Right Now

Guess what happened “next”…

Like you, I have often a feeling of more or less impotent rage at the rampant insolence of the Faggocrowd. Be that the prelate openly supporting them, or the prelate not so openly abetting them, or the Faggopriest, or the Dyking Nun, or any one of the countless people who, outside of the Church, promote abomination, I feel like I am watching a tide rising. Of course, the tide might not be really rising anymore, and the pendulum will start to swing the other way at some point. But as a rule, I feel, at times, utterly frustrated.

My usual reaction is, as probably you do, to think that Christ’s justice will catch up will all these people, and that they – bar an always welcome repentance – will have their wages. But this is also, in a way, insufficiently consoling, because as normal human beings we have some difficulties in seeing these things in their supernatural dimension when, on this world, we simply have to wait.

The antidote to this is, I think, to focus on all those whose waged were paid now. During the weekend, Monday, or today, Tuesday.

The subversive degenerate we hear screaming today isn’t much different from the subversive degenerate who was screaming in the Seventies and Eighties. Not only the degeneracy was the same, but the arrogance, too. There were much fewer of them then, of course, but they weren’t so rare, either. There were already very many “out and proud” in the Nineties, that is, 25 to 35 years ago. The mill of Christ’s justice has caught up with very many of them already. Every day, more of these scoundrels get to their fateful moment, their redde rationem. That beautiful feeling that we have, in human things, when we see justice done – the thief jailed, or the terrorist killed by the police – is something that we can enjoy every day.

This is, of course, not vindictiveness. We need to pray the Fatima prayer every day, and train ourselves in our desire for the repentance of even the worst scoundrel. But in the end, we know – because our religion has always told us so – that many fall, and are abandoned to their evil master, whom they have served in life, forever.

It’s not “some day”. It’s every day, every moment.

It’s actually right now.

Posted on June 11, 2024, in Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. The degeneracy of the Faggo-Church is certainly reaching new heights in brazenly disporting itself before faithful Catholics. The simpering Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez (outed as ‘gay’ in all but name and with full approval by the appalling, heretical nun Sister Lucia Caram Padilla), will be making an appearance at none other than the so-called great ‘Mother Church’ of England, Westminster Cathedral, on Sat. 22nd of June, 11a.m.

    This great spiritual leader will be ordaining Fr David Waller as Bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of our Lady of Walsingham. Presumably, Francis is calling in one of the favours that Cardinal Nichols owes him (for assisting with cover ups, etc.), and insisting that Fernandez presides at this event. Who knows? Perhaps he will regale the congregation with a few extracts from his pornographic books.

    To cap it all, this is the feast day of he glorious saints and martyrs, St John Fisher and Thomas More!!

    The congregation of the Cathedral are not well informed, and no doubt swallow all the sycophantic cr*p that is contantly churned out about ‘His Holiness’ Pope Francis. But it would be wonderful if a few rotten eggs and tomatoes were hurled in Fernandez’s direction.

  2. Anecdotal evidence: I was in a jury pool yesterday of forty or more people. In the preliminary question period, one man admitted to having a “husband,” one woman to having a “wife.” Two people had three children, another two had two or one, I claimed our five. No one else claimed any. Sadly, a cross section of Denver, Colorado now. I said a couple of prayers for these very successful, poor souls.

  3. Yes, I have to keep repeating to myself, over and over, James 1:20: “The anger of man worketh not the justice of God.” This goes not only for contemplating the rising tide of evil in the world, but even my own little reversals and contradictions that I suffer day to day.

    One Sunday, before Mass, I was praying Lauds of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary and paused over the line in Psalm 62 that goes: “But the king shall rejoice in God, all they shall be praised that swear by Him: because the mouth is stopped of them that speak wicked things.” And I thought: here we must be thanking God in advance for what He will do, because as of now, the mouth of them that speak wicked things has not been stopped. But then the thought came to me: no, their mouth has indeed been stopped, because God has, from all eternity, set limits to them that they can never exceed, no matter how hard they try. Those limits are already there, even though, from where I’m at, being stuck in time, I cannot see them.

    So, as you say, the forces of evil only think they’re winning, but they’re not. They are only storing up eternal punishment to themselves.

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