The Veer Towards Indifference

You are killing that dog, fatso…

Another June has come and, as every June, Yours Truly monitors the state of degeneracy in the Country by the amount of nonsense with the pervert flag he sees around him.

There are good and bad news to report.

The good news is that the train company still hasn’t shown me any of those horrible rainbow trains this year. I will continue to monitor the situation, but I’d say it’s not unlikely they have abandoned it, or perhaps reduced it.

Another good news is what I read on Breitbart, or the community in California who simply abolished all of it (black history month, etc.), and substituted all for a month dedicated to the history of that community. A third one is that bar in, if memory serves, Idaho, which decided to make of June the “heterosexuality appreciation month” and, when accused of being homophobic, invited faggos (they didn’t call them that way) to show up and celebrate heterosexuality. Finally, a friend of mine told me that, in his office, a faggoflag that was put in the entrance by the landlord (multiple occupancy) was removed after protests from office workers. I suspect here that the Muslim “community” has been more active in that than the happy-clappy, or rather happy-crappy, Catholic crowd.

The bad news is that, if you pay attention, the pervoflag is now, in the pictures I see, invariably the latest version, the one where trannies show their ‘love” for little boys (light blue) and little girls (pink). It seems that the trannies have now established a solid presence. Actually, thinking of it, this might not be bad news at all, as the potential for strife in there is basically unlimited.

I will see how the months progresses. But in general, it seems to me that indifference (which is way worse than refusal, but still better than support) is on the rise.

Meanwhile, the use of the word “ghei” in online financial communities with a disparaging meaning continues unabated. It is certainly possible to wash brains with propaganda, but there will always be a certain amount of brains that cannot be washed.

Posted on June 6, 2024, in Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. Patrick Walsh

    GAY means “good as you” it is a political movement under the guise of equality to destroy the family. Movement now seeks to destroy the God-given genders of men and women.It will not succeed as it is against the natural order of creation and reality.It’s like trying to hold your breath it will lead to death.

  2. Notice: there are percentages of the “happy-clappy” Catholic crowd that are divorced & remarried that are literally “Clappy”. Just sayin’.

    Notice(2): “ghei” = gays have everyone indoctrinated

    Notice(3): “ghei” = gays have everyone ironicalizing [them]

  3. I just feel sorry for the dog in the picture.

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