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Sic Transit Gloria Mundi

They just kicked me out, you know...



Today is the day David “call me gay” Cameron was, politely but firmly, evicted from Number 10 as The Icecold Bitch occupies the premises for… we shall see how long.

Cameron will very probably be remembered as a pathetic figure of politician. A man without any “real world” work experience apart from some PR work, he was the perfect example of what happens when people without faith, without scruple and without experience are given too much power.

Elected with the promise of driving a credible Conservative line with a more attractive PR package, Cameron soon began to eat his words and work at a radical “re-education” of the party. Six months after his election, the claim was let out to the press in five years' time he wanted half of the old party members out, substituted for new, more “modern” ones. This is exactly what happened, as the man alienated a growing number of traditional Conservatives, slowly but certainly fuelling the fortunes of the UKIP.

In 2010, he imposed the now notorious “Cameron Cuties” in a vast number of normally safe constituencies. The latter were the type of “new party” the man wanted to ram down the throat of the electorate: fags, women, minorities. It didn't work, and the “cuties” fared extremely badly, basically costing the man an otherwise assured absolute majority against the pathetic, painful to watch, and embarrassing to his mother Gordon Brown. This was another example of a man living in a bubble, and thinking that the Country thinks like his “progressive” wife and her friends.

Alas, Cameron avoided on that occasion the well-sharpened Conservative knives by managing to lead a coalition government. The arrangement was also after his own personal liking, as the liaison with the LibDems allowed him to run the country from the left of his party's centre of gravity. The most evident example of this is in the act that – bar repentance – will most certainly lead the man to hell: the “same-sex marriage” legislation he imposed on his own ranks and files in order to keep having sex with his extremely liberal, extremely meddling and extremely bitchy wife.

Cameron also refused a referendum prior to the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty, and again the coalition arrangement allowed him to get away with it. But in secular Toryland this caused a resentment far stronger than the opposition to the sexual abomination. In order to survive, he had to promise a referendum on the EU for after the 2015 elections; clearly thinking that the coalition to be formed in such a scenario would have prevented it. It was still all fine in Faggoland: an expected coalition victory against pathetic Ed Miliband, and no obligation to fight against the EU.

However, things changed radically in April 2015, when the total meltdown of the LibDems left Cameron with an unexpected – and, as I am totally sure, undesired – absolute majority. Things were becoming more difficult for him, now that he was held in power by Members of Parliament on average certainly more conservative than him. For the first time, the man would be held accountable for Conservative policies, no excuses given. Cameron was, for the first time, one who had to deliver, and no excuses allowed.

Those conservative MPs weren't very savage on same-sex marriage, but they felt the breath of the UKIP hounds on their neck and were (as a whole) far angrier about the EU. Cameron couldn't now avoid confronting the huge issue of the EU referendum. He had a last round of negotiation with the EU, out of which came little more than a PR exercise. It is absolutely not true, as I have read in the foreign press several times, that at this point Cameron chose to have the referendum. He simply knew he would not have survived without it, and the Conservative knives were being eagerly sharpened in case of refusal. He simply had no choice.

Still, he thought he could win easily. But once again, his arrogance and absence of real world work experience proved a great limit and, in this case, his undoing. As things began to become complicated he leant too much out of the window for Remain, factually insulting as racists and xenophobic those MPs (around 40%) who were in favour of leaving. Big, big mistake, as even a strong leader can't seriously anger four tenths of his MPs; much less a weakling like Cameron.

A strong Remain victory would have probably saved him – at least for the time being – once again, but it was clear at the vigil of the vote that a narrow victory would not have been enough. If he has some brain, he must have known already around midnight of voting day that he was well and truly, ahem, same-sex screwed. At midnight of the Thursday I was expecting him not to survive until the following evening.

As we all know, the night went differently, and Cameron announced his departure when the Friday was still very young. There was no feeling of a historic moment, as when Thatcher or Blair left. There was, rather, the feeling that this one was already forgotten, a dwarf swallowed by events – the progressive awakening of an electorate told too much rubbish for too long – far bigger than his little, slick, oily self.

The man will be remembered as a giant failure: unable to win a majority against even Gordon Brown, pushing the party in an urbanite, Demi-fag direction resented by millions, bitching against the EU but unable to carve an acceptable role for Britain within it, and finally buried by a referendum he did not want, was forced to start, and played miserably.

The best indication of the scale of the man's failure is given by the two “achievements” his friends and allies are now trying to sell to an extremely sceptical population: the economic recovery (which is a worldwide phenomenon and economic cycle he can certainly not attribute to himself) and the so-called “same-sex marriage”, the contrary of everything decent or conservative.

The PM of six years was booed, basically on his way out of office, by the public of Wimbledon after a Brit had just won. He wasn't even allowed a dignified exit. He was recognised for the phony and fraud he has always been, and treated accordingly.

If he thinks he got a hard deal, he only has to die unrepentant and he will discover what real trouble really looks like.

Good riddance, David Cameron. I doubt you will save your soul, but I will say a prayer for a hypocritical sellout of conservatism like you, too.




The 7 May Massacre

As I speak, the United Kingdom is living the aftermath of a shocking bloodbath. Not entirely a genocide, but certainly a mass murder. No, let me correct it: a public mass execution, Tyburn Tree-style, but multiple times.

Since yesterday evening, when the first exit poll were published, there had been rumours of an incumbent massacre. It was everywhere. Not even the pollsters could believe it.

The LibDems denied vehemently. It cannot be, they said. We are so good, people can't treat us this way. Think of all the “gays” to whom we have told “their love is worth as much as anyone else's”. No, it cannot be. We cannot be massacred in that way. Ten Members of Parliament remaining, out of Fifty-Seven? You got to be kidding me. Lord Ashdown couldn't even see the now giant torpedo flying very low in the direction of his party. Poor man, he is a LibDem. They have some problems coping with reality. If this is true, he said, he would publicly eat his hat.

I hope Lord Ashdown likes hats for dinner; and I hope I will witness his public eating live. For the records, hats can be perfectly edible. One expects a man to keep his word. Even a LibDem politician.

Of the Fifty-Seven not quite ten, but, actually … only eight have survived. The Country has made a massacre of LibDem Members of Parliament in Charles Manson-style; but only after mass sodomisation, which even Charles Manson would have probably considered too cruel. The LibDems probably liked the last bit, as it must have showed them how many facettes – Clegg speaks French, remember! – the love of the British people for them has. They must feel very happy, and very gay, that they have been the objects of such an exercise in non-conventional love.

They were Fifty-Seven before the battle.

They knew they would be casualties, but this is worse than that.

This is not a defeat. This is not even a rout.

This is Afghan ritual disembowelling.

Why, then, does your truly feel the need to express his boundless enthusiasm at the gruesome news?

Firstly, because a party which was the most vocal proponent of so-called same sex marriage has received the Giant Dildo Treatment before their almost annihilation. I am not so naive to think it was because of their support for sexual perversion; but one takes the good news as they come.

Secondly, because David “Chameleon” Cameron will now be forced to fake Conservatism with more enthusiasm. Again, I do not expect a resurgence of Christian values, but I think that things are slowly moving in the right direction. Cameron isn't dumb. He knows he is now far less in control than he used to be, and can't use the LibDems as an excuse. He also knows that the knives meant for his back are, in purest Tory tradition, always sharp. He may be happy he is still in power, but he knows a PM is as strong as his charisma and following, and he clearly lacks both. The demise of the LibDems deprives him of one leg. He won't feel comfortable surrounded by an all-Tory team.

Thirdly, because the only halfway sane party in the Country, the UKIP, has garnered almost four million votes and is now very officially the third biggest party by number of voters. A development, this, that will send very cold shivers down the spine of many newly-elected Tory MPs, and will further contribute to a slow return to something vaguely resembling sanity. The UKIP only got one MP, I know; but I am one of those who think that the cruel first-past-the-post system in use in the UK forces MPs to think of their possible demise at the next election all the time. Ask Ed (cut) Balls if you don't believe me.

The Country went to sleep sensing a big surprise, and woke up with an ever bigger one; this afternoon, the surprise is staggeringly complete.

This Country has moved to the right in a way that even Cameron must find unwelcome. It is by far not enough, but it is a first step.

For the moment, let's enjoy this massacre. You never know what surprises the Lord has in store for us.

And pray, pray for this Country.

Once the Dowry of Mary, now the Whore of Elton



Bleak Ages

The Prime Minister is seen here relaxing in his garden.

The Prime Minister is seen here relaxing in his garden.




The “Gay PM”, David “Chameleon” Cameron, warned us about the danger of antibiotic resistance.

For you outside of the UK, this is how it works here: the PM’s advisors have a meeting and decide what they will do to get in the headlines tomorrow. Something reminding the voting riff-raff what a fine mind the PM is. One new committe here, one new initiative or “policy” there. No issue is too trivial but world threats look good, too. Tomorrow it will be forgotten, but it’s the headline for today.

On this occasion, “Chameleon” Cameron has it knows the “dark ages” are, for such an enlightened mind as his, very bad.

An age that did not even think of legalising abortion, did not conceive divorce, would have utterly disgusted even at mentioning sodomy, and made of God the first priority in everyday life is, for him, “dark ages”. The Britain he has helped to shape, a huge Sodom with the addition of Olympic Games, is the epitome of progress and civilisation. It is us who live in very bleak times, not they who lived in dark ones.

I do not know whether it is a Catholic thing, but we in Italy say “middle age”, and divide it in “high” and “low”. Darkness is nothing to do with it. It seems the honest and factual approach to me.

Compared with today, actually, one must say it of Cameron “dark ages”: what a luminous age it was.

Completely Cameron-free.


Sodomy: Maria Miller Made To Practice What She Preaches.

Painful on impact. And say thanks I have not posted the other thing...

My affectionate readers already know Maria Miller, because I have already written how – bar a desirable but improbable repentance – she is going to hell.

What many of my readers might not know is that said Mrs Miller was forced to resign this morning, after her political backside had looked more and more threatened by that kind of torpedo-shaped same-sex loving she so eagerly celebrates.

In Mrs Miller case, the scandals had compounded. A first enquiry about her expenses had led to veiled threats to the press, as the female put – through third parties – her role in the proposed regulation of the press into play. Not very classy; not very intelligent, either; and in short, very Sicilian: capisci? Needless to say, the press was, erm, not impressed, and the female in trouble.

To these two scandals others were adding. The fine of around £50,000 proposed by an independent commission for the expense matter was reduced to around a tenth of the original amount by a committee of MPs, which in itself was scandalous and self-serving enough. But the same-sex-loving female made it worse, appearing in Parliament and giving the shortest and most arrogant of apologies. The men at the chronometer dissent here: some said 32 seconds, some 34, some actually 28. Whichever it was, it was another demonstration the woman is unfit to represent her cat, and a prime example of MP entitlement and arrogance.

When it turned out she had, finally, sold a property with more than £1m profit and not paid a penny of Capital Gain Tax through a trick legally allowed to MPs but morally not acceptable – and not open to the likes of us – it was clear she was, as the Italians so beautifully say, a political walking corpse. It is, in fact, indicative of the incompetence and lack of contact with the common people of this Prime Minister that he thought he could save himself and his government this embarrassment by defending her when the flak was massive and, even, strongest from his own party. But then again Cameron never cared for his party, so all normal here.

On Tuesday afternoon, even my cat was moving his head in disbelief. By late Tuesday evening, Cameron had given Mrs Miller, in a personal meeting, a huge Celebration Dildo – a metaphorical one, I know; but surely a very painful one nevertheless – as a “thank you” for her useful work on the side of the nation's perverts. Time to practice what she preaches, I am afraid. This does call for a celebration. By mid-morning today, the gift – and his metaphorical use – had been made public.

Good riddance to Mrs Miller. She will go – bar an always welcome repentance – to hell anyway. But it is nice to know that her political career, built very largely upon the promotion and celebration of sexual perversion, has now ended with her nose in full contact with a pavement concrete slab, and her name is now running for the prize of Most Arrogant MP After The 2009 Expenses Scandal.

I hope she enjoyed the metaphorical same-sex loving.

She deserved – metaphorically speaking, of course – nothing less.




Cameron Loses Billionaire Donor Over So-Called “Same-Sax Marriage”.

Conservative fags.  Let them dissolve in smoke.

Conservative fags.
Let them dissolve in smoke.



Aaaahhhh, this is good for the heart.

The European Elections are coming. An excellent way to send a message.

My vote goes to the UKIP. Not that they are exempt from faggotry infiltrations, but it’s better to let them know what pays electorally and what not, and at the same time show the Tories where the votes go when they behave like Eltons.

And punish that faggot.

Punish that faggot.


Second Decisions

From yesterday, “backpedaling” is officially called “making a second decision”; or so does the Gay President believe.

Methinks, the evidence of the Syrian government having carried out the attack is rather thin; and the Gay President, being, erm, gay, has decided to back make a second decision. It appears after the defeat of the Gay PM in the UK other allies have become more cautious, or more probably a sustained bombing campaign without the support of the still special ally wouldn't look very much “hope and change”.

What a Christian notices is that the dangers for the Syrian Christians have not played any role. It is probable that attacks will be carried out in the end, and the Syrian regime (our sons of a bitch, remember…) will be more or less weakened, and perhaps crushed, by way of the attacks. Or it can be that Obama will only order “cosmetic” attacks to show he really cares for humaniteee, but these attacks will result in nothing more than an embarrassment for the Syrian government. In all cases, Christians in the area will not play any role. Obama calls himself a Christian only for reasons of political convenience, but is a fully secularised atheist with an emotional link to the Islam he grew up with.

I can only imagine that here two interests have converged: Obama's desire to appear the human rights angel, and the desire of the Pentagon to give a sound thrashing to Hizbollah and, indirectly, Iran. If this is so, the British stance has not changed anything in the second motive but it has radically changed the first: you can't play “hope and change” and the humanitarian paladin when your closest ally clearly indicates you are a cowboy.

Still, I wanted to share with you my discovery of the new way of saying “backpedaling”.



“Off-The-Cuff” Comment

It is rumoured the first Western bombs might fall on Syrian target as early as tomorrow, Thursday, though I think the Western public opinion will need some day more to digest the news.

One wonders if the same zeal would have been put on display had it been discovered that the rebels are the authors of the chemical weapons deployment.


Syria, The Christians And The Liberals’ Double Morality

Still the least worst bastard: Bashar al-Assad.

When G.W. Bush bombed some sense into Iraq without any definitive proof of massive chemical weapons held there, the entire socialist/pacifist/alternative/perverted world couldn't feel good enough condemning him. Mind: Saddam was a man whose cruelty was above suspicion, and who had already practiced genocide on a terrifying scale. The most dangerous man on the planet, bar none.

This time there is, again, no smoking gun that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons; the scale of the alleged attack is, for what it's worth, infinitely smaller; and yes, the Syrian government poses thousand obstacles to a proper analysis of what is going on; but so did Saddam. And yes, they probably did it; but so Saddam wanted everyone to believe – inside and outside his country – that he did have the potential for devastating, genocidal attacks.

One begins to notice. When “hope and change” bombs away a regime without proof, everything is fine. When Dubya does the same with an infinitely more dangerous opponent, he is the Cosmic Bastard.

Mr “Hope and Change” will bring on the wrongest possible change, and possibly put the Christian in Syria in a hopeless situation. The Western intervention will bomb, first of all, the hope of Christians in Syria for a peaceful life.

I can't avoid thinking the intervention spells the end of Assad's regime. I will not cry for the bastard. I will cry for Syria's Christians. Even bastards have their use.

And no, I do not condone the use of chemical weapon. If I were the POTUS, I would help Assad's regime so they are not in such dire straits as to use them. If it means being on the same side as Hizbollah, amen to that. You can't have Christians killed and forced to flee just because you don't like Iran. A strong Presidency would have dozens occasions to punish Iran without Syria's Christians being put in such an Islamist hell as the one that will reign – though the BBC won't tell you – after Assad's gone.

Yes, there are risks in this. There are risks in pretty much flippin' everything one does in the region. But heavens, if Western powers do not have an eye for the situation of those poor Christians in Syria, in Egypt, in Lybia, in Iraq who will care for them: the Islamists?



The Culprits Among Us

The recent news – largely expected, but shocking nevertheless – that perversion will soon be called “marriage” in a country obviously longing for damnation is occasion of some reflection as to how we could come to this.

However I turn it, it seems to me the usual suspects are not the most important players in Satan's chess game. Besides being rather obvious that perverts in the hands of the devil make his and their work, it must be noted that these are very probably less than 1% of the population. They alone would have never been more decisive than my cat in bringing about this abomination.

No, the culprits are among us, and in order to find them you only need to look around you on the bus, in the train, or at the farmers' market.

The nice old woman who always thought it beneath her to be hostile to “gays”; the teacher who has been blabbering about “tolerance” without having a clue of what tolerance really is; the law-abiding citizen who pays his taxes and cares more about the state of his garden than of his soul; the growing army of emasculated manginas, raised by frustrated single mothers desperately looking for you-know-what, but teaching their sons to eschew anything remotely resembling virility, and their daughters to hate the female role; the army of deluded people thinking they are “conservative” because they read the “Daily Telegraph”, but are unable to even notice what a den of faggotry that rag has become; in short, polite Little England with the tea and the scones, the tennis and the cricket: I blame them first and foremost for this, because if they had wanted to see – metaphorically speaking – the blood of Cameron and Miller on the pavement, the little whores of XXI-century British politics would have never thought of even starting this.

If this country has some balls left, Cameron and Miller will be (politically) massacred in the next very few years. Highly improbable, though, because if this had been the case the Camerons and Millers of the world would have noticed it, and would have refrained from jumping into the abyss for the sake of a couple of perverts.

In this life, Cameron and Miller will probably get away with this whilst Little England goes merrily on with its afternoon teas; but make no mistake, bar an always welcome repentance their punishment will be horrible in the life to come. Also, be under no illusion that millions of souls in this once great Contry are now at risk, and will discover in the next decades – as the big drip works its magic – what fools they have been. An entire country takes leave from basic Christianity, and very few seem to notice, let alone care.

More tea, Mrs Nice? Perhaps a dollop of eternal torment, too?



Sink, Britannia!

The “coalition for marriage” informs that the abominable law concerning so-called “same-sex” marriage has passed the last significant hurdle and will now most certainly complete its procedural run in the Lords before coming back to the Commons, where approval is as likely as the amen in the church.

As a good priest at the Brompton Oratory noticed, we have gone from joke to law in around ten years.

This news has gone unnoticed in a country whose main concern at the moment seem to be the Ashes, and that has managed to officially reintroduce heathenism as state religion without noticing, or caring.

Of course I blame the politicians like David Cameron and Maria Miller, prostituting themselves and damning their souls for the sake of short-term political advantage. But in a democracy, prostitution is nothing more than the politicians sucking up to the electorate, and neither Cameron nor Miller would have any interest in damning themselves unless an entire country were ready to at least tolerate it.

Sink, Britannia. Sink in a sea of perversion and indifference. You have willed this, and deserve the consequences.


Political Correctness Is The Death Of Reason

Currently employed as Prime Minister.

Currently employed as Prime Minister.

And it came to pass the British Fag Government decided words mean what they would like them to, and brains can be switched off at leisure.

As a consequence, men can be called “wives” and women “husbands”. 

One would say this is too stupid even for Maria Miller and David Cameron, but this is not the case. 

Not only David Cameron and Maria Miller are so stupid, but so is a country that has decided not to think, in order that it might feel good with itself.

Satanical. Preposterous, but still satanical.


How A Country Commits Suicide


Once they managed to keep together a huge empire. Nowadays, not even families.

Once they managed to keep together a huge empire. Nowadays, not even families. informs us that half of all children in the born in the UK are being raised by one parent.

What apparently happens is not that half of the children are born of girls who have been stupid, but rather that an awful lot of couple who consider themselves “stable” do not marry and end up splitting when there are little children around, or divorce at the same time.

This reflects the utter madness of the modern British society. Divorce is not banned and hasn’t been for a long time now, so every kind of stigma is gone. The same -the British society being so “inclusive” – happens for those couple who don’t even think it a good idea to marry, such old and stuffy social conventions being too primitive for their own elevated selves. The community around them helps them in this behaviour by eliminating every trace of lack of “inclusiveness”. As a result, at the first major difficulty the couple will split, not caring at all that the children pay the highest price. Still, as the article also points out, the same adults will have their lives severely impacted, and this will have a further negative effect on the children.

One is reminded of those cruel times when divorce was banned, forced a man and a woman not only to really think thrice bout what they’re doing, but accustomed since little children to know that normally one has only one card to play, and should play it with the right partner and not nurture nrealistic expectation. In those cruel times, the social stigma linked to separation took care it was a measure generally avoided.

Not so today. After having accompanied and approved the complete demolition of the British family, the Government is now intent in absolutely perverting its very meaning, introducing institutionalised sodomy and sexual perversion and telling us this is good, because in some satanical way two perverts would be a family and you see, we need all the “families” we can get.

The emotional damage made to countless children is now even amplified. If it is traumatic to be raised without a father, imagine the fun at being raised by a couple of bitching faggots, or angry lesbians.

You would think the Country is slowing waking up to such an evident bankruptcy, but this is not the case. In fact, politicians like David Cameron and Maria Miller are merely the prostitutes of a degradation that comes straight from the voting masses, whose most perverted desires they try to satisfy as much as they can .

This is the way a once great Country is going down. The Empire Builders have left, leaving an army of faults who never grew up, trying to raise a generation of scarred children who never will.


So-Called Same Sex Marriages: Pope Francis Files For Spiritual Chapter 11

Don Abbondio between the US President and the British prime Minister.

Don Abbondio between the US President and the British Prime Minister.

From the San Francisco Chronicle:

In his remarks to Welby, Francis said he hoped they could collaborate in promoting the sacredness of life “and the stability of families founded on marriage.” He noted that Welby had recently spoken out on the issue, a reference to his House of Lords speech.

Significantly, though, Francis didn’t specify that marriage should be based on a union between a man and woman, which is how Benedict XVI and John Paul II routinely defined it in a way that made clear their opposition to same-sex marriage.

Vatican officials said Francis’ phrasing was a diplomatic attempt to make his point without making a provocative pronouncement, particularly during an inaugural meeting with Welby that was aimed at getting to know one another. Francis though has steered clear of the gay marriage debate as it has recently roiled France and Britain, and in general has refrained from making headline-grabbing public comments on hot-button current issues.

In these few phrases is condensed all the paucity and moral bankruptcy of this very chatty, approximate, shallow, half-socialist, scandalous, but oh so humble Papacy.

The Pope’s address to Mr Welby – not an off-the-cuff remark, but an official address to one who thinks he is the number one Religious of his country – mentions family and a marriage in a way which implies that families can be either founded on traditional marriage, or not; or alternatively, that marriage is either the Catholic one, or not. Of the two, the Pope deigns himself to prefer the Catholic one. Alleluja. 

This obviously looks very much like a huge white flag concerning the issue of sodomitical so-called “marriage”; something the Pope should know it’s sexually perverted and logically inconceivable. Therefore, journalists start, once again, to knock at the door of various Vatican officials and ask – not for the first time -“did he really mean that”?

The tragic, but so credible answer is printed above: the Pope doesn’t like to say the Truth, because the Truth would be “provocative”. I thought that to say the Truth is charitable, and Truth said in charity saves souls. But again I’m not a Jesuit, so what do I know. I am so confused I even think one is accessory in the sin of the sodomites if he is silent on the issue, and anyone who thinks the Pope is not being silent because of the one or other very indirect remark made unrecognisable in order not to be “provocative” is insulting his intelligence.

Even more pathetic is the excuse found for this open capitulation: this was the first meeting with Welby, and the man is such a sensitive flower that his delicate constitution might not have survived the “provocation” of basic Christianity. An argument which also forgets Welby did speak against so-called “gay marriage”, albeit in the usual Anglican way, so we may conclude he would have, very probably, survived the shock.

More brutal still are the words of comment to the Pope’s inactivity in the matter: Pope Francis ” has steered clear of the gay marriage debate as it has recently roiled France and Britain, and in general has refrained from making headline-grabbing public comments on hot-button current issues”. Very truthful observation. The Pontiff has, though, generously made his wisdom about gossip & co. – let alone salvation for atheists – available to the man and the woman on the street; who are – unsurprisingly – very impressed.

Every Italian knows a novel I have often mentioned on this blog, and may end up mentioning in future – much as I dearly love this novel – more than I would like to. In the immortal I Promessi Sposi (“The Betrothed”, here or here, or here in the Original) one of the main characters is Don Abbondio, a timid, weak, and rather cowardly priest ready to betray his priestly duties in the most scandalous of ways when the price might be an awful lot of discomfort or – as he thinks being a weak man – his own life. This character (like the entire novel) has become so much ingrained in the Italian psyche, that un Don Abbondio is still today a favourite way among the better educated to indicate this kind of weak and accommodating priest, “not born with a lion’s heart” and ready to betray his vocation; a vocation for which he must be ready, as Don Abbondio is reminded at the opportune juncture, to die.

In the case of Don Abbondio, the two henchmen you see above threaten him in case he were to celebrate “a certain marriage” between two good people living in the village; a marriage which, as they make clear, “must not take place”. The parallel with today’s situation is striking, with “a certain marriage” (the perverted caricature of the real one) that “must take place”. The Pope, timorous to cause controversy and to be “provocative”, is happy to do what he can to accommodate the wishes of his two bravi, Satan’s henchmen Obama and Cameron.

If you want an even more striking example, look at the letter the Pontiff sent to the British Prime Minister David Cameron  ahead of the G8.  The Pope is here addressing a Prime Minister who, as he writes, is doing all he can to introduce so-called same-sex marriage, a measure now imminent. Still, his letter does not address the question with one word. In the same letter, though, the Pope accomplishes the unprecedented feat of giving abortion a “social justice” profile, as if for him every Christian principle were worthy of being followed because it’s social, not because it’s God’s law.

Don Abbondio has become Pope, and his thinking, speaking and acting have a striking resemblance with the original’s. 

Allow me to finish this blog post with the following words (emphases mine):

How’s our faith?  Is it strong? Or is it sometimes a bit superficial? (all’acqua di rose – “like rose water”, meaning banal, an insufficient substitute, shallow, inadequate)” When difficulties come, “are we courageous like Peter or a little lukewarm?” Peter – he pointed out– didn’t stay silent about the Faith, he din’t descend to compromises, because “the Faith isn’t negotiable.” “There has been, throughout history of the people, this temptation: to chop a piece off the Faith”, the temptation to be a bit “like everyone else does”, the temptation “not to be so very rigid”. “But when we start to cut down the Faith, to negotiate Faith, a little like selling it to the highest bidder”

You know who this is, right?

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. 


Do It, Faggots

The first “gay Prime Minister” has been increasingly under attack during the weekend concerning his and his wife's favourite perversion. I have written about it several times in the past, and I think it is fair to say the roots are mightily angry and many MPs are suitably scared, but still no decisive action is taken.

It is as if many would think what no one dares to say: what has this idiot made of us. Unfortunately, he could make of them a party of undecisive whinos because they are a party of undecisive whinos, torn between a looming revolt among the voters and their inner prostitute suggesting they do not go against the fashion of the day.

Do it, faggots. Grow some balls, and get rid of him. Margaret Thatcher would laugh at your whining attitude, and tell you very clearly how wet you are.

Get rid of him, or you might well discover the Country wakes up, and gets rid of you.


Stupid Tory Party Must Die

A rare pic of the Prime Minister relaxing in Washington

This is one of those days when the nicest thing one wishes to the Tory party is a painful death. I mean, I wish them death every day, but some days I wish them a painful and shameful death.

The Prime Minister has been forced to another humiliating U-turn about Europe, only hours after two Tory heavyweights (Gove and Hammond, the first a possible successor) have stated on TV they would vote “out” to an in or out referendum about he EU, almost in the same hours in which the chameleon was extolling the great advantages for the Kingdom in staying in.

One follows the events, and gets mightily angry. Cameron can be slapped on both cheeks by his lieutenants week in and week out on Europe, but nowhere is the same level of hostility towards him to be seen in the infinitely more important matter of sexual perversion.

You want proof? Many Tory MPs have complained out loud concerning the new so-called “same sax marriage” legislation, but Cameron hasn't deemed it necessary to modify one word of the legislative proposal. Contrast this with Europe, when it is clear by now even to Ed Milliband Cameron is expected to march with his own backbenchers, or call the removal company sharp-ish.

Cameron understands all this. He clearly sees the opposition to sexual perversion does not threaten his position, but has noticed by now whenever there is ferment about Europe his backside is very fast on the line, and very much at risk of a very painful same sex treatment.

The Tories have – even those who bark a bit for the sake of their constituency – largely betrayed this country. They have chosen to prostitute themselves to the inclusive mantras of the time, instead of doing what they are supposed to do first and foremost: fight for the conservation of what is good for the country. They have become a party of stupid champagne faggots and amateur progressives, thinking they can be a Janus party, with either face to be shown according to local convenience.

It is improbable they can win outright in 2015, and not very likely they will manage to keep the coalition in place; but personally, I wish them to lose bad and be supplanted by he UKIP as the (very imperfect) standard bearer of conservatism. The UKIP might one not too distant day go entirely the way of Cameron, but at least the demise of the Tories would put an end to the political aspirations of countless little prostitutes able to sell Christianity to the best offerer.

What a stupid party they have become. Friends of perverts who don't vote for them, and always with the nose in the air to see where the wind blows. Stupid, stupid party.

How I hope it might die.



Fags United

Lots of fags among the Tories...

Lots of fags among the Tories…

Interesting comparison on Linen on the Hedgerow between Peter Tatchell and David Cameron’s stance on why perversion would, in this stupid world of ours, be “conservative”.

There is a striking similarity of thinking between the two, which means that of Cameron isn’t a closet faggot himself he certainly draws inspiration from the very public ones.

Every time I read this kind of news, it strikes me anew how deep we have sunk. We live in a world where perversion has become not only mainstream, but object of praise. What the dirtiest prostitute, the most despised person in every community would not have dared to even think one hundred years ago is now on the flag of the Prime Minister. 

When I was younger and read on the bible the story about Sodom I found it difficult to understand – in the sense of, to grasp as a concrete reality – how sodomy could have considered so… normal. 

A couple of decades later, something truly biblical is happening under my very eyes: the open, official, institutionalised sabotage of Christianity, via the democratically elected leaders of the country.

It didn’t end well for Sodom. Unless they repent, it will not end better for David Cameron, Maria Miller and the other bunch of prostitutes brown-nosing the popular opinion of a godless country, where religion (at least the Anglican one) is now largely confined to hymns in which no one believes and fuzzy feelings unable to even distinguish the clearly good from the outright satanic.

I hope Cameron is taken down fast. Still, the problem is bigger than him, as abundantly proven by the fact that he is still there trying to push his agenda.


Same-Sex Cameron Must Be Taken Down.

The immense stupidity of the “protection” allegedly afforded to religious objection to “same sx marriages” was exposed as a total fraud today, as it emerged military chapels, many of them on Crown land, could be used for such parodies of marriage against the wish of the confession using it. Yes, it also applies to Catholic chapels.

This is today causing vast anger among Tory MP who still say they believe in God. “This indicates where the government is coming from and is utterly contemptible and is entirely as I feared”, said former minister Sir Gerald Howarth, certainly expressing the opinion of many, Tory or not.

Still, to complain is not enough. Cameron’s arrogance must be punished now, or his and his party’s arrogance will be punished even more severely in 2015, when a well-deserved defeat seems in the cards anyway.

Cameron must be taken down now, if the Tories want to keep some Christian credentials. Murmuring and voting against the law will not be enough, as Cameron knows his yellow and red “gay friends” will give him the votes he needs to keep having sex with his wife.

The man is so in favour of sodomy, the party should allow him to taste it on his own political backside. I for myself would have great understanding for such a same-sex political act. Nay, I would outright celebrate it.

Don’t hold your breath, though. It is by now abundantly clear the majority of Tory MPs is against the measure, but will not take a Christian stand beyond murmuring.

Wailing, and gnashing of teeth. This is how, law or no law, it is going to end.


The Big Drip

Hell as imagined by Hieronymus Bosch (detail).

In a world that seems now completely taken over by evil, it might be useful to make a small reflection that some might find encouraging, or at least consoling. If you have the impression – as I do – that a huge cesspool of perversion has now become the standard of morality, please reflect on this: the cesspool has a leak.

Granted, it is a very small leak, and the cesspool does not even notice its existence. Still, it is there, and from this leak many little drops slowly, but unceasingly, drip down; mainly to hell, where they deserve to be.

We live in the presence of the cesspool, and the mighty stink coming out of it distracts us from the tiny leak at the bottom; it seems to us the stink will go on irresistibly, and dominate the world; but we know the leak is there, as in the end everyone else does. The drip goes on silently, slowly, without cease.

One by one, all of the immense number of drops forming the cesspool will have to go through the leak. A tiny number of them will have been purified by the intervention of a mighty Providence, prompting them to repent and avoid the final fall into the abyss. Still, it is very reasonable – nay, it is Christian teaching – to assume that most of the mightily stinking drops – those who in their sum total make the cesspool – will drip down to eternal damnation. Let the David Camerons and Maria Millers of the world think the Judge does not exist, or if He does he’ll surely understand a little bit of prostitution for the sake of political power. They will have to go through the leak one day, and with every day they are getting nearer to it. Some of the likes of Cameron and Miller will repent, but make no mistake, most of them will drip down to their doom, and experience true Justice after they have prostituted it – and themselves with it – for so long.

How will such people like Cameron and Miller hope to save themselves when the time comes? Isn’t the promotion and glorification of sexual perversion worse than the work of every thief and robber? Isn’t a woman – a woman! The sex of the Blessed Virgin! – promoting and encouraging sexual perversion for a Country of 60 million worse and more culpable than the most obdurate prostitute? Still, even the most obdurate prostitute will be met with extremely widespread reproach, and this might help her to repent one day. The likes of Maria Miller build their own monument on the public square instead, and have the effrontery of calling themselves just and caring. You can calculate her chances of salvation for yourselves. Whilst we never know about single individuals, clearly there are those with “reprobate” written all over them, and their aggressive pushing of a scandalous public agenda for their personal advancement makes of them prime candidate for Satan when their time comes.

We may think the wicked are winning big, but the cesspool does have a leak. God will not win only when the Day of Judgment comes. God wins every day, every hour, every moment. As you read these lines, a number of dark souls have experienced what Rex tremendae majestatis means. Not one single second that you have spent on these lines has seen God’s justice inactive. No, it has been incessantly at work, in nothing weakened or deterred from the wickedness of our times.

Too often we are simply told that “God is love”, literally a half truth wilfully used to smuggle a huge lie. God is love and mercy, but He is also justice, and His justice is as terrible as His love is tender. Forget God’s justice, and before you know you’ll have in front of your eyes an utter caricature of God; a caricature, in fact, so stupid I can distinctly remember when I was 5 years old and in kindergarten (and being told of God’s justice, a concept every child will immediately and unquestioningly grasp) no one of us would have swallowed such an obvious lie.

As more and more Western democracies openly betray God and transform themselves in officially sanctioned Sodoms the drip goes, unceasingly, on. It will be a great harvest for Satan, for sure; but the harvest of Satan does not diminish in any way God’s majesty and victory. God shows His Justice in every reprobate, exactly as He shows His mercy in everyone He saves through His grace. God wins every day, every second, every moment, and with every individual judgment. God’s perfect justice is among us already, it is merely administered in small instalments; instalments so little in fact, that the evildoers do not think of them, do not care for the leak, and do not waste time thinking of what happens to the drops slowly but unceasingly dripping from the bottom of the huge cesspool.

Still, we see the leak inexorably at work. Stalin and Hitler had to go through it; Vidal and Hitchens are rather recent drippings; the time of Stephen Fry and Peter Tatchell will surely come, and neither David Cameron nor Maria Miller can add one single hour to the time allotted to them.

In the meantime, we must pray, and act. We must stay near the sacraments and do our best that we may never fall into the cesspool and become part of it; we must use the pungent stink coming out of it to draw new energy and courage to fight our battle to the end, enduring the ridicule and scorn – when it’s not worse than that – of a world slowly thinking the cesspool is the epitome of everything that is “cool”, “tolerant” and “inclusive”. We must pray and fight, fight and pray. We will be belittled and ridiculed, or worse. So be it.

When the day comes, we will have our rewards, and will look – if we have been good enough, which with God’s grace we all want to be – on those whose impious arrogance and defiance of God’s law has deserved the horrible punishments inflicted on them forever. We do not wish hell to anyone, but we know all those will get hell who deserve it.

We will have to live through years of abomination without precedent since the West was first conquered to Christianity. We have to be strong and never lose faith, and we must at all times be aware that at the bottom of the huge cesspool of the Millers and Camerons a leak is causing a slow, relentless dripping. I personally often remember in my prayers the words from the Dies Irae:

Confutatis maledictis

Flammis acribus addictis:

Voca me cum benedictis

This I hope for myself and for all of us.

Let us not lose courage. God is winning as you read.


Cameron: Downfall In Sight?

The PM started to look somewhat worried...

It appears increasingly more probable the tenancy agreement of David “call me gay” Cameron for the upper floor of 10 Downing Street might be the object of a notice of eviction before long.

Whilst we were all focusing on the upcoming Conclave, the discontent within what once had some reason to call itself “Conservative Party” kept growing, as the humiliating defeat in Eastleigh was clear evidence the PM has no clothes, but a pink tutu at the most…

In the last days, more devastating news have reached our rainbow heroes at and around Number 10. An internal poll indicates 7% of the party basis (no, it's not a typo) believes the Chameleon will survive the 2015 General Elections. Now, I do understand these polls must be taken with a pinch of salt, but 7% reminds one of the film “The Downfall”…

Predictably, knives are now being sharpened like it's nobody's business…

Yesterday (Sunday) there was a speech of Theresa May which, whilst still paying lip service to Cameron, was a clear programmatic platform to present a possible alternative leadership.

Today another Tory heavyweight, Liam Fox, heavily criticises Osborne and Cameron “posh Labour” economic policy, calling for real reductions in taxing and spending rather than the actual policy largely made of posturing and brutal cost reductions…. all scheduled for after the 2015 elections.

Then there is the former grandee Michael Portillo, going on record with the encouraging statement it's improbable the Party will kick Cameron out before the election, rather after the defeat in 2015….

Then there is the ascent of the UKIP; who, whilst very imperfect – they also pander to the LGBT crowd like a bunch of old trollops outside the saloon – are simply depriving the Tories of the last dreams of re-election; so much so, that the diaspora of conservative votes has now roused the appetite of the Lib-Dems in marginal yellow-against-blue constituencies.

Add to all this the death in the womb of the proposed changes in the constituency boundaries – already a heavy blow for the Chameleon – and you will understand how truly, truly desperate the situation is.

Behind all this, explicitly mentioned by many and implicitly meant by all, is Cameron's unconscionable policy on sexual perversion, in the meantime so universally refused from the party (behind a thin facade) and the voters (much more openly) as to let one believe Cameron wants to put the party on a train to Switzerland, to put everyone (himself included) in a “Dignitas” clinic. I am not sorry to say the probability only he and a couple of his will be put on the train is far higher.

What other bad news can there be for the Prime Minister? Hhmmm, let us see… what about the UKIP making clear that Cameron's head on a tray is the precondition for every talk of an alliance in 2015? Or perhaps the insisted rumours of a motion of non confidence might be of interested for the PM?

I might be wrong, but I have the strong impression Cameron's PC, pink, rainbow, all things to all people, “gay marriage is conservative” boat is sinking fast, and no one will be willing to save the captain.

Cameron has defied the very soul of the party – and of that part of he Country where its real power base lies – to play the enlightened socialite, or more probably to get some sex from his left-leaning, champagne-progressivist wife. It serves him right.

The price of a virtuous wife is far above rubies, says more or less the Bible; but the Camerons don't read the bible, so they were informed too late. What the bible does not say, is that a Prime Minister willing to prostitute himself, his party and Christian values to be in the grace of his wife marches towards political ruin in this life, and he'll in the next.



So-Called Same Sex Marriage: Rot, Britannia!

And so the first vote over so-called same-sex marriage has arrived, and the perverts and their friends predictably carried the day. The bad news is that Labour and LibDems voted overwhelmingly in favour of the measure (which goes to show the extent of godlessness reigning among their ranks), the good news is that opposition among the Tory ranks was massive, with more than half the Tory MPs voting against (136) or abstaining (35) against only 127 wannabe “conservative” MPs voting for their own damnation.

And in fact, an entire country seems in the process of wanting to embrace perversion and damnation: shamelessly “celebrating” one of the worst abominations known to human nature and enshrining this approval not only in law (this had already happened with the so-called “civil partnerships”), but even in the brainless and godless idea you can legislate past the simple facts of nature. If Sodom had had a parliament, one wonders in what their leader’s expressions would have been different from the one of our Camerons, Millibands, and Millers: “inclusiveness” here, “love” there, a bit of “commitment” for the socially “conservative” sodomites and – of course – a lot of “equality” everywhere.

Until the angel came, and it was the end of the “equality”.  

Now, yesterday’s was only the first vote, in which the representatives of a godless nation have said it is all right to continue to work on the draft measure presented to them. Further debates and votes will now have to be made in – as I understand the process – both the Lower House and the Upper House, but it is improbable that the law will fail to get a majority in the House of Commons. The situation looks more encouraging in the Lords, where the new law could well go the same way as the infamous ” reform” so spectacularly failed some months ago.

There is no denying, though, that the situation is serious. Unless opposition mounts from the ranks of Labour, a party traditionally voted by many Catholics in the North (who need a good examination of conscience now), the Lords really are the last line of fire before years of litigation, and being most of the Peers in the end actual of former professional politicians one can really not do much more than hoping.

Other than that, I can at the moment see only two ways: a slowing down of the measure until the Parliament ends (only two years to go; might be feasible) or the awakening of the Tory party and defenestration of their disgraceful leader, with which the measure would probably die of neglect and starvation very soon.

It is astonishing to me how people who call themselves Christians can see their own party (supposed to be a Conservative one) openly embrace Satan without a shred of Christian thinking, let alone fear of the Lord. This here is not about technical details, this is about absolutes, it is about accepting that one’s own party carries out the biggest attack on Christianity in the British Isles since the Vikings, a threat more insidious because coming from their own ranks rather than from an outside enemy. The Tory MPs and party members really have to wake up, and punish their leadership before they are punished -as they most probably will in 2015 – by their own core voters, who have been spat at in the face in the most arrogant of manners.

You might say that resistance is now futile, as if the measure does not make it in this Parliament it will most certainly make it in the next, with a Labour majority now very probably in the cards in 2015 and the death of the boundaries’ reform quashing the last hopes of the Tories to get a majority at the next elections. 

My answer to that is that resistance for Christ is never futile, mounting pressure always has an effect in an organised democracy, Labour once in power might not have interest in touching the wasps’ nest and the possible Scottish independence in 2015 might shuffle the cards again, making The parliament more “English” and, therefore, politically and socially more Conservative. But most of all, the mood of the stupid crowds might change if the pressure is kept and the battle becomes restless.

This is a country where an awful lot of people has no interests beyond getting drunk, getting laid, and looking at stupid tv shows. They will say and think what they think it’s cool to be thought and said. Let sodomy become uncool and you’ll see the entire “sodomymania” disappear faster than the Global Warming craze.

This battle might well be lost here on earth, in rotting Britain where politicians of all political colours are not even bothered to mention Christian values anymore. But please always remember this battle is already won in Heaven, and the day we go to (hopefully) our rewards there will be no sodomite’s propaganda, no stupid politicians and no brainless “equality” rhetoric around.

Be brave, stand firm, never stop the fight. let the likes of Cameron and Maria Miller go to the hell they have richly deserved. Let us make ours the beautiful verses from the “Requiem”:

Confutatis maledictis / flammis acribus addictis / voca me cum benedictis.


So-Called “Same Sex Marriage”: Pressure Mounting By The Hour

The Prime Minister observing the mounting pressure with some preoccupation.

The Prime Minister observing the mounting pressure with some preoccupation.

We knew that “Chameleon” Cameron had failed to carry the party with himself on this disgusting issue, but what has happened today is only one step short from the ousting of the Prime Minister.

Only days before the vote, the situation is as follows:

1. 180 Tory MP seem ready to vote against their own PM. Six whips are among them, and four members of the Cabinet.

It is astonishing to me how a party can be so blind they are unable to understand that the moment to sack the PM is now, not after the certain defeat in 2015. Cameron has proved he doesn’t care not only for Christianity, but for his own party base. This is something you invariably get to pay at the ballot. 

2. The call for postponement of the vote “after 2015” (which means, sine die) made today from more than 20 former and present constituency chairmen is a serious, serious signal. In this country, constituency chairmen are influential people,  but at the same time they always have the temperature about what is happening among party members. When they say that “resignations from the party are beginning to multiply” (and this is, mind, before the vote…) this is something that even an heathenish cretin must begin to take seriously.

3. The last, public slap from the PM is in the way the chairmen describe the entire procedure: no adequate consultation, and a legislative measure pushed through in a way they define “extremely distasteful”. Make no mistake, the party base is enraged, and there’s no way the PM can silence or ignore this anymore.

Pathetic Mr Hague  (a man whose positions have “evolved” over the matter; I won’t write the adjective for such behaviour) today tries to defend the indefensible by saying if they do not vote now, the party will have to deal with the issue at the next election. As if the last chances of winning the next election wouldn’t depend on exactly this matter…

Hague and Cameron have the unspeakable arrogance of believing the party is now making some rumours to appease the old ladies, but once the vote has passed the matter will be soon forgotten, and the country will happily march to vote an idiot without faith, without principles, without ideas, without any trace of Conservatism and with a face astonishingly similar to a pair of buttocks (which fits, by the way) back to Number Ten.

Fools, both of them. 

What is becoming increasingly clear, is that this issue is going to play a crucial role in the years to come, unless a couple of millions of over-sixty decide to leave this vale of tears all at the same time. The matter will also remain in the public attention, because the long parliamentary procedure and the increasingly more realistic prospects of foundering in the Upper House will make of this – bar collective insanity among conservative.. Conservatives – a very heated battle.

I have written only some days ago what I think are the real motives of the Prime Minister.  It would appear more and more members of the party (and of core voters) seem to disagree the PM’s urges should come before basic Christianity.

It is still astonishing to me how they do not make two and two and get rid of the man altogether. They are very possibly doomed already without this disgusting abetting of abominations. If they go on with it, they are really done for.  


Cameron: Cherchez La Femme

I have already reported the rumour that Samantha Cameron would be the driving force towards the “inclusiveness” drive of the disgrace we have to tolerate as Prime Minister. There are several cues to this, not least the multiple faux pas of the same PM in matters of political correctness (the joke about the “one legged Icelandic lesbian” was memorable, though the man predictably apologised profusely afterwards) and the well-known fact he comes from a different environment.

This is a man who was known, before the “inclusiveness drive”, as a rather non-inclusive person, a member of an, erm, exclusive St. James’ Gentlemen’s club that still today does not allow membership to women, until all this became embarrassing for a PM in pectore. So, the man who lived rather well for a couple of decades with club members who think women should not be allowed to set foot in their club should suddenly not be able to tolerate that homosexuals be…. excluded from marriage? Really? Really?

Cherchez la femme, says yours truly….

We have now further rumours this would be the case, with further rather embarrassing revelations about the daughter of a Baronet, “consultant” for some firm and living in a world full of fags, seems very bent to.

Now, the impression can’t be avoided here that this entire mess is caused by the fact that a stupid man has married the wrong wife and, put in front of the choice between no sex for a long time and going to hell, clearly prefers the second option. The Germans have a word for this; which, whilst not very fine, is very apt: Schwanzgetrieben, or cock-driven. Alas, this is the destiny of many men who end up the puppets of their spouses because they have, simply, been driven by their own lust to marry a woman who will lead them through their own willie like a beef is driven through a ring on his nose. This is their private tragedy and we can only pity the poor idiots for the price of their folly. But when the cock-driven nincompoop happen to be Prime Minister, it is the country which must be pitied; though the country itself is, like the man, responsible for its own tragedy.

Faber Quisque Fortunae Suae, people used to say who did not contemplate sodomarriage and built a huge empire whilst putting sodomites to death. The sodomites aren’t put to death anymore, but the saying remains just as valid.

Considering the price to be paid for it, at least one would hope for the PM the sex is good.

Considering the woman, I doubt.



Rowan Atkinson Right And Cameron Wrong, Says Crown Prosecution Service



I have written not many weeks ago about the excellent intervention of Rowan Atkinson in defence of basic freedom of speech in the face ot the erosion of liberty caused by an increasingly more oppressive nannyism and dictatorship of obligatory niceness.

Since Atkinson’s intervention the Government – being a motley crew of oppressive cretins and friends of the perverts – has decided not to change the line of militant political correctness, but the Crown Prosecution Service has today made a big step in the direction of freedom of expression by announcing their support  to the scrapping of insulting expressions as criminal offences.

This will cause another problem for our sodo-government, as the combined pressure of both increasing sectors of the public opinion and the return to sanity of the CPS will expose even more their oppressive nannyism and, in time – perhaps after another scandal or two, see the “gay horse” of the article – force them to cave in.

Kudos to the CPS for having the nerve to react to the oppressive climate of mandated political correctess Cameron & Co. Would love to impose on all of us.


Sodomites: Cameron Goes All The Way

St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!

St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle!

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host –
by the Divine Power of God –
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.


Cameron has, in the end, decided to try to get sodomarriage approved, against obvious massive opposition within his own party but clearly counting on the votes from the heathens within the Tories and elsewhere. Excluding that Cameron may ever have moral motives, the background of this move is clearly to be seen in his necessity to give the LibDems something to chew after the humiliations they had to suffer on the Lords’ reform affair. I don’t think this is politically wise, but I do not know how bad the mood is within the coalition, and Cameron – who is a political prostitute with no second in the land – has evidently decided the advantages for the coalition will be greater than the obvious opposition he will face within his own party.

In what could be remembered as an astonishing sign of stupidity – or the knowledge the party and the Country are so rotten this can now be made without problems – Cameron has also decided to go the full monty and decide sodomarriage should be “allowed” in churches, if the relevant congregation wishes to do so.

Only a very stupid man – or an Anglican – could now fail to see where this leads: what is now “allowed” will, in just a few years, be claimed as a “human right”. Think of the Bad & Breakfasts, who were “allowed” (but obviously not obliged) to have sodomites under their roof, until the Gaystapo sued their “right” to do so.

This legislation – if it passes; more below – will pose huge problems and cause years of legal controversy as surely as the night follows the day. Teachers will at some point not be allowed to dissent from a clearly heathenish ideology, and the lame assurances of the Government they will be allowed to “dissent” will go the same way as the right of B&B owners to refuse to have sodomy under their roof. The Established Church will be the first to face the onslaught of the suddenly so pious satanic troops, and the Catholic Church will follow immediately afterwards (and who shall fight for us? Archbishop Vincent “Quisling” Nichols? Ha!).
Our best hope are, at this point, the Muslims; but in order for them to make a serious move it might be necessary for the perverts to sue them for compliance to the Gaystapo; which isn’t easy, as the Gaystapo is scared of them.

Cameron uses, this time, a different strategy. He doesn’t even try to force the party to obedience as he did with the Lords’ reform, getting pummelled as a result; he leaves them “free” instead, hoping to get the measure passed whilst avoiding the worst of the internal damage. This is the same Cameron who applauded the decision of the courts to force B&B owners to have sodomites under their roof, so you know exactly how much his promises of respecting the religious beliefs of Christians are worth.

In the next months and years we will know how much the rot has advanced in this country; a country once able to fight bravely against Hitler, but now either scared of the whining of perhaps 1% of the population, or too stupid to call a spade a spade and see the abyss of heathenism it is getting itself into. Make no mistake, open persecution is what will come after it; then Satan doesn’t stop his march just because “nice” people have decided civil partnerships are a good thing, and we shouldn’t be rude.

Will, though, this measure be passed? This is not sure at all, but if Cameron manages to ride Labour MPs the numbers aren’t encouraging. The main argument against such a proposal was for Cameron that the party might have taken his scalp directly if he had tried to impose this new madness on him; but he avoids this from the start, riding the heathens of the other parties instead. The mere fact he might survive this tells you all you need to know about the rot within the Tory party; they would get rid of him on the spot if he tried the same trick on, say, European matters but seem – for now – unwilling to do the same on sodomy. Congratulations.

As I write (and yes, I write because I can’t sleep…) I see only few positive elements for us, none of them safe:

a) The House of the Lords. The probability that this law be massacred in the House of Lords is not remote. This in itself would not stop the process, but would constitute a strong obstacle to the definitive approval of the measure. Seldom are the cases of legislation stopped by the House of Lords and pushed through nevertheless. A prolonged fight might also give Cameron a death of a thousand cuts, if the public opinion reacts.

b) Opposition within the other parties. This is not probable, but possible. Dissatisfaction among Labour voters is said to be palpable, but as socialists never where good Christians it is everyone’s guess how much weight this will carry (if you ask me: not much). If the Christians within labour manage to remember what Christianity is, the matter will become more and more embarrassing for their own party leaders. Milliband & Co. are largely goddamned atheists, but they are still politicians and will have their nose in the air to see where the wind blows.

c) Open Labour opposition. This was just seen with the Lords’ reform: Labour wanted a reform in principle, but they didn’t want to give Cameron a success he could not get with his own coalition and of which he would unavoidably have reaped the glory; therefore, they have decided not to like the details, and to shoot at the Government for all they’re worth. It worked a treat.
In this case, Milliband & Co. must seriously ask themselves whom they are working for: this measures will most surely be sold by Cameron & Clegg as a coalition success, and Labour runs the risk to look seriously stupid. Labour being far more disciplined than the Tories, if and when they decide to shoot at the measure Cameron can say goodbye to his piece of legislative crap, then without Labour votes he is dead in the water in the Commons, and easily steamrolled in the Lords.

d) The courts. make no mistake, this is going to keep the courts occupied for decades, in a long battle of attrition reminiscent of the right for conscientious objection in case of abortion (eventually won; not before many years, though, or without the sacrifice of many brave doctors and nurses ready to lose their jobs at the NHS and even emigrate). This law impinges on so many pieces of legislation – as in the end it is nothing less than the attempt to re-invent the Christian basis of society – that the legal controversies will be countless. Many so-called Church of England parishes will also sue, as will religious schools, hopefully with the best Catholic schools at the head. This is going to be good for lawyers, and will go on for a very long time.

Cameron has just showed how much he has in contempt both his own party and Christianity. He might get away with the first, he won’t get away with the second.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.


Why The UKIP Is Wrong On “Gay Adoption”.




I like the UKIP in many ways, and I like most the fact that being a conservative alternative to the Tories, they force at least those Tory MP in “endangered” constituencies to wake up a bit before it’s too late. Still, this is a young party which has to develop a coherent thinking yet as it grows out of the one-issue grouping it used to be.

Let us take the controversy about “gay adoption”. A UKIP politician says he is against to his local newspaper in Croydon; predictably, the usual crowds starts to bark; the man tweets desperately around saying (more or less) “gay” is fine, but “gay adoption” isn’t.


If it is fine being “gay”, it really can’t be seen why such a “fine” man could not enjoy all the rights the law gives to his heterosexual counterparts. He should, then, be allowed to adopt as everyone else, and Christianity was simply wrong in maintaining that a homosexual is a sexual pervert. Those heretics and hypocrites like our beloved Archbishop Nichols could then “charitably” assume they live a chaste lifestyle, and give a child in adoption to a sexual pervert (or perhaps two? Nichols is even nuanced about “civil partnerships”…) without blinking.

If, on the other hand, the idea of  some “gay” (that is: a homosexual; a man suffering from a very grave form of sexual perversion; a perversion so abominable it has been a taboo for 2000 years, up to this pervert generation) adopting is repugnant and utterly abominable, this is not because gays happen to be, say, “inhospitable” or overly grumpy, but exactly because…. they are sexual perverts!

The argument of “gayness” being fine and “gay adoption” wrong is, therefore, entirely contradictory and rather the fruit of the omnipresent fear of the Gaystapo than of reasoned thinking. The fear the UKIP people have of the Gaystapo shooting the usual “hate” and “homophobic” salvos is what prevents them from saying what they clearly think: homosexuality is a perversion. If it were not so, why would they not support “gay adoption”? How can they say with a straight face to homosexuals “you are fine, but you can’t adopt”? Why, then, can they not adopt? Will it not be because………Yes! That’s why!

We see here at work a disease much spread among politicians: the irrational fear of saying the truth. Therefore, they say half the truth, but refrain from saying the other half. Their argument remains unconvincing, because it is contradictory, and their reputation will suffer, because they will be rightly seen as pliable to the mob’s wishes.

I think this is the wrong strategy. In my eyes, the UKIP should give itself a solidly and rigidly conservative programme in all social and religious matters, and should go and harvest their votes among the disaffected Conservative voters in rural England, where people still (more or less) have fear of the Lord and believe in traditional values.

I can’t see them winning a seat in, say, Croydon any time soon anyway; but if they did, they could only do it at the price of “Cameronising” themselves, which would mean sure death outside of the London area, or a life at the fringe of the British Conservative life.

I truly hope for the UKIP that they will grow to become a seriously conservative Party, but if they keep trying to avoid the serious questions they will never be an alternative to the Tories, and their men will be forgotten as soon as the Conservative party comes back to sanity. Better be a good replica of the Tory party of Margaret Thatcher, than a bad copy of Cameron’s. That it doesn’t really work anyway we can see at what is happening to Cameron himself.

To do so, they must stop the nonsense of allowing a perverts’ group in their midst. It is a matter of common sense and of elementary dignity. If they avoid taking stance on controversial issues, they will soon be forgotten. 


Cameron Drives Tory Party To The Wall On “Gay Marriage”

We should have known “gay marriage” wasn’t far away…

Those who thought Cameron a clever boy must be changing their mind very rapidly, as our man insists (for now)  in not wanting to ditch the perverted idea of “gay marriage” in the face of a growing opposition within the party.

We have seen the same attitude with the Lords’ reform, and on that occasion our man ended up with a historic humiliation, to which he was forced to avoid a defeat which would have put his permanence as Prime Minister very clearly into question.

Of course, Cameron has his motives. Firstly, he has this stupid idea that he can attract Labour voters without losing his own supporters; a  very imprudent reasoning even before the UKIP, and absolute madness now. Secondly, he has this other idea that values don’t count, votes do. Therefore, he goes where he thinks the votes are, and who cares whether the sane part of England is up in arms: as long as he thinks there is something to be gained, he will keep the course. Thirdly – and interestingly – he might be influenced – as conservative journalists started to theorise some days ago; perhaps trying to rationalise what must be sheer stubborn and political stupidity,but more probably hitting the bull’s eye – by the circle of liberal friends around his rather too liberal wife. A PM is a man too, and besides having his own domestic peace to maintain – Cameron is certainly no Duce at home; more likely a Neville Chamberlain –  one has to think that whilst the man might not give a damn about what a dozen million of country Tories think, he might well be afraid of losing face in front of two or three dozen of family acquaintances; with the added spice of sexual perverts no doubt well represented among them, as is de rigueur nowadays.

Well, it is becoming increasingly more evident the liberal wife is a luxury Cameron will find more and more politically expensive. The support around him is eroding visibly; he has lost long ago the aura of the knight in shining armour running to the rescue of Toryism, and those who don’t despise him certainly do not fear him at all (see Brussels, and Lords).

Now Cameron may console himself thinking – like the other populist trollop, Boris Johnson, who is at least popular that his message works rather well among the populace of the conurbations. What he conveniently forgets is that there are a lot of seat that have nothing to do with conurbations, many of them are in Tory hands, he has lost a number of them in 2010 and runs the risk of losing many more in 2015, as the UKIP slowly but surely emerges as the real Conservative party also for first-past-the-post elections.

It appears now up to thirty seats are officially in danger, and even our Chameleon must understand even half of that number would mean sudden death for a man who has been unable to win outright against Gordon Brown (who was the equivalent of Joe Biden without the smiles and an embarrassment for his own close relatives, and the family cat) and who must, absolutely must  deliver an outright majority come 2015 if he is ever to see Number 10 from the inside again.

Cameron does not get (not because he be so stupid; because he does not want to accept this simple truth) that he does not get much support from the perverts (who will vote Labour, or if they drink wine LibDem, anyway) but loses massively among the socially conservative who keep him in power. It’s a situation with no upside outside his (wife’s) circle of acquaintances, and as the elections approach we will see him increasingly criticised by the same pervert activists whom he claims to support. What a joke, and what a vote loser.

A more intelligent man (one like Kohl, say; at least before he lost the coordinates during his last mandate)  would now graciously steer the ship in the direction the party wants, without ever letting it appear as a concession or a defeat; actually, a man like the Kohl of the first three mandates would have rather avoided finding himself in Cameron’s situation in the first place. Kohl knew how to be arrogant, but his arrogance did not come to the point of letting him believe he can have his way just for the asking. He also had very sensitive antennae for the needs of his party boys on the ground, whilst Cameron prefers the support of his wannabe intellectual circle of friends and assorted sodomites.  

Cameron does neither the first (quietly get out of the choppy waters) nor the second (avoid being there in the first place) and he still insists in his and Clegg’s pet project (Clegg had a lot of pet projects; but they have been dying like flies…). Cameron  is, in fact,  so much in love with his idea of the glib “pragmatic” politician who installs himself in the centre and reigns happily ever after that he does not see that his subjects are growing restive, and the dagger might not be far away.

Let us pray the dagger comes before 2015 and, when it comes, goes straight through his heart.

After that, I don’t mind how glib he looks at his evenings with his (or more probably, his wife’s) “gay friends”.

He has deserved them, and they him.


Boris Sells Himself To The Gaystapo

Albrecht Duerer, “The Whore of Babylon”

“If gay marriage was OK – and I was uncertain on the issue – then I saw no reason in principle why a union should not be consecrated between three men, as well as two men; or indeed three men and a dog.” 

Boris Johnson

‘One of the amazing things about London is that not only have we got a declining crime rate, declining murder rate, more theatres than New York, less rainfall than Rome, it’s also one of the few places in the country where the rate of marriage is actually increasing.

‘I see absolutely no reason why that happy state should be denied to anybody in our country and that’s why I’m supporting the Out4Marriage campaign.’

Boris Johnson

The last “hero” ready to sell himself to the Gaystapo is our once not at all unpleasant Major of London, Boris Johnson, known simply as “Boris” a bit everywhere.

Boris has made a great, hopefully fatal mistake: he has openly endorsed so-called gay marriage.

No doubt, Boris is very popular, and he certainly thinks this plunge into sexual perversion will help him to consolidate his support among the vast cohorts of the perverts & their friends. I do think, though, that he might have made a stupid statement too much for the following reasons:

1. Boris isn’ t Cameron. Even babies know Cameron has built his political career on duplicity and flattery. Johnson built his on sincerity and political incorrectness. When he forgets who he is to become a bad copy of Cameron, one can’t see why those who want to kick the man out should support Boris instead.

2. Cameron is losing ground not because he isn’t “pleasant” (he can be glib enough) but because more and more Conservatives want to see Conservatism again, and the voters on the ground clearly start to have enough of this stupid marketing exercise merely benefiting a couple of hundreds,well, prostitutes. How they should change their mind because Boris is a nice chap is beyond me.

3. Alas for them, prostitutes tend to be despised even when they are liked, and I can’t see why Boris should be considered any better than a street worker from true Conservatives, whom in the end he is going to need if he wants to be a real alternative to the Chameleon.

Summa summarum, I think (and hope) the party will realise Boris never made the step from pleasant clown to serious statesman; on the contrary, the power went on his head and caused him to renege his entire persona for the sale of popularity and power, becoming just another little Jezebel. I doubt this is what a growing number of Conservatives (in Parliament and, most importantly, on the ground) wants.


Pauper’s Burials And Changing Times

In Dickens’ “Bleak House”, Mr Nemo receives a pauper’s burial, having been found a corpse without any relative, or significant money.

I suppose pauper’s burials are still in place in the British Isles. Even at the point we are, I would be very surprised if they weren’t.

What I wonder is how long it will take until some strictly atheist moron (like, say, Cameron) will decide that it is too much of an expense to offer a burial to the poor deceased rather than putting him in the oven, which is certainly the cheaper solution.

In the end, a government that does not care for the unborn life and is trying to find every way to start killing old people must get rid of expensive traditions like a burial, surely?

Just a thought…


PM Continues To Dig His Own Grave

Malcolm Tucker couldn’t believe his boss’ statement.

I begin to suspect the reason why the PM is generally considered somewhat intelligent is that he is too often compared with his nearest neighbours, his same-sex girlfriend (Clegg) and puppy-Chancellor (Osborne).

Still, taken in isolation this man makes more and more the impression of a man who would cause a fit of extremely vulgar hysterics in Malcolm Tucker if he did not happen to be, well, the PM himself.

Now, you must know the PM has just taken a sound thrashing in the matter of homo-marriage but, like Oliver Twist, keeps saying “I want more”. Some days ago (your humble correspondent did not report in detail) he expressed his wish for sodo-marriage in front of an audience of unrepentant perverts and, taking the part of said degenerates, accused the so-called church of England of “locking them out”.

Of course, this is delicate: the PM has been thrashed on sodo-marriage and knows that the country has seen it, so he wants to show he is still on his legs and very much in command. Therefore, he insists in a very stupid, populist defence of – how much? –  scarcely one percent of the population and their generally Lib-Dem or Labour voting friends, and throws an arrow or two against… the majority of his Christian voters. Well done, PM?

Erm, no. Not a good idea, it appears.

I wonder to what extent – and this links to the observations made at the beginning – the PM realises to what extent he is digging his own grave. The very moderate sympathies won towards a tiny minority or perverts and their friends – again, most of them reasonably not even thinking of ever voting Conservative, Cameron or no Cameron – was paid with the loss of an absolute majority in 2010, and continues to be paid with the continued deterioration of the Conservative – and Christian – deterioration of his own party, and a growing awareness among the Tory ranks that Cameron is their worst enemy.

No doubt, Cameron will continue to raise his voice at regular intervals, as he evidently considers it paramount to prove the thrashing he received from his MPs (make it two, with the Lords’ reform) hasn’t really hurt him much. But in doing so, he is simply helping them to realise they must get rid of him, as they realise more and more clearly his sound bites (like the favour for sodo-marriage because he “believes passionately in marriage”, which by the way gives you all the extent of the pervert idiocy of this man’s ideology) do not impress anyone.

I begin to wonder how many Tory MPs have already realised the folly of running with such a ridiculous tool in 2015, and apparently even some of his “cuties” start to rebel (again: see Lords’ reform). This shows the extent of the deterioration of the PM’s power base. What is certain, is that he is doing what he can to force them to open their eyes.

I can’t wait for the day. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


The Rise And Fall Of David Cameron

Add atheism, and you have the picture.

Not many years ago, Cameron was seen as the best invention after sliced bread. Chosen in preference to the solidly conservative, but hopelessly rigid David Davies – a man whose renditions of a member of the Politburo made him a legend in his own time – Cameron won the sympathies of the party by promising to let it remain conservative, but presenting this conservatism in a new, more attractive and dynamic package.

He was elected, and soon things became to go wrong. Conservatives started to discover the new Cameron had time for hoodies, was after every fashion of the day – remember the hybrid car? And what about the ridiculous attempt of installing an opprobrious windmill on his roof? – and was beginning to talk in a very dangerous way, like a thinner and paler Oprah.

Soon the rumour went around it would be accepted that 50% of the party members would give back their cards. No doubt, they would be replaced by other, new party members.

In the meantime, the fashion craze went on. The party had now become “green”, to the point of changing its symbol for a ridiculous (green) tree. Whatever was hip and progressive, had the attention of the party leader. The man was positively intent in letting his voters forget he was a conservative.

But slowly, things had began to change. Already at the European elections (proportional vote, and a lot of EU questions unanswered by the party) in June 2009 the UKIP had got a huge rise in votes. The Cameroons still weren’t worried, and dismissed the UKIP’s now impressive record as a protest vote, which would disappear as soon as something important was at stake. They didn’t want to see the majority at the next election was gone already.

Then the election came, and the problems became serious. Cameron made a mistake whose consequences he is paying to this day, and which will probably cost him his skin. He managed to impose to the party around 100 utterly un-conservative Conservative candidates, many of them in safe constituencies, and clearly meant to continue to sabotage Conservatism. Once again, Cameron behaved as if Conservatism was the real enemy, instead of Brown. His candidates were rapidly christened “Cameron cuties”, and were mostly “tokens” in some way or other: token women, token minorities and, of course, token poofs.

The “cuties” were meant to give a fresh face to the party. They gave it a bloody nose instead.

On election day, the country assisted to the incredible show of a Conservative candidate not managing to get a majority against the most embarrassing opponent who ever fought – or ever is to fight – a leadership election. Gordon Brown let David Brent appear eminently electable, and I often surprised myself hoping his mother was already dead, in order not to have to endure the  humiliation.

The election came, the Cameron “cuties” got a big punch in their politically correct face, and Cameron missed the easiest victory in human memory; but in his posh boy arrogance, he failed to see the warning signs and through an unholy alliance with a bunch of atheist, sodomites and “allied” of both, managed to get at the top.

The “love in” in the garden of Number Ten will probably haunt him for life, as he and his atheist girlfriend Clegg gave a rather disturbing show of how un-Conservative the new PM wanted to be, and how proud he was of it. Conservatism was buried in that gloriously sunny day, amidst the  vaguely creepy glances between the two. I can’t remember if they got to the point of holding hands;  if they didn’t, they certainly thought about it. Romeo and Romeo were, finally, in power.

At this point, Cameron stopped to be conservative altogether. In his arrogant, posh boy mind he and his new civil partner Clegg would solidly take control of the centre ground and, from there, live happily ever after in their Downing Street castle. Conservative values were at this point all but forgotten; the electors were expected to vote for him, be glad he was born, and generally shut up whilst they are modernised.

In the meantime, Cameron was becoming not only “modern”, but actively anti-Christian; not because of personal convictions (of which there is no trace whatsoever in his entire political life) but because his civic boyfriend Clegg was increasingly under pressure, and needed some scalp to justify his party’s existence as a power machine.

At this point, it got really bad. Cameron’s arrogance in criticising the owners of a B&B ( a private house, mind) not wanting to have sodomites under their roof was only surpassed by his stupidity in declaring homosexual marriage “conservative”, because family and commitment are, allegedly,  conservative values, or so he “feels” (hear this? “Feel”? Very modern, isn’t it? I “feel”. What do I care for what is right? Sounds good, anyway…). Truly, it was as stupid as this, and it goes to show all the extent of Cameron’s arrogance and his belief that you can get away with pretty much everything, provided you package it in an acceptable way.

It went on: recently, it became known the government planned to take position against the British plaintiffs in a legal controversy in front of the European Court of human rights for the right to wear a cross at work, and at this point it’s fair to say all common sense had been thrown out of the window. Someone should have told Cameron about “in hoc signo vinces”, but they were probably sipping champagne too hard, and thought Christianity boring and old-fashioned anyway; particularly the girlfriend, an open atheist.  To this, a couple of other blunders were added in a Government now resembling a bunch of crack addicts who had lost every contact with reality: the humiliating revolt about Europe, with more than eighty MPs reacting to the triple whip (stupid and senseless bullying, this) by whipping the PM in the face, and the growing dissatisfaction about another “modernisation” scalp, the reform of the Lords. 

Only at this point, even the extremely patient, amiable, cricket-loving, Waitrose-buying, gin-and-tonic sipping Conservative England decided enough is enough, and Cameron got punched in the face until his arrogant, artificial smile had all but gone away. Osborne got the same punches, but as he always looked like a seventeen-years-old who doesn’t know why he is there and what he’s doing, no one really noticed.

It might, now, well be too late for Cameron to recover. Too much did he compromise himself with every piece of garbage under the sun, and his public persona will not be so easily recycled after years of love-ins in the garden, hoodie hugging, Christians-bashing, Cameron cutie-ing, sodomy-approving, and general inability to have any idea of what happens outside of his champagne-sipping circle of liberals and perverts.

Today, Cameron did something rather new: self-criticism in Russian style. Old tart that he is, he is hoping to gain the favour of his clients by promising he will now be most willing to satisfy their every desire. That’s Cameron for you: a moral vacuum, filled with hot air.

So, Cameron says he gets the message. The problem is whether the conservative electorate got his: Cameron is a slimy, lying, opportunistic, mediocre clown with a posh voice and no clue of conservatism, and who would sell his mother to whoredom before you can say “hug a hoodie” if this would only help him to stay in power. I follow politics since I am a little child, and I have never seen such a… one as this one.

In the meantime, the tree on the internet site is blue again. A blue tree. Now that‘s smart, and modern…

Cameron has, today, recognised the necessity of being more Conservative. You can be rather sure the matter of sodomarriage will now be buried as quietly as possible. But the question is: why should the party leave the task to become Conservative again to him, instead of entrusting the job to a Conservative?

I might be wrong, and it will take some time. But I think the writing might already be on the wall.
