Daily Archives: May 28, 2024

How About This Faggotry, Frankie?

Well, Frankie The Faggoting Fatso has spoken his power word concerning “frociaggine” (which, I can confirm, is perfectly translated with “faggotry”).

I wonder what he will do about this?

Does the man, once in a blue moon, believe in what he says, or is everything that comes out of that blasphemous mouth just the fruit of the impulse of the moment?

This is, by the way, far worse that garden variety frociaggine. This is child grooming.

Who contracted the pervert? Why is he/she/it not defrocked? What the heck is he doing near children? How many are like him?

We will see, very soon, if there is one half ounce of decency in this man.

Don’t hold your breath.

Fat Faggoty Fatso Says “Faggotry”. World Outraged. Will Faggopope Apologise?

Lots of those in this post…

Ouch! Fat Faggoty Francis went there! He said the F word! Now all the faggotry is scandalised!

What have you done, you fat….

Of course, only someone who is just not into the things of the Vatican can believe that Francis has a healthy attitude towards perversion. As I have written often and repeat now, the guy is either a homo himself, or one who protects and promotes homos to make of them obedient, easily blackmailed puppets.

I know it, you know it, everyone in the Vatican knows it.

Why, then, this sudden burst of, shall we say, straight talk? As always with Francis, we need to look at the particular character of the guy.

He might have said it, firstly, just because he felt like it! He is the pope, and he can say whatever he wants. His bishops need to shut up and listen. A pure power play of a little bitch.

He might, also, have said it because he is a homo. Homos despise homos. In fact, I consider this hypothesis not improbable at all. Here we have one who just blurts out what he feels inside, the hate for his own filth emerging from his own mouth.

However, it can still be that Francis is not a homo, but wants to show the many homos in the clergy (possibly, also, to a couple or more among the bishops in the room with him, whose proclivities he knows) that he is the boss, and they need to obey their protector and master.

In all cases: of course he knows the word will get out. Of course he knows it will make the newspaper. Of course he enjoys the little, macho-for-a-second allure this will give him. But most of all he enjoys it because he loves it when others just have to shut up and listen, see above.

The last hypothesis is the one of a simple… mistake. A moment of distraction, perhaps a bit of a relaxed attitude after a good lunch and one, or two, shots of fernet, and the notoriously not-so-polished Frankie comes out with the proper word for homosexual filth. Will he apologise? This will be fun to watch!!

Frankie the Faggoting Fatso has not tweeted anything since the “scandal”. It is difficult to tweet about peace and love, or the environment, or whatever “popey” things popes tweet about these days, without hundreds of people jumping at you in the comments, forever.

I can vividly see the prelates around him suggesting to him that he should apologise, for all the wrong reasons. But the man is stubborn. He might just go on as usual. Or someone at his office will say that His Oh So Holy Holiness has a certain age, and at times has some difficulties telling his hamburgers from his faggots.

Adelante, Pendejo!

We will see how this ends. I think this episode will end up in his obituary. Apology or no apology, at least Frankie has done one thing well: helped to popularise a word not used nearly as often as he should.

Perhaps he reads my blog?

Yapping Chihuahuas

“Keep yapping… for now, I find it amusing…”

The Baltic Republics and Poland have ventilated the possibility of sending troops directly into the Ukraine if Russia should achieve a “breakthrough” in the next months. One does not know where to start.

It is beautiful to see some Western Governments slowing getting to grips with reality. These are the same people who, two years ago, were absolutely sure of an imminent Russian meltdown, and tried to tell you that Russia had to sacrifice washing machines in order to desperately try to keep their war apparatus afloat.

However, seeing reality a bit better does not seem to extend beyond the military maps, as these Countries still seem to be blissfully unaware of their, as the saying once went, station in the world.

Poland has, admittedly, an excellent army. Not as good as the one which Russia has literally made mincemeat of in the last 27 months, but very good nonetheless. Russia would need a while to completely break Poland’s spine. However, Russia would not have all the scruples they have in the Ukraine, where a substantial part of the population is, actually, ethnically Russian. It would be gore galore.

As to the yapping chihuahuas, I wonder whether the Russian tank drivers would even stop eating their sandwiches as they roll in.

Both the Polish Terrier and the Baltic Chihuahuas seem to think that a military intervention would be limited to the Ukraine, and Russia would not “dare” to go directly against them when they fight against Russia. Fools.

No later than yesterday, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister Salvini asked for Stoltenberg to “apologise, retract or resign” after the latter advocated for the Ukrainian to use every weapon they receive from the West however they please, thus doing all he can to drag NATO into a conflict with Russia. It is very obvious that neither the Italians, nor several other NATO Country Governments have any desire to go frontally against the Russians. They will give rhetorical and financial assistance to the Ukraine, and will send weapons after ensuring with the Kremlin this will not put them in trouble. But they will not go beyond that.

When the play gets tough, the adults stop playing.

Poland has, evidently, decided that they have not been humiliated and/or invaded by Russia often enough, and are now eagerly demanding the next spanking. As to the yapping Chihuahuas, I wonder if the world would notice for more than two news cycles if they were to be eaten by Putin for breakfast. Not that Putin has any intention, for now, but a chihuahua who does not stop yapping will have to be dealt with at some point.

Meanwhile, things keep going exactly the way yours truly had predicted a couple of years ago and every day since. What surprises me, though, is that the reality not only of the military situation, but of the extreme insignificance of the Ex-USA NATO forces – much less of the Poland/Chihuahuas alliance- in a military context escapes too many stupid politicians.

It is as if these idiots, utterly unable to understand reality because of having lived in a bubble for too many decades, were trying to kill many of us, and all of themselves, in the process of feeling tough.

No, I don’t think such a “hot war” scenario is likely. Still, this is because of the extreme prudence and great wisdom of Putin, not because of the children he is confronted with in Europe.

And by the way, the USA will not steer a conflict with Russia. Not before the elections, not after, not with Biden and most certainly not with Trump.

The Chihuahuas better pay attention they don’t annoy too much.