Daily Archives: May 13, 2024

There Is No Innocent Nutcase Cause, Or: The Way The Grievance Industry (And Marxist Propaganda) Work

He likes Palestinians…

As you can read here, it happened again:

The patters is always the same: “nutcase group 1 supports nutcase group 2”.

Very often, nutcase group 2 will return the favour by supporting nutcase group 1. However, this does not even have to be the case, nor there is any real need to have a high-level coordination for this.

The key to understanding this is, I think, the Marxist way of thinking. Marxists divide the entire population (whether they believe the truth of it or not) in two groups: 1. the “ruling class” and 2. the “oppressed”.

They see every one who can persuaded to be part of group 2 as a tool to subvert group 1. To them, it is fully irrelevant whether a certain stance is justified, or whether they like it personally. What matters to them is that that stance goes against the ruling class, its traditions, its customs, and its economic and social system. This is why you might, tomorrow, see just as easily a protest of pro-Palestinians nutcases in favour of trannies, or thieves, or prostitutes, or even pedophiles if they think it expedient. They are all pulling in the same direction, because they all have the same interest in the destruction of the Judeo-Christian civilisation. In fact, some of these people might not even be Marxists (though I am sure very many are, particularly among the higher activist echelons), they are simply people who think in the same way Marxists do.

Plus, you need to add something that I have observed many times in my not-so-short life: the unavoidable presence of people who use the nutcases as a trampoline for their own purposes (say: to become a member of parliament, or to scrounge an existence out of the donations to their chariteeee). When people have such motivations, they will be extremely interested in getting a broader audience for their “cause”, and the mechanism I have just described will be further facilitated.

The remedy to this is obvious: a strong, extremely vocal opposition to all nutcase groups, wherever they come from, and irrespective of whether you think that their nutcase-ism is “innocent”. Animal rights activists, a well-known category of nutcases here in the UK, are just a typical example of a nutcase group that can easily be instrumentalised by Marxist propaganda, or use Marxist propaganda to promote its purposes (therefore suddenly starting to support, say, trannies or homos, which are nothing to do with the fact that one is a nutcase about pigs or sheep).

There is no innocent nutcase cause. From veganism to “body positivity”, and from “fox savers” to “lab rat paladins”, they are all bombs planted under the chair of Christian society.

Take note, and add accordingly.