Faggopope Is Back To Normal

If you thought that Frankie The Fatso would have, with his recent remarks about frociaggine, the intention of defending sanity, you need to think again.

The man is now writing the preface of another book of that unspeakable queen, Father Georgina. I don’t know how many books Georgina has published, but I suspect he uses them to be introduced to young seminarians in need of “enlightenment”.

Some journalist will obviously say that this is Frankie’s attempt to rebuild “inclusiveness” credential after the frociaggine episode. I am not so sure this is the case.

In the case of Francis, two character traits must be always kept in mind: the first is that he wants to be popular, the second is that he wants to show you who is boss.

Francis likely uttered the faggotry comment because he felt like it, and wanted to show to the people present that he says what he wants, and they will have to shut up. When this backfired, he gave an easy apology, an easy thing to do for someone for whom words have no value, and carried on.

Now it’s business as usual, again. He will play inclusive every time he wants to play inclusive, he will insults his own faggots whenever he feels like it, he will do and say whatever he wants, whenever he wants, because this is the last joy that has remained to him in life.

It is not wise to try to extrapolate a logic, or a method, from a man clearly not very intelligent, and dominated by his pettiness and his childish desires. He will keep pursuing his “humble wheelchair pope” spiel whilst indulging in his every whim. He will, I think, keep protecting faggots until he dies, but he will likely also hate them, and love to lord over them.

This ego-driven capriciousness is, if you ask me – but I admit to not being an expert – typical of the man afflicted by, as he himself so beautifully said, frociaggine.

I think that, here, we have the same thing at work which Francis criticises. Minus the sodomy, possibly, though for this we would have to know more about Francis’ life.

Journalists try to interpret this or that interview, this or that action. There is nothing to interpret.

There is only an old man who thinks pretty much like a whining old queen.

Posted on June 5, 2024, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Dissent, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Paul Jackson

    2 Peter 2 is relevant to Bargigolo and his bathhouse buddies.
    Especially verse 22:
    “For, that of the true proverb has happened to them: The dog is returned to his vomit: and, The sow that was washed, to her wallowing in the mire.”

    which refers to Proverbs 26:11:

    “As a dog that returneth to his vomit, so is the fool that repeateth his folly.”

  2. That Francis has written a preface to James Martin’s book, Come Forth is a step too far, even for him. Martin attempts to conflate the ‘coming forth’ of Lazarus with the ‘coming out’ of all the fairies in the Church and elsewhere, whom he continues to encourage in their sinful lives. How many thousands is this, the most simpering fairy of them all, leading to hell with every book/article that he writes and with every lecture that he gives. I would love to smash him in the face and wipe the smile off his repulsive face.

    It’s interesting to hear that Archbishop Vigano has claimed recently that a former seminarian, unfortunate at one time to find himself under the fatherly guidance of Francis, has claimed that the latter behaved towards him in the same way that McCarrick did to his own seminarians. No proof of this has been provided yet, but it would be marvellous if the guy were to come forward and make a public accusation. What a scenario that would be.

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