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Of Krematorsk, Advisers, And Ukrainian Sluts.

There’s nowhere safe here, pal…

The Russian Foreign Minister, Lavrov, has spelled it very clearly for dumb Westerners yesterday: Western military trainers and “advisers” in Ukraine are military targets. Fairly obvious, you will say. But Western journalists and politicians are a thick bunch, so they need to be told bluntly.

What happened in Krematorsk some days ago is the most banal of war events: concentration of enemies, missile, boom. The “issue” here is that, for some reason, Western mercenaries and NATO soldiers think that the rules do not apply to them, or that the rainbow patches and portable make-up sets make them invulnerable to missile attack. Alas for them, not.

A concentration of enemies is a military target. Civilians are well advised to avoid places with military people around, because the missile does not distinguish between the western officers and the young Ukrainian sluts in mini rock looking for a fling, or a US passport. In fact, military people should not congregate in civilian places, exactly in order to avoid civilian casualties. Still, the military target remains legitimate. Were this not the case, any big warship could avoid attacks by installing a disco.

Now: I am not in Krematorsk right now, and I cannot tell you whether the info going around (big concentration of Western and Ukrainian officers, and (cough) “social space” as described above) is true; but the Russian missiles are fairly expensive, the massive loss of officers is very well documented, and everybody can switch his brain on, and add two and two.

The time of largely untouched Western meddling in the Ukraine is coming to an end. Everyone who is there to help the Ukrainian military effort, with whatever flimsy excuse, will be targeted. When they are dead, hysterical Ukrainian screaming about “war crimes” will not bring them back to life.

Mr Dementia will, at some point, have to give an account of how many Americans have died in that meat grinder called “The Ukraine”.

I can’t imagine this will help his re-election effort.

The Ukraine And You, Part II

I have described in my previous post how I see the situation from a geopolitical point of view. I would like, here, to make some prediction about the future and give my two cents about what I think it’s happening.

First: there is going to be no invasion. Putin is intelligent. I’d say he can vastly outsmart the EU, let alone the Demented Thief. He could never invade the Ukraine with 100,000 people unless he expects no resistance and it would be a politically risky and very expensive proposition to go all-in. Perhaps the gender-uncertain people at the EU and NATO are worried because they know there would be little or no resistance?

Second: Putin wants to consolidate the long shadow he throws over the Ukraine and, possibly, make it darker. Both because of what I have written in the former post and because he wants to show the EU who has a Willie, and who has a Mangina. In fact, the EU does not even have a Mangina. They are merely trying to work on one.

Third: Putin wants to tests the waters, as he will likely gauge whether a coup d’etat in the Ukraine is feasible. If (big if) it’s feasible, he will need the current confrontation in order to house train the EU and NATO to limit themselves to the usual talk, but without any walk, when the time comes; if it’s not, he will still have asserted himself, and he will have made clear that the Ukraine is off-limits for both EU and NATO. He already has a couple of “independent republics” faithful to him. He could extend the gains and humiliate Kiev even more. I think when the microphones are switched off, everybody gets it.

Fourth: Putin wants every American to ask himself: do we want our soldiers to die for the Ukraine? The question is not a dumb one, as even my cat has amply realised that, in the very improbable event of an invasion, the Ukrainian army would fold before you can say “Putin”, and the extremely flat nature of the land would give them nowhere to run, either. Nor would the European NATO Countries go in, firstly because it would be politically suicidal and second because they would have, realistically, a very bad hand against the hardened and technologically savvy Russian army. Therefore, in the end it would be the old U S of A who, in various guises (“security advisers” or the like) sends down to the Ukraine ten or twenty battalions, just so Biden can play “freedom fighter “ whilst his son snorts so much white powder you could make pizza with it.

But again, this is all just not going to happen. Putin is not going to invade. What Putin is doing is, very simply, marking his territory.

This is, to me, so obvious, that I wonder if there is even one political operative who has not understood it yet.

Still: you, dear reader, will be deafened with the usual virtue signalling calls to peace and dialogue, after the aggressive expansion politics of the EU and the encirclement attempt of the NATO have caused the issue in the first place.

The Ukraine shall remain within the traditional cultural sphere of influence of the old Kievan Rus’.

It is fitting, prudent, even Christian that things should stay that way.

Brezhnev Among Us

Pope, President, or both?

We have been informed today that, on occasion of Dementia Joe’s visit to the Evil Clown, there will be no tv coverage of the two, amiably sitting for the cameras in front of a friendly fireplace in a barrage of winning smiles and flash lights etc. (You know the drill).

One cannot but wonder why. I make the following hypotheses:

First: Dementia Joe is so demented by now that he cannot be left for many minutes alone with photographers and cameras, live, lest he should start asking mother whether he can have an ice cream. Biden’s appearances are now heavily controlled, and you can’t see him “in the wild” for fifteen minutes or so. Who knows what the world could get to see if the man’s medicines fail in front of the cameras. Reality is something the Dem machine cannot afford.

Second: Francis is ill. He might be frail at times, or show occasional symptoms that a medical doctor could connect to this or that disease, like cancer.

It would be, if you remember those years, the Brezhnev-isation of Francis, or Biden, or both.

I have read other hypotheses (Francis not liking Dementia because of abortion) but this does not seem credible because we all know that Francis does not “obsess” about abortion.

No, to me it’s health in either of the cases, and perhaps in both.

Time will tell but, certainly, the coincidences keep adding….

The (Fraudulent) Manchurian President And His Vulgar Handlers

One of the many, many flaws of the cabal currently fraudulently inhabiting the White House is the vulgarity with which they handle their demented front man. They cut his microphone, they ration his public appearances. They clearly want you to understand that whilst he is obviously demented, they are in control. Quite disquieting, really, as it makes of the Manchurian Candidate way more than fiction.

In the last days something happened which, whether you follow the space race or not, is quite a historic event: for the first time, 4 civilians went on a 3 days journey on orbit, without any professional with them, and came back safely, the mission a success. They also raised a lot for money for a hospital, because nowadays everything is done for charity or you can’t be good. Still, the money is, most certainly, good for the hospital.

mind: this is not Jeff Bezos swinging his (anyway not very controllable) willie, and his billions, sitting near some people who actually know what they are doing. This is 4 people, of whom no one is a professional astronaut, accomplishing the mission.

You can turn this any way you want: this is truly historic.

You would expect the handlers of Dementia Joe would recognise this. You would expect that the White House would release a communique with high praise for the men and women who did this, and the company behind it.

Alas, the driving force behind said company is currently not really in the grace of the White House, as the guy keeps exhibiting, in the last years, worrying signs of baseness. Also, the guy threatens more and more to endanger an awful lot of extremely well paid jobs from one of the most faithful paying customer of the Democrat party: unionised car workers. In fact, the same not-so-woke-anymore guy has just released a twitter storm against the attempt of said Democrats to bail out said workers with extremely high, barely disguises, totally shameless, taxpayers-funded subsidies. Ouch!



You would think that some decency still abides in Joe’s handlers. You would think that they would at least save appearances and to the right, patriotic thing.

But no. They are too vulgar for that.

Just too damn arrogant to even care how this makes them look.

We don’t know exactly who Dementia Joe’s handlers are.

But I can’t avoid thinking there are many Francistypes among them.


Joe Bidens handlers have botched it once again. The poor (not really), old, demented (really) guy gave an interview yesterday in which he said that Andrew Cuomo should resign if the investigation proves him guilty, but women should be presumed to be telling the truth.

This doesn’t make sense. If women are presumed to be telling the truth, Cuomo should resign now. Actually, if women are presumed to be telling the truth, Dementia Joe should resign, too, then Tara Reade is most certainly a woman.

If, however, Cuomo should get his investigation, then it is clear that women are not automatically believed, not even by woke leftists.

In fact, you should not believe for a second that Biden’s handlers are really so sexist that they think women should be given a different legal position than men in court. No, what Biden’s handlers are saying is that accusations of sexual misconduct will receive the “believe all women ” treatment, or not, according to the party of the accuser and, if a Democrat, his power within the party.

The hypocrisy is staggering, but what is becoming increasingly more clear is that there is no desire to hide it, at all, not even an effort of coherence.

Joe Biden’s and Bill Clinton’s accusing women are not believed, in principle. Brett Kavanaugh’s perhaps accusing woman is believed, in principle. Andrew Cuomo’s accusing women is only believed to the extent that is convenient.

Joe Biden’s handlers really need to get a grip…

But no, wait! I forgot for a moment that they can manipulate elections, unpunished, and stole a Presidency without any consequence.

I begin to understand why they don’t care for even a modicum of coherence, then.

Too Little, Too Late, And Too Stupid

five chairmen of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference condemned the Equality Act, saying it would “impose sweeping new norms that negatively impact the unborn, health care, charitable services, schools, personal privacy, athletics, free speech, religious liberties, and parental rights.”

“The Act’s unsound definitions of ‘sex’ and ’gender identity’ would erase women’s distinct, hard-won recognition in federal laws,” the bishops said.

Look, the US Bishops are meowing again!

First of all, note the language: in the modern world, nothing is, anymore, wrong because it offends God. The average XXI Century US Bishop is worried about stuff like health care, personal privacy, or athletics first, second and third. Things are bad, always, for reasons an atheist could share. The religious thinking has completely gone out of the public parlance of the hierarchy. Look, Bishops: no one needs you to worry about athletics. Let others examine athletics. You should be worried about Salvation.

Similarly, the Act’s absurd, deranged, absolutely perverted definitions of “sex” and “gender identity” are defined – wait for this – “unsound”, possibly the new PC word used in order to avoid the already PC “gravely disordered”.

Unsound. Perversion and abomination on a scale unthinkable to our forefathers are now unsound, say our Bishops. What a bunch of sissies.

But this is not even the worst. The worst is that these idiots have, in their great majority, done all they could to support Joe Biden and his perverted agenda. That they now even dare to (pretend to) complain shows not only their infinite hypocrisy, but the contempt in which they hold us, the Catholics, who know better than siding with the Devil for some sort of fake “social” reasons. This is every bit as hypocritical as those Republican politicians now clamouring they want to look into the 2020 elections.

Mind, I despise Joe and the Hoe. I loathe all these deranged, perverted, or prostituted politicians. But the ones I loathe the most are the ones who are supposed to be on our side.

Spare us your outrage, Bishops. You are accomplices and enablers of all this. This is all on you.

And you will, one day, seriously repent or pay the very, very serious price of your insolence.

The Child, The Father, The President* And The Excrement

Many years ago, I was a little child.

Tiny. Defenceless. Looking for protection.

I remember, vividly, to this day, that whenever I went for a walk with my papa, my little hand instinctively searched his; or, better said, that one or two finger of his that were all I could get with my little fingers.

When my papa reached his hand (or, rather, two fingers thereof) to me, I grasped them with all the confidence of the little child. And I, so little and defenceless, proudly walked with my papa, who was big and strong; and felt safe, and reassured, and quite in my element.

I don’t know how long those walks were, because I must have been very tiny, and the speed forcibly limited. But I never remember tiring of it. I never remember fatiguing my little arm, for example, though I can still distinctly remember that my hands were so little, that they had quite a solid purchase with only two fingers of his. This is, I think, what happens when you feel, as a child, as happy as a child.

Alas, it seems to me that the same phenomenon is, on a planetary scale, and with some notable variations, going on right now, in the Age of the Chinese Virus.

It seems to me that hundreds of millions of people feel, as I write this, just like little children , and patiently wait for the big, reassuring hand of Dr Fauci, Dr Birx, Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, Boris Johnson, or even Dementia Joe Biden giving them (pun intended) two fingers and telling them whereto the walk leads: more lockdowns, more misery, more business closures, more quiet desperation, and more suicides.

Being little children – who never had to go through great difficulties in life, or who have forgotten them -, they grasp the two finger of Dr Fauci, or of Creepy President* Biden, and never let go. I don’t think they have much of that confident pride I had when I was walking with my papa (but then my papa loved me, and had my interest at heart); still, they have decided that it is for Fauci and Birx, for Johnson and Biden, for Newsom and Cuomo and Merkel to tell them how miserable they have to be, and they find some reassurance in this.

They seem to think something along the lines of : “I am about to enter month 12 of the lockdown; some of my friends are about to go bankrupt, and the one or other might decide to take the fast way out; but if papa Biden is telling me to walk through a sea of excrement and say nothing at all, there must be a good reason for this”.

Alas, there isn’t.

You aren’t a little child anymore.

And President* Biden is, more likely than not, papa to a drug-addicted pervert.

The Last Debate

“This needs to end before I say that I married my daughter”


Good news for the unborn yesterday night.

Let me count the ways.

The President was Presidential

I confess: I prefer Angry Trump to Statesman Trump. I want to see the lion roar. I want to see the decrepit animal, Biden, looking for cover. I want to see the terror in his eyes as the Lion is about to put his teeth in his throat. Trump has given me both: Warrior Trump and Statesman Trump. Praise the Lord, and pass the ballot (I wish!).

Biden was waning fast

Come on, man! Biden was looking at his watch, and was more blurred towards the end, because his drugs were starting to lose their effect. Plus, he had three full days to alter his circadian rhythms and avoid sundowning. Plus, he might have known the questions beforehand (if you did that, you might be hired by Fox very soon). Still, the old and frail man was, well, old and frail. Trump was, in contrast, quite the guy you would want at the top of the Free World.

Biden fracked himself on energy

Poor Joe lives in the Seventies. In a world with tape recorders, and no Internet. He lies – like he has done his whole life: ask him how many degrees he has! – without reflecting that his lies will live for 30 minutes, top. He managed to screw himself and be seen as a shameless liar by the entire Country. The videos posted by Trump after the debates already have many millions views. He voted himself out of Pennsylvania with his own mouth. This is going to be glorious.

“Who built the cages, Joe?”

Ah, the one with the cages! Vintage Trump! Will be on TV in 30 years! Biden answered with… crickets. I’ll go out on a limb and say this: millions of people will have discovered only yesterday that the “cages” were built by Bronzefaced Bathhouse Barry Boy.

The Laptop From Hell

Trump pressed Biden on this, forcing him to make an ass of himself. You have a drug addict son, Joe, and it looks like you made a lot of money out of him, as your crack-pipe-cum-bag-man. Not looking good, Joe!

The General Impression

Experienced, proven President destroys liar, corrupt wannabe.

Pray that there is no jail for you or your son, Joe.

Ask Anthony Weiner how it ended for him.





Huntergate: Meet The Family From Hell

Hunter Biden is here seen sleeping, together with his inseparable drug (probably crack cocaine) pipe.


Rudy Giuliani just released a long-ish text message. I have it from a Youtube Trump channel containing extremely vulgar language, which I don’t want to link to here. You will soon have the text everywhere, and Giuliani has promised pictures and more material talking to Maria Bartiromo (on “Morning with Maria”) in a matter of hours.

The key parts of the text, which was sent from Hunter Biden to Joe Biden, are the following ones:

  1. “She told my therapist I was sexually inappropriate. This would be with an unnamed 14 years old girl”. “She” is the sister-in-law of Hunter Biden, of whom Hunter was the lover after Beau Biden diedWhat kind of family is this one, I wonder. So this is Hunter texting Joe that his sister-in-law and former lover told his therapist that he was sexually inappropriate with a 14 years old girl. This is not what he says. This is what she says.
  2. “And the reason why she can’t have her out to see me is because I walk around naked smoking crack talking Tom Girls(?) on Face time”. “Tom Girls”, and the question mark, is clearly Hunter misspelling “to girls”. “Face time” is clearly FaceTime, Apple’s videotelephony software. So Hunter states that he, as he himself admits,
    • talks to at least one girl (I think he questions the plural) on FaceTime
    • whilst walking around naked
    • smoking crack
    • all the time. —- Note here that Hunter does not say to “Pop” that this walking naked is something his “sister-in-law slash former lover” maintains. No. This is something he states as a fact, together with the rest.
  3. The bottom line is that I created and caused a very unsafe environment for the kids”. You don’t say, Hunter?!

Now, how serious is this? This is so serious that Mr Giuliani has now given the hard disk to the police.

This looks to me like Hunter Biden having to go down hard, with Rudy Giuliani doing all he can so that the police is actually forced to act (or is shamed, possibly with heads rolling, for not doing it) on the material, and arrests/interrogates the guy who sleeps with his widowed sister-in-law.

“Pop” is, no matter how demented, au courant about everything. He must have been the most leveraged politician on this planet for years now, as there is no possibility in this universe in which the Chinese were not aware at the very least of his son’s crack addiction and, very possibly, of the sordid details of Hunter “Anthony-Weinering” around and (if this was a secret; hey, this is a liberal family, so you never know…..) sleeping with the sister-in-law.

Trump called Hunter’s laptop “the laptop from hell”. But really, I think he is being too gentle. What is emerging is the picture of a family very closely resembling a crime syndicate, in which several members of the family (at least Joe’s son, brother, and son-in-law) all massively leverage “Pop’s” power and connection to make a quick buck (actually, millions of them) and “Pop” gets a kickback for it; all the while having to arbitrage stuff like his son sleeping with the wife of his deceased other son, his son having a crack addiction, and his son talking naked to girls on FaceTime “all the time”, “smoking crack”.

Boy, this is disquieting on so many levels, it makes the Clintons – minus the suspected arkancides – almost look like a normal family.

Stay tuned.



The Lead That Never Was: Why Trump Was Strong In Pennsylvania Pre-Huntergate, And Is Stronger Now.

The historically very serious, accurate Trafalgar Group released a new poll stating that Biden’s “lead” in Pennsylvania factually evaporated.

It would be all fine, if we didn’t know that the clear lead was never there in the first place. Your average Republican does not distinguish between Trafalgar and SurveyMonkey. They just hate, or at least don’t trust, pollsters. They might not want to have the quarrel with the wife and the daughter. They might not want the colleagues to know. They might just want to troll the pollsters. I know I would. 

Trump won this State in 2016. He has gained more registrations than Biden since. He has delivered to the people of Pennsylvania all that he had promised. He is the only pro-Second amendment candidate in a State fond of its gun rights. He is not an unknown quantity anymore, but a tried and tested President, without being part of the establishment.

There is no reason why he should not have won in Pennsylvania, pre-laptop.

But the laptop is now there, and the combined power of the tech giants could not keep it away from the masses. This poll only covers day 1 of Huntergate. Huntergate will, most likely, grow and become more explosive in the days to come.

Biden is on the defensive like he’s Hitler in March 1945. He has now called The Mother Of All Lids: three full days of basement! Granted, he needs three days to memorise that he is running for.. Senator (oh, wait!), but most of all, he needs to stay out of the way of the public, the journalists, the Trump fans more numerous than his own pathetic supporters.

This guy’s campaign is collapsing under our very eyes, with elements of hilarity worthy of Comical Ali. They tell their people that they can’t be complacent, that the Dems are “neck and neck” in most key battleground, and that they need to renew their efforts….

 and then they retire their candidate from circulation for three days straight.

It should be embarrassing to watch.

For some reason, it’s extremely satisfying instead.




Steve Bannon On Biden Inc.

The Biden campaign rendered with an artistic, B&W, old German picture.



Mr. Bannon: Joe Biden is a liar, a fraud, and compromised by Chinese cash. In short, he is a national security crisis. The hard drive combines emails and text messages that show a massive involvement with companies controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. Also, there are 25,000 images that show a drug-addled, depraved lifestyle — one that decent hardworking Americans will not want near the White House.

Revolver News: The FBI has been holding onto the hard drive for almost a year? Any sense of why? Was there any indication that they were seriously interested in criminal case, assuming that there is, in fact, illegal material on there? If not, why would the FBI simply hold onto information like that?Do you think the Biden family is corrupt?Yes No  Completing this poll entitles you to The Gateway Pundit news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

Mr. Bannon: The President must confront the director of the FBI on why the information housed on this hard drive was not moved on immediately. If the content of the hard drive had been released when received in November 2019, there would have been no impeachment of Trump, and Bernie Sanders would be the Democratic Party nominee. This confrontation should take place this weekend in the Oval Office. If Wray doesn’t have a bulletproof reason he should be fired in the room…

Revolver News: Is there any reason to expect that the contents of the hard drive will be revealed before the election? If yes, will people actually care enough for it to substantially affect the outcome?

Mr. Bannon: The Bidens are about to be hit with multiple stories from multiple media sources based off evidence beyond the hard drive. Fox and Peter Schweitzer have already started but bigger more mainstream companies are going to weigh in. We already have set in motion the various apparatuses that will release everything.

Well, this will hurt….

Plus: Russia is nothing to do with Hunter’s laptop. 

Adam Full-of-Schiff going in front of the cameras yesterday and asserting that this is a Russian plot is, well, par for the course for this man. 

Keep praying, keep working for Trump, keep helping the unborn. Don’t be complacent. Be joyously optimistic that the coming battle will be won, but conscious that there is still a battle to be fought.  




Hunter, Joe, And Depravity

When I first saw the tweet on Youtube, I thought exactly the same as the author of this article: the allegations about Hunter Biden’s computer are of such gravity, that Chanel Rion would expose herself to the risk of ruinous criminal and civil suits if they were baseless, and therefore libelous.

It seems to me that there is a certain category of politician (mainly Democrats), who develop such a disdain for common rules that it destroys them when their quest for power, or pursue of depravity, or greed gets out of control. Anthony Weiner is a good example. Hillary Clinton (though she, sadly, never went to jail) is another. Rod Blagojevich (who had his sentence reduced by Trump, but is still guilty of his crime) is a third one. Power goes to one’s head. Particularly after many years. Particularly if you are a Dem. Particularly if you are uncommonly arrogant.

But what if you are all these things (with the power by proxy), and you are, in addition to all that, a drug addict?

Not trying to be a Sunday psychologist here, but it’s not difficult to imagine a drug addict as a person who loves the forbidden fruit; who is extremely eager to taste what is illegal and dangerous; who desires  to go where normal people don’t; who, at some level, loves to defy them by doing what disgusts them, and enjoys it.

So, Hunter is not very smart, a crack cocaine addict, and he is allowed by “Pop” (perhaps in exchange for  monetary kickback; I have written about this) to be a very powerful man by proxy. What other boundaries might he decide to smash? And is it absurd to think that, drunk on power and desirous to excite himself with his own depravity, he would be not only so dumb as to keep videos of his own perverted antics, but so stupid as to send the laptop to repair with all the material inside, and forget to retrieve the laptop afterwards? You might say that this is something only a crackhead would do; but this, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly what we have here!

Mind, I want to be fair: it is not inconceivable (though difficult to believe) that compromising material was planted in Hunter’s laptop when the laptop was not in his control. It is also possible that the material was such that Hunter Biden was put, perhaps profiting of his drug addiction, in a position allowing the Chinese to blackmail both him and “Pop” (which would still be fatal to “Pop’s” career, even without monetary implications, as the man is so China-friendly it’s embarrassing).  Still: if the alleged videos have Hunter on them, then it’s game over, as there is no technology in existence which would allow to counterfeit a video in a manner that cannot be recognised.

I don’t know what will come out of this. But when I read articles like the one I have linked to, it seems difficult to me to believe that “underage”, in this context, means “17 years and 11 months old California Girl stunner”. I think it means something much, much more sinister.

This would be, of course, merely in addition to the pay-to-play schemes involving son, brother and son-in-law; probably with “Pop” putting some of the money in his oh so folksy pockets. Come on, man!

The Bidens.

The gift that, sadly enough, might keep on giving.


Good News From Michigan


The first hard numbers from Michigan are in, and they are very good.

I need to make two preliminary observations before getting into the numbers. One: you can expect the Dems to lead the early and mail vote, as their (generally) superior ground operation is better at “securing” the votes before the election day proper. Two: this is particularly true this year, as the Dems have been conditioned to believe that voting in person, or with crowds, is dangerous and are naturally motivated to vote early, or via mail, more than this happened in the past. Expect, as a rule, a stronger Democrat presence in the early vote this year than this was the case in 2020. Then the 3 November comes, and the cavalry (hopefully) changes the course of the battle.

In Michigan, there is a new element: the electoral law was changed, making it easier to vote earlier and via mail than it was before. If you listen to the MSM, this all but guarantees Biden a victory there, as the section of the Democrat electorate that normally can’t bother to haul their ass to the polling station will be motivated to vote, and give the victory to their half-dead, creepy, corrupt candidate.

So, the Dems felt very safe in Michigan. Then, the State of Michigan revealed that, as per yesterday, around 24% of the expected voters have already cast their ballot. This is a big percentage, but in line with what we have said before: Dem ground game, Virus fears and new electoral law all contribute to an increase in early and mail vote. And the result? Republican affiliated voters are more numerous than Democrat affiliated voters. The site TargetEarly2020 had the numbers, but no snippet because either the graphics seem not to work today (they did yesterday), or TargetEarly2020 have decided to ditch the official data altogether, in order to promote their own “modeled” prediction, which differs from the raw, official data and is, like all the rest of the polls, not fact but fiction (mind: it’s bad news for the Dems anyway..). [EDIT: Targetearly is affiliated with the Democrats. it might explain both their “modeled” prediction and the disappearance of the official data). 

Still, the data is there and it is official: more Republican affiliated voters than Democrat affiliated voters had cast their vote early, as per official Saturday night data.

What does this mean? Does it mean that Democrats have suddenly decided to defy the Pandemic and go vote all together in November cold? Does it mean that Democrats plan to win with the independents? Does it mean that the new electoral law is proving a boon for the Republicans, who are now able to tap on a “distracted/formerly not interested/lazy Republican” clientele who did not vote before, but decided to profit from the new rules and vote early this time? Or does it, very simply, mean that the enthusiasm among Republicans in Michigan is through the roof, and this starts to reflect already in the early vote?

I think the first and second scenario are not realistic. If you ask me, we are seeing a mixture of the third and fourth one. This makes a victory in Michigan, whilst not assured – nothing is assured until the victory is in the bag – certainly more likely.

And in fact, let us reflect on the feelings of your average Michigander as the 2020 election is under way. Has Trump delivered on his promises? Check. Are the prospects for the economy good? Check. Is Trump the one generally considered to be more capable to deal with the economy than Barely Alive Joe? Check. Are the shocking Biden scandals going to help the Republicans? Check. Do the Republicans have an Incumbent running? Check.

Facts, common sense, and early vote data are all pointing in the same direction.

In Michigan, I think Biden has good reasons to be scared.




Biden Destroyed Twice. MSM deflect. Big Tech censors.

Amazing things can happen during one’s sleep.

This time, it was waking up to two astonishing pieces of news.

The first: an email emerged where a Burisma executive thanks Hunter Biden for the opportunity of meeting Pop Joe. This shows that Biden lied when he said he never had contacts with Burisma or his son’s dealings. This is a smoking gun of huge proportions, as Biden was in charge of Obama’s Ukraine policy, and is the one who – as we already know – had one prosecutor who was investigated Burisma (and his son) fired with the threat of withholding $1bn of help to the Ukraine. This piece of news is everywhere.

The second: a text from Hunter Biden to his (I think) daughter emerged, where Hunter admits that “Pop” gets 50% of his intake. I cannot find the article anymore, and the search engines are not helping (there is so much rubbish going on about Biden, it likely gets lost…). I am grateful for relevant links [EDIT: in the comment section!]. This, if confirmed, would mean that Biden was not only exercising pressure on the Ukrainian government on behalf and in order to benefit his son, but was imbibing in the Ukrainian money himself. If confirmed, this is not even a smoking gun, this is a nuke.

We are also awaiting for new revelations concerning China. It’s getting so much fun.

I invite all my readers to think what the MSM would say if the parties were reversed. Instead, we are assisting to the most shameless episode of news suppression ever witnessed. Perhaps worse, twitter and Facebook are on the first line in the censorship. Twitter has apologised and we will see whether they restore things to normal fast (I doubt) and heads roll (I doubt that, too). Facebook still has to backpedal from their shameful censorship.

Apart from Biden pathetic campaign, if Trump is reelected he must make of the fight against these anti-democratic tech giants the priority number one of his second mandate. These people are far, far more dangerous than even an old, corrupt bastard like Creepy Joe.



Playing Devil’s Advocate


Biden oceanic crowd: 3 people (plus some in the trucks?). This is in Michigan. 

I am not one of those brainless Libtards who swallow the propaganda of their own party and parrot it day in and day out. I try to make some simple sense checks to see whether I am not going down the wrong road, purely because I want to think that things are just fine.

So, let us think of the scenario that could, in fact, cause a Biden/Harris victory starting, as always, from reality. Reality tells us that there is a huge enthusiasm gap between Trump and Biden supporters. So, what could cause Biden to win notwithstanding the undeniable enthusiasm gap?

People who hate Trump would vote for Stalin 

Fair enough. There are a lot of people who just can’t stand Trump. They are the TDS apostles, the screaming posters on Youtube and TikTok, the rabid bigots immediately calling you a Nazi for even mentioning Trump’s name. There is a lot of hatred for this man, who is very polarising. Should I be worried?

Not really, I would say. I remember when Reagan was just as hated in 1984. Reagan went on to win in a landslide. Polarising candidates (Reagan, Thatcher, Trump) make the fringes mad, but this does not really damage them with the centre, the moderates, the sane voters. You see them screaming on Twitter, but It’s far more smoke than fire. Yes, people from California, Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts might emerge from their basements in drove to vote Biden. Yes, a lot of people who have not voted in the past will feel good voting against Trump this time. But I think that, as a whole, they will come from States the Democrats are going to win anyway. The Dems will likely win the popular vote again. Let them. Who cares. It will make it funnier to see them cry.

Nobody showing up for Biden does not mean he will not get voted. 

Yes. Better said: yes, and no. Hillary also had abysmal presence at her rallies, and she went on to win the popular won and lose Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin for relatively small margins. If you had looked at the difference in enthusiasm alone, you’d have said she was on course to lose Florida by 10 point. It was “merely” 1.2% in the end. Enthusiasm gap does not translate directly into voter’s gap. People who want to keep abortion will not show up at a Democrat rally, but they will vote for a half-dead, demented, corrupted, creepy guy like Biden without a second thought. 

Still, it would be the first time in my memory that the candidate who seems to have such a lack of enthusiasm behind him ends up winning in the end. The more so, as we all know that there is no reason not to say that one will vote for Biden. Not even the pollsters mention “silent Biden voters”. In my eyes, such a lack of enthusiasm will not translate in a Reagan-like landslide, but it will be enough to make him lose. I can’t imagine that such a disastrous candidate will not cause the loss of, say, at least 1% or 2% of voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Wisconsin. Not many compared to the totals, but probably decisive for the race.

Biden has no one showing up at his rallies because Democrats are afraid of the Chinese Virus.  

Fair enough, at least as partial explanation. We know that the fear of the Chinese Virus is far more pronounced among Democrats than among Republicans. This will translate into more Democrats voting by mail, but still voting, and more Democrats not showing up at Biden’s rallies, but still voting. By the by: expect extremely good, possibly record-braking Democrat mail and early voting data, exactly for this reason.

However, this cuts both ways. If the Dems are scared by the Pandemic, are we sure that they will all go to vote? Postal vote is not possible in several states, and it takes a certain degree of resilience to go to vote knowing one could (cough) “die” of it. I think this is another 1% or 2% left on the ground. And by the by: the Democrats have scared their people for long enough. It will be impossible now to persuade them that it is safe to vote in person. Plus: mail vote is showing a horrible percentage of votes annulled, around 30%. Many Dems are so dumb they can’t even vote by mail. The mail vote might burn for them a lot of votes that would have been perfectly valid ballot votes.

Bonus argument: if the Virus is the issue behind the enthusiasm gap, why are motorcades for Trump everywhere and absolutely massive, and motorcades for Biden are scarce and utterly depressing?

Mail vote will cause more lazy Democrats to vote for Biden 

The argument goes this way: many Democrat voters are so lazy that they can’t haul their backside to the polling station. The mail vote will activate this part of the Democrat vote; and even if 30% of these excess votes are annulled, the other 70% will lead Biden to victory.

If Biden wins (quod Deus avertat!), I will likely think that this one was the biggest factor. However, I don’t think that is really so. Anecdotal evidence says that Democrats manage to have a percentage of registered Black voters similar to the ones among Whites (I remember reading data from Georgia a couple of years ago). If true nationwide, this would indicate that the Dems already manage to capture the “lazy ass” electorate already, for example offering bus or car drives. It seems difficult to me that email vote will translate into more Black votes. It might well simply translate into less car drives. Plus, if they are losing 10% or more of the Black vote to Trump, it will make it even more difficult to get an advantage from this.

I have tried to find as many arguments as I can. I think there is some merit in all of them. I do not think any of them represents a real danger for now.

I will be eagerly awaiting the provisional voting data from Florida. If, as I think, the Democrats will see their advantage unchanged or reduced (or even only slightly increased) compared to 2016, I will see in this a very good sign. This would mean that the cultural preference for early voting among Democrats is not really translating into a substantial Dem advantage (remember: if you are scared of Covid and you can’t vote by mail, as I think you can’t in Florida, you vote early to minimise the queue). 

We shall see.

Please be in good spirit, pray for Trump’s victory, and hope for the best.

Breaking: Biden Runs For Two Offices At The Same Time, Does Not See The Problem

Oh boy, Dementia Joe did it again. Around three weeks before the election, this warrants a huge “Ouch!” from see to shining see.

Not only did the guy obviously misread the teleprompter (something he does often), but he seemed unable to realise what he was saying; he looks like a guy now accustomed to unquestioningly parrot the words fed to him, and who has long ceased wondering whether they make sense to him on the moment.

Later during the same speech, Biden pulled another one, inviting his listener to visit an internet site that does not exist (same link).

This is two huge red flags in one day. Even “punk” singers, certainly no strangers to heavy drugs, can see that he is gone. But no, apparently we should be worried because Trump got some medicines in the hospital, whilst the guy with the brain operation who could impair his cognitive abilities is the brightest thing since, I don’t know, Greta on one of her less retarded days.

Let me say this once again: Biden would be entitled to our compassion (of sort) if he were an old man, sitting on his favourite chair somewhere in Delaware, reminiscing about all the hair he once sniffed, the military guy who almost gave him a new face when he molested his girlfriend, and how he loved to dangle his dong in front of scandalised security personnel, just to show he could. But the guy wants to become President, so he isn’t. I am sure he had enough moments of clarity to wonder what the heck he is doing, and decided to go on anyway.

Dementia Joe has now become a source of continued hilarity. It is so bad, that Dementia Joe has now almost eclipsed China Joe, Two Finger Joe, Creepy Joe, and some other Joe I might be forgetting. Oh, yes, there would be “Joe Biden’s husband”, whoever that guy may be.

There was a time when I thought that Sanders would have been an easier opponent for Trump. I have changed my mind a long time ago, as the old man showed increasingly clearer signs of impairment. Sanders would, by now, be flying around the country, exciting at least the fringe extremists who love him so dearly. He would have a couple of thousands supporters at his rallies instead of, I don’t know, twenty? He would come across, at least, as a man on a mission, fully intentioned to die on the hill of socialism, and fall to the ground singing the “International”. Biden just looks like he could poop his pants at any moment, or have an outburst of anger any evening.

He knew, by the way, that he could not survive the second debate without some major “Biden Moment”, hence why he had his dogs change the rules in mid-game and avoid him a second humiliation. After all, this is the guy who think he can appoint the first (hello Kamala!) Black woman to… the Senate.






#CaravanaPorLaLibertad, Or: Gaslighting Vs Facts


The #CaravanaPorLaLibertad in Miami attracted up to 30,000 cars (this is not me saying it; it’s the local Policia).

Well, I must have a hallucination here. It just cannot be true. The MSM keep telling us that Biden is going strong in Florida, and Trump is losing support among Latino voters. Hey, Biden even played “Despacito” on his smartphone. This worked really, really well…

Also note here that it appears Latinos have a thing for motorcades. There is no risk of infection with a motorcade. What prevents the huge, enthusiastic, totally motivated Biden Latino troops from organising huge motorcades like this showing their support for Biden? I have some hashtags ready for them: #AntifaPresidency, #IAmWithDementia, #Creepy46, #PeePadJoe, #VoteJoeGetKamala.

Alas, nothing of this seems to be happening. Perhaps are all the Latinos in Florida listening to their Biden-Despacito video right now, thinking they must have this guy as president? After all, Florida has voted Democrat in the 2016 presidential elections and in the 2018 Senate and Gubernatorial elections…

No, wait…




Joe, Meet Steamroller


Dems are the black stuff…

You read the gaslighting from the fake news industry and the polls sponsored by the likes of NYT and CNN, you think it is going to be a Biden landslide. It’s not even comedy gold by now. It’s North Korean fun.

Ten to fourteen points advantage for Sleepy Joe. Hillary must be jealous.

But wait, wasn’t Hillary also just as sure to win? Actually, she was. Who said it? The same polls who say Joe is winning today. Do you see a trend here?

And then, when the less intelligent Dems are relaxing and start to prepare their virtual victory party with their “gay friends”, this hammer hits them on the head: Gallup (which is not your usual “pay me and I will give you the result you want” polling institution) says that 56% of Americans think they are better off now than 4 years ago.

Mind, this is during the pandemic. This is, also, better off *now*, not on the average of the last four years.

Obama was at 45% in 2012, and he managed to get reelected, favoured by a non-candidate with no trace of testosterone in him as his opponent. Trump is 11 percentage points ahead of Obama, with the pandemic, and we are supposed to believe that Trump is about to get trounced.

The polls announcing a Biden victory will continue all month, likely with some “adjustment” in the last days if the Dems think the good polls are actually demotivating their base instead of creating that most improbable of miracles, “excitement” for Mr Biden. Therefore, you need to choose whether you want to believe the incessant propaganda, or the reality around you.

If I were you, I would pose myself the following questions:

  1. What do I see around me? How many of my relatives, friends and acquaintances are switching from Trump 2016 to Biden 2020? How many from Hillary 2016 to Trump 2020? How many who did not vote in 2016 want to vote in 2020, for whom? What does this say to me when adjusted for the State I, and the people I know of, live in?
  2. What do the people I know say it’s happening in States like Pennsylvania, Florida, Michigan or Minnesota? I keep reading of a very excited Republican base; of Republicans defeating Democrats in both new registrations and party affiliation changes in Pennsylvania; of Trump yard signs vastly exceeding the 2016 situation in rural Pennsylvania.
  3. Who is managing to get in front of the cameras with big meetings, motorcades, boat days, and the likes? How is it that, if the Biden people are so excited, no one shows up with his car or boat to support him, whilst the Deplorables get huge motorcades and boat gatherings?
  4. How is Biden doing? When he gets out of the basement, how many thousands of people go to see him, have a wonderful day, then drive back home and tell everybody how exciting it all was, how proud they are to have been there? The excitement should actually be bigger still, because the man does not get out much!
  5. What happens when we compare the polls not with more polls (the polls of polls are just as stupid as the polls of which they are constituted; garbage in, garbage out), but with some solid data from that very reliable source called… the past? How many presidential candidates have finished fifth in the New Hampshire primary and have gone on to win the Presidency? (hint: apparently, zero). How many incumbents have run unopposed and have gone on to lose the presidency? (Hint: apparently, zero). How many candidates have clinched the candidacy on their third full-blown, full USA attempt and have gone on to win the Presidency? (Apparently, zero, if you exclude Reagan; who, if memory serves, in 1968 ran in California only, and won there). Has there ever been a motto along the lines of “it’s the Twitter behaviour, stupid”?

I tell you this: for the moment, I am very, very confident that Trump will win with more delegates than in 2016, it being fully irrelevant how many losers go out of their basement in California, Oregon, Washington, Illinois or Massachusetts to vote for Biden (and… will they?). I will begin to worry only if, and when, reality, not the polls, shows that things are not going as we hope. What I will monitor very closely are the real data when the early voting begins: states like Florida give an extremely detailed daily account of how many voters have voted and how their party affiliation is. This can be compared with 2016 in order to gauge how things are going. For the record, I suspect more Trump voters among Democrat affiliates than Biden votes among Republican affiliates; not only in Florida, but everywhere.

Keep drumming for Trump. Laugh at the “polls”. Reflect that they will likely demotivate one Dem voter for every one they excite. Pray for President Trump and for the victory in November. Do not despair if we lose. Rejoice if we win.

I honestly think we will all rejoice in the end. But it’s not done yet.



The Self-Eating Machine


A founder of BLM Los Angeles has equated Biden to Trump, calling Oldfinger Joe and the leftist who support Biden, in so many words, “violent White Supremacists”.  

The female states that there is no substantial difference between Trump and a candidate who, and I quote, “represents the same system”.

Let that sink in.

You might say that this is an isolated episode. I say that this female clearly enjoys more than some recognition in BLM/Antifa circles. She talks for the “movement” in an somewhat official capacity as co-founder of the LA BLM. She clearly has traction.

I would also say this: that for one who speaks openly, many smart silently. Chances are they will not comply in November.

Leftists with a brain (albeit an evil, often sexually perverted, invariably baby-killing one) realise that they are, once again, the useful idiots of the people they hate. Some of them, like Bernie, embrace the suck and enthusiastically support the people who screwed them (Bernie will have his motives and advantages, as he knows that his survival as an “independent” Senator in Vermont depends on him not rocking the boat, and do what his masters say). Others, like this female here, really can’t stand the entire situation and lash out at Biden out of sheer frustration at their Marxist program being, unofficially but clearly enough, thrown away in order not to scare the leftist mothers in the North Carolina, Nevada, or Arizona suburbs.

And really, Biden is a mess. He is for fracking in Pennsylvania and against it in California. You may think he forgets, but I am pretty sure he can still take notes and re-read them. No, Biden is merely telling people what they want to hear before he starts – if he wins, which I don’t think he will – pursuing the globalist, war-mongering, coal-killing, immigration-boosting, baby-killing design of his puppet masters, with some cosmetic concessions to the extreme leftists like “Black Lives Matter Day”, “Greta Week”, “Earth Halloween”, or the like (whatever his billionaire puppet masters allow).

Congratulation, Lebron. You truly are a moron.


The less insane leftists should profit from this to learn a valuable lesson:

Marxists are like piranhas. There is no way to appease them. They will eat everything in sight. When they have finished with their preys, they will eat each other. It’s what they do. It’s in their genetic code.

Biden has now been equated to Trump and violent White Supremacists by an important representative of a movement likely amounting to, say, 3%, 5%, 7%, perhaps even 10% of their 2016 Black vote. Mind, we are not talking of the moderate Blacks here, who are already leaving him in great numbers. We are talking here of the very voters for whom Democrats have embraced, supported, condoned or ignored violence, arson, chaos, and murder on the street for several months now. 

Smart tactic? You be the judge. I’d say they lose 40% of this group (let’s call it 7% X 0.4 = 2.8% of the Black vote) and they are done for in places like Georgia (if they had hopes), Minnesota, or Michigan.

As it is now, it looks to me like the Democrats are a bunch of losers veering hard to the left, and committing mass suicide, because Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer, Nadler, and a couple of others are afraid of being AOC’d in their own district, and prefer to damage the party they lead rather than run the risk of being challenged by leftist nutcases in their own turf themselves.

It will work for them. It will not work for countless lesser Dem politicians down ballot.

It will, I think, spectacularly backfire for both Joe, and the Hoe.


First Debate, Or: The Only Alpha Male In The Room


I have now looked at and read enough excerpts of the Debate to feel able to give you – if you are interested; Biden isn’t very interesting – my two cents about the entire event. I’ll try to keep it short, because I have many points I would like to cover.

  1. The only positive for Biden: he managed to get through his 90 minutes. If he pissed his pants, we will never know it. His doctor is very good at drugging him; and he actually looked like one who has not forgotten he is running for President. There was no meltdown, no catastrophic failure. His allies are so relieved they are already saying there should be no rounds 2 and 3.
  2. I am sick and tired of hearing that Trump is not Presidential. Trump is Presidential to his very core. He has showed that nobody can intimidate him, that he can take a fight two against one (OK, one of them an old man, but still…) and that there was only one man in the room, and his name was Donald. You want the limp wrist soy girl, call Obama.
  3. The mistakes Trump made were slight, and very easy to point out the day after. He forgot to drum for his $500B Platinum stuff. He was not strong or prompt enough in refuting the “fine people” hoax. I don’t think he hammered Biden on the riots so very much. It would have been better if he had been more insistent on his economic successes pre-Virus. But again, he was in a fierce debate against Chris Wallace, who is a skilled – if unfair – debater. It is not easy to remember everything.
  4. Trump landed some excellent uppercuts to poor old Joe. He humiliated him, with the brutality we all know and love, when Biden told Trump he would have to get smarter. Plus, his “I have done more in 47 months than you in 47 years” is probably the phrase that will go down in history for this debate. He was excellent at pointing out that Biden wants to pack the Court with extremists. He did not forget to cudgel Joe with Hunter. He even moved Joe to backpedal on the Green New Deal, a huge mistake about which Trump will now likely hammer him until November. Nobody is perfect; but yesterday, Trump was seriously good.
  5. Without the shadow of a doubt, Trump was the only Alpha male in the room, and everybody could see it, though most political commenters did not want to even acknowledge the thought. But you know who saw it very well? The Latinos, among which Trump cleaned up. Latinos understand masculinity, are not fazed one bit by the soy boy worries of a candidate being “rude”, and gave Trump victory over Biden to the tune of a crushing, humiliating, Hiroshima-like 66 to 34 according to the very embarrassed journos of Telemundo. Sorry for you, Telemundo journalists. If you don’t want to know what your people think, don’t ask them live on television.

The best indicator that Trump won this, big time, is that the lefties focus on old news no one is more interested to hear, and having to do with his (fully justified) “behaviour”.

Newsflash: the guy has been this way since day one, it has not damaged him one bit, and honest people actually like his refreshing bluntness.

I am certainly forgetting some bits, but I think I have the most important parts. I think Trump did very well in a situation (first debate of an incumbent) that saw several Presidents before him underperform. He was prepared, laser-focused, and ready to show the American people how an effective President goes against his opponents, be they from Scranton or from Peking.

Well done, Mr President.

Keep being yourself, and you will do just fine.

Upside Down: Another Day, Another “Lid” For Zombie Joe



I must confess, I did not know a “lid” was a thing. Apparently, it is when a Presidential candidate “calls it a day”. Which, in the case of Sleepy Joe, is, remarkably often, between 9 and 10 in the morning, as he needs to attend to his semolina soup the rest of the day. A Biden Presidency would consist of 1 hour of work one day, and very possibly 0 hours of work the following day. This must be a joke, but I am afraid the joke is on those nincompoops voting for this decrepit man.

Looking at the other side, I am not sure the use of the expression “working my ass off” is so extremely Presidential, but it is certainly true. Donald Trump is showing quite a remarkable amount of energy as he appears to be, like Stonewall Jackson, in multiple places at the same time. Meanwhile, Sleepy Joe Biden cannot even pronounce five words in a row – when he can read them correctly from the teleprompter – without bungling their pronunciation like a half drunk.

What I think is happening is this: his handlers have noticed that Sleepy Joe “performs” better in the morning than in the afternoon (which, I am told, is sadly typical for dementia patients). Therefore, they are altering his circadian rhythms, making him sleep in such a way that, when he marches to the debate tomorrow afternoon, he will be in his first waking hours, in his “morning” so to speak, and thus possibly – perhaps with the help of who knows what medications; his short appearances have also been attributed to the great frequency of bathroom pauses caused by dementia treatment – reasonably alert for a while.

But it is still a tragedy. This guy can’t make it for more than 20 minutes on a normal day. Even during this time, he is so fragile that he explodes at the mere mention of his cognitive situation. How he thinks he can go on for 90-100 minutes under Trump’s relentless attacks is beyond me. He will need a lot of coffee, two full days of rest, and a lot of luck. God forbid, he plays “Upside Down” on his phone because Diana Ross is having such a great success this year…..

In truth, what is upside down, right now, is a candidacy that surpasses in hilariousness everything we have seen up to now. He is Beto in 2070. Or you might think he thinks he it’s 1984, his name is Joe Bidennikov, and he is trying to make the Politburo.

I am curious to see if he has any activity tomorrow morning, merely hours before the debate.

If not, you read it here first.








First Debate: My Prediction In Three Points

The first debate is approaching and I would like to tell you how it will go. This, of course, if Biden shows up.

  1. Biden loses his train of thoughts many times. Can’t remember anything. Lies like there’s no tomorrow. Accuses Trump of defunding the Police. Invites Trump to settle their differences with a fist fight. Insults Trump in many ways having to do with ponies, and accuses him of being a junkie, or something similar. Thinks he is Joe Biden’s husband, but swears he is married to his sister. Asks Trump to make him a mixed tape. Plays “America the Beautiful” on his phone to prove he is patriotic.
  2. Trump is prepared, witty, robust in his attacks, in excellent form. Makes one little mistake saying a word the wrong way, or something along those lines.
  3. MSM declare Trump demented, and Biden the winner.

You read it here first.

The Decrepit Old Man And The Roaring Lion

Let us forget, for a moment, the obvious ideological differences in pretty much everything between Trump and Biden’s handlers.

Let us look at the two candidates, themselves.

On the one side, an old guy who looks more fragile by the week; who is obviously unable to even read from a teleprompter without making a pig’s breakfast of his prepared answers; who sounds unable to even pronounce correctly and distinctly the words that he manages to read properly; who speaks in whispers; who, in a word, projects only one message: decrepitude.

On the other side, a man’s man; not only in full possession of his mental faculties, but with an energy and resilience enviable in a man his age. A roaring lion, delivering speeches well exceeding one hour with great frequency; improvising, joking with his audience, keeping them entertained, keeping it fresh and sparkly every time, making his case in a way that could never, never be seen as “fed” to him by an army of consultants.

You might say that these things are, in the end, peripheral to the issue, and you would be, of course, right in principle. However, I think that, in practice, the mere visual impression counts. The difference in energy, stamina, ability to entertain, and sheer testosterone is so marked that the casual, low-information voter (of which there are many) would feel disgusted inside at the mere thought of associating with a pathetic, already decomposing loser like Creepy, Sleepy Joe Hiden.

How much do the mere optics count? Half a percent? It’s not little in a close race. It’s the aura of victory that comes from the energetic billionaire, full of life and with the stunner wife, against the old, tired nincompoop, completely devoid of energy, probably struggling to remember his sister’s name, and clearly manipulated by a wife who wants to be President.

Everything, everything but the voter mail fraud is working for Trump. I have heard say (but I have not read anything specific yet), that he would already be 4 points in front of Biden in Florida. Look at the Latino car parades for Biden (less than a dozen cars) and Trump (thousands of them) and you can clearly see where this is going.

Only fraud can stop this steamroller.

I trust that a man of such energy, and so forward thinking, has his lawyers ready for that, too.

Fake News, But Not So Much

Choose truth over facts!


Dear all,

in our attempt to atone for the great sin of having been born White, let us see some of the occasions in which Donald Trump showed his racism.

Exhibit one:

“You got the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

With these words, Donald Trump chose to belittle and patronise Barack Obama, a Senator trying to become President. I doubt even a White Supremacist would express himself in such a harsh way. Trump reminds me of Leonardo di Caprio in “Django unchained”, at the table with Django.

Just shocking. FYI, this was said around 2008, not around 1858.

 “Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.”

Well, I don’t even know what to say here. We all knew (because CNN tells us all the time) that Donald John Trump is extremely racist. Still, this here is of a different quality altogether: this is an open statement that the (in the speaker’s mind) clearly inferior Blacks all think, live and react in the same way, whilst the Latinos are like the Whites.

You would think he is talking about dog training. Atrocious.

 “Well, I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Biden, then you ain’t black.”

Wow. Just wow.

This here is pure “Massa speaks, slave obeys”. White Master just ordering Black Slave what to think. The only thing I miss here is the white pointy cap with the holes for the eyes. You know I like Trump, but this statement really gives me pause. It’s plantation speak, and no mistake.

“I just have one thing to say.. Hang on there”

The “Despacito” fiasco is just another pathetic example of pandering to a minority community and patronising them, treating them like little children who will then, surely, vote for him because he has a raunchy song of theirs on his phone. It’s just too much racism for one day. Do you think Trump would have ever gone to a meeting with the White Community and played some Taylor Swift song to show them he see one of the family, and gets the culture? He must think they are six. How stupid, how damn patronising and racist is that?

I could find other examples, but I will stop here because life is short.

Listen, we like Trump, but there is a limit.


Why I Need A New Popcorn Maker


You don’t wish ill to an old, ill man. But when the old man wants to become President even if his brains are decomposing like they are Obama’s “legacy”, one needs to pay attention.

Watch here. This is a man barely able to read from a teleprompter, garbling every word that is moderately difficult to pronounce and, in general, giving the strong impression of rapid progress in his mind’s deterioration.

Watch him as he desperately tries to persuade you he still has some vitality left by trying to get passionate, which is a contrived and more than a tad ridiculous thing to do if, as it seems here, he is not having an exchange with a crowd (as Trump does, amidst continuous cheers and cries of “U.S.A”), but rather reading a script from a teleprompter in front of either nobody, or a bunch of zombies.

I really, really hope the man can make it through the next two months, and remain the Democratic candidate until election day. I know, it would be fun if he retired and Kamala “Hoe” Harris, who is hated even by her own “coloured” people, were to run for President in his place. But I still think this guy is the best Dem candidate we can wish for.

I can’t imagine how this guy can go through three debates against that force of nature called Donald John Trump. The media will help him in any way they can, but in the end the contrast will be extreme even if Trump shows up drunk, and Biden is kept together by a mixture of adrenaline and cocaine injections.

Sleepy Joe is going down faster than Saddam from the scaffold. It will be cringe worthy, but fascinating to watch. I do not think the man deserves any quarter. I do not think Trump will give him any.

I think I need a new popcorn maker.









The Dems’ Dreadful Dementia And Disorders Dilemma

Poor Dems. Turns out the chicken are coming home to roost, big time, and they don’t know what to do.

Only days ago, after the *entirely justified* shooting of Justin Blake, poor Dementia Joe was still pushing that old, failing party line: blaming the police for every justified shooting, tacitly encouraging riots and looting, and blaming everything on Trump. A strategy that might have had some chance of moderate success with an articulate man like, say, Sanders; but that was destined to failed from day one with a demented old man cowering in his basement, like Creepy Joe.

Sadly for them, they have since started to understand that the policy really, really, really doesn’t work. Dementia Joe was ordered to issue some tepid “condemnation” of violence, which Trump nuked in five words:

“It is too late, Joe”.

And too late it certainly is. The Dems are not going to persuade millions of thinking people to forget that they were singing the praise of anarchists and communists for months, as they looted and rioted whenever they could. For a comparison: the “long hot summer” of 1967 translated in a disastrous defeat for the Democrats in 1968. There were riots in 1968, too, but I am sure 1967 is what persuaded people that the Dems did not deserve to be in power. Riots always push people towards law and order candidates, and that is Trump, not Biden – the healthy Biden, much less the demented one -.

The best example of these people’s incompetence is seen, perhaps, not in Biden’s condemnation of the police after the Kenosha’s *justified* shooting, but in the astonishing feat of managing four days of convention glorifying BLM, and pretending that there is no violence and no riots issue. A gift to Trump for which we will be eternally grateful to this bunch of latte-sipping cretins.

So, what to do? It truly is difficult to find a winning strategy for people who have insisted on losing for so many months.

They can now issue a strong condemnation of the violence. They would be condemning themselves, as this is exactly what they have avoided to do in the last three months. They would also publicly admit that Trump was right from the start. This would be ruinous.

They can keep ignoring the issue. This would be shooting themselves in the head instead of in the foot. Now that the elephant has become bigger than the room, they would look even more North Korean than they managed to do up to now. This is frankly unthinkable.

They can try to stay in the middle, singing their songs of praise for the BLM as before, but also trying to give the American People lessons as to what is good protests and what is bad protests. This will make them (and very rightly so) look undecided and talking out of both sides of their mouth, whilst still making the Republicans appear by far, as the best party for law and order. Plus, BLM will soon be more hated than the Ku Klux Klan. To keep promoting them is a defeat inside a defeat. It’s like betting on Hitler in January 1945.

There is no way of getting out of this. The convention really was the last chance to throw BLM out of the bus and convincingly talk about law and order. They blew the occasion majorly, probably because their Starbucks-clients-based focus groups told them they need to push “equaliteee”. These people really can’t find the sun in the sky.

And they keep shooting themselves in the foot. The mayor of Portland, ted “soy boy” Wheeler, telling the rioters to stop *because they unwittingly help Trump* was another show of total disregard for the welfare of his citizen.

The Democratic Party has become an echo-chamber of die-hard anarcho-communist activists (a minority) and cynical political operators without any shame or scruple, throwing gasoline on the flames in the hope that the fire proves damaging to Trump (the vast majority). I do not know whom I despise the most, but likely the latter, including Biden (in his moments of lucidity), Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton (x2), Obama (x2), Perez and, obviously, Kamala “it was a debate” Harris.

The image I have in my mind is that of a group of prominent Dems starting to dig their grave at the end of May, with a mob around them shouting: “Dig! Dig!! DIG!!!”. So dig they did, in part thinking it would help them, in part because they didn’t like what the mob could have done to them otherwise. Three months later, the hole is 20 feet deep, and they have noticed that the mob isn’t so important, or threatening. But they can’t get out anymore, and if they – for some miracle – did, they would still look extremely stupid for having dug in the first place. At this point, five words are enough to destroy them.

It is too late, Joe.











You Are Being Gaslighted

The Democratic Convention has, regrettably, come to an end, and with it the constant embarrassment for the Democrat Party and his pathetic ticket of losers.

The highlights:

  1. Bill Clinton told Trump how to behave in the Oval Office
  2. Hunter Biden vouched for his father’s integrity
  3. AOC endorsed… Bernie Sanders
  4. Kamala “Ho” Harris managed to make Hillary look pleasant.
  5. Michelle Obama complained about her life as “oppressed” in her $14,000,000 Martha’s Vineyard mansion
  6. Joe Biden managed to go on for an entire teleprompted speech without believing he is Mary Poppins and starting to sing “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”, failing miserably in the attempt.

No mention of:

  1. Around 900,000 babies killed every year in their mother’s womb, a disproportionate number of whom are, actually, Black.  
  2. Riots eating out many Dem run cities in America.
  3. The total failure of cities like New York to manage the Chinese-Virus, actually helping the virus to spread among the most vulnerable, then blaming Trump for the mass killing they caused.

In the midst of this, the usual Marxist media have showered the old demented man with unprecedented praise, just for spouting platitudes for a while like he’s not demented. They don’t admit it, but they were actually terrified the man would put a huge nail in his campaign coffin with ten minutes of live performance. However, they now have the next problem, as it becomes absolutely mandatory to follow up and get into the lion’s cage (the lion has a blond mane) for three times, at one and a half hour a pop. He will be massacred if his brain manages to cope for the duration, he will be pulverised if he doesn’t.

Meanwhile, Trump is on par with Biden in Minnesota, without considering the obvious secret vote component and the likely vote manipulation of polling agencies terrified of being eaten alive by the angry Twitter mob. This means that he is on track to clean up there, and will likely fare very well in Michigan and Pennsylvania, too. Which means, in a word, R.I.P. Joe And The Hoe.

In other bad news for the Dems, Trump is sailing at 51% approval rateincreasing his approval during the days of the convention. This is astonishing, as you would normally see a boost for the party that is having, or has just had, its convention. In short, this means that the Democrat Convention was a good ad for Trump.

Still, you see a constant gaslighting. The Marxist Media hail as historic a speech that is notable only for Biden saying something stupid only once. The fake polls keep giving Biden an advantage that is a propaganda lie only a North Korean broadcaster could imagine. The press, almost to a man, pretends that this demented old man is not only mentally OK, but a formidable candidate.

It’s all in vain. Trump keeps solidifying his position as the man for law and order when his opponent cannot even recognise the existence of a problem.

I have already written that 2020 reminds me a lot of 1984. However, in 1984 the Democrat convention injected energy and optimism in Mondale’s campaign. In 2020, the endless litany of bitter whiners and assorted losers not only fails to energise the base, but causes more controversy (5 minutes for Uber loser Kasich, whom most Dems hate; 90 seconds for AOC, whom most Dems hate, too).

It was embarrassing. It was like the high school losers and whiners staging a play in which they express their hate for the overachievers and the cool kids. I am, actually, sad that this has ended.

We will now see what the Republicans do. But seriously, the bar now is almost as low as the one concerning Joe Biden.





This Is What Losers Look Like

The picture above tells you everything you need to know about the pathetic Democratic ticket for the 2020 Presidential election.

They represent a particular America. This is the America of fear, made of those who cower in their basement (as Biden himself does), who are literally afraid of the air they breathe, and who are very happy that an all-powerful, all-regulating Government (local and federal) tells them in minute detail what to do with their lives. This is the America of laziness, too; a Country where too many just don’t want to go back to work, or want to have a convenient home-office life without any regard for the damage this causes not only to their pupils, but to the finances of their pupils’ parents. Who knows, by the way, how many are using furlough money to travel to Portland or Seattle and wreak havoc with their Country.

Please compare with this:


This is President Donald Trump during one of his many press conferences. Positive, unafraid, optimistic, clearly and pointedly not masked, and so darn manly he makes the two masked, scared kitten above simply disappear.

There is an obvious message being sent by both camps. The Democrat message is: “be as afraid as we are”. Trump’s message is: “be as strong, as courageous, and as unashamedly American as I am”.

Somehow, I can’t imagine the West being won wearing those masks. However, I can well picture Trump on a horse, with his trusted Colt pistol and his Winchester lever gun, working as a sheriff in some dangerous parts, and being very good at it.

The American people may not formulate their thinking in this way. However they, I am sure, perceive this all too well. Besides the daily squabbles, they can clearly see fear on one side and rugged manliness on the other.

Lesbians, Homos, losers, liberal nutcases, champagne-sipping journos and assorted soy boys will like the first image. The vast majority of the Country will prefer to identify with the second one.

Fear is a losing proposition for an additional reason: it will be difficult to maintain a climate of Global Scare until November. When the Dems, invariably, try, they will look like scared kitten, and like liars to booth, even more than they do today.

Trump is doing so fine it is almost scary.

At this point, the biggest danger is complacency.





Joe Biden, Dumber Than Dem Voters, Picks Failed Phony Kamala For Veep

I have been very charitable in assuming that Joe Biden really picked Kamala, rather than being told by his handlers that she is the one. Still, one thinks that even Joe, in his moments of lucidity, would have considered her the best pick among those to whom he had obliged himself to, that is: a BVWSG*.

Msss Rice might soon be locked up. Mss Bass stinks of Castro to the heavens. Msss Bottoms has implicitly encouraged looting and refused to back her police force. All other Mssss were not well known, and had little to offer besides the BVWSG status. Therefore, it had to be Kamala.

Kamala has, at least, showed her experience in sucking the Brown of Willie, or in being a Senator and California AG, one of the two. In short, not only she sucks, but she undoubtedly knows how to suck.

She was massacred, and I mean really massacred, by Tulsi Gabbard during the debates. Tulsi Gabbard went nowhere (deservedly, because she refused to even denounce the lynching of Trump and had slipped far too far to the left, like all of them), but even this almost unknown third-tier politician was enough to persuade Dem registered voters, many of them certainly activists, that she was no good. She funneled a lot of money to her sister, whom she put in charge of the campaign, showing that she can Biden with the best of them. She was exposed as a phony and a hypocrite, after joking on the radio about her own pot smoking but sending people to jail for what she jokingly admitted of doing herself. Perhaps she should send herself to jail as an act of reparation.

Speaking of reparations: she might well be the descendant of slave holders, and we will certainly know more about this in the coming months. This is also useful as many will know, in the coming months, that many Blacks were slave holders themselves, in the USA and abroad.

Her father considers her (like all of us) a bitch. He has been pretty vocal about this in the last months. I hope Trump makes him a part of his stump speech, and a fixed feature of his virtual (or otherwise) rallies. The guy will also show that school-bus-me Kamala does not come from the ghetto, but from a solidly middle-class family.

And then there is the very embarrassing and compromising matter of Mr (cough) Willie, the influential San Francisco politician and Democrat powerhouse thanks to whose (cough) Brown Kamala climbed the party ranks and was, ultimately, propelled to the position of Californian AG. Brown (sorry, Willie) was 31 years older than Kamala, and you are forgiven for thinking that this “relationship” wasn’t entirely disinterested. The jokes will abound.

Trump already has a name for her: “Phony Kamala”. Trump is a perceptive man, who can give people devastating, because so utterly true, nicknames: Slow Joe, Little Marco, Crooked Hillary, Low Energy Jeb come to mind. Phony Kamala will go very far, because this woman is as fake as they come: fake poor girl, fake feminist with horizontal qualities, fake law-and-order AG; so obviously fake, in short, that when the Democrats knew her better she rapidly went from favourite candidate to total failure.

Speaking of fake: awaiting final evidence here, but I will go out on a limb and add that Kamala might have add to her list of fake attributes a, literally, fake face. If it is true that she had recent cosmetic surgery, it would be the first time a candidate decides to give himself, literally, a new face before running in a Presidential ticket. But then again, Kamala’s face was totally lost already, so one might ask what was the damage here.

Lastly, an internal politics observation. Phony Kamala is extremely ambitious, and I doubt she will be a loyal sidekick to Sleepy Joe. I think she will see herself and the Candidate president-in-waiting, and she will want that everyone knows it. I think this will provide for some frictions between the two (when Biden can think, of course), and perhaps for some big public blunder.

Sleepy Joe and Phony Kamala will give us a lot of entertainment in the months to come.

Be vigilant, be active in your support of Trump. use Twitter and Facebook if you are there.

But have the popcorn at the ready.


*Black Vagina With Social Grievances

“Are You A Junkie?”


Thankfully, I never had Dementia. But I am told that one of its symptoms are, among the obvious ones, sudden burst of aggression. We all remember the “lying, dog-faced pony soldier” months ago; then came the offer to that worker to fight with him, and now the aggressive outburst at a journalist for simply asking what is in the mind of absolutely everyone and his dog these days.

Even by doing that, Biden is showing signs that not everybody is right. He struggles to form words, and this is when he is lucid and has not forgotten that he is running for President.

I would like to say that he lied when he said he had taken cognitive tests when he hasn’t. Not saying the guy is not a great liar. Bot I honestly think he might have forgotten what he has done two weeks or a month ago.

The hard line losers obviously protect him as, predictably, Juan Williams does in this clip. Frankly, at this point, and accustomed to lying in the face of evidence, there is nothing else they can do. The only way out now is to get to the appointment of a VP viable as a credible Presidential candidate – means: no tribalism anymore; no BVWSG*, LGBTQ, or other alphabet salad) – like Doug Jones, or Kristen Sinema, and then gradually but surely put this VP front and centre in the campaign, making clear enough to the voters that they are picking the VP for President. Of course, this is fraught with issues (it should be Bernie, of course; and if it is anybody else, where does his legitimacy come from?). But it allows them to lose with dignity rather than to lose with ignominy.

I dare to think that this is one of the reasons why the appointment of the aspiring VP has not happened yet. With a stable candidate, they could have (in theory) allowed themselves the luxury of a “fringe” VP, meant to capture “certain” votes of some tribe they deem important. But you simply can’t run with a ticket consisting in a demented man and an extremist leftist woman.

Biden will not improve in the next months, and even my cat knows it. He will have moments of lucidity alternating with moments of anger, or of simple mental confusion. There is no way he can stand three long debates against Trump in his condition.

The original sin of the Dems was to allow Bernie to run, though he is an Independent. But hey, they wanted to be inclusive and avoid the internal squabbles. Then they had to shut down the other (mediocre) candidates just to avoid Bernie getting the nomination. At that point they were left with a Creepy Joe already in the process of transforming himself into Dementia Joe.

They are very lucky that the Chinese Virus allowed them to hide their candidate in his basement, but you can’t win a Presidential race from the basement. Those leftists fake journos praising his “brilliant” campaign consisting in just not showing up unwittingly admit that, if you are in his condition, the most brilliant thing to do is to stay in your basement.

Think of any other politician saying to a journalist: “Are you a junkie?” in response to the journalist posing the only question this politician knows he will, without fail, ask.  It truly is beyond belief that a politician of almost 50 years, accustomed to all sorts of slick answers, would answer the question in this way.

Unless, that is, this politician’s brain is slowly, but surely, taking his leave whilst we watch.


*Black Vagina With Social Grievances