Monthly Archives: June 2024

Too Dumb For Purgatory

You see them everywhere.

The go-with-the-flow types, the insufferable conformists, the sheer unthinking people.

They don’t have an opinion. They are not even interested in having one. Their life is a constant stream of common places and platitudes. They look for the platitudes that make them feel good, and make them look good, of course. They live in their little bubble where the acceptance of self – the people who befriend you on some stupid platform, or who approve of your platitudes on the same stupid platform – is the real scope in life besides some physical comfort and, perhaps, some romantic interest allowing them to post stuff on those platform.

These people have the right hair colour, the right flags on their Facebook handle, and participate in the right events that have to do with “peace” (peace makes you look so good, you know…). They are, invariably, tolerant, as this is, nowadays, necessary to be accepted; up to point where someone has to be cancelled, because, again, this is necessary to be accepted.

Dumb conformist, being dumb, does not really notice how far he has veered from Christianity. Abortion, perversion, tranniedom, gender stuff, the casual drug use of some friends, all is fine with him. His extremely baggy trousers, making him look as if he had just pooped his pants, have required more careful consideration than Christianity’s position about, say, abortion. It’s about what this strange god, the public, “the people”, those he knows and those he doesn’t know, will think of him.

Dumb conformist adores at the altar of “the people” so that he can carve out of it some cult of himself.

The problem here is that natural law is written in every man’s heart, and there is no excuse for ignoring it. Plus, Christianity is still sufficiently spread that nobody can pretend, with a straight face, not to know what its position on many controversial matters is. Of course, it would require a minimum of effort to deepen things a bit but, compared to the time spent looking for baggy trousers, probably not even so much.

No, the effort will not be made. The effort would, as Dumb Conformist confusedly perceives, severely damage the “cult of the people” and, by reflection, the cult of himself. No more delicious feeling of self-righteousness, proclaiming one’s “values” which, incidentally, are the same of one’s peers. How very convenient.

And so Dumb Conformist goes on, slowly marching towards the grave, unaware of the extremely unpleasant surprise which, bar a Divine intervention, is sure to surprise him at death.

The problem is, Dumb Conformist is still culpable, even if dumb. He is the low-effort, or no-effort, sort of guy.

He is too dumb for Purgatory.

Perverted Dystopia Gets A Setback

Does not like the Crucifix…

When I was growing up, in Italy, there was a crucifix in every classroom. It was, literally, part of the furniture. There was, even then, the occasional Jewish boy, or the one from the activist atheist family (they were very rare back then). To my knowledge, nobody ever complained for the existence of the crucifix. Of course, the Jewish boy and the atheist’s son were exempted from the religion class; but this, not the removal of the crucifix, was the way to respect religious convictions.

The situation is not one that should be controversial. Christianity is in the very matrix of Europe. It would be impossible to understand our Continent, even only culturally, without a reference to it. In fact, the desire to remove crucifixes is exactly that: the manifestation of the desire to remake the cultural makeup of Europe to such an extent, that Christianity is completely expunged from it.

It’s more difficult to discuss trannies in a high school class, with a Crucified Christ looking down on you. Even to a non-believer, the Crucifix is a silent reminder of the fabric of the society he lives in. It is much easier, however, to subvert and pervert this fabric if Christianity is treated as a mere religious personal preference, in the same way as one can have a personal preference for vanilla, or four cheeses pizza. When Christianity is relegated to the private sphere, the time will come when your private convictions are held for unacceptable, homophobic, hateful, and such other adjectives as the anti-Christian propaganda might require.

Louisiana has decided to have the Ten Commandments in every classroom from January 2025. It’s not as good as a Crucifix, by far; but it’s a great step in the right direction. The motivation adduced for it, of the cultural relevance of the Ten Commandment, is also spot on, and apparently already deemed SCOTUS-Proof even in the strange, religious-freedom-worshipping American experience.

The West is, from a historical and cultural point of view, the product of the insertion of Christianity in its Greek-Roman roots. This heritage must be defended by everybody, and should not be insulting to anybody who is not already an avowed enemy of Christ.

I would want a crucifix in every classroom, every courtroom, and every hospital room on the planet.

But failing that, I hope to read of more and more classrooms adorned by the Ten Commandments in more and more of the United States.

Our enemies want to complete remake the Western civilisation, transforming it into a perverted dystopia.

We need to react in every possible way, and the Ten Commandments are an excellent way to do it.

Dwarfing The Faggocracy

The Ukraine is exactly where you are looking now…

In another wonderful example of the magic of Western “diplomacy”, Russia and North Korea have now started a strategic partnership that represents another death for any hope of the West surpassing the military ability of Russia. I say another death, because those hopes died a long time ago, though the Western politicians were too dumb to notice.

Many of my readers will certainly not know that North Korea is, contrary to the picture given to you by the CNN, a first-class technological powerhouse. Being the Country that they are, this technology is applied to, first and foremost, the military. They are advanced in missile technology, to the point of being in front of the USA in the hypersonic technology (means: zig-zagging stuff no Patriot battery can ever hope to intercept). They are also strong in cheaper stuff, like the equivalent of the ATACMS, which are no toys themselves.

Plus, North Korea is a first-class producer of good, old-fashioned armament. Cannons, shells, assorted ammos, armoured vehicles, the kind of things for which you need a lot of mines and steel mills, but no state-of-the-art technology. They can ramp up their production to 4-6 million 152mm shell a year rapidly. Russia produces 4-5 million, at the very least, already. As to China’s potential, I don’t even want to think. The West combined might reach one million (155mm) shells this year, and manage to double that, all going well, in 3 or 4 years’ time, by which time Russia alone will, if needed, keep outproducing them 5 or 6 to 1.

It does not end there. North Korea is a ruthless communist dictatorship, which will do a lot to win a faithful ally. If Putin wants, he can get not only the shells, and not only the cannons and the armoured vehicles and the tanks, all Soviet-style stuff easy to be trained in. Most importantly, he would be able to get soldiers, as Kim would not hesitate, if requested, to send a couple of hundreds boys (not trannies; proper boys), all well-trained and Vietcong-style motivated, over to THE Ukraine.

It’s as if, after having clearly won, Putin were now going for the total humiliation of the Western Faggoblock, not only defeating it on the battlefield, but dwarfing it as a political power.

There is no way the West can catch up. Not even if they were to bid farewell to their cherished social state and ditch the transfer payments to finance the war economy. Besides this being completely unacceptable to the Western voters – no matter how brainwashed – , the industrial apparatus would have to be created from scratch, and Russia would not allow this to happen in the first place.

No. The West has been thoroughly humiliated. Their days as the combination of the Hegemon and his Willing Lapdogs as the undisputed political and military power were gone already by 2022. But now, they will have their defeat rubbed under their nose.

Congratulations again, Western political class.

You are very good at treating your voters like serfs, and at telling them if and how they can get out for a walk. You are very good at imposing to them all sort of perversion, now mandated under the threat of “hate”. But you are far less good at avoiding everybody else getting tired of your constant bullying, and forming an alliance against you.

The Faggocracy is now dwarfed politically and militarily.

Here’s hoping that they finally get it, before causing far bigger trouble out of sheer incompetence and delusion.

Aikido, Moscow Edition

The last days have seen an interesting ping-pong about the Ukraine.

The US and their servants had organised the Swiss “peace conference”, something that was never anything to do with peace, but was meant to rally the troops again the Evil Christian in Moscow; that homophobic guy, you know….

Putin, who is smarter than all of them together, anticipates the meeting with a real peace proposal. The peace proposal is very realistic, and such that it would be instantly accepted as a workable basis if the NATO Countries weren’t bent on continuing the conflict. But Putin knows that NATO is bent on the continuation of the conflict and the proposal will, therefore, not be accepted.

All for nothing, you will say? No.

Putin has outed NATO as the real warmongers. This is not relevant in his relationship with them, but it is very relevant for all those Countries in Asia, South America, or the Middle East, who pay attention to these things and can see the shameless warmongering far, far more than your usual, brainwashed MSM consumer in the West can do.

Putin has, like the Aikido practitioner that he is, [EDIT:JUDO] used the energy of his adversary against him. The BBC will not report on this. But those who needed to notice have noticed.

Once again, Russia shows itself superior not only in military might, but in diplomatic prowess.

I think the hate for the Evil Christian will only rise…

People Like Us

We see around us people making, or trying to make, or thinking they make, a great impact. The bespectacled gym bishop, or the fashionable catholic writer, or the Youtube channel speaker, certainly reach more people than you or I ever could.

However, what we also see is this: that Catholicism does not really “happen” in a public setting. Most often it is a more intimate, close-circle thing.

How many priests do, every week, the best job they can in front of an audience measured in dozens? I want to hope that there are still many of those. Do they feel they are ineffective? Hopefully not; actually, certainly not: if they are sincere in their defence of Catholicism, they will shape souls.

Most often, the matter is even more restricted than that. The close family circle, the group of friends, the broader cohort of colleagues and acquaintances are where, in the end, most of the music is played. The exorcist Youtube channel can be excellent (it certainly is). But people end up looking for the channel largely because their interest in Catholicism has been awakened, or rekindled, by someone like you. The pungent remark about hell at work, or the profession of faith whilst eating a pizza, can cause the sparkle that changes a life, because God uses small things to achieve great ones.

This is why it is, I think, very important that we make an effort to defend our religion and our values. There are many ways to do that. Being known as the Catholic guy (or gal) will make of you the point of reference when people start having doubts, or – again, by God’s grace – start changing inside. And you might not even know it, ever! A guy might leave the job and go elsewhere, bringing with himself the seed of your remarks. A gal might be ashamed of telling you that she is starting to question the world around her, and start looking for info elsewhere. A child might go back to the faith because he remembers, after you have died, some words you have said decades earlier.

A car sticker, or a rosary around the rear view mirror, will be seen by thousands. You never know who, upon seeing it, might decide that yes, he will go to confession, he will read that book about conversion, she will not keep seeing that female friend always encouraging her to do the wrong things. Two words of defiant Catholic faith can be honey for someone already bothered by doubts you never knew about, and will never know about.

Neither do you need to be an angel of mercy, or an apostle of kindness, to be effective. Few people I know would call me (in the British sense) “nice”, but nobody doubts the sincerity of my Catholic faith. This is why several people have already come to me when they were, as the world calls it, “seeking”, and I think I helped them to “find” as best I could.

God works in mysterious ways, but I think that God particularly loves the small, humble ones, allowing us to work with Him in bringing about the countless ways of His Providence. The West will not be re-evangelised by star bishops. It will be re-evangelised by the priest with an audience of 26, by the mother with an audience of two, and by the colleague with an audience of one.

Do not be afraid of being vocal. Do not be afraid of showing your colours.

God works through small people like us.

Meet The Family From Hell

Papa B is quite the creepy guy. He loves to swim naked in his swim pool in the presence of the security people; whether he does it just because ho loves to anger people showing his power, like Francis does, or – more likely – out of sheer exhibitionism we do not know. I am for the second, big time.

Papa B also likes to sniff girls. No, really sniff them. Again, whether inappropriate touching goes on when the cameras are not there we don’t know; but the creepiness is such, that he can’t resist the sniffing even when cameras are running. Very, very creepy guy, Papa B.

Have you ever heard the saying talis pater, talis filius? Well, with Papa B this is certainly the case.

Papa B has a son, whom we will call H. H is a total train wreck, in more ways than one. He is, to start with, a crack cocaine addict. Congratulations, Papa B: the moral fortitude and character strength you have transmitted to your son is exemplary. But it does not end there. H, who never would or could get a real working life, likes women a bit too much. Being lazy, and creepy as papa, and actually clearly a pervert, he is not averse to sleeping with… the widow of his brother, because some things clearly have to stay within the family. The morality of the family shines on this occasion, as the inconsolable widow decides that, if one brother has died, the other will have to do.

But it does not end here. Filled with the high principles so well inculcated in the family, the daughter of the widow gets a crush on dear Uncle H, the crack cocaine addict. “If mama sleeps with uncle, why should I not do the same, too?”, the chaste girl asks herself.

H, being the pervert that he is, is clearly intentioned to screw the daughter of his brother, because the family is sacred. Unfortunately for Uncle Crack Romeo and Niece Slut Juliet, Mama Slut intervenes (whether out of jealously or normalcy, we will never know; I bet on the first) and the entire family forces a separation of the two sweethearts. Incest prevented. For now.

But H is a strange guy. Feeling that he is not protected enough – these crack dealers can be a tad shady, I suppose – the proud son of Papa B, who is very much in favour of extremely strong gun control, goes on and procures himself a gun, apparently under the influence of crack. One of his lovers – can’t bother to check who, might well have been Mama Slut – then just throws the gun into a bin, as you do. The fact is discovered and things take their course. Poor H, the world truly hates him, and everybody is out to get him!

More strange things go on in H’s life. Whilst clearly a good-for-nothing, it appears that being the son of a very powerful papa strongly encourages the development of artistic tendencies, with paintings going away for 4.5 million. A sort of Crack Cocaine Picasso, if you ask me. Amazing, what talents a drug addict good-for-nothing can develop.

Lastly – for now – we have the sudden managerial talent of H, who develops such a deep knowledge of energy markets that he is appointed to the board of a big Ukrainian energy company. Let nobody say that this is because of papa. This would be insulting to the character of such a man. Let us also nobody say that “10% for the big guy” refers to, well, Papa B being the big guy cashing in on the bribes for business procured under his influence. This would be slander, libel, fake news. Like that legend, invented by White S-S-S-Supremacisssts, that there would be a laptop full of compromising pictures and emails. These racist Trumpers really have no shame.

I will leave it here. You may think that this one – Papa B, Son H, Slutty Juliet and Mama Slut – are a family from hell.

But I am a lifelong Democrat with the rainbow flag outside my balcony, and therefore think that they are the … modern Democrat family.

Frociaggine Is The New Frociaggine, Or: Frankie Will Have His Revenge

Francis is here depicted not saying “frociaggine”

He did it again!

No joke: he did it again the second time two weeks after apologising for doing it the first time!

We see, here, once again, the psychology of Frankie at work.

Phase 1: he complains about faggotry, because he feels like it and because he can.

Phase 2: his advisers (likely, half of them afflicted by that very frociaggine) suggest that he apologises in ordine not to compromise the image that gave him the cover of Faggomagazines.

Phase 3: obtorto collo, he issues an apology.

Phase 4: he is entirely angered that he was persuaded to apologise! How did the faggot dare to even suggest it? Why did he listen to them? Something must be done to reassert his power; the more obnoxious the way, the better.

Phase 5: he does it again. In another private audience (like the first time) and, again, in front of enough people that it is absolutely assured that the thing gets to the press.

One has to appreciate the trolling.

If he apologises again, one will have to appreciate the trolling even more.

This is vintage Francis. He will have his way, and you will have to shut up. And he will lie to you every time he wants, too.

I always think extremely badly of the man.

But boy, today he made me laugh!

From The Mouth Of The Bigots….

You know there is a sea change going on when even a bigot of the proportions of Michael Rapaport starts telling you that voting for Donald Trump (whom he also keeps insulting, which makes the whole things even more hilarious) is now “on the table”. This, he has been doing for months now, so it’s not a weekend stunt.

Rapaport has not suddenly become a balanced individual (assuming his bigotry was authentic and not due to the desire of staying in the headlines for free). No. The fact is that Biden has screwed up so much (he mentions immigration and Israel among other things) that even he considers flipping the bird to (his words) “smoking Joe” and his party. Breitbart covers him well, and even Rapaport suggests to people that they go there to read about his rants.

There is, in fact, a sea change going on. As I have already stated in the past, Trump is now a part of the political landscape, and every insult to his tweets, or even anticipation of utter doom if he wins again, seems very old and stale; plus, the obvious banana republic persecution of a terrified Democrat power system is waking up more people. Things are going very well, you would say.

But… would you?

What has been done to clean up the electoral rolls from the millions of Voting Dead? What has been done to prevent the massive fraud on postal vote? How many have gone to jail after the fraud of 2020? Will anyone be scared of doing it again?

A huge bomb is ticking, and the desperate Democrats will go for an even more blatant theft in 2024. Millions of activists and assorted perverts will actually approve of it. No democratic system can survive if there is, among the population, no desire to play by rules respected by all.

The elections in November will be very interesting. Not because there is much doubt over who will win in November, but because there is much doubt over who will be appointed in January.

I wonder when the Rapaports of the world will start understand what an utter criminal fraud the Democrat Party is. This could be the last chance of bringing things back to normality, lest the US democracy dies or the AR 15 has the word.

Right Now

Guess what happened “next”…

Like you, I have often a feeling of more or less impotent rage at the rampant insolence of the Faggocrowd. Be that the prelate openly supporting them, or the prelate not so openly abetting them, or the Faggopriest, or the Dyking Nun, or any one of the countless people who, outside of the Church, promote abomination, I feel like I am watching a tide rising. Of course, the tide might not be really rising anymore, and the pendulum will start to swing the other way at some point. But as a rule, I feel, at times, utterly frustrated.

My usual reaction is, as probably you do, to think that Christ’s justice will catch up will all these people, and that they – bar an always welcome repentance – will have their wages. But this is also, in a way, insufficiently consoling, because as normal human beings we have some difficulties in seeing these things in their supernatural dimension when, on this world, we simply have to wait.

The antidote to this is, I think, to focus on all those whose waged were paid now. During the weekend, Monday, or today, Tuesday.

The subversive degenerate we hear screaming today isn’t much different from the subversive degenerate who was screaming in the Seventies and Eighties. Not only the degeneracy was the same, but the arrogance, too. There were much fewer of them then, of course, but they weren’t so rare, either. There were already very many “out and proud” in the Nineties, that is, 25 to 35 years ago. The mill of Christ’s justice has caught up with very many of them already. Every day, more of these scoundrels get to their fateful moment, their redde rationem. That beautiful feeling that we have, in human things, when we see justice done – the thief jailed, or the terrorist killed by the police – is something that we can enjoy every day.

This is, of course, not vindictiveness. We need to pray the Fatima prayer every day, and train ourselves in our desire for the repentance of even the worst scoundrel. But in the end, we know – because our religion has always told us so – that many fall, and are abandoned to their evil master, whom they have served in life, forever.

It’s not “some day”. It’s every day, every moment.

It’s actually right now.

Common Sense

No common sense

As I have already written, we will vote, here in the UK, on the 4th of July.

In order to vote you have to be registered. You cannot be registered on the day, because there are all sorts of control that need to take place. If you have not registered by a certain deadline, you cannot vote. Yep, it’s as simple as that.

If you are registered (as I am) you have the choice between vote in person and vote by correspondence. If you vote in person, it’s only on the one day, and you have to bring ID. No ID, no vote. In fact, the former PM Boris Johnson, who forgot to bring his ID at the administrative of last month, was sent home to fetch it even if he is one of the most recognisable faces in the Country.

If you vote by correspondence, you need to give evidence of address (they have ways to check this is genuine), and you have to deposit your signature. You need to vote with the same signature you have deposited, which will be confronted with the sample they have.

After enrolment, every year to get a letter asking to confirm that you are, basically, alive and living at the address stated. If you have moved, the letter will not go back and you will be cancelled from the register. If you want to be enrolled again, you have to repeat the ID and proof of address procedure. You can answer by the mobile phone you have deposited, but again at voting time it will have to be a proper signature, so keeping the mobile phone of deceased grandpa is not going to wash.

There are, in the UK, around 6% Blacks last time I look, I think not dissimilarly to the United Stated. Nobody would dare to insult them (and insult the intelligence of the others, too) by saying that the requirements I have just described amount to “voter suppression”. Everybody is treated equally. Nobody cries “Jim Crow”.

The result of the election is believed and accepted by everybody. Nobody tells you that you need to stay 6 meters away from the vote count. There is no possibility of having mass fake votes because of the process I have described. It works.

These are rules of simple common sense. They respect the democratic institutions, and respect the intelligence of the voters. They are applied rigidly.

It’s not difficult. You only need to want the elections to be fair and clean, and the rules to work.

If you don’t the elections to be fair and clean, you scream “voter suppression” and “Jim Crow”. And then your countries ceases being a democratic system, or ceases being peaceful, until sanity is restored.

The Veer Towards Indifference

You are killing that dog, fatso…

Another June has come and, as every June, Yours Truly monitors the state of degeneracy in the Country by the amount of nonsense with the pervert flag he sees around him.

There are good and bad news to report.

The good news is that the train company still hasn’t shown me any of those horrible rainbow trains this year. I will continue to monitor the situation, but I’d say it’s not unlikely they have abandoned it, or perhaps reduced it.

Another good news is what I read on Breitbart, or the community in California who simply abolished all of it (black history month, etc.), and substituted all for a month dedicated to the history of that community. A third one is that bar in, if memory serves, Idaho, which decided to make of June the “heterosexuality appreciation month” and, when accused of being homophobic, invited faggos (they didn’t call them that way) to show up and celebrate heterosexuality. Finally, a friend of mine told me that, in his office, a faggoflag that was put in the entrance by the landlord (multiple occupancy) was removed after protests from office workers. I suspect here that the Muslim “community” has been more active in that than the happy-clappy, or rather happy-crappy, Catholic crowd.

The bad news is that, if you pay attention, the pervoflag is now, in the pictures I see, invariably the latest version, the one where trannies show their ‘love” for little boys (light blue) and little girls (pink). It seems that the trannies have now established a solid presence. Actually, thinking of it, this might not be bad news at all, as the potential for strife in there is basically unlimited.

I will see how the months progresses. But in general, it seems to me that indifference (which is way worse than refusal, but still better than support) is on the rise.

Meanwhile, the use of the word “ghei” in online financial communities with a disparaging meaning continues unabated. It is certainly possible to wash brains with propaganda, but there will always be a certain amount of brains that cannot be washed.

Faggopope Is Back To Normal

If you thought that Frankie The Fatso would have, with his recent remarks about frociaggine, the intention of defending sanity, you need to think again.

The man is now writing the preface of another book of that unspeakable queen, Father Georgina. I don’t know how many books Georgina has published, but I suspect he uses them to be introduced to young seminarians in need of “enlightenment”.

Some journalist will obviously say that this is Frankie’s attempt to rebuild “inclusiveness” credential after the frociaggine episode. I am not so sure this is the case.

In the case of Francis, two character traits must be always kept in mind: the first is that he wants to be popular, the second is that he wants to show you who is boss.

Francis likely uttered the faggotry comment because he felt like it, and wanted to show to the people present that he says what he wants, and they will have to shut up. When this backfired, he gave an easy apology, an easy thing to do for someone for whom words have no value, and carried on.

Now it’s business as usual, again. He will play inclusive every time he wants to play inclusive, he will insults his own faggots whenever he feels like it, he will do and say whatever he wants, whenever he wants, because this is the last joy that has remained to him in life.

It is not wise to try to extrapolate a logic, or a method, from a man clearly not very intelligent, and dominated by his pettiness and his childish desires. He will keep pursuing his “humble wheelchair pope” spiel whilst indulging in his every whim. He will, I think, keep protecting faggots until he dies, but he will likely also hate them, and love to lord over them.

This ego-driven capriciousness is, if you ask me – but I admit to not being an expert – typical of the man afflicted by, as he himself so beautifully said, frociaggine.

I think that, here, we have the same thing at work which Francis criticises. Minus the sodomy, possibly, though for this we would have to know more about Francis’ life.

Journalists try to interpret this or that interview, this or that action. There is nothing to interpret.

There is only an old man who thinks pretty much like a whining old queen.

What A Bunch Of Homos

Rex Tremendae Majestatis

As some of you will know, the United Kingdom will have a General Election on the 4th of July.

This is so because in England, the Prime Minister gets to choose whether to send all MPs home and call for a new election before the time, if he thinks that the moment is good for him. Normally, at least.

In this case, the situation is very different. Everybody knows the absolutely conservatism-free “conservative” party will get pummelled, and Labour will get in power. The Prime Minister had time to wait for his execution until around the beginning of next year, but he has decided to be executed now. Many think (as I do) that this is because he prefers to be defeated as a Prime Minister who lost an election, rather than being ousted by his own MPs before having called it. Yes, he is *that* bad.

What Rishi will do is sink together with his ship, whilst singing “Rule Britannia” in a hopefully dignified way. There is nobody I know (and, I am sure, very few people I don’t know) who doubts the final outcome. When you raise taxes to the highest level in 50 years, plunge your country in a mild recession with your anti-Russian virtue-signalling, and are utterly unable to even be mildly energetic on what used to be called illegal immigration, you know you are done for.

People who, in this Country, are really conservative will abandon the party, because the party is not conservative and has given us, since coming back to power, homo marriage, Net Zero, more taxes, even weaker armed forces, stupid megaprojects like HS2 to fill the pockets of friends, and a lot more, not forgetting the last idiotic plan of the supposedly conservative Rishi: gradually forbidding vaping. For people who should be very mindful of individual liberties, this is the total bankruptcy. I remind you here that smoking is not a sin, not even a venial one.

Last time, in 2019, Boris was helped by the fact that his opponent was a rabid, anti-Semitic commie. This time, the opponent is a non-entity very similar to Rishi. This means that the damage will likely be limited, as the new guy (Sir Keir is his name) will try to keep as much to the centre as his activists will allow him to. This will allow the properly conservative people to show a very long finger to the fraud that has been calling itself “conservative” these last 14 years. I hope they disappear as a party. They have not deserved to live.

The pummelling of the Tories will help the strengthening of a slowly rising political force, Reform UK. In the UK, the first-past-the-post system makes such processes very long, at times generational, but this is the price one has to pay for the absolutely medieval electoral system. Sooner or later, the new force emerges from the ashes of the old, decrepit one, like Labour did after the First World War or, more recently, the Scottish National Party did in Scotland. It’s a long, painful process. But it has to be done.

Meanwhile, the UK Bishops want to have their say.

These people being, in fact, called Catholic, you would expect they would be talking of necessary changes in matter of perversion and abortion. You would think that they would bemoan the scandalous laxity of the moral standards. You would hope they would encourage a political system that allows hard working people to thrive and toil in serenity for their families.

Nope. Having completely lost their faith, they need to talk like seventeen years old wannabe political activists hating their parents or, more likely, like a bunch of homos talking about social justice so that nobody notices the issues they have.

Yep, I think we have to do with a bunch of homos, both real and figurative. But they will die one day. Oh, they will die. How many of them will repent is uncertain, but not encouraging.

They will discover the real meaning of Justice on that day.