Daily Archives: May 14, 2024

Rank Hypocrisy And Betrayal Of Christ

Some jesuits preparing for a retreat.

No, I will not give the link because the pretend catholic “publication” is straight from hell. I will, however, give you some snippet to make you understand how bad things have become, and how many utterly lying or utterly deluded perverts will find themselves in hell, perhaps to their great surprise, when they die.

The scene is a Jesuit church in New York. Their “welcoming” of perverts clearly shows that perversion among them is ripe. The usual slogans are thrown about, like “redefining acceptance” for “promoting perversion”.

A guy, fag as frock, is supposed to have “brought back to the faith” his “lover”. It doesn’t get more hypocritical than that. It’s a pretend world, shrouded in same evil hypocrisy, in the same perverted horniness that dominates and pervades the lives of these people. They are encouraged all the way by friars. The funeral mass, which should have never taken place, “erupts” in rock music and applause from the assembled Faggos. It all happens inside a Catholic Church, not in some wannabe Presbyterian outfit.

It obviously does not end here, because with these people it never does. The “outreach” of the Faggoduet clearly involved stuff like “environmental” and “justice” issue, because, as I have written here infinite times, when you know you are crap inside you try to look good outside.

The music is not spared: “song for peace”, “song for the earth”, all the soppy emotional excrement you can expect from people who either don’t believe in God, or delight in mocking him.

The perverted promiscuity is also extremely open. Already in the Nineties, these faggojesuits organised “retreats for gay and lesbian parishioners”. The sheer effrontery. The almighty gall.

Well, the article goes on and on but I do not want to blow a gasket in the morning. I call on the angels in heaven to witness these atrocities against Christ and cry to heaven for vengeance.

It’s not only the perversion that is disgusting in itself. It is not only the scandal that is offensive in itself. It’s the rank hypocrisy of pretending that these satanic activities are, in some way, Catholic.

Mind, I do not only blame Francis for this. These Faggojesuits had “retreats” in the Nineties! They have gone through three popes and – unsurprisingly – Archbishops unscathed, whilst giving shameless scandal all the time! Oh, how I do not want to be a modern Pope who dies, and yes, this includes a couple of, we are golds, “saints”.

Yet, I do not want to blow a gasket, and I hope my readers will bear their indignation manfully.

God will not be mocked.

These people will discover it when it is too late.