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“Toria”, The Pipeline, And Their Connection With Christ.

And it came to pass that Victoria Nuland, the Atomic Bitch behind both the subversion in the Ukraine from the 2014 coup onward, and the sabotage of the NordStream 2 pipeline, announced a very early “retirement” at 62.

It is difficult to gauge, at least for now, whether this was a defenestration because of her tragic failure, or an attempt of the Dems Gang to put her “asset” in the fridge, and away from the scene lights, in order to avoid her the ignominy of being the most recognisable, fat face of the big, fat defeat that is about to befall the American empire-dreamers. This, they would do in order to keep using her as a coup-promoting, “eff the EU”-asset in future operations of the sort.

I do not think that Nuland acts out of corruption. I do not think that she has her snout in the Ukrainian trough. What I think is that she and her family – and the families of her husband and other close relatives – have a visceral hatred for Russia, due to real or alleged pogroms and persecutions suffered in the old Russia or Soviet Union by their ancestors around, or more than, 100 years ago. With this mentality, she certainly can’t complain if her big, fat ass is blown up in the air by some Native American, or Black terrorist group.

I used to wonder why that hatred. I used to be very surprised at seeing that such a different situation as Russia in the XXI Century should be conflated with events which took place in a completely different world. Does the woman not know, I used to wonder, that Putin is the guy who has been, almost single-handedly at the start, re-Christianising Russia? How can anybody have that kind of animosity against such a man?

But then I knew more, and I was informed that Big Fat “Toria” actually has no Christian background. Neither has Blinken. Or Zelenski. Or Klitschko. In fact, they all have the same background!

It’s a bit like Seinfeld, where you only discover bit by bit how overrepresented “the tribe” is! At least Seinfeld was funny, whereas “Toria” and Blinkyboy only manage to be tragic.

And there you have it.

How many events have a source, how many individual motives have a driving force that is, one way or the other, connected with Christ!

Putin is connected with Christ in one way. Nuland & Co. are connected to Christ – though they might not know it – in a different way.

Christ knows them all, lords over them all, and will judge them all.

Poor “Toria”. Poor Blinky. Poor Elensky.

They might all well end in the same way as the pipeline.

Niceness = Jail In Twenty Year

I need to go back to an issue that I have tackled very often in the past: people (allegedly) on our side helping us to lose because they don’t want to “look nasty”. Little nasty appeasers.

When you write about a Trannie, you never ever EVER use “they”. It makes you lose instantly.

I wonder whether this is just cowardice, but inability to see the consequences; or ability to see the consequences, but with the cowardice winning anyway.

There is no better way to make the enemy win than by showing by all your readers that you think like him. It’s just dumb.

We are now at the point that whenever I follow some Twitter exchange in matters of “culture wars” it’s only a matter of time before some idiot will try to look moderate and reasonable by regurgitating the shit of the people he is criticising.

I suspect it’s a largely Anglo-Saxon phenomenon, because in Italy – and even in Germany – I see a different attitude. It’s this damn obsession with niceness.

Niceness now will land you in jail, or with sharia law, in twenty years’ time.

In fact, all these damn appeasers make the job more difficult for all of us, as they make it easier for the Regressive Natzees to brand as “hater” everybody who says things as they are.

If you have to be such a coward, at least have the decency to shut up.

Shooting at your friends makes you a traitor.

I invite all of my readers who, actually, have active Twitter accounts to brutally criticise the appeaser crowd.

Make them feel the heat. They are cowards, and will do everything to avoid the confrontation. No, it’s not that they “don’t know better”. It’s that the “nice” reflex is – whatever their understanding of the consequences – more important to them than their own moral position.

If anybody would, then, switch to the enemy, because “his own people were so nasty”, well this is a great success, as such a one unmasks himself as a moral vacuum whose religion is niceness.

I honestly hope they are the first to end up in jail; albeit, considering their ability to cave, this is quite improbable.

It had to be said.

Expunge regressive language from your mind and your tongue, starting with “gay” via “they/them” up to the most infuriating one, “gender dysphoria”.

There’s no gender dysphoria in the Bible, you damn cretin.

Only madmen and perverts.

Hunger And (Very Fat) Francis

Was just told he needs to eat less…

Frankie The Faggoenabling Clown has started Lent with his usual protocommunist rantabout the evil, rich West and the poor, exploited South where so many suffer from hunger. I feel I need to say two words about this, because y’all aren’t six years olds anymore.

Let us talk first about hunger at home. Where I live it is well-known that half the food donated to food banks or various origin goes to waste every day. Why? Because there aren’t enough mouths to eat it all. Mind, this is not waste. It is not a bug, it’s a feature. If a sandwich chain promises you that their sandwich will always be prepared on the day, it follows that a lot of sandwiches will be donated at the end of the day. This is a win-win, the customer pays for the extra cost of the freshness and the beggar, drug-addict or alcoholic gets an extremely fresh, tasty sandwich for free. Therefore, all is good in the rich, sated West. If only people did not keep killing themselves with the donuts! At this point, I really hope that Fidel does not advocate the sending of all that lettuce to Burkina Faso. It would be bad for the p-p-planet, you know…

But let us move to poor, poor A-freee-ka.

Francis is ignorant, disingenuous or utterly mendacious when he makes the West somehow responsible for the eating of the natives. I hate to break it to you, but the responsibility of feeding themselves resides squarely by the natives themselves.

Now, if you are of a sensible age, and go around informing yourselves, you will now two important things about A-free-ka. The first is that obesity is on the rise pretty much everywhere. The second is that the first cause of poverty is not “hunger”, it is corruption. Hunger, where it’s there (it’s very rare now) it’s the result of extreme corruption. Oh, how would I wish that Pope Fidel the Faggoenabler would, just every now and then, make these simple realities of life clear, instead of always blaming Westerners for problems that are nothing to do with them!

But then I reflect that, if the man did this, he would show something remarkably absent from his entire life: intellectual honesty.

No. I realise it’s too much to ask.

We will have to live with Fidel The Faggoenabler until the Lord calls him to his terrible judgment.

It Pays To Be Gretin

Yes, Gretin: HOW DARE YOU?

This will likely surprise no one, but I want to say it anyway.

It’s not only the nine cars.

It’s the six houses.

Gretin has put herself firmly on the path of Al Gore, who amassed an untold fortune by telling you how bad your life must become.

Granted, Gretin is, well, Gretin. But I am sure she understands the immense lie and hypocrisy of her existence and does nothing against it, because a rich, co2 consuming lifestyle is very attractive to her.

You see, environmentalism is for the poor and the dumb. Those who are appointed (or self-appointed) eco-nobility can live in luxury.

Gretin is the product of her parents, who apparently have a good nose for business. She is clearly set. She might have a long, very pleasant (for a Gretin) life, in which the fact that nothing of her fear o getting has become true will give her (being Gretin) no qualms at all. In fact, she might even persuade herself that she has saved the planet, which would have died without her.

Still, the important – and alarming – point here is not the stellar hypocrisy of this young person.

It is the blindness and stupidity of the cult members who support her.


“The Gospel is not the Gospel!”

Everybody who reflects with any degree of intelligence about the Gospel will immediately – nay: instinctively – know that the Gospel is all about exclusion. Exclusion, mind, that is not willed by God, but merely allowed by him. We will, of course, never be able to fully penetrate the mystery of iniquity in our lifetime, but – as in all mysteries – we can confusedly see the logic of it. For example, we know that God respects the free will of those to whom he allows to lose themselves. We also see His justice shining exactly through the exclusion of the reprobates. We are all sinners, yes. But those who rebel to Christ and refuse to submit to His commandments will be, exactly, excluded.

This concept of exclusion is everywhere. Every child learns it when he learns the commandments, and every adult is reminded of it when he hears one of the many, many warnings of Our Lord about hell.

The entire existence of the Catholic Church is based about this exclusion. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus was called an inclusive motto by exactly nobody, ever. Without the fundamental distinction between the elect and the reprobates there would be no Church, or a pope, or even a spiritual life.

Confutatis maledictis

flammis acribus addictis

voca me cum benedictis

I could go on until tomorrow, touching on everybody from St Paul to countless saints, but you get the drift.

This is why it is so extremely infuriating to read this absolute ass, this unbelievably evil cretin, blathering about exclusion (of every sort, from excluding Protestant from the Church to excluding sinners in mortal sins from communion) not being in the Gospel. Had he not been completely blinded by Satan, he would know that his fantasy-gospel never existed, could never exist, and it is nothing else than a man-made, feel-good ideology of inclusion.

This man hates Christ and His Church. He hates all they are and all they represent. He hates everybody who belong to the very Church he is supposed to lead.

This, he does at the ripe age of 87, his gluttony – and who knows what else – now causing him to speedily proceed towards an utterly horrifying grave.

It really is quite a spectacle to see. It’s a show about Christ’s justice (and exclusion) playing in front of our eyes every day.

Let’s pray we never become like this one. Our probability of being, by God’s grace, being saved in the end would be, as it must be apparent to anyone, quite small.

Francis will soon discover what exclusion really is.

I don’t think he will like it.

Pure Evil And Collateral Damage

Not stopping because of collateral damage…

“There’s a big difference between collateral damage and what Hamas did.”

“[..] the Israelis are now on the four-hour pause for people to get out. So people say ‘oh, wow, how big of them.’ Ok, but it is a war that the other side started! It’s so interesting. When they fired [at] Israel. It’s a war. When Israel fires back, it’s a war crime. Little crazy… Also, would Hamas do that? Would they give four-hour pauses? No, no pausing”

Even a leftist atheist like Bill Maher, who most likely had no instruction in Catholic doctrine, understands the simple things of life. He understands that you cannot simply compare the unmitigated evil of the one side, with the impossibility of reacting without children dying on the other side. The more so, as it is absolutely obvious in this case that the evil men who staged the attack are now using their own children as human shield, hoping that their own little ones die to score propaganda points with the stupid, the overly emotional, and the logically challenged.

Reflect a bit on some simple facts of life:

  1. Has even Hitler – who was Hitler – ever dared to put children in the factories the Allies were bombing, in order to blame them when the children die in said bombings?
  2. If Hitler had done this, would you have thought that it is a genocide to bomb the factories?
  3. Are you really so deluded that you think that Hamas would not, given the option, kill as many civilians as possible, including children, with no trace of mercy, let alone the four hours to evacuate? Where were you on the 7th October? Sleeping all day? Or Singing “Imagine”?

There is, most likely, no worse scum on earth than Hamas. There is, without any doubt, no population more brainwashed to total hate than the Palestinians.

The building of one’s own command posts under hospitals and kindergartens, and of countless tunnel entries into civilian homes is, to my knowledge, a new level of evil in recent history. It is an open, shameless, in-your-face hostage taking, conducted with such brazenness that only the Palestinians, to whom the leftists have long given the title of Most Favourite Oppressed People®, can still get away with. They can get away with it, because the West is so stupid that it only sees the dead children, and does not see the evil of those who are the real responsible for the dead children.

Please don’t come to me with all that crap about “oppression”. The Italians had to fight multiple wars to free themselves from foreign oppression. They suffered wanton massacres and ferocious repression. They never became terrorists, they never tried to indiscriminately kill the civilians on the other side, they never took their children as hostage.

So you think you are oppressed. Tough.

If you can’t fight in a humane way, don’t be surprised if you get taken out, accepting whatever collateral damage you have caused.


Francis has already ordered his hearse…

Which Catholic has not been nerved by all those Protestants stating that they have a direct line with the Holy Ghost? The smugness, the sense of superiority, the idea that they can’t be contradicted, because they have the Direct Line?

Well, it appears that heretics who call themselves Catholic do exactly the same. Their synodal conversations about synoding synodaliteeee were conducted as “conversations in the Spirit”.

Well, call me surprised at the statement. The spirit in question (probably, an evil one), must have been rather schizophrenic, because there are many reports that the discussions were often heated and at times tumultuous. Then there is the question of how can it be that the Holy Ghost (I assume the heretics meant Him) has a different “conversation” today than He always had in the past.

These quite elementary remarks do not seem to have troubled the participants. They are not choosy in matters of spirits. Whatever they get, and be that the spirit of Martin Luther, they will gladly accept him and have conversations “in him”.

Normal Catholics must read this kind of statements and wonder what kind of creepy individuals would talk of themselves in that day. Then they would see a pic of Father Georgina, and all doubts would be removed.

Luckily, it appears the world at large ignores them and their antics, at least for now.

Let’s hope there is a big funeral at the Vatican before next October, and the next phase of this nonsense is simply cancelled.

The HomoReprobates And Us

Heck, what is this? And why would I listen to it?

As you might have noticed, I have studiously avoided writing about the synod synoding around in synodal synodality. I don’t know when it started, when it’s supposed to end, what kind of rubbish is being proposed there. I don’t know, because I don’t care.

What a bunch of atheists, communists, and homosexual Reprobates has been allowed by God – for His Providential reasons – to defecate around is of no consequence to me. It will not ruin my lunch or dinner. It will not trouble my nights. It will not change one iota my relationship with the true expression of my religion.

I think that, in the end, there will be no extremely massive provocation. There will be big provocations together with a lot of noise. The Reprobates will not have any breakthrough, though they will inch forward or advance to the next village.

Be that as may be, the best answer to the HomoReprobates is to cancel them. The Church is not reflected in what they say. Therefore, what they say is not part of how we live our faith.

From where I stand, I suspect that the first ones to ignore the Synod will be the priests on the ground, who will say to their sheep some easy words of no consequence and will memory hole the entire affair as soon as they can. How do I know? I know from the very evident way they have been ignoring Francis for ten years.

Does it mean that I will ignore the work of the HomoReprobates? Certainly not. What it means is that I refuse to chronicle the defecations of this bunch of perverts. They do not deserve the scene. They are not worthy of us watching their little theatre production. They need to see very clearly that Catholics consider them clowns in habits, who do not represent the Catholic faith even if they are allowed to spit on her.

My hunch is that, after this stunt, things are going to go on, in the parish near you, largely as before; which is bad enough, but not anywhere near as perverted as Frankie would have it. There will be exceptions here and there, but again, from my perspective I can’t see any “revolution” waiting to happen. In the end, any priest who blathers in favour of female ordination after this circus has certainly blathered for many years now.

Ignore these faggots. Despise them. Thrash them mercilessly at every opportunity. Show your friends and relatives, who know how devout you are, that they are beneath your attention, specks of dust, little worms of the earth preparing themselves – whether they know it or not – for a travel to a place where “warming” is a very, very real issue.

But don’t give them the time of day.

Darn fairies, all of them.

Dubia Are The New Shutdowns

Upon being informed of the new Dubia presented to the Evil Clown, I could not avoid the impression that Dubia are the new shutdowns. When you want to look good, and show to your people that you are actually doing something, whilst doing actually nothing, you issue some Dubia. Francis does not answer them, or he gives a half-answer that, besides being heretical, is not in accordance with how the Dubia works, and the Cardinals who have presented said Dubia think, and say around, that they have done enough. Clapping all around. Oh, what brave defenders of the faith we have!

It does not work that way. The job of Bishops and Cardinals is to uphold the faith – against the Pope if needs be -, not to produce themselves in ultimately empty gestures for the benefit of the crowd.

Already a question arises; in fact, screams: why are new Dubia issued without dealing with the fact that the old ones were not answered?

When a Pope refuses to defend the Truth, there must be consequences. If there are no consequences, but only more posturing, the exercise only makes those who started it look more ridiculous.

Francis clearly sniffed the weakness of this new bunch of kitten (I think a couple of the new kitten are the old ones), and humiliated them without any mercy: he refused to answer the Dubia in the proper format, and lectured them with more heresy instead. Do you think the Cardinals will react and censure him, asking him to retract or face consequences? Me neither….

This is not ever weak, it is pathetic. It’s gruesome to see. It angers one even more, that these people will style themselves as “the resistance” as soon as Francis’ body temperature begins to sink. Then, Francis’ successor will be even worse than him; then, the kitten will keep meowing, and they will feel good whilst doing it. More clapping will follow, whilst the Church gets disfigured and spitted on.

Meowing is no answer.

What should have happened, is a fraternal correction to Francis for, among other things, refusing to answer the old Dubia; after which, Francis must be told that he needs to issue a formal, hard, retractation of his heresies – four or five will be good enough for a start – or face the convocation of a council that will declare him a heretic and deposed with the help of the bishops and Cardinals that can be found. And then let the chips fall where they may, and let posterity know that there were people willing and ready to uphold the faith.

Until this happens, nothing is happening.

Putin Is Kryptonite For Global Superfag

Looks very much like the BBC editorial team in a meeting…

If you read, say, the UK newspapers around this or that initiative of the British Government, you will normally find a mixture of supporters and detractors. In many areas of British life, media works (broadly) as they should.

But if you look at the Ukraine specifically, you see an appalling, North-Korean uniformity that is nothing like we have seen at any time before COVID.

I have already, I think, explained elsewhere that an element of financial blackmail is at play here. The British Government subsidises the dying newspaper industry. This is not done because of some hard felt sentiments in the Country, or because of tradition, or because of constitutional usage. It is done because the government wants it. It seems obvious that what the Prime Minister hath given, the Prime Minister taketh away, if he so wishes. In these cases, I think there is not even the need to spell the threat out. You simply point out how important this is for “the country”, and start feeding the newspaper with talking points. You’ll soon see that said newspapers and magazines start parroting them in all possible variations. Mind, here, that several European Countries may well have the same type of legislation. Last time I looked, Italy did.

But is this all? Does it explain, alone, the North-Korean attitude? And why is the same attitude present in countries, like the United States, that do not experience the massive injection of taxpayers’ money into their own media industry? Is it because they think that the Ukraine is a democracy? Is it because suddenly the US think no superpower should ever exercise any pressure on other Countries? Don’t make me laugh. I think the answer is more brutal.

This is the first Homo War in the history of humanity.

As I write this, Putin is the enemy number one of the homo troops. Religious leaders do not come even close. He is also the most immediately recognisable as Christian, infinitely more so than a tool like Francis!

Putin is kryptonite for Global Superfag.

Now, let us reflect on how many people, working in the Anglo big media industry, are perverted one way or another. Is it ten, fifteen, twenty percent? I would not be surprised at all to know that one in five at the BBC is one of those, and not so terribly less among the others.

This is what creates and solidifies the narrative. This is what creates an immense internal pressure to just avoid looking for trouble and stick with the conventional narrative. The meanwhile obvious situation at the front will not change much. Putin represents all that these people hate, infinitely more so than Francis ever could. He is the new standard bearer of basic Christian decency. He is the guy that might cause the turning of the tide. He can never get any quarter.

This is, smartly, recognised by the Ukrainians. They know that the Western champagne-sipping intelligentsia (or rather: dementsia) does not care one dried fig for them. But they know that the Western media class hates Putin with a passion. Not as autocrat (which they know Zelensky is), or as corrupt (see above), but because he is vocally Christian.

The miserable freak show hired as a speaker is there not to please the Ukrainian people (who hates pervs just as much as the Russians do). He is there exactly to please Western journalists, the faggot constituency so vital to them. The Ukrainians leverage a tiny minority of people they themselves hate to amplify a message vitally important to them to get the money to continue the war, and keep lining their own pockets in the process.

Yes, money certainly plays a role. Yes, government influence is certainly present. But I think that at this level of one-sidedness much more is happening: the dominant group among the news tribe plays the homo tune to a man, and all others are expected to march in lockstep.

I’d really love to have the exact data of how many in the institutional British media “identify” as pervert, and would then multiply this number by 1.5 or 2.

I think it would make a lot of things much easier to understand.

The Pretend Catholicism Of Lisbon

Once again, a pretend exercise in Catholicism is taking place, somewhere on the planet (this time it’s Lisbon), where an awful lot of unsupervised teenagers full of hormones gather in order to …. to…. well actually I don’t even know what they are aiming at, beside getting to travel and, well, perhaps do other things whilst the parents are away.

Catholicism is, by definition, universal. It does not need promotion like it’s a new toothpaste, or a rock band. The Catholic youth all over the world should be united by prayer and devotion, by confession and communion; it should be united by praying the rosary.

All those young travelling Catholics, do they believe in transubstantiation? Do they believe all that the Church believes, and profess all that the Church professes? Thought not…

The exercise itself, the very existence of this world youth circus, is wrong. It would be wrong if the Pope were recognisably Catholic, it is even more wrong now that the Pope is Francis.

Being invited to visit the churches of Protestants and the temples of infidels is not Catholic. Being made to listen to a lewd old man telling you to ditch everything that is Catholic in you is not Catholic. Being made to believe in this strange religion of Gaia and Pachamama that Francis relentlessly pushes is not Catholic.

This world youth whatever exercise is just another way for Francis and his evil accomplices to try to demolish another piece of the Church. It’s a disgrace from the beginning to the end. It’s something made to please old disgraceful nuns obsessed with lesbian fantasies, and old lewd priests praying on low-testosterone boys.

And it’s declining. It’s declining because the “youth” is finding less and less necessary to get the excuse of the catholic gathering to try and go fornicating abroad. There, I’ve said it.

How JP II could be so darn naive that he did not get the simple things in life, it’s beyond me. He must have been the most duped prelate on the planet. Innocence is good, but when innocence gets in power it needs to equip itself with a good dose of common sense and the necessary amount of street wisdom. JP II sorely lacked all of this, to the point of not wanting to see evil even when it was smashed to his face (Maciel is a good example).

But I still prefer a good-intentioned man who is easily duped, to a lewd scoundrel who will hate the Church with his last breath.

Let’s hope, at least, that the latter happens soon.

The Game Two Can Play

One of the unintended (for the West) consequences of the decision to Anger The Bear is the new turn things are taking in Africa.

After (IIRC) Mali (or it could have been Burkina Faso; or both) it is now Niger to ditch the French influence. More domino pieces will, I am sure, fall in the next years. At the best, this means that France and the West will have to pay more for the plutonium they need. At worst, they will be sanctioned. Oh, the irony!

The collective West thought they were the only ones who can topple governments, invent some flowery name (or colour) for it and get away with pretty much anything. Turns out this is a game that two can play.

If I am reading the situation correctly, this is Russia sending a strong message to the collective West that, like them, they have more ways than the strictly military ones to do harm. Mind, I don’t know whether the Russians have engineered the coup in Niger the way the US did it in the Ukraine. But it is clear enough that the new regime in Niger knew that Russia would be on their side.

(Please don’t make me laugh with talks of “democracy” for these corrupt, tin pot puppet states. Thanks).

Russia is outplaying the West in every possible way. In the Ukraine theatre, where they slowly but surely cut to pieces the Ukrainian Army. In the international arena, where Putin has, very evidently, isolated the West, with most African and South American states not willing to play the game of the Great Homosexual Bully. In the money markets and international trade, where the process of dedollarisation is now proceeding apace and will not fail to be felt in the next years. And now, also in the (cough) neo-colonial game, where Russia is showing they can bite every bit as hard as the Trannie Rottweiler, and those who have an issue with that will have to deal with those friendly chaps of the Wagner group.

When history is written on the events of this decade, the West’s decision to provoke Russia to a fully unnecessary war in the hope of breaking it with their childish “sanctions” will be recorded as the most colossal miscalculation a bunch of incompetent cretins could ever make.

Meanwhile, Russia prospers and keeps marching on with the self-assuredness of a soldier on parade on Red Square.


…. But he wanted to be “included”…

Once again, I have read about the usual milquetoast (or worse; or… much worse) bishop calling the faithful to “inclusion” and “accompaniment” of perverts. In the view of the bishop, it would be a problem that these perverts feel “excluded”.

I think I should bring some Catholicism to this discussion, seen that most Bishops are utterly unable to and choose to worship at the altar of the Church of Nice instead.

A person who openly identifies as homosexual (or otherwise perverted) has, ipso facto, excluded himself from the consideration of decent people and from the community of Christ. What he has done is, precisely, choosing to affirm his perversion and make it a part of what he is, in obvious disregard of what the Church has always professed in the matter.

If a person told you “I am a Satanist”, would you “accompany” him because he tells you that he “feels excluded”? No. You would say “you chose to identify as a Satanist, therefore you chose to put yourself outside of the Church and in opposition to Her laws”.

There is no place in which a person can choose to put himself outside, and still demand to be included in a certain organisation. You are in or you are out.

Or let us take a person with an alcohol problem. Will this person identify as alcoholic, demand from you that you accept his alcoholism as part of who he is, and accompany him lest he feels excluded? No. You will say of this person that this person has an alcohol problem, but alcoholism does not define him, it’s not what he is. The person himself will be expected to not give scandal, be ashamed of his situation, and do his best to find in prayer and penance the solution to his problem.

So, let us say you know (hopefully you don’t, but humour me here) someone who is afflicted by this satanical perversion of homosexuality. What you will look at is whether the guy avoids (either overtly or covertly) giving scandal and advertising his perversion, or actually proclaims it and makes of it a defining trait of his person. With the first there is no need to act any differently than you would with the person who might have an alcohol problem. With the second no dialogue – much less accompaniment – is possible. This latter person has already made his choice, full knowing of the exclusion this choice means. This is because, as I never tire to repeat….

God does not do perversion.

Nobody was, is, or will be ever, “born that way”. Whatever the circumstances that led this person to become that way, it will be at the end of a process which the pervert has wilfully consented to, listening to the father of lies and falling in love with filth. There can, therefore, be no question of “accompanying” such a one. It would be accompanying him to hell, and you with him.

So. This was a bit of Catholic thinking today.

Something which you will, these days, rarely find in a bishop or Cardinal, much less that fat, lewd mega cretin still poisoning this earth with his presence.

Official: Fernández Is A Homo

Cardinal Fernández is an open, declared homosexual and active sodomite.

The link above has excerpt from his “work” that do not leave any doubt to any thinking person about the perverted proclivities of the man. I had never known of those phrases. Boy, that is something that might made Father Georgina blush (after he has used enough makeup).

No, don’t give me the usual crap about poetic licence. A normal man does not even think in those terms, as he is utterly incapable of thinking such filth.

Tucho is a faggo. End of.

Of course, Tucho being a declared faggot throws a very long, and very dark, shadow on Francis. How many perverts has this man by now received in the Vatican, extolled as examples, promoted to important offices, and held as the cure for us “rigid” Catholics? Too many, for sure. Actually, even one would be one too many.

I can see only one possible cause for this: Francis has horrible skeletons in his closet, either of homosexual or of other nature. This makes him the ideal hostage for the Homo Mafia.

Abundantly stupid, but clearly knowing how not to push too hard, the man was clearly an ideal candidate for a rapid career. In fact, the 2005 attempt was already the sign that the guy was seen as the best choice for the perverts at the Vatican. It didn’t go well then, but the guy who was elected was promptly intimidated into not touching the wasps’ nest; until, with characteristic cowardice, the man decided that the horrible mess exposed by the famous 300 page report would be better dealt with by his successor, because there is no danger whatsoever that the faggots will appoint exactly one beholden to them, eh, Benedict?

It’s not only the perversion that makes one sick (though it undoubtedly does). It’s the effrontery of letting you know that they don’t care for your rage, because they are in power.

Pieces of shit, all of them.

Starting from Francis.

Who is still pope. But boy, what a shit pope he is.

Every.Single.Time. Or: Making Excuses For Suicides.

A priest accused of sexual assault of (refreshingly) a woman has just committed suicide in France. He was 47 years old.

He needs not to be buried on consecrated ground, and to have no mass said at his funeral.

Every single time someone commits suicide, the Internet is awash of people who, in order to feel better themselves, treat the damnation of the guy as something extremely remote, because meeeercyyy, and we don’t knooowww, and the like.

Every. Single. Time.

One wonder what the heck has happened to us as Catholics. It’s as if we were engaging in a colossal effort to piously erase Catholicism from our lives.

Let me spell it for you: Father Benjamin Sellier is now very probably in hell.

No, it’s not assured. It’s not 100% sure. But it’s very probable, which is why the guy should not have either consecrated ground over his coffin, or a funeral mass.

Every single time someone commits suicide, an army of people comes out with all sort of excuses, typically: depression. Depression is very convenient because it always work, even when the way of death was immediate (like shooting oneself in the mouth with a shotgun). It’s as if Church doctrine had to be reviewed, because God did not have, these last two thousand years, the doctors at His disposal we have now. Come on, Jesus! What did you know about depression in your time? We know better nowadays!

Yes, God can save anybody. Yes, not all suicides go to hell. Yes, several saints have reported accounts of when they were informed that the suicide managed a perfect contrition during the “no-return” phase (like, say, the man who throws himself from a tall bridge and needs several, surely apparently interminable seconds before the “landing”.) But these were exceptions. Only an effeminate society like ours can take exceptions and make of those the rule, so we avoid the cold chill down the spine that comes from proper reflection.

There is a reason why the Church forbids the measures I have spoken of above. The reason is, exactly, the high probability of damnation of the suicide.

When you read about a suicide your job is not to find excuses, but to shiver. Long and hard.

Instead, the pious de facto heretics cause more suicides by downplaying their gravity.

Every. Single. Time.

In this case, the suicide was, even, a priest. Foxtrot Foxtrot Sigma, don’t you think that a suicide would be particularly evil in a priest? No? Have you ever heard of Catholicism?

Mind here: however the circumstances of the suicide, if I were a priest I would say to the relatives – after telling them how things will work – that they should pray for the suicide to the last day of their lives, on the (very) odd chance that those prayers are exactly part of the providential plan that led to the suicide’s salvation (yes: God can use, or rather dispose, prayers for conversion after the fact and apply them to the conversion during the fact). The prayers will not get “wasted” anyway, and they will certainly be good for the salvation of those who pray, if not for the salvation of the (in this case) damned suicide.

We live in an age of such pussyfooting around everything, and of such excuse making about any offence, that one really wonders how many Catholics still have the basics.

In this case, though, it’s not that they don’t have them. It is that they choose to sabotage them.

Sad. So sad. In your charity, pray for this priest.

Your prayer will not get lost anyway.

Meet The Phantom Offensive, Or: Copium Overdose Ahead?

The widely announced Big, Fat Ukrainian Offensive, the one that Would Free Crimea And Break Russia’s Spine, is now one month and one day old.

The results? Zippo. No, I mean literally zero, unless you consider a handful of very small settlements in the buffer zone as “greater than zero”, which I personally don’t. However, the Ukrainian losses in men and material are, predictably, huge.

The geniuses on the other side are waking up to reality. General Zaluzhny (or his bot) now complains that the Ukrainians had to attack without air superiority, something NATO would never do. But the same Zaluzhny did not say that, in December or thereabouts, when he said that with 300 Western tanks, some 600 Western armoured vehicles, and some 700 Western artillery pieces he would get to Crimea. Apparently, the issue of air superiority was not an issue then.

The excuses, recriminations and wishful thinking are now beyond circus-level. General Milley wants you to believe that an “offensive” can need more than a month for you to know how it is going, and also forecasts another 8 weeks of heavy losses before the (inevitable) victory. How Ukraine is supposed to keep all the territories it will supposedly get after suffering heavy losses from an army that heavily outnumbers them, he does not say. But then again it is well-known that Milley licks the boots of his masters in public, and only timidly tries to inform them about the reality on the ground in private. Still, he is a military man, so he knows perfectly well how things are going.

The copium overdoses are everywhere. The Ukrainian foreign minister assures us the so heavily publicised offensive has not really started yet. Look, this is only the appetiser, OK? For the main course, they will wait for the F-16s. Only, nobody knows when the F16s actually come, but everybody knows that they will be no match for the Russian air Defense systems, already joyously waiting to be fed like the plant in the “little shop of horrors”.

Some people are even worse. British clowns go on TV and assure their viewers that the Ukraine is actually winning, a level of propaganda not even Dr Goebbels would have dared to shove down the throat of his very brainwashed , very obedient, very rigid, in a word very “German” Germans. In short, it’s bizarro world.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainians have issues like… not having enough graves, with the result that a lot of old coffins are evicted to make place for new ones, complete with the usual sea of Ukrainian flags you now see everywhere on Telegram channels.

Look, I have bad news for you Ukro sympathisers: the Leopards 2 are burning like straw and can’t even get past the mine fields. The Western artillery pieces are taken down one by one by clearly superior, cheap, but very lethal Russian drones. The air defences of the Russians are not perfect (some of the excellent, British Storm Shadows get through, and make a lot of damage), but they are perfectly able to cut to very little pieces any number of fourth generation aircrafts (be they F16 or Gripen) the West wants to throw at them. Plus, the Russian superiority in both artillery pieces and shells is so evident by now even the Western propaganda outlets routinely admit it.

But this is not all. Amazingly, not only is the current capacity for arms production in Russia higher than in all NATO Countries together, but their own rate of increase is absolutely humiliating the West. Yes, you read it right: the Military Industrial complex of Russia alone is in front of all NATO Countries together, and the differential is increasing every month. Forget China, India, or Iran. Russia, on its own, is taking care of the entire Collective West.


There really is no escape from the harsh realities on the ground anymore. Russia is defeating the entire NATO as it slowly grinds down the Ukraine to very fine Nazi Dust.

This dust, the West will have to eat, all of it. I think the military commanders have understood it already, the politicians are getting to grips with the new reality, and the populace is still being drugged with massive doses of Copium until their masters find a way to justify the years-long lies. The politicians need to pay attention, though, that the populace does not get an excessive dose of Copium. At some point the drugged sheep might react, and it would not be pretty for the Baerbock Generation of utterly incompetent, perfectly ignorant, but extremely arrogant politicians.

Meanwhile, Putin is said to be in a big crisis because a holigarch stages an extremely dumb 7 hours mutiny that was not even directed against Putin himself; whilst France burns, and no msm draws from it the consequence of his career being finished. The entire copes of mainstream institutional media has become an extremely homogeneous propaganda instrument for the furthering of the aims of GloboHomo: mass immigration, globalisation, sexual perversion and demolition of Christianity, and promotion of a “democratic” system that is becoming increasing more tyrannical, and hollowed from the inside.

This conflict was supposed to bring Russia to its knees and cause GloboHomo to triumph and usher in a new age of Mainstream Faggotry. It ended up showing all the hypocrisy, incompetence and arrogance of the Western ruling class.

God bless Vladimir Putin. The only Christian fighting for sanity.

Abortion Reflections

Hhmmm… wrong skin colour, I am afraid….

And it came to pass a Finnish minister, in charge for only 10 days, was forced to resign because of old statements of his, which supported some sort of “climate abortion”, that is: the abortion of af-rik-an children in order to prevent them, once born, to cause co2 emissions.

When I read the news I was initially surprised. Does Finland not have abortion already? For how many decades, by now, they have not cared whether a baby is born or killed, merely requiring one or two doctors to give the obligatory assent? And is this baby killing mentality not widespread all over the West, particularly the northern parts?

Also: is this sort of massive pre-birth genocide not exactly the same recipe advocated by globalist cabals, and billionaire “foundations” in the Bill Gates mould?

I must confess, I needed some instants of reflection. There had to be something I was missing.

And then the penny dropped.

The problem here was not the mass murder of babies in the womb. Nobody among these people really cares for them. The problem was that the babies in question were af-rik-ans!

You see, you can’t say that! Finn babies can be aborted, but “black lives matter”, see? Plus, Europe needs (better: these people think it does) the import of massive quantities of cheap workforce. Cheap workforce from Af-rik-a will ensure at the same time that the toilet bowl is spotless, and that pesky Christian traditions and mentality are destroyed!


Now I understand why the guy had to resign. And no, Finn babies will continue to die.

Douce France?

Douce France…. Or not…

In France, huge riots erupt because a 17 years old guy (an age at which, in France, you cannot drive), and who already had precedents with the police, did not stop when asked (I wasn’t there; but I assure you where I come from being shot at in these circumstances is to be expected). The usual mix of looting, breaking, and general intimidation from criminal elements ensues. If you can’t see a Muslim bomb waiting to explode, you are stupid.

The French have seen this coming from very far away. They cannot avoid being aware of the huge social tensions that are accumulating in the Country, and which see people of one particular religious affiliation slowly but surely building up a massive challenge to the sated, more or less satisfied bourgeoisie.

What has said bourgeoisie done to protect its way of living? Not much.

In the end, they kept electing and accepting politicians who sold them the tale of the multicultural coexistence. They elected Macron, and Hollande before him, and Sarkozy before him. All people, these, who either pretended, or did not even bother to pretend, that they were addressing the problem. Meanwhile, the only authentically French and Christian force, that was willing and able to tackle the issues, was – as customary everywhere in the West – accused of being rayciss and x-x-xenophobic, because wanting France to remain French is clearly very bad.

The French, as a whole, bought the lie. They kept voting for the wrong people hoping that the problem would go away. The problem did not go away. The problem is now getting nearer to their lifestyle, their children, their schools, their homes. It’s not an issue limited to the horrible Parisian peripheries, either. The disease is now acute. Antibiotics are not enough anymore.

I wonder how the French will react. The riots will subside, as these things always do. At that point, they will have to choose whether to ignore the problem, stick their collective heads in the sand and decide that this was but an unpleasant “episode”, or realise that their Country is being stolen, robbed and looted away from them in front of their very eyes and start acting accordingly.

Will they get it before it’s too late, and manage to avoid the Sharia-ization of their own Country (at which point, be assured of that, order will reign), or will they keep electing the wrong people? I am not very optimistic.

There are four full years before the next presidential elections. It’s a lot of time to persuade yourself that you are broad minded, tolerant, and oh so inclusive.

Chances are, it’s exactly what the French will keep doing.

Disobedience In The Times Of The Pygmy Cardinals.

Cardinal Mueller has just ordained six new priests.

With a Traditional Latin Mass.

Mueller is, God knows, no Traditionalist. In fact, I think his orthodoxy has been found lacking in past years, particularly in regard to his extremely unhealthy sympathy for the so-called liberation theology. Still, one must say that the guy is, a lot of the times, recognisably Catholic.

Mueller is also not linked to the FSSP, or to some other Traditionalist order. His celebrating this important Mass in the Vetus Ordo can only signify that he wanted the whole planet to know about it.

Yep. This is what happens when the King is old and frail, and everybody knows his kingdom is coming to an end. Centrifugal forces start to appear everywhere. More or less subtle forms of disobedience start to appear. This is intelligent disobedience, because it is a disobedience to Francis that signals obedience to Christ. Still, it seems to me that the lesson is obvious here: the writing is on the wall, and Mueller, like many others, can’t wait for the Post-Francis era.

If I wanted to be particularly optimist, I could even say this: that this slight from a high-profile Cardinal like Mueller might well be the tip of the iceberg, and signify an insufferance of the Evil Clown that is more widespread than it appears.

I welcome all these signs of disobedience to the tyrant. I wish there were more. I wish, in fact, that the disobedience had come many years before, and that it had been far more vocal.

But we live in time of Pygmy Cardinals. I think this is pretty much the most we can expect for now.

The Last Chance And The Titan

Memento mori!

Let’s say you are a very adventurous Billionaire. You love doing things very few others can, “push the boundaries” (as they say) of what is possible, explore the world but also explore, and win, your fears.

Let us say – just a hypothesis here – that you don’t believe in God, or that you prefer to not deal with the issue itself. Life is beautiful, a lot of pleasures- both licit and illicit – are available to you, and you don’t want to deal with the momentous question of what happens when the curtain falls. Not yet, at least.

Meanwhile, God watches over you as he does with everybody – even atheists and infidels – and he desires, antecedently at least, your salvation as he does – antecedently at least – with everybody.

He might then, in His Providential ways, arrange things in order to give you, and a handful of others – some very rich, too, or born of great wealth – also providentially chosen, a last chance to die at peace with Him. This can be – if you are Catholic – a last confession before embarking in a venture that promises to look exciting, but not devoid of risks. Or He could prompt you to a perfect contrition. Or, perhaps when things start going wrong, he might even arouse in your heart a sudden desire for Him and His forgiveness you did not even know you had in your heart.

The Titan submersible, a very expensive toy for very rich people, is now missing at sea. We will know more later today, but at this point it is not realistic to expect any surviving occupier. But one day, the Titan will be found, and we will all know whether the occupiers had a long, long time to make their peace with the Lord, or whether they had to answer His hidden call before a sudden implosion almost instantly reduced everybody to something resembling strongly compressed jelly.

The world will wonder how all could go so wrong, and will call this tragedy a loss. We, who are accustomed to think of both world and individual events in a providential way, will think that this was just a last chance, or a way to be better prepared for the moment appointed for each of the occupiers from all eternity.

And as we pray for the poor souls, who might – we will know only in time – have stared their fate in the face for a very long time, we reflect that nothing happens by chance; that there is a rhyme and reason for everything, and that God arranges everything in a way conformed to His inscrutable, but perfect Will.

Individual lives have such different trajectories, and will see one dying after a life of poverty in a Peruvian rural village, and another dying in a rich tourist submersible after extremely wealthy years. The ones and the others will follow exactly the pattern providentially decided for them.

Pray for the dead today, and spare a little prayer for all those, billionaires or not, that have gone to their judgment in the last few days.

Thy Will Be Done, Or: Prayer Suggestions In The Time Of Francis.

The end of the Fernet Time is approaching fast…

Pope Francis was operated once again, and this time he will be out of combat for more than ten days. Very fat, with recurring diverticulitis, a shot knee and complications from past operations, one can’t say his health is improving.

At his age, you would think this guy is now slowly but surely confronting the eternity waiting for him, and the infinite consequences of a death on the wrong side of the Church.

I can see no trace of this. None whatever. If Francis has – which he might – made peace with the inescapable fact of his approaching death, there is no sign he is willing to die at peace with the One who gave him life. It’s quite shocking, really, as one cannot say that the guy will be surprised from death. He is being given numerous opportunities to stop and reflect. How merciful God is, you can see clearly from this fact alone.

What this tells me is that – at least, from what we can see – the shocking lack of faith of this man is hardening as he enters the last phase of his life. I do sincerely wish him repentance, and that the process has already started, though in this case it is still in the incubation phase. But there is, again, not the slightest evidence that some thoughts of repentance has paved his way inside the mind of this guy.

I will, therefore, encourage my readers to:

A) keep praying for his salvation, and

B) keep praying for his painless death.

It is not charitable to wish that this guy might continue to damage the church and be an enemy of the faith. It, in fact, cruel to wish that Francis may be allowed to keep deceiving all souls who are being negatively influenced by this guy in the most precious thing they have: their spiritual health.

Whilst I am not optimistic (note the word) that Francis will get out of the Gemelli feet first, I would call the present time as good as any for the praying of both the above intentions.

God willing, we will have a new conclave soon, and God might grace us with a successor that is recognisably Catholic. If not, we’ll this will mean that our punishment will have to go on for longer, and that we might well have more merit for keeping the faith in such disgraceful time.

In the end, our most important battle will be, Francis or no Francis, always the one for our own soul.

Finding God (Or Suicide) In Nature

Francis is here seen trying to find God somewhere….

Why do we have to put up with this?

It’s like reading a high school magazine made by the usual good-for-nothing.

An Aborigenous woman will visit Rome for seven days. She will meet the Pope, and will try to talk about “spirituality” with him (good luck). She is, obviously, an artist, and she will, obviously, show her “art”. Disclosure: I will soon be the only person I know who is not an artist. But then again I am not a racial minority, so people would not applaud my “art” anyway.

The woman is Catholic because she and her people “found God in nature” and, with an acumen certainly worthy of her doctor title, fails to explain why there is, then, any need for the Incarnation, or why the Aborigenous people were not all Catholic thousands of years before Christ.

Perhaps there was no nature before the Westerners came? Or there was one, and – strangely – no trace of Christ weit und breit? Questions, questions…

The unavoidable grievances are also there. Instead of being eternally grateful that her people went into contact with the West – and, through it, with Christ – there is talk of “reconciliation”. Why there should be any need for reconciliation, we aren’t told.

Do you mean thanksgiving, ma’am? Just asking.

It gets even more sinister when we are informed that the woman’s sister already met JP II, who blessed her son, who, many years later, committed suicide. This is, wait for it, a “stark reminder” of the “inequalities” “faced” bla, bla, and bla.

I thought suicide is pretty much the worst sin of all? I thought a Catholic, particularly those who find God in nature, understand this? I thought that this blaming one’s sins on “society” and on “inequalities” is, in fact, the most un-Catholic thing you can do?

Wait: I was even told that those who whitewash suicide with this kind of excuses are encouraging others to do the same?

Gosh: could it be that I have not found God in nature? There is a tree out of this place. Let me go out a moment and see if I find God there…..


Well, there was only a tree. But then again I am not one of the Aborigenous people, so perhaps I simply didn’t look hard enough…


The linked article well exemplifies what exercise in soppy, sugary stupidity official Catholicism has become. All the common places of the bleeding-heart, tree-hugging social worker are there. But at the first challenge posed by the very religion these people claim to profess (like poverty, self-responsibility, or suicide!), said religion completely disappears under a tsunami of sugary, and very childish, waffle.

When I become Pope (hey, there are men claiming they are women….) I will fire everybody at the Vatican news agency, and then publish, for months on end, only articles explanatory of Catholic doctrine.

I am pretty sure it will help the one or other among the Aborigenous people to, actually, not commit suicide.

Meet Bruce Jenner, The Mad Monster Arsonist.

Bruce. No, read it again. Bruce.

Bruce Jenner has, as a former track runner, condemned the fact that a boy has been allowed to get a place in State track running competition by running among women rather than among men. Breitbart – not linked to, as they keep misgendering Bruce Jenner – informs us that the boy would, if he had run among the people of his sex, have arrived last. Among the girls he arrived second, likely deciding not to crush the opposition in order to attract less flack on himself. I wonder if he will find other boys in the State finals. I am sure there are scholarships to be scrounged with this.

Now, there is no innocent in all this. Bruce Jenner is merely a madman criticising others for giving signs of even bigger mental instability than himself. However, most others support this kind of degeneracy out of pure calculation (leftists bent on destroying every vestige of decency, assorted fags and dykes hoping to look less disordered, and boys gunning for the scrounging of victories and scholarships). Bruce Jenner, instead, had himself mutilated [edit: it appears he still has his appendages, but you get the point….] just to make the absurd point that he thinks he is a woman.

But it’s really worse than that. This is not only the kettle calling the pot black. This is the arsonist criticising the fires that others have started after him. The hypocrisy is staggering as it comes from a man who has been a driving force of the madness we are seeing today. The guy cannot decide that he is a woman, but other boys aren’t. It’s self-serving and hypocritical in the extreme.

Of course, Bruce Jenner has a clear agenda here: to make for himself a conservative reputation as the most conservative Trannie in the village.

Sorry, Bruce. You can’t be a trannie and a conservative. You can only be as monstrous politically as you are physically.

But then again, this guy is most likely merely looking for validation, desperately craving the approval he knows he does not give to himself. And in fact, what Bruce Jenner is screaming from the rooftops is exactly this: he himself does not believe, nor did he ever believe, that he is a woman.

And if he is not a woman, he can only be a monstrously deformed individual.

Sorry, just stating the facts here. As even Bruce Jenner appears to clearly see.

I do not see a happy ending in Bruce’s cautionary tale. I see a suicide with subsequent hell as the most likely outcome, and hell as a foregone conclusion, barring conversion, if he dies of natural causes.

But no, I think suicide is the most likely outcome. Satan is clearly closing in on the guy, trying to make the cognitive dissonance in his head explode.

Pray for all the victims and those persecuted by these maniacs.

Dodgers Go Full Fudgers

What the US are becoming…

Some days ago I had written, in my innocence, that of course the LA Dodgers would, upon being informed of who they are, disinvite the blasphemous group of perverts.

They don’t want to become the next Bud Light, I wrote.

Fairly reasonable, it seems to me.

Well, it turns out I was wrong: they do want to be the next Bud Light.

What this says to me is that this is more alarming than the original post. This is a deliberate woke provocation made in full knowledge of the facts by an obviously pro-pervert organisation now clearly meant to shove perversion and blasphemy down their fans’ throat.

We will see how this pans out, but it seems to me that there is now a full scale attack on Christian values and decency, probably motivated by the hope that there is “strength in numbers” and people will not have the rage or the discipline to boycott everyone that goes trannie/pervie/woke.

Make no mistake: this will end up perverting the masses, little by little, until every perversion is normalised.

Would the LA Fudgers, only twenty years ago, have dared to organise a faggofeast? Twenty years later not only they have the blasphemous trannies, but – which is likely worse – the faggofest has been entirely normalised!

If things go on this way, give it another twenty years and the trannies will be everywhere, with the p-p-professional Catholics now screaming against the invitation of the incestuous whilst not even mentioning either the faggots or the trannies.

Meanwhile, Russia becomes more and more Christian, strengthens its education system, improves its military technology advantage with the unites states, and prepares itself to give the woke West a lesson it will never forget.

One can see, once again, a clear parallel to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, killed by the debauchery and sissification of its people. The big difference is, most likely, that social processes that once took centuries now go much faster. Just look at what has happened in the “Kinzhal Vs Patriot” duel last week in the Ukraine to see how fast the cards can change in the military technology game.

Will the US recover? Sad to say, likely not. The 2024 elections will be most likely stolen and the perversion of the American society will continue apace, until a big shock comes which, hopefully, reverses the course. This shock will likely be the outbreak of armed confrontation between the mainstream and the woke troops, or a humiliating military defeat, courtesy of China or Russia, that opens the eyes about what degeneracy leads to.

But it won’t be tomorrow. Just read what Larry Johnson writes about recruitment at the CIA and you’ll see the scale of the problem.

The LA Fudgers incarnate what a vocal, aggressive, bigoted minority is doing to the once great USA.

As long as the Conservatives – or, actually, the normal people – are worried about appearing “moderate” and “reasonable”, there is no way of winning this.

Why The Mainstream Press Is Dying

The Guardian needs her to retweet…

The months since the start of the Special Military Operation have showed with brutal efficiency why the traditional press is dying. The scale of disinformation is off the chart. It is only natural that alternative channels of information (from blogs to Substack mailing list, to video channels) are now making the bigger part of the information sources of thinking people.

The press does the same old prostitution job, masked behind a fake layer of trustworthiness.

Last example: the Western press is now reporting the “six Kinzhal missiles” the Ukrainians claim they have shot down quite recently. The “fact checkers” by now (I think) employed by every newspaper will let the lie pass because, well, it is true that the Ukrainians claim the victories. But uncritically reporting a propaganda lie is not information, it’s a lie masked as fact.

Anybody who knows anything about the Kinzhal knows that the only way a Patriot missile can take one of those down is by sheer luck, “needle in a haystack” fashion. The idea that six have been taken down on the same day is bad comedy. In fact, even the idea that one has been taken down pushes very hard at the boundaries of reality.

But then again the Ukrainians had to admit a huge loss of ammo and other equipment, likely in the order of hundreds of millions of euros in value, just days ago, with a series of explosions in one single location that caused a huge mushroom-like smoke column. This was tantamount to the admission that their air defence is in dire straits, because it’s unthinkable that such a weapon stash would not be protected with the very best the Ukrainians have. So what do they do when they are forced to admit that the Russians run circles around them? They lie even more, and now want you to believe their extremely expensive, vintage missile system – which has been already humiliated by Iranians drowning in sanctions, and Yemeni fighters in sandals – can take down a Kinzhal. The Official Press is, as always, eager to help.

The mechanism is the one I have already described: modern mass media are the slaves of the narrative they think their pro-Ukrainian readers want to read. They feel obliged to do it because their revenue depends, in a shockingly big proportion, from the Ukraine fanboys retweeting, sharing and forwarding their articles. An outfit like the “Guardian” will see certainly more than half of the revenue of every Ukraine article go away, unless they keep their pro-Ukrainian customers satisfied.

Compare and contrast with the new information channels.

A two-person outfit like The Duran has no overhead costs. They broadcast from their living rooms. A guy like Judge Napolitano will interview his (smart) colonels from his home office. Guys like iEarlGrey and The New Atlas will rely only on the reputation of trustworthiness they get, and know that this will allow them to weather any emotional storm among their readers. If they chase public opinion, they will soon disappear. If they are truthful they will have ups and downs, but will prosper in the end as their non-existent overhead allows them to weather any storm, and make good money in the process.

It goes without saying that other pressures apply. In the UK, the Government pays subsidies to the traditional press. Do you think they will defy the hands that feeds them by exposing every day the monstrous lies of the British Government? Me neither.

Of course, the “fact checking” forms will be satisfied.

“Vladimir Putin, whom many say has cancer, is reportedly desperately looking for a way out from the situation in Crimea. ‘He really is contemplating suicide, but in reality, he could be killed before he can do even that’, a source familiar with the Kremlin disclosed to us”.

I am sure this will get past every fact checker. You only need to show him that it is true that some say Putin has cancer, & Co. What remains out of all this, is integrity.

It goes for everything else. “Cardinal Pell, who was accused of sexual abuse of minors before he died, was considered by some of his fellow Cardinals a devastating influence on the Church”.

It really is very easy.

In the long term, this has led – and will continue to lead – to loss of readers, as more and more realise there is no need for a propaganda outlet with a prestigious name to know what’s happening. Micro-companies with quality material will take their eyeballs, their time, and the relevant revenue.

The mass media will go, unless they change, the way of Budweiser Light.

Not that I am sad about it.

Fatness, Perversion, And Inclusion.

Do you see the connection?

I am, I think, one of the few people making a connection between the spread of fatness and the march of sexual perversion; or, more in general, between perversion and the lack of discipline and permissive attitude of which fatness is the most evident signal (a distant second would be tattoos).

I sit on the bus, looking at just another grotesquely fat young girl of, say, 21. Without knowing her, I understand the high probability that the fattie squeezed in the bus seat is in favour of so-called gay marriage, gender theory, affirming lesbians, and the like.

Why is that? Insecurity, and need of acceptance.

Fattie knows that she is vulnerable to brutal criticism. Much as she can have persuaded herself that it’s not her fault that she is a voting hippo, she still knows, deep down, that: a. She is, and b. Everybody else knows it, too. It’s like the trannie fantasy: you can pretend as much as you like that George is now Henrietta, but everybody knows the truth.

Fattie is now terrified of being excluded. Without the discipline to stay away from the fries and donuts, without parents “judging” her and teaching her discipline, without knowing what the word “gluttony” even means, and without any guidance from teachers either rotten in their brain or terrified of saying one single word, she knows she is going to remain the no-circus-ticket cannon woman.

She will react seeking all “inclusion” she can. I include you, so you include me. The mainstream ideas propagated by the msm will never be challenged. She will never dare to criticise any sexual behaviour – except when it’s socially safe: pedophilia – lest she is told about her behaviour. She will become a beacon of “inclusiviteee”.

The person without the money for the cinema will want free tickets for all.

Suddenly, nobody – unless he is Trump – can do anything wrong: tattoos, purple hair and ignoring that Georgina has a penis will become an untouchable moral imperative, because fattie knows that her very social life is at stake. In order for her to keep ingesting rubbish food, others must be allowed to live rubbish lives.

It works for boys, too; but less so, then boys are more self-assured and physical appearance is less important to them. Still, the basic mechanism will be the same.

Once upon a time, there was a received set of values, which did not allow challenges without punishment. A woman called herself a “free spirit”, the other girls called her a slut. Men would use her and throw her away. It was a system of brutal sanctions for wrong behaviour. This system of values has been dismantled, because the very guardians of the system (the boys and the girls, their parents, their teachers) have renounced to their role of social controllers. This they have done, in countless cases, because they are fat, their parents are fat, their daughters are fat, there is no priest worthy of the name around, and their teachers are fat, leftists, or terrified.

No moral values in one thing leads to no moral values in other things. It’s a slippery slope.

Our ancestors knew it. They enforced a social system of sanctions and exclusion.

Today, it’s just an endless row of letters followed by a plus.


Don’t take it on me because you’re dumb, arrogant, and so very ugly….

I am old enough to remember the days of the coming ice age. I must confess, though, that I had forgotten about it, as it was all happening when I was a child and then simply fell from the radar. It was “important” enough that it had made it to my Ministry of Education approved textbooks, though (yes: in my time, your government told you what text books you had to form yourself on).

I was reminded of the fact – and of the textbooks – by Lomborg’s “the skeptical environmentalist”, a book whose validity is confirmed by the astonishing amount of mud his opponents threw on him.

The link above shows how widespread the madness was in 1970. It also shows that, there as now, the prophets of doom were at the service of a fundamentally anti-capitalist attitude, a collectivist utopia that couldn’t be called communism, but was – and is – exactly the old Marxist rubbish, albeit with some cosmetic variation to make it more palatable. There will always be people who believe this stuff. They are those in search of purpose and self-validation for their inflated ego.

Climate change was then, and it is now, a religion for atheists. It gives people the satisfaction of the basic need of feeling good with themselves, and – in Anglo Saxon Countries at least – of that other basic need, virtue signalling. This is why the obvious recognition that nothing of what Al Gore predicted has happened – or is even happening – does not have any effect of the proponent of his theory.

It is not, not it ever was, about the planet.

It is, and it always will be, about themselves.

Sects don’t need validation. They are like the plant of the “little shop of horrors”. They demand more and more food, until things get to a crisis point. When the bubble – or the plant – finally explodes, the sect members will look for the next sect. They will need to, because sect membership validates their entire existence.

Besides the real science – and the real common sense, and the real religious spirit – the defeat of the climate loons goes through an extremely effective weapon that I never cease to employ or to recommend: public ridicule and ferocious mocking. It is beyond me how we have become so brainwashed – even many so-called conservatives – that not even an elephant-sized target like the extremely dumb, extremely bigoted, ugly beyond belief, and otherworldly arrogant “how dare you”- girl was – metaphorically speaking – instantly incinerated. We are too nice to our enemies, lest we should not be considered good by the same people we despise.

The climate change hoax will be destroyed not by facts, but by laughter. Laughter goes head-on against the very reason why the loons abandon themselves to their lunacy: recognition and self-aggrandisement. This is true everywhere, but particularly so in the Anglo Saxon Countries, where social recognition is so openly, desperately, shamelessly craved.

I have bad news for you, Gretin.

You will always remain the fool you are now.

Clown Bishop Overbeck Wants To Conscript You

He is looking at you, bishop Overbeck

As a rule, heretical Bishops try to disguise their heresies under a thin veneer of Catholicism, making it look like they are being actually orthodox, at least to those of low IQ, high ignorance, or high interest in believing what the heretical guy says.

Every now and then, though, someone comes around who is such a scoundrel, such a sellout to the world, such a worthless piece of Francis, that he does not even bother to conceal the fundamental heresy of his very being.

Today’s scoundrel is Bishop Overbeck, an individual about whom I have already written in the past.

As you will see if you follow the link, Overbeck does not mince words: the change the Church is living now is bigger than the Protestant heresy. One only needs to be able to make 2+2 to understand that this guy is very plainly saying “we are heretical, we are proud of it, and you will have to get along with our heretical programme”.

The first two statements are self-evident. The third one is made explicit by another bomb dropped by this clown: he explains that if you want to defend tradition, you need to ask yourself whether you are still within the Church. Because you see, clown bishop has decided that the Church is now fundamentally different, and you therefore cannot follow the church of yesteryear and think you are within the boundaries of Overbeck’s fantasy creation.

Of course I am in unity with the Church, you cucking fretin! It’s exactly you who have just put yourself out of it, you fumb duck!! You can go to hell without me!

(If you think these words are too gentle, let me know in the comments and I will reflect whether to make my anger more explicit).

Unsurprisingly, clown bishop is also an enemy of Russia. Makes sense: even the Schismatics over there are infinitely more orthodox than this tool here. In fact, I think I can class it, seeing the declarations, as not unlikely that this guy has some big skeleton in the …. closet (as in: closet), it being not probable that a man without such skeletons would declare his heretical mentality and intent with such open hatred for the Church as he/she/it did.

I would, here, normally appeal for the defrocking of the guy, so he can seek gainful employment by the Lutheran Church Of The Latter Day Faggots. Alas, he will not be defrocked. An appointment to Cardinal is way more likely than that, at least as long as Francis breathes. In fact, who knows, the little Judas might have tried to position himself for a red hat, a place in the – likely – last train going out of Francisstation.

There is a God, and He judges everything and leaves nothing unpunished.

It’s the only consolation on days like this.

Totally Confused: Frankendyke And Liberty.

Whoopi Goldberg does not know what she says. Likely because she is unable to think.

Her “argument” seems very linear. I respect that you think abortion is the killing of a baby, but I ask you to respect that I disagree and allow me to act accordingly, because America.

Let us now make exactly the same “argument” in a different topic: I respect that you think that slavery is unjust and against human rights, but I ask you to respect that I disagree and allow me to act accordingly, because America.

Now substitute again for pedophilia, incest, and bestiality. Tax evasion, and drunk driving. Drug dealing, weapons trafficking, and domestic violence.

You see where I am going with this. The protection of life is an absolute. If, in a certain situation, a life is considered worthy of protection (for example: the unborn child will be considered such, the wilful murderer won’t), this protection must be accorded always, not according to opinion because “America”. Fundamental issues of right and wrong cannot be left to individual “opinions” that one must “respect” by not enforcing the decision on the issue on them. You don’t get to decide, together with your doctor, if you are killing someone or not.

The argument is so obvious that in no generation before ours such a stupid thinking was employed. You could be in favour or against a certain punishment for, say, drunk driving, but the idea of allowing a different treatment to some because you are “respecting their opinion” about it was not there.

The (biological) woman does not understand simple things. I think she is so ugly – both inside and out – that her brain fled in horror several decades ago, and was substituted for a Chinese knock-off found on EBay, that this Frankenstein dyke has been trying to use since. And if things did not go in that way, it was not for her brain’s lack of trying.

I wonder how many among the old harridans watching the show got the obvious flaw in the “reasoning”. Very few, I would say.

But then again, this is why they keep watching her.

Visible Signs

Crucifixes are being repaired in France, and new ones are being erected.

Yeah. It’s so easy.

Christian identity is protected by simply being proud of it, and showing it to the world outside. It is protected by erecting several crosses for each one that is vandalised. It is protected by giving visible signs of our faith in words and in deeds (the cross on the forehead on Ash Wednesday, not eating meat on Fridays, wearing cross pendants on our neck, etc.)

I was, now many years ago, very impressed by the vast number of crosses you see around in rural France and in (Catholic) parts of Southern Germany. Some of them are several metres high, many others are put in strategic places like crossroads or road curves (where your car will have to brake and be much slower). Some of them were three metres high, some more than that, very many two metres or more. It was something I did not know from Italy, though in Italy we also have small “mini shrines” (we call them “edicole”, but “shrine” is the translation I got), normally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, in small villages or on the roadside, or on homes’ external walls.

These are powerful statements. The car driver, truck driver, motorcyclist, cyclist or even passer by are irresistibly attracted to the tall, slender figure of the crucifix. It can never leave one indifferent. In fact, I remember some of those crucifixes set against the sunset, or throwing a very long shadow, in extremely powerful moments (I suspect that this is done on purpose, the crucifix set in such a location that it has a certain angle to the road and the sun in summer…).

How much did such a crucifix cost? It certainly went in the thousands dollars of today’s money, but there were evidently many landowners, in the rural France of the past, ready to fork the money and to sacrifice those few square metres of arable land in order to have a visible sign of their faith on their own land. This is, in fact, a favourite “big lottery win fantasy” of mine: the purchase of hundreds of mini-plots in rural Central Europe and the erection of crucifixes on them. Dear Lord, if you are listening, you know what would need to happen next for that to happen…

Signs are important. It’ s not always “what we feel inside”.

It’s what we show outside.