! 

Mind, though, the same need have those terribly bad Catholics, who think that the Church is about to be raped just because Francis talks about raping Her every second day! Oh, ye of little faith! Why don’t you do like Grima, who follows every fashion, because it is sooo convenient?

Grima is, of course, not content to tell you that he thinks that you are bad. No. As every truly good Catholic sellout he must blaspheme Jesus and (try to) persuade you that Jesus is wrong, or at least that particular Jesus that does not agree with Grima.  Grimas always have a fantasy Jesus, you know. It suits them wonderfully. 

In all this, Grima assures us that he is oh so orthodox. He professes that he believes in all that the church believes, etc. Only he doesn’t! But these are details that do not disturb him, as they do not disturb Francis. Flock of a feather fly, it seems, to hell together.  

But we, we are the bad ones. Our “dependence on the rulebook” (what a bad sound it has, ” dependence on the rulebook”. It drips negativity. I prefer to call it “faithfulness to Sacred Doctrine”. I find it far more accurate, and conducive to salvation) makes of us the poor erring souls. Ah, if we could only trust Grima as he gets transported by the “Spirit” into regions never imagined by Christians before, how better off we would be! How inspired must this Grima be, as he – after a lot pf prayers, you understand; Grimas always seem to have this kind of direct line with heresy – suggests to you that perhaps the “Spirit” was completely wrong all these years.

It is also interesting that Grima thinks that our defence of Doctrine is a “me,me,me” moment. 

How strange. It seems to me the orthodox are not saying “me, me, me”, at all. They are saying “Him, Him, Him!” They are accepting uncomfortable rules because they come from Christ, and they should be those who are self-centred? Whilst the heretics, who want to adapt those very rules to their own convenience, would be the selfless ones? I feel a growing need of a chamomile tea…

Now growing all excited, Grima arrives at a rather astonishing statement. Grima wonders what St Paul really meant when he said the undoubtedly brutal words, many of them, and beyond any possibility of misunderstanding, I have quoted just a couple of days ago.  

No. For Grima this is not enough. Amazing. One truly understands how people could believe in Stalin. Grima insults your intelligence with the following words: 

What did Saint Paul mean when he warned about “unworthy” reception of communion? Did it have more to do with confessing real belief, or a sinless state? I don’t know.

You don’t…

(Lord, give me strenght!)

(chamomile tea pause…) 

I would laugh at this, but I cannot hold the urge to vomit. This is so openly satanic that one must be glad Grima is being so open about it. This is complicity with Satan brought to the point of denying the sun, the moon, and the stars. This is a flight in an emotionally sounding unreality completely free of logic. This is, literally, the shit of the devil, and it stinks to heaven. For the first time in two thousand years, the possibly most brutally clear words of the Bible are deemed of uncertain interpretation. One understands how some people might say that the Sodomites was destroyed because they weren’t “hospitable”, or because they put too much sugar in their coffee, or what not.  

But do not think, dear reader, that Grima is satisfied with this performance. The height of blasphemous nonsense comes when he spits this astonishing piece of blasphemous, 1-A satanic rubbish:

 what if Christ Jesus is rolling his eyes at us because we are still wondering whether people should disperse and go find bread elsewhere, when the True Bread is before us and abundant?

 Nice try, Grima. It sounds oh sooo nice. But you know it doesn’t wash. This “eye rolling” simply cannot be. Two thousand years of Christianity tell you, shout to you, deafen you with their cry that exactly the contrary is the case!   

What else does the astonishing words reported above mean if not this: that one does not believe in anything that the Church believes? That one wonders whether we have not been sold smoke these two thousand years? That one sits there in the self-righteousness of a home-made religion and wonders whether the Church has not been a huge deception for two thousand years, until the likes of Francis came out with their satanic crap? That one sits in judgment over Christ Himself, and the Church he founded? 


Oh well. This had to be said. I can go to sleep now…

Dear readers, please do me a favour, and do not click around those well-known Judas “c”atholic sites trying to understand who Grima is. Pray for him instead, that he may avoid damnation; though apparently it’s a rather long shot. Still, do pray for him. Pray even for the worse ones. Pray even for this evil Pope. This is what Catholics have always done. No novelty here.  

I suffered the ugliness for you, and that should be enough. I got to deal with the adrenaline surge for you, and I hope you will reward me with a Hail Mary.  I am fed up with these minions of Satan spreading their satanic feces everywhere, being clicked by the scandalised  Catholic world as a result, and making money in the process. Know that they exist. Be aware of their cheap rhetorical, emotional, effeminate, stupid, blasphemous tricks. And ignore them altogether.

They should be to you like venereal diseases: something of whose existence you are vaguely aware, but without ever coming in contact with them. You don’t read books about Satanism in order to better know the enemy, either.



The Buck Stops By Francis



It has been very validly suggested that Pope Francis now “owns” this Synod. I wholeheartedly agree with the statement for the following reasons:

1) The Synod has been called by him. If things go wrong, the buck stops by him.

2) The 2014 Extraordinary Synod has rejected the heretical statements of the Relatio post disceptationem. Francis insisted in having them attached to the final document. Then he insisted in having them included in the Instrumentum Laboris. There can be no doubt he wanted to have heretical statements included in this year’s works, and open for discussion. Therefore, the buck stops by him.

3) There have been obvious manipulations of the commonly used procedures aimed at avoiding that the Bishops have their voice heard. Clearly, the buck must stop by the Pope, who authorised them.

4) The invitation of bishops of extremely questionable orthodoxy (well, let’s say it as it is: effing heretics) like Archbishop Cupich clearly shows where he wants this Synod to go. It is clear that the buck for Cupich’s perverted rants must stop by him.

5) The open support of the Evil Clown to the Heresy of Kasper (the “theology on one’s knees” stunt) makes him directly responsible. Kasper is most certainly a minion of Satan. But it is very clear that the buck stops by Francis.

6) The choice of, on average, liberal-heretical bishops to write the final documents shows once again an open will to manipulate this Synod. The fact that seven of the ten were his own invitations tells you everything you need to know about “Synodality”. Once again, you know where the buck stops.

7) Last (for now; one is terrified at even looking for Catholic News outlets nowadays), the vague but ominous talking of “decentralisation” – which might be only administrative – coupled with heretical thoughts about redefining the role of the papacy – which can only be heretical – add a further element of nuclear threat. You know by now where the buck stops for this.

So yeah:

The buck stops by Francis

The best way to put an end to this is to nuke this papacy and all the heretics and/or perverts surrounding it.

Time to walk out.

Time to walk out.

Time to walk out.


Great News: Vast Majority Of Bishops Is Catholic!

It is with great joy that I link to this excellent news from Rorate.

It appears there is a huge majority against heresy. It would mean that the Kasperites are even more isolated than last year. And if this is so – and it clearly is so; the signals were multiplying; I have just posted about the matter – it means that the Evil Clown is about to lose, big time. 

Why, you will say, do I write this? Is it news that the Bishops are Catholic?

Yes, it is! Great news, in fact!

This is the point we have come to. Such are the times we live. We live in times of heretical Popes and cowardly clergy, at all levels. It is such a joy to see that things aren’t, as least, as bad as the Evil Clown hoped they were.


Surrender In Sight?

Please, please Lord...

There is an article at MondayVatican – signed by Andrea Gagliarducci – which, if true, would anticipate the best outcome of this Synod short of a walkout.

Gagliarducci mentions the reports of the small circles, which are public; but he implies clearly enough that he has information concerning the second week, which isn't much. What the man says is that the Instrumentum Laboris has been, in a word, demolished.

Gagliarducci goes further in his thinking process, and arrives to the conclusion that the Evil Clown might, possibly, just give up, adopt the conclusion of the Synod Fathers, and learn the lesson. Putting himself three or four centimetres on the left of Cardinal Erdo would allow him, or so Gagliarducci reasons, to look good with both sides, and avoid the worst.

I wish I could be as sanguine as the man; but honestly, I do not think such a scenario is in the cards.

The speech the Evil Clown gave at the end of last week, not openly suggesting but ventilating a possible breakup of the Church Herself, shows to me that the man is willing to lean out of the heretical window to a rather extreme extent. As it stands, he has his huge belly on the window sill, and is dangerously near to falling down. I can't see the man deciding to get completely inside the room and disappear from the heretical window any time soon.

In addition, I note that this Pope has made so much lío with his open pushing of Kasper's “theology on one's knees” that a complete retreat and de facto renunciation of his heretical agenda would cause immense uproar among his fellow heretics. They would feel betrayed, and would let the world know their feelings. This does not square with a Pope so keen to be popular among adulterers, perverts, atheists, and assorted dissenters like him.

I cannot imagine Francis doing anything of the sort. If he ends up caving in to his Catholic adversaries – which I still consider the most probable scenario – he will do so obtorto collo, and not without throwing around all sorts of hints and innuendos that he would so like to sell the entire Church to Satan, but even after constant effort and massive leaning out of the window this could not be done.

Even if Francis decides not to go for the nuclear option, the heresy of Kasper will remain alive and kicking, and he will make sure to support it in any way he can, without going nuclear, for as long as he is pope. This is just what the man is, and there is no reason whatsoever, bar some miracle, to believe he will change his tune.

This is exactly why the best outcome of this Synod would be not a discussion between orthodoxy and heresy, in which heresy happens to (hopefully) lose, but a walkout.

A walkout would mean the nuking of the heresy together with the Pope who promoted it. It beggars belief that the entire world is led to believe that the Church might change doctrine, and that 270 bishops are now gathered to discuss in which way this might be done. It beggars belief that a Bishop would call “fighting for truth” the act of remaining in the same room in which Francis and his present their heretical platform. If you remain in the same room in which heretics present their ideas you are giving legitimacy to heresy, not fighting for the truth. Would you, as a bishop, go to a Synod, to any gathering, where the likes of Cupich discuss how to be more “inclusive” of the incestuous?

I am pretty persuaded that most Synod Fathers get this very well. They do not allow heretical debates in their dioceses, either. They do not go on saying “let's have a three-week discussion with dog rapists fighting against their prohibition to receive communion”. No, they don't. They deny to them both the platform and the communion. That's it.

The sad truth seems to me that the Bishops know very well what would be the best thing to do to destroy heresy, but are also aware that by doing so they would destroy Francis' papacy, and put themselvesin an uncomfortable position – with very possible implication for their own job security – when the man starts throwing toys out of the pram and removing bishops and Cardinals (not too many of them, of course; but some of them, pour encourager les autres).

To leave the Synod would mean going straight for Francis' throat, and they know it very well. It would be a decision from which there is no coming back. It would be the all out fall out.

It seems to me that the Synod Fathers prefer to live with the “containment” of heresy, rather than with its destruction. And that the prospective of stopping Francis in his tracks will be enough for many of them.

This isn't exactly a reassuring thought, then if the Bishops are not ready to eradicate heresy now because of the obvious conflict with Francis this entails, we cannot be sure that they will be ready to go for a much harsher conflict if Francis really decides to push the nuclear button.

I hope in the days which have remained many orthodox bishops will give a dispassionate look at what promotion of heresy and blasphemy this synod has allowed and will, like true successors of the Apostles, draw the consequences and deprive this Synod and the Pope who promoted it of every credibility, in a wonderful gesture of brave Catholicism that will be remembered in centuries to come.

Will they do it? I do not put limit to Providence. To me, one thing is sure.

Time to walk out.

Time to walk out.

Time to walk out.



There Can be No “Majority Decisions”. It Is Time To Walk Out.

“But Mary, I am obviously matter of legitimate discussion… AAARRGGHHHH!!!”

One of the absurd ideas floated around – and possibly destined to cause lasting damage in the minds of many badly instructed Catholics –  is this idea that doctrine may be disposed of with a “majority vote”. 


Truth cannot be changed. When Synods discuss about doctrinal matters, the adherence to truth is the prerequisite of every such discussion. When they take a vote the same, of course, applies.

In the past, a 75% majority was required by Synodal votes. Why? Because a 75% majority was considered a sufficient enough evidence that what was voted was in adherence to Truth. Mind, though, that no one ever said a 75% percent majority – or a 80%, 85%, or the like – can change truth. Every decision is, and can only be seen, according to its conformity to Truth. It is this conformity that makes the decision a legitimate one. Not the majority with which it has been reached.

It is, therefore, entirely absurd to think that Francis could have a motion or decision or document voted asking for a simple majority. If he did so he would admit, with his own words, that this decision is not adherent to truth. Now, I know that this Pope is an arrogant ass with a low IQ; but I do not think his IQ is as low as that. He would, basically, say to the entire Catholic world: “I am obviously a heretic: please shoot at me”.

What is far more probable is, if you ask me, that he will choose to ignore the very clear message that will come out of the Synod. Deciding, if he is smart, to even avoid a last vote that would either force him to renounce to all controversial points, or indict him as a heretic. I doubt he will want to do either. Last year he certainly did not have to balls to do it.

It is clear enough by now that the Instrumentum Laboris has gone under the bus, or rather under the steamroller. There is no way a mess criticised in almost all the group reports – more or less brutally, but most certainly criticised – will unquestioningly and uncritically receive the green light from the same people who have criticised him as inadequate, or worse, just two weeks before. Francis is pretty much in a cul-de-sac, and sees a wall rapidly approaching. If he has a brain, he will have to get into damage control mode pretty soon.

Does he have a brain? Honestly: beats me.


Which leads me, with elegant inevitability, to the main point. Why do the bishops keep giving their names and their faces to this absurd South American theatre? Why is this Bananas dictator allowed to confuse the Catholics in the first place? To save Francis’ face? To save the Papacy? To avoid a “schism”?

Francis does not deserve to have his face saved. He deserved to have his papacy dragged in the mud, ad maiorem Dei gloriam. Heresy must not be contained. It must be eradicated. The papacy as an Institution would not suffer if Francis’ one were to be destroyed. On the contrary, it would be reinstated to its authentic role and prestige. Lastly, you can’t tolerate heresy in order to avoid a schism. Such a reasoning is self-defeating as it shows that the heresy is already there, and the schism is already a fact that one simply refuses to acknowledge.

The best way forward is a decisive blow to this Papacy before worse happens, and even if a bishop thinks it will not happen.

If Obama had his thumb on the nuclear button and were just sitting there, day in and day out, humming Muslim songs and murmuring “should the infidel die”?, it would not be reassurance enough to think that “he will clearly not push the button”. Action would have to (and would most certainly) be taken before he pushes the button, because he has put himself in that situation in the first place.

Francis has had his thumb on the nuclear button for too long now, and whilst he will probably not push it I do not think the situation should be tolerated any longer. The spectacle he is giving is more than obscene. It is beyond insult. It is beyond parody. It is purely satanical, and every good bishop will realise this. 

Mary does not dialogue with the serpent. The serpent is not considered a legitimate counterpart in any discussion. The serpent gets his head crushed. This is the “dialogue” with heresy, heaven’s way. 

Time to walk out. 

Time to walk out. 

Time to walk out. 



Meet Francis, The Mainstream Heretic



When even a New York Times journalist trashes you in front of his readership, you know your situation is rather precarious.

The simple fact is, Francis’ heresy has gone mainstream. People from all walks of life simply acknowledge the fact, and write about the possible outcomes. It’s beyond parody. It’s the Evil Clown’s papacy. 

You may say Douthat is conservative for NYT standards, but he certainly isn’t based on Catholic ones. More crucially, his own boss or bosses decide he should present the situation to his readers as a Catholic and, as a Catholic, candidly telling you what is wrong with the man.

For all the atheist readers of the NYT, it must be a strange sensation. They might be inclined to, but can they really side with Judas? And if they do, with what reasoning? “I hope Francis succeeds because he is trying to destroy the Church”? How can, then, one like that blame those who resist the Evil Clown?

Francis has lost face. Even the most retarded among the Pollyannas know by now on which side he is. It is what it is. The Pope is a heretic, and proves it every day. He might not have the balls for formal heresy, but it certainly will not be for his lack of trying.

Hey, even the readers of the NYT know it by now.

Now imagine you are a bishop, and you are incensed at this obscene spectacle. What do you do, give the heresy a legitimate platform, and “discuss” about it? Or you simply put an end to such a mess?

The answer is clear. The best way to do this is to not only destroy the legitimacy of this Synod, but the legitimacy of this papacy, too. 

Dear God-fearing bishops, please kick this papacy in the head

Time to walk out.

Time to walk out.

Time to walk out.







Hhmmm….. What Is St Paul Trying To Say Here?

Unmerciful, homophobic hater...

Unmerciful, homophobic hater…




18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy.32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approveof those who practice them.

“We Follow Our Lord, Jesus Christ!”



Cardinal Burke is not taking part to the Synod.

The Evil Clown invited this man instead. 

Thankfully, some men in Red are still Catholic.

These seven minutes are important for everyone. They reassure the faithful, but they also warn them about the consequences of following Francis and his heretical friends into the abyss.

You will find a lot in the short video that must be said. The absurdity of the Heresy of Kasper. The simple guidance on what to do when the next pervert in purple tries to deceive the faithful. The statement that the disagreement at the Synod is due to the way the Synod was promoted, trying to ram an indecent Instrumentum Laboris down the throat of the bishops.

Have no fear. The Church has seen moments like that in the past. She will see them again in the future. There is nothing else to do than stay faithful to the Bride (not to the heresy, wherever it comes from), do all we can to fight the heresy, wait for better times, and die in the faith of our fathers, no matter what.

We follow our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Clearly, this Synod is getting stupid beyond parody. It must be deprived of any credibility together with the disgraceful man who has promoted it.

Time to walk out.

Time to walk out.

Time to walk out.


One Day In The Life Of Archbishop C

Archbishop C was anxiously awaited...

Archbishop C was anxiously awaited…

Archbishop C is, you know, one of those guys. He is very much into pastoral work. So open. So merciful. So inclusive. 

He loves to make pastoral visits in the homes of the marginalised, and to “accompany” them in their journey. Because mercy. 

Once he saw a man savagely beating his, erm, concubine. Archbishop C asked the man: “son, is you decision in good conscience?”. “F@ck yeah!” answered the man with scarce delicacy; and to make the point, he gave a last uppercut to the woman, who as a result fell senseless to the ground.

“I am impressed with the strength of your feelings, son!” – said Archbishop C – “Shall I accompany you to the Sacrament?”. The man asked Archbishop C what the F he was going there, and why the F did he not go away; actually, he suggested the man F disappears at once, or he would F break his F ass.

Archbishop C went away quite happy, satisfied that he had “accompanied” the man as much as he could. He felt so pastoral he was moved to tears by his own mercy and goodness. 

On another occasion, Archbishop C visited another marginalised man. The man was what uncharitable people call a sodomite, and normal people a faggot. Archbishop C does not approve exclusionary language in the least, and he actually likes sodomites; I mean, he thinks that they are our brothers, our sisters, our cousins, our altar boys, our seminarians, our brothers in lurv…

Speaking of lurv, the fag made clear avances to the archbishop, who was alone on that day (he is always alone when he visit the “gays”; which he does often, because mercy…). Archbishop C thought the he must accompany the man in his lurv, and share the lurv. “What kind of Christian would I be” – he thought – “if I did not share the lurv with this wonderful, unique, marginalised person? Lurv must reach out to the peripheries! The priest must smell of the sheep!” 

As the fag is sodomising him, Archbishop C cannot but reflect: “Why not? I think that gay people are human beings too!”. The pain grows bigger by the minute, but Archbishop C, who is very pastoral, kind of likes it. “I think that we really need to get to know what these people’s life is like if we’re going to accompany them”, he thinks. After the fact, and still in visible pain, Archbishop C asks the man is he wants to accompany him to church to get “the Sacrament”. There was, he reflects, a lot of accompanying, so that was certainly warranted. Archbishop C is now crying, we do not know exactly whether because of the pain, or of the consciousness of his own awesomeness.    

Then there was the time where the man visited another man “living at the peripheries”. As he entered the man’s room, the chap was screwing his dog. The man was taken by surprise, and let go of the dog. “No, no!” – said Archbishop C to him – “I think that we have to make sure that we don’t pigeonhole one group as though they are not part of the human family, as though there’s a different set of rules for them. That would be a big mistake! Keep what you are doing, son! The conscience is inviolable!”. 

The man finished his, ahem, job, after which he thought the right thing to do to ask Archbishop C, so unusually understanding, whether he wanted to have a go himself. The Archbishop quickly remembered his painful but pleasant experience with the sodomite, and the necessity to “know what their life is like if we want to accompany them”. Therefore, he was very fast in accepting the offer. “After all”, he thought”, “if people come to a decision in good conscience then our job is to help them move forward and to respect that. The conscience is inviolable and we have to respect that when they make decisions, and I’ve always done that.”

And so it came to pass that Archbishop C got to know what the like of a lot of people is about. This gave him, he thought, a massive pastoral experience. Perhaps this pastoral experience might be shared with other people? Oh, if only every bishop were so merciful, pastoral, inclusive, and understanding like Archbishop C! What can be more inclusive than include another’s youknowwhat in one’s own youknowwhat? Isn’t this, thinks Archbishop C, what the Gospel is all about? Share the lurv! 


You will say, for sure, that this story is absurd. 

Archbishops don’t do such things. 

Maybe not. 

But then you read articles like this one, and start to wonder how far away we are from all this. 


There Can Be No Devolution Of Truth. It’s Time To Walk Out.




In the absurd days we are living, with Circus Bergoglio now dishing us a number after the other, there has also been talk of allowing the individual bishops’ conference to do with Doctrine as they please. As in these cases you always need a fashionable word to cover old heresy, the idea has been called “devolution”.

The absurdity of this is apparent.

The Church has never been run by bishops’ conferences. The church is run by bishops, led by a Pope, who may or may not choose to be helped by Cardinals. The bishops’ conference as a hierarchical level in the Church simply does not exist; nor could it ever, because Christ never appointed any. The idea that a bishops’ conference may have any right to impinge on Doctrine in any way whatsoever is just bonkers.

Nor can it be said that, if bishops’ conferences have no hierarchical authority, a bishop has; and therefore any bishop could implement those “merciful” changes he thinks fit. Even my cat knows that no bishop has, ever had or could ever have such authority. The Truth is one. Therefore, the Church can only be one. There can be no multiplicity of doctrines more than there could be multiplicity of churches. Multiple doctrines would mean just that: multiple truths and multiple churches. Bishops cannot do anything of the sort, and everyone knows it. Which is, by the way, exactly the reason why bishops’ conferences are mentioned in connection with this latest madness.

Least of all it can be said that the Pope could make such changes. Whilst the Pope can be, in limited circumstances, infallible, his infallibility is always – and cannot but be – linked to what the Church has always believed. To put it in a blunt way: if the Pope wakes up one morning and “infallibly” proclaims the “dogma” of some heretical novelty he can never be infallible, he can only be heretical.

Truth can never be manipulated. The very concept of truth demands this as a logical consequence. As there can be no manipulation, there can be no devolution. As there must be unity, there can be no multiplicity.

Now, should we be scared that the Evil Clown will do something of the sort? To be blunt, with such an ass as Francis you never really know, but I don’t see it happening. I don’t see it happening because if Francis had had the gut of such a heretical feat, it is reasonable to think that he would have put it in place already, with a sudden papal ukase, counting on the shock effect and his authority as a Pope. Nor is this a new thinking of his, and he has already put his heretical reflection on record, as Rorate Caeli rightly observes. Therefore, the heresy has been in the mind of the Evil Clown for a while. Not even the most deluded mind can think this chaotic synod, causing concern and protests everywhere, brought him one inch nearer to it.

So: if Francis did not trust in the surprise effect then, why would he proclaim open heresy now? It would be far more difficult to achieve his objective now that it would have been then. He has been warned already. The opposition is worldwide spread and known everywhere. There is no realistic possibility that he can get away with it now, no matter how many sacrilegious little bastards – real or invented – are involved.

Realistically, no pope with a functioning brain, however heretical, would dare rising such a nuclear conflict.

I am sure Francis is heretical. What I am not sure of, is whether he has a functioning brain.

Ideally, he should not be given the ability to act in the first place. A decisive blow of historical import would destroy his ability to damage the Church forever. The Synod he wanted to use as an instrument of heresy would become the instrument of his undoing.

Time to walk out.

Time to walk out.

Time to walk out.



Synod Walkout: Why You Should Sign

Let's make a Synod on the family!

I have published a blog post inviting my readers to sign the petition for the Synod Walkout. Let me explain why.

This blog has always maintained that Francis' papacy must go down in flames. It must by now be clear to every sound thinking Catholic that Francis is an enemy of the Church. You fight against the enemies of the Church in any way you can.

There can be no doubt that a walkout would destroy Francis' papacy. It would leave a small heap of ashes where the black shoes used to be. It would be remembered in centuries to come as a grave indictment of a scheming Jesuit, planning heresy. It would completely castrate the man in his ability to cause further damage. The man would not even need to resign. He would be consigned to mocked irrelevance.

Some will say that these battles must be fought from the inside, and if you walk out you leave the ground to the enemy. I strongly disagree.

The Synod is not the Congress, or the Commons. The bishops would not be leaving a deliberating assembly, a legislative body. They would not surrender any power. They would not leave any power in the hands of those who stay. In fact, by walking out they would give this synod more relevance, more importance, more historical significance than it could ever have in any other way. In no way the defence of Catholic truth could be made clear more forcefully than by walking out and exposing the heresies Francis is trying – unsuccessfully, probably; but this is beside the point – to push down the throats of his bishops.

Nor should, in my eyes, the usual “side arguments” be listened to.

“The Bishops will not walk” may be a very correct observation, but this is beside the point. The question is not whether they will walk, but whether you think they should. They will, probably, not walk. But it would be wonderful if they would. This is what counts.

“Francis will not achieve his aim anyway” is also not relevant. To destroy heresy is much better than to contain heresy. To destroy Francis' papacy and shame him for all the centuries to come is vastly preferable to simply dissuade him from pushing his heretical agenda.

“Only a few will sign” is also beside the point. You do what you think is right, not what you think others will be doing. You are watched from heaven. You do what is right, not what is popular.

“Now is too late/too soon/too warm/too cold/too humid/too dry” and all the usual variations of “I agree with you, but…” are, in my eyes, misleading. We are living the weeks we have been dreading for two years, and we might be on the brink of a mess that could go on for many decades. Please read the blog post that I have published and pinned at the front page when the Instrumentum Laboris was published. The Bride of Christ is being raped. You do not spend your time watching and making astute observations as to what the best conduct might be. You kick the Church rapist in the head. Do you want my advice? Kick the Church rapists in the head. Sign the petition!

“A walkout would cause a schism”. This is the favourite excuse of all those who want you to accept evil. “Accept evil”, they say, “or a greater evil will come out of it”. Thank you very much, my friend, for your rather evil suggestion; but as for myself I will fight evil, full stop. If there must be a great conflict, let it come. Or else Francis can resign, simply shut up, or do that most incredible of things: start behaving like a Pope.


In the end, I think the reasoning is very simple: in these extraordinary times we must be ready to grab every occasion, however extraordinary, to expose this bunch of heretics, headed by the Pope. A Pope who, on the very day after Cardinal Erdo's reaffirming of Catholic doctrine, took the word to explain in a rather peeved tone that heresy remains on the table as a matter of legitimate discussion.

Distance yourself from this scandalous bunch of heretics and sodomites in front of the Blessed Virgin and of the entire world, and ask the bishops and Cardinals to do the same. They threatened to do it already last year. There is no reason why what would have been justified (and wonderful) last year would not be just as justified, and even more wonderful, this year.

Follow Pope Francis' advice:

¡Vaya lío!



The Pope Who Warred With Christ






Pope Francis in a rare image.


If you go around Catholic blogs and forum sites, or read the comments to newspaper articles, you will notice a leitmotiv in the stream of comments: the number of people whose main concern in these days is what the Pope will do.

I am not talking here of the hardliner blogs like this little effort. Rather, I am talking of the comment boxes of Catholic newspapers, or of conservative “mainstream” blogs. Until some three months ago you would have noticed a much greater amount of “I am sure the Holy Ghost has all under control”-, or “Francis is such a good and orthodox Pope”-pollyanning. Try now. See the difference. 

I do not doubt the Pollyannas are still around in force. If it weren’t so,this miserable heretical ass would be pelted with foul tomatoes every Sunday until he gets in that lewd head of his that he is, actually, the Pope. However, it seems to me that it has become increasingly more difficult to “Pollyanna around” when the number of those who state that they are afraid of thinking what this pope could be capable of has become so big.       

I can also note a decrease, at least in the synod days, of the number of “I am confused by this Pope” and “he has good intentions, but he is so badly advised” comments. It is difficult to beconfused for very long, even if you make a huge effort, when the Pope himself does everything he can to make abundantly clear that you should not be confused: he sides with the heretics, period.

Imagine you are an example of the garden variety Pollyanna, and read in Catholic blogs that after Cardinal Erdo’s intervention – an intervention that you had saluted with a sigh of relief, praising Francis wisely steering the Synod under the guidance of the Holy Ghost – the Pope himself has intervened on the following day and has stated that no: the Heresy of Kasper remains well on the table, and in the end it is he who decides everything. Not an easy time to be a Pollyanna, for sure.

However, I am sure that whilst Francis loses some Pollyannas every day – as more and more people become too afraid for their own salvation to keep thinking, much less saying, that the Emperor has wonderful clothes on – the vast majority continue in the stubborn and, at this point, gravely sinful error of wanting to believe in the goodness of a pope obviously at war with Christ. The fact is, they do not really believe in the Catholic Church, or in Christ who founded Her. They believe in the Pope. Their system of belief is squarely hinged on the sense of security and “living truth” given to them by the existence of an Intrinsically And Invariably Good And Holy Pope. If you take this fantasy away from them, the hinge that kept all together collapses. They will not have that. They will rather keep believing in their fantasy world in the same way in which Communists and Socialists – Francis among them – keep believing in a humanity-changing collectivist utopia against all evidence.

I seem to notice this behaviour is more frequent among converts. It is as if converts – raised to believe in absurd stories about the omnipotence of the Pope within the Protestant milieu of their formative years – had in a way married the absurd stories, at least in part, when they converted. When they got “papists”, they got all the way to the contrary excess, because their conversion was the fruit of a more or less confused need to have a visible, palpable, unshakable rock in their religious life; the reaction to, and escape from, the constant innovations they found in their
own “church” so-called.          

Sorry to disappoint, but there is no such rock. The rock they are looking for is in two thousand years of deposit of faith, and the wonderful, sheer endless quantity of sound documents underpinning it. The Pope is servus servorum dei, the “first of the servants”, or “preeminent among the servants”, of Christ. Some servants are good, some are bad, and some are outright evil.

More and more people are waking up to this reality. They see it unfold every day as Francis throws toys out of the pram like he is Elton’s John’s “adoptive” baby.

The reality is that this Pope is at war with Christ, and there is no way to close one’s eyes and get away with it. 

Choose this day, Pollyanna.

Strange Days

“You are legalist, rosary-counting, faithless, evil, judgmental Cardinals!”

One struggles to keep pace with the events at the Synod. Not only for the astonishing chaos caused by the equally astonishing incompetence of the Evil Clown, but because we get to know things in a delayed manner, and therefore miss some piece of information that becomes clear only later.

It appears obvious to me that Francis’ intervention on Tuesday was not due to the speech of Cardinal Erdo the day before, but rather (or principally) to the letter of the thirteen cardinals given to him on the same day. Only we did not know about the letter at the time, so we could not link the two events in any way.

It also transpires that already on the first real day of work, thirteen cardinals have given the Pope what can only be understood as a serious warning, politely but clearly expressed, not to mess around with Doctrine. If you read the letter – which is everywhere now on the net – you will see that the criticism moves on various issues not only of transparency and – I dare to say – common decency, but more importantly on the Instrumentum Laboris being unsuitable as the starting point for any kind of credible Catholic document.

Francis,  ass that he always is, perhaps does not get the message. More probably, though, he does. Then he stomps his humbly shod feet to the ground and delivers that masterwork of pettiness and childishness: the bitchy address of Tuesday, in which he says in so many words that he is still the one who calls the shots whilst (hopefully) understanding that no, he doesn’t; that being a pope is a different matter than being one of the many idiots who can ruin with impunity South or Central American Countries; and that he will not be allowed to do as he pleases.

My bet (but again, I am an optimist) is that Francis was so bilious at the revolt of his own Cardinals, and possibly also at Erdo’s speech, that he reacted to the double whammy with a very childish reminder that… he is the Pope, but knowing that he will not dare go beyond the line now clearly traced in the sand. Yes, he is the pope, which everyone but a couple of Sedevacantists already know, and is exactly why they are so worried.

The bomb of the Cardinals’ letter then causes an attempt from third parties at defusing it. No, we were told: Cardinal such and such other were not among the signatories. One or two actually say they have signed… another letter!

Woah, stop there!

We do not really care who has signed, though we know it by now. It appears obvious that such a letter was not presented to all Cardinals and Bishops before being signed, as it would have come to the ears of the pope way before delivery. Rather, the thirteen have clearly decided themselves  to act fast and without fluffing around, because there isn’t time to lose, and you don’t need a genius to understand that their concerns are shared by the vast majority of the Synod participants. So who cares if Cardinal Titius, or Caius, has not signed? Thirteen Cardinals have certainly signed a clear letter of warning to the Pope. They tell him that they will not allow him to hijack this synod in the same way as he has tried to hijack the last one. They tell him that they don’t like his ways, and don’t trust him one bit. They tell him – in so many words – that they know he is on the side of the heretics, and won’t allow him to give them a licence to sacrilege. If this isn’t enough to make you smile, I don’t know what is.

Note also – though they are not so important – the names: Mueller, Napier, Pell are three heavyweights of the current administration, Caffarra is one (as V II Cardinals go) to count on. As far as I know, a letter of the sort is unprecedented in modern times. It is unthinkable for a rational mind to think that these prelates, and countless others, will fold in case of SHTF scenario after leaning so much out of the window. Won’t happen, Frankie boy. If you are still planning anything very stupid, all signals say that you are in for the ride of your disgraceful life.     

Then there is the matter of the content of the letter. Were there, actually, two letters, of which only one was leaked? Is that so surprising in these tragicomic days? Or was there – far more probably – only one letter, and the content was leaked only in its most savoury parts? We don’t know. But we will know in due course. It must be a very stupid Pope who thinks that he can hide one single sigh uttered during this synod for long.

The strange days continue. Father Lombardi licks the Pope’s boots so thoroughly his tongue is now completely black and I am glad I cannot find the link anymore, because I could otherwise write something less than charitable. But then Lombardi and Rosica are fully irrelevant. They remind one more and more of Comical Ali, as their faggoty talk is given the lie from extremely strong interventions from people who are saying – in all possible ways – to Francis that they will not be fooled. 

Archbishop Gadecki delivers his three-minute speech and, in a nutshell, lectures Francis about basic Catholicism. He makes very clear that he speaks for the entire Polish Bishops’ conference. One wonders how stupid must Francis be in order not to understand the message. 

It goes on: Cardinal Sarah delivers an absolutely devastating (for the heretics) three-minute address at the Synod, that falls short of accusing Kasper & Co. (and Francis with them) of heresy and treason merely for reasons of basic politeness. Sarah is as blunt as you can expect any Cardinal to be. He even openly criticises the entire 2014 Synod in its ways and message, well knowing who is responsible for both.

You would think the question has been already settled, and the heretical side (headed by Francis) has now understood they are closely watched and will not be allowed to play any trick, whatever instrument or excuse Francis may choose for it.

You would, wouldn’t you? I certainly do. But the problem is that at the helm there is a man so incompetent, so ignorant, so petty, so full of himself, so out-and-out Incompetent South American Dictator that no one knows what kind of stupid thing he may not do. Not, mind, because of great courage and dedication to the heretical cause; but because he is too stupid to understand the consequences of what he does.

Already the fact that he keeps changing the rules of this utterly discredited Synod and is obviously unable to see how unspeakably incompetent, petty and stupid he looks should be a warning. This one is a loose cannon. You can hope that he uses his brains (whatever he has of them) and stays put, but the simple truth is that we don’t know: people with a basic sense of what is good for them wouldn’t go around behaving like spoiled children as he does, either.

We hope and pray. I suggest you pray for the man – as salutary penance – that he may see the light, or at least be dissuaded from the worst. But please also pray the Lord that He may carry the man away to wherever he is supposed to go – I think I know where – before he does something very, very stupid.

From lightning and storm; from plague, disease, and famine; from war, murder, sudden death, and Francis. Good Lord, deliver us.


Stalin Is Running The Synod


An article here gets, I think, some things very right.

There can be no talk of “conspiracy” in the proper sense of the word, because the rules have been made known publicly and the criticism to them was public, too. So much so, that no one trusts those (and particularly one) who report about the synod. It is also true that, in the end, the Pope decides what he wants to adopt from what he has heard in a synod. He is the Pope; therefore, he and no one else bears the responsibility for where he steers the Church. He cannot hide behind a synod, for sure.

However, there is something extremely unsavoury in the entire behaviour and mentality of Pope Francis. The man talks of collegiality a lot, then he amends the rule to make of himself the only one who even issues a final document. He calls an “extraordinary synod” and invites to discussion, even stating that there are no taboos and everyone should feel free to be as heretical as he pleases; when the discussion does not go in the direction he hopes, he culls it as much as he can short of canceling the entire exercise. He allows the local churches to select those who will attend at the synod, but doesn’t like the appointees and selects additional people out of his own caprice;  then, he selects among those chosen by him seven out of the ten who must prepare for him the final document.  

The hypocrisy is breathtaking. This here is a South American Stalin. 

The silver lining in all this is that the Pope has received no support at all from the bishops. Therefore, if he wants to make a revolution he will have to put himself at the head of the movement knowing that most of his troops will not follow him, and many will shoot at him. The man is not a genius, but I think he got the message. Actually, I think he got the message last October already.   

Francis can try to twist and turn it as he wants, but one fact remains: if he in any way, shape or form tries to introduce heretical novelties, it will be on his head. There is no way he can say that the bishops are with him, and there is no way he can introduce heresy in a kind of informal manner and, so to speak, en passant. Any measure that has a legislative value would have such a value even if Francis were to write it on toilet paper. Any initiative that introduces such changes would be seen as heretic irrespective of whether Francis calls the relevant source papal bull, motu proprio, off-the-cuff document, Sunday sermon, or shopping list.

Francis has culled the debate as much as he can, and he has called all the power on himself. His right, his responsibility, and his problem. 

Heretic is who heretic does. He has nowhere to hide, and he would do well to listen to those who counsel him to stay calm and not do anything stupid, that is: not do anything at all. 

The immense power of a Pope is normally not a problem, because the Pope is supposed to be Catholic. This here isn’t Catholic. This here is Stalin. Look at the blogosphere, and notice that the issue is always the same: the fear that the Pope may do something horribly un-Catholic, that is: heretical or sacrilegious. 

This is why everyone is so concerned that he has stated the obvious, that is: that the final decision is up to him.

When Stalin is your pope – and a rather dumb one at that – you have a right to be worried.