Daily Archives: May 31, 2024

Gossipotry: The Sequel

First we had the frociaggine stuff, but now Frankie has officially apologised. You would think he would keep a low profile for a while.

Nope. True to form, Francis goes back to a favourite target of his: gossip.

Of course, he is absolutely right when he says that gossip is a women’s specialty. It’s just life. As a man, I assure you that when three or four men gather, they will immediately start talking about things and events: cars, money, weapons, wars, technology, beer, stuff like that. The idea of starting dissing other people is, as a rule, not there. As the saying goes: “men talk about things, women talk about people”.

The infuriating thing about Francis’ statement is not that he states an elementary fact of life (which we all know, even if some soy boy nowadays will call it “sexist”, out of fear of being considered outdated), it’s the fact that this man is so thick that he does not understand that he is simple getting what he has bargaining for.

If you encourage faggopriests, of course you are going to get gossipers. Even my cat knows that those people are the worst of the worst in that respect. Yes, it is true that men, those who wear trousers at least, say what they have to say openly. But then again, this is exactly the kind of person that would, today, have difficulties in becoming a priest. The idea is that if you want to have priests who don’t behave like women, you need to have priests who don’t wish they were women.

Francis’ criticism of gossip (something I always found, by the way, not very manly; men tend not to be interested in gossip, at all) is the criticism of a problem he himself contributes to creating. But then again, perhaps the guy just wanted to criticise someone, anyone, for something, anything, because having had to apologise now he needs to get back to form.

A detail that is also included in the linked article (you may have to use a translator) is also interesting: 150 priests were invited, only 72 showed up. Boy, more than half of the invited priests had a stomach ache! It does make one think.

One alarming explanation might be that a great number of these priests are, in fact, faggots, and wanted to avoid seeing the Unholy Father for this reason. Still, I really don’t think things in the diocese of Rome are that bad. No, it cannot be that. My pint goes on another bet: nobody can stand this man, full stop, and they will just avoid seeing him if they can get away with it.

Even as a priest in Rome, it cannot be very often that you can see the pope in a halfway private setting, like this one. I mean, being invited and received by him in the same big room as opposed to going to Saint Peter’s Square. That more than half should make excuses in order not to have to see the man says, I think, a lot about how things stand.

The guy must be the most hated pope in many, many centuries. I do believe his very priests they constantly disparage him. Not out of gossiping (if they are straight; most of them certainly are), but out of authentic concern for what this man is doing to the Church he is supposed to shepherd.

And this, my dear readers, explains why he hates “gossip” so much.