Daily Archives: June 28, 2024

How To Steal Elections And Influence People

Meanwhile, even my neighbour’s pet hamster has known about Joe’s dismal performance yesterday at the first presidential debate.

When even the most rabid Democrats admit – whilst denigrating Trump – that Joe has been demolished, was painful to watch, et cetera, it is apparent that the normal guy and normal gal out there, watching tv, had a shiver down the spine thinking of having… that man-plant at the White House another 4 years.

I should, therefore, be very optimistic for November, you will think. In fact, I am not.

In how many States have the electoral lists been revisited, cleaned up, and the dead or emigrated people taken out? Of these states, how many are swing states? Of those swing states, how many have shitholes that are controlled by the Democrats? Yep, that’s exactly the point.

This election will not be decided in the “fruited plains”. It will be decided in the shitholes. Detroit will give the Democrats Michigan, Philadelphia and Scranton will give them Pennsylvania, Atlanta will give them Georgia, Minneapolis will give them Minnesota, Milwaukee will give them Wisconsin. In order to do that, they only need to make the dead vote for them. This, the Democrats can easily do, because shitholes (or those part of a big city that are shitholes) will make it very easy for them to get activist poll workers ready and willing to smuggle all the votes that are needed, and the political powers of the state will do the rest. The State Supreme Courts will claim they do not have time/enough evidence/the courage, and the Supreme Court of the United States will, once again, refuse to intervene. Same as in 2020, shamelessness will carry the day.

The only chance for Trump is that he wins with such a landslide where the votes are clean, that it is not possible to overcome the result with the rigged shithole vote. In a presidential election, this will require a Reagan-like earthquake, which is not likely.

Yesterday, Trump has made a small step towards that result. However, much is still to do.

I will be curious to see whether, from here to the Convention, the Demonrats decide to ditch Biden. In my eyes, if they don’t it means that they feel assured that they will steal this election no matter how disastrous Biden is (see above, under “shitholes”). If they do, this means that even they are getting nervous, and think that things are so bad that a correction is needed: a “new man” like Newsom will allow them to steal more millions of votes, and say that it paid big time to change horses during the race.

If I had confidence in the American electoral system, today I would be euphoric. Alas, I have lost all confidence in it, and it seems to me that the Republicans are doing too little and too late to address the elephant in the room, which is far more important than all the televised debates you can count.

This elections is, like the one in 2020, being fought under a false premise: that the Country at large is interested and invested in fair elections. This is not the case. You only need 3% of the population who consider it ethical (or useful for their future) to help the Democrats cheat, and there will be plenty enough for all manipulations the Democrat heart can desire, where it counts.

Unless this issue is addressed, what we are seeing is a parody of an election.