Daily Archives: May 17, 2024

One Little Step Against Gender Madness

The British government is drafting new rules to prevent the spreading of gender madness in elementary schools. The reading is a mixture of hope and despair.

Yes, the Government has done, at least, something. Yes, the Governments admits – which, according to the BBC, is a criticism or a problem – that they saw no widespread issue. Yes, the Government is acting just because they want to prevent this to become one.

The problem, however, is that gender ideology is not rejected per se. It is simply kept away from children, because considered “disturbing content”.

Yes, you idiots. It is disturbing content, and for adults, too. But the Government is happy not only for these disturbing theories to be explained to children who are not much older and in their delicate puberty years. No, they are even happy with making these disturbing theories a disturbing practice, legalising and paying for mutilations and other sorts of medical self-abuse.

If you ask me, the approach should be radically different.

The sex education belongs in the family. The repression of criminal acts (like female genital mutilation) should be left to the Government. Neither the one nor the other belongs in a class with adolescents, let alone little children.

But you see, the British Government (even the Mickey Mouse wannabe “conservatives”) already supports all these disturbing things. Therefore, when concerned parents alert them on extremely perverted material introduced by “activist groups”, they cannot stamp out the very evil they chose to tolerate; they can only decree that children should be exposed to those very evils when they are some years older.

Yes, this will go some way to prevent the madness currently trying to destroy the United States as a people and as a nation, but it is only a little step towards the return to sanity.

The Mickey Mouse “conservative” Government is part of the problem, and in order to solve the problem we need for this party to die, however high the cost until an alternative emerges.

The UK will vote likely later this year. I invite my British reader to manfully refuse to support Sushi Sunak (or whoever will be in place in his place) and stomach a future with a Starmer government. Starmer is not really different from Sushi boy, and his party will be too conflicted internally to do much damage.

We need for this trannified Tories to disappear, if we want true conservatism to find a voice again.