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What A Bunch Of Homos

Rex Tremendae Majestatis

As some of you will know, the United Kingdom will have a General Election on the 4th of July.

This is so because in England, the Prime Minister gets to choose whether to send all MPs home and call for a new election before the time, if he thinks that the moment is good for him. Normally, at least.

In this case, the situation is very different. Everybody knows the absolutely conservatism-free “conservative” party will get pummelled, and Labour will get in power. The Prime Minister had time to wait for his execution until around the beginning of next year, but he has decided to be executed now. Many think (as I do) that this is because he prefers to be defeated as a Prime Minister who lost an election, rather than being ousted by his own MPs before having called it. Yes, he is *that* bad.

What Rishi will do is sink together with his ship, whilst singing “Rule Britannia” in a hopefully dignified way. There is nobody I know (and, I am sure, very few people I don’t know) who doubts the final outcome. When you raise taxes to the highest level in 50 years, plunge your country in a mild recession with your anti-Russian virtue-signalling, and are utterly unable to even be mildly energetic on what used to be called illegal immigration, you know you are done for.

People who, in this Country, are really conservative will abandon the party, because the party is not conservative and has given us, since coming back to power, homo marriage, Net Zero, more taxes, even weaker armed forces, stupid megaprojects like HS2 to fill the pockets of friends, and a lot more, not forgetting the last idiotic plan of the supposedly conservative Rishi: gradually forbidding vaping. For people who should be very mindful of individual liberties, this is the total bankruptcy. I remind you here that smoking is not a sin, not even a venial one.

Last time, in 2019, Boris was helped by the fact that his opponent was a rabid, anti-Semitic commie. This time, the opponent is a non-entity very similar to Rishi. This means that the damage will likely be limited, as the new guy (Sir Keir is his name) will try to keep as much to the centre as his activists will allow him to. This will allow the properly conservative people to show a very long finger to the fraud that has been calling itself “conservative” these last 14 years. I hope they disappear as a party. They have not deserved to live.

The pummelling of the Tories will help the strengthening of a slowly rising political force, Reform UK. In the UK, the first-past-the-post system makes such processes very long, at times generational, but this is the price one has to pay for the absolutely medieval electoral system. Sooner or later, the new force emerges from the ashes of the old, decrepit one, like Labour did after the First World War or, more recently, the Scottish National Party did in Scotland. It’s a long, painful process. But it has to be done.

Meanwhile, the UK Bishops want to have their say.

These people being, in fact, called Catholic, you would expect they would be talking of necessary changes in matter of perversion and abortion. You would think that they would bemoan the scandalous laxity of the moral standards. You would hope they would encourage a political system that allows hard working people to thrive and toil in serenity for their families.

Nope. Having completely lost their faith, they need to talk like seventeen years old wannabe political activists hating their parents or, more likely, like a bunch of homos talking about social justice so that nobody notices the issues they have.

Yep, I think we have to do with a bunch of homos, both real and figurative. But they will die one day. Oh, they will die. How many of them will repent is uncertain, but not encouraging.

They will discover the real meaning of Justice on that day.