From The Mouth Of The Bigots….

You know there is a sea change going on when even a bigot of the proportions of Michael Rapaport starts telling you that voting for Donald Trump (whom he also keeps insulting, which makes the whole things even more hilarious) is now “on the table”. This, he has been doing for months now, so it’s not a weekend stunt.

Rapaport has not suddenly become a balanced individual (assuming his bigotry was authentic and not due to the desire of staying in the headlines for free). No. The fact is that Biden has screwed up so much (he mentions immigration and Israel among other things) that even he considers flipping the bird to (his words) “smoking Joe” and his party. Breitbart covers him well, and even Rapaport suggests to people that they go there to read about his rants.

There is, in fact, a sea change going on. As I have already stated in the past, Trump is now a part of the political landscape, and every insult to his tweets, or even anticipation of utter doom if he wins again, seems very old and stale; plus, the obvious banana republic persecution of a terrified Democrat power system is waking up more people. Things are going very well, you would say.

But… would you?

What has been done to clean up the electoral rolls from the millions of Voting Dead? What has been done to prevent the massive fraud on postal vote? How many have gone to jail after the fraud of 2020? Will anyone be scared of doing it again?

A huge bomb is ticking, and the desperate Democrats will go for an even more blatant theft in 2024. Millions of activists and assorted perverts will actually approve of it. No democratic system can survive if there is, among the population, no desire to play by rules respected by all.

The elections in November will be very interesting. Not because there is much doubt over who will win in November, but because there is much doubt over who will be appointed in January.

I wonder when the Rapaports of the world will start understand what an utter criminal fraud the Democrat Party is. This could be the last chance of bringing things back to normality, lest the US democracy dies or the AR 15 has the word.

Posted on June 12, 2024, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. So what’s next for the liberals? Assassination of Trump by the CIA? They did it to Kennedy. And Trump seems to me to be an easier target since he isn’t afraid to put himself out ther.

    • Not unlikely. Alternatively, another grand theft in front of the nation, and 6 January x100 as the cnn cries against the evil maga people who are staging a coup!

  2. I think there can be no doubt that people all across the West are sick and tired of the parasitic, oligarchic traitors that run their countries into the ground, and the “Enlightenment” experiment that is bringing misery and ruination on millions. We are seeing that in the protests, the European elections, the continuing support for Trump and the fall of various globalist leaders. BUT: this by itself is not enough.

    I keep thinking of A Christmas Carol. In being reminded of Christmases past and the joys of Christmas present, Scrooge’s heart was softened. But he still was required to face the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. The deal wasn’t sealed on his conversion until he got scared straight by being confronted with the ugly future that he was building up for himself.

    I think this fictional story hits on a hard truth. Our hearts are beginning to soften and to yearn for the good, the true and the beautiful; but that is only a beginning. We still think we can arrive at these things on our own, and doing things our own way; we still don’t yet believe that there is a hell, much less that there is a danger of our ending up there. We still have to face the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, and I fear that it will come in the form of an appalling chastisement. But it is probably necessary to convince us that the only salvation is our Lord Jesus Christ and the Church He founded.

  3. A.O.P.,

    Thank you for that very insightful comment and the beautiful analogy with A Christmas Carol. Spot-on.

  4. I hate to say it but the closer that it gets to November, the higher the likelihood that the “A” word will figure into Trump’s future.

    That way the U.S.A. will truly earn it’s title of “Banana Republic”.

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