Daily Archives: June 27, 2024

Bastardo Figlio Di Puttana (Plus Other Considerations About The Papacy And The World At Large)

Bastardo figlio di puttana

I will try to stay calm whilst writing this, but I cannot make any promise.

Articles like this one really make your blood boil.

The first, well-known bomb is that, for this guy, proselytism is a problem. Christ clearly is an embarrassment to him. It should not be said that Christ should come in the way of his religion of total lack of care for Him. Francis simply does not believe in fundamental tenets of Christianity. In Christian times, a Pope spitting such stuff would have been defrocked, deposed, and burnt as a heretic. I would, in those Christian times, would have wanted to watch the event, in person, and tell it to my grand-grandchildren.

It goes on. The world needs, says the man, “believers” (in whom? Christ? The Holy Ghost? Er, no, this is not a requirement) who are “committed” to “maintaining social and world peace”. The commitment he wants only applies to purely human aims; aims which might be desirable in themselves, but never at the expense of our allegiance to Christ.

Frankie needs to realise that it is exactly Christ, and the Most Holy Trinity in general, which divide us from Muslims. Therefore, either Christ is wrong, or Francis is.

Jesus, says the idiot, “taught us to welcome one another as brothers”. Er, not really. The brotherhood Jesus calls for is, exactly, brotherhood in Christ. If you are not my brother in Christ, you are not really my brother. We are so little “brothers” with Muslims, that we do not allow them to worship with us.

Christ taught the Great Commission. Francis wants to erase, even condemn it.

At this point, the Big Blasphemy cannot be far away. Promptly, Frankie The Fat Fag delivers. He states that Muslims and Christians believe in “the one God”. Someone please explain to this little, arrogant, old, blasphemous piece of shit that if you leave aside the Holy Ghost and Christ, it is not the same God at all. In fact, not even the Father is the same one, because a Father without Trinity is just not God The Father, but merely a fantasy creation of very, very horny infidels!

What the religion is that Francis worships, he has already made clear enough: it is the worldly religion of social justice and peace. I thought Christ had not come to bring peace. Boy, I must have missed something that this fat fag has understood. How very strange.

Less grave than a blasphemy, but still totally absurd, is the conflating of proselytism with, say, forced conversions. There might be perfectly good reasons for forced conversions, but they are exceedingly rare. Normally, a Christian will not advocate for forced conversions. However, he will certainly advocate for proselytism; then otherwise, what kind of Christian would he be?

I will not, like many do, take refuge in a fantasy world and decide that, this one being such a bastard, he cannot be pope. Of course he can be pope. We were never promised that the Pope would not be a bastard, and many of them have certainly been. We now have pope über bastard, Frankie The Fat Faggot the First.

What is unique now is the explosive mix of bastard pope, faggoty clergy, and mediocre faithful; so mediocre, in fact, that this disfigured papacy would not be possible without a disfigured clergy, and a disfigured laity.

Ask yourself how many of those who call themselves “Catholics” believe in the Real Presence. Nay, just to humour me, please restrict this to the regular churchgoers! And after that, ask yourself if the world’s Catholics have a worse pope than they, collectively speaking, have deserved.

No. This guy is pope. Of course he is. I never saw the SSPX even hint at the slightest doubt that he is pope. Every Italian with knowledge of history perfectly understands where they come from. It’s part of our Sensus Catholicus. We know the pope can be an utter son of a whore (let me rephrase it: an utter figlio di puttana. There, it does sound better…), and have our faith in and allegiance to the Church not touched in the least, not even with the tiniest scratch! What this tells us, however, is how bad the situation is.

It is my opinion that, bar a mercy from above we have not in the least merited, there will be no improvement at the top unless there is improvement in the middle (the clergy) and in the bottom (the laity).

This blasphemous, fat, arrogant, faggoty little son of a whore is what we get for being dumb, unbelieving little people looking for comfort and friendship in the wrong places.

I am now seriously planning to lose every single friend in the years I have left, and to die with only one friend remaining.

But He will be the right One, and the only one that counts.