Unspeakable Hypocrisy: AI And “Saving The Planet”.

…. Only when it’s convenient to me, of course.

I have observed, like you, the way the Western economic elites (the people looking like lizards, and their friends) have pushed on us the man-made global warming hoax, pushing an entire new (and much worse) lifestyle on us whilst they keep jetting around the world without a care.

Well, it appears that the unspeakable hypocrisy is going to be exposed once again. Let me explain why, because it will be a while before the MSM dare to touch the issue with you.

You have, at this point, certainly heard of Artificial Intelligence, commonly called AI. This is a technological development that will likely be more important than the Internet. Forget ChatGTP, and the superficial satisfaction of having a computer creating for you a green metallic cat with squirrel ears just for the fun of it, or the dubious achievement of having your prose revisited in ChatGTP-English.

No. AI will be infinitely more than that. Myriads of low-level, but conscious decisions that are now made by humans will be delegated to computers, revolutionising all sorts of repetitive tasks from logistics to medical research to mathematical iterative computations. As AI progresses, the applications will increase. The field of application is, basically, infinite.

Why do I say to you all this? Because all of this costs energy. A lot.

Whilst immense amounts of research money is spent in making the processors less energy-hungry, and huge progresses have been achieved in the last years, the progress in computation capacity is such, that the increase in energy need in still massive. It has been recently estimated that, in the United States alone, energy production will have to increase 20-30% at the very least until 2030 only to face the AI energy demands. This is a staggering amount of energy.

Among the drivers of this energy needs will be the Amazons, the Googles, the Apples and the Metas of the world. Do you think that they will limit the consumption of the energy that makes them billions? Do you think that they will decry the deadly effect on the planet (their ideology, not mine) that such enormous consumption will have? Do you think that they will impose a net zero for their own industry? Thought not…

Please do not reply that there’s nothing they can do; that these developments are inevitable; that China and India will keep pushing it anyway, so there’s nothing we can do. This is already the case now, this was always the case before AI was a word.

Little difference: before, it did not cost billions to the Zuckerlizards. In fact, it allowed them to make more money pushing technological innovation. Now, the fake concern for the planet would hammer their bottom line very hard.

Ah, how different they are from you and me, my dear reader.

How can we even think of demanding that the same rules will apply?

Posted on June 26, 2024, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Great points. I must admit to having never thought of the increase in energy consumption due to AI.

  2. The same applies to data centres using millions of gallons of water ,and consuming vast amounts of electricity..

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