Francis Will Not Stop Us


Two good news from the front. 

The first one is the first Catholic Mass ever celebrated at CPAC.  

The second is this summary of beautiful traditional churches being built in the US

Before you ask, I think this one here is the most beautiful.

What this tells me is that The Evil Clown can make all the noise he wants. In the ends, there is a rich humus of Catholicism that keeps nourishing young, tender plants. No Pope can control the sum total of still a vast number of devout Catholics. I’ll go further than that and state that even in the midst of sixty years of V II devastation, an awful lot of people keep longing for the “old religion”, and a good God instills in their hearts  a certainly confused but clearly aching desire for that reverent, beautiful, so logical and so consoling faith of old.

Traditionalism will keep advancing, because it is the consequent, logical, final product of a more general desire for sound Catholicism that finds expression in these beautiful new buildings. And when Traditionalism is ready to take over again – not in our lifetime, I am pretty sure – it will find an awful lot that was done the right way even when the Church was headed in the wrong direction.

It will find a lot of churches built for the New Mass but perfectly suited for the old, the result of the effort of a lot of people who perhaps did not fully understand Traditionalism but still wanted to respect tradition. Even a lake of mud will produce beautiful water lilies, because the Lord in His goodness has decreed that no amount of mud will prevent their growth.  

Make no mistake, vast is the damage that Francis and his minions – and very possibly, his successors – will create. But again, there is only so much you can destroy, and the Lord will not allow these people to destroy the Church.

Out of the rich humus of the faith, new plants will continue to grow.  

Posted on February 27, 2017, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. was that a new mass at the CPAC?

  2. ilovevictoriasbows

    If it has no communion rail, if Mass is said from behind the little card table thingy, I don’t go, no matter how ‘traditional’ the facade.

  3. Mass at CPAC has indicated that Trump’s administration seems like leaning more to Catholic teachings. Praying that God blesses and protects him and family.