Common Sense

No common sense

As I have already written, we will vote, here in the UK, on the 4th of July.

In order to vote you have to be registered. You cannot be registered on the day, because there are all sorts of control that need to take place. If you have not registered by a certain deadline, you cannot vote. Yep, it’s as simple as that.

If you are registered (as I am) you have the choice between vote in person and vote by correspondence. If you vote in person, it’s only on the one day, and you have to bring ID. No ID, no vote. In fact, the former PM Boris Johnson, who forgot to bring his ID at the administrative of last month, was sent home to fetch it even if he is one of the most recognisable faces in the Country.

If you vote by correspondence, you need to give evidence of address (they have ways to check this is genuine), and you have to deposit your signature. You need to vote with the same signature you have deposited, which will be confronted with the sample they have.

After enrolment, every year to get a letter asking to confirm that you are, basically, alive and living at the address stated. If you have moved, the letter will not go back and you will be cancelled from the register. If you want to be enrolled again, you have to repeat the ID and proof of address procedure. You can answer by the mobile phone you have deposited, but again at voting time it will have to be a proper signature, so keeping the mobile phone of deceased grandpa is not going to wash.

There are, in the UK, around 6% Blacks last time I look, I think not dissimilarly to the United Stated. Nobody would dare to insult them (and insult the intelligence of the others, too) by saying that the requirements I have just described amount to “voter suppression”. Everybody is treated equally. Nobody cries “Jim Crow”.

The result of the election is believed and accepted by everybody. Nobody tells you that you need to stay 6 meters away from the vote count. There is no possibility of having mass fake votes because of the process I have described. It works.

These are rules of simple common sense. They respect the democratic institutions, and respect the intelligence of the voters. They are applied rigidly.

It’s not difficult. You only need to want the elections to be fair and clean, and the rules to work.

If you don’t the elections to be fair and clean, you scream “voter suppression” and “Jim Crow”. And then your countries ceases being a democratic system, or ceases being peaceful, until sanity is restored.

Posted on June 7, 2024, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Nothing like an almost literal death threat to get a weirdo’s attention!

  2. I have voted whenever possible in England and in Hong Kong.

    Another notable difference between these elections and US – or specific US States’ – elections is that both UK and Hong Kong use only manual ballot counting.

  3. Your system is similar to the former US system of voting, which worked extremely well for, well, always until the Democrats realized they couldn’t win that way, anymore. Previous to the 2020 election, elections were straightforward, one day only, you voted in person, you provided ID. Only military were allowed to vote by mail, I believe, because they were deployed. We always knew the outcome within, I’d say, 12 hours, if it was unusually high voter turnout, but what happened in 2020, pausing a presidential election for hours and hours, had never happened in US history. We know why that happened now. Tragically, many Americans have lost their moral compass, and no longer care, or actively endorse, criminal means of getting the outcome they desire politically. The US black population is 14.5%. White people have become so conditioned to fear any backlash on merely speaking obvious truths they generally suppress obvious truths, although there are signs this tide is turning dramatically.

  4. In re the forthcoming British election, what do you think about the Zero Seats for Conservatives campaign? This is spearheaded by Dr. Neema Parvini, who has a YouTube channel called Academic Agent and was just on the Duran last week. (I would be interested in your take on Dr. Parvini if you are familiar with him. He is not Christian but does have some interesting views.)

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