Daily Archives: May 29, 2024

Fat Faggoty Frankie Really Is A Poor, Apologising Sod.

It is not clear yet whether they will leave Frankie in peace.

Ah, we had it then, the a-po-lo-geeee.

Frankie The Faggoty Fatso did apologise for the use of that most apposite most, frociaggine, in the seminaries.

Reading the press, it seems he has said that there is too much of it. Pray tell us, fat Faggoty Frankie, how much faggotry are you fine with in the seminaries?

No, wait. I think I know the answer, which must sound very similar to “an awful lot”; unless, that is, the guy is not in projection mode himself.

This was an absolute disaster. He has made maximum damage to start with, then he has made an apology that makes him feel stupid (which he is) and is utterly humiliating in a pope (which he deserves).

I suppose (but I do not frequent the bathhouses around the Vatican, so take it for what it worth) that Francis realised that he had broken the only taboo that still exists in the West: the touching of, actually, frociaggine. He must have realised that this would have persecuted him every day, after every tweet, in every mention of his name, on every official and unofficial occasion.

A man who does not believe in anything but his own ego, the guy decided it’s better to swallow this toad now and be done with it, than having the toad permanently stuck in his lurid throat.


What will happen now? Will the toad be simply digested? I am not so sure.

The leftist of whatever sexual habits have the habit of actually going for the total destruction of the offender after he has apologised. It will be difficult this time, but it will be rehashed and reviewed and repeated every time it’s convenient.

The most heretical pope in, very probably, the history of the Church will be hated by both, the true Catholics on one side and the worldly leftists on the other side.

What a pathetic end for a guy so hopeful he would conquer the worldly, atheist crowds with his lack of faith, his constant insults to Catholicism, and his general lewd manners.

As they say in England: poor sod.

Which, actually, is short for sodomite.