Tucho, His Dildo, And The Homo “Couples”

Tucho is the one on the upper right hand corner…

There are times when I am so angry that I cannot write a blog post about a certain event without using expressions which I find entirely justified, but which many of my readers, particularly of a certain age or accustomed to niceness as a way of being, might find a bit too strong of a Catholic tobacco. Therefore, in these cases I have to wait until the blood pressure has subsided a bit.

You have already understood that I am talking about Fiducia Supplicans, the perverted document released by a perverted Cardinal to pay his tribute to the Vatican perverted lobby and to make it look like there is something Catholic in encouraging open, scandalous, church-defying sexual perversions.

Now, you need to notice here the way this

bucking fastard

tries to smuggle the homo heresy under a thin layer of pretend Catholicism.

The way it looks is that a priest can bless couples of faggots, trannies, all sorts of public degenerates openly defying the Church. However, this blessing is not the real blessing. It’s not a formal one, in a way. It’s an informal, “loose”, “jeans and T-shirt” blessing, because perverts accompany each other, you know, so Tucho will not leave his friends Adam & Steve without his “blessing”.

That’s a very interesting perspective, that really gives you the measure of the contortions of Tucho’s degenerate mind. With this reasoning, we can have two of everything. We can have a communion that is not the real communion, a confession that is not the real confession, and so on. Every time, Tucho will tell us that well, it is not really the real thing (because we still pretend we’re Catholic, you know), but hey, the message is clear enough, and leaves Church-defying perverts free to live in public scandal and satanic way of life, safe in the knowledge that a blessing will always be theirs on request.

Perhaps the perverts should all ask Tucho to bless their dildos? Hey, that’s another sacramental where they don’t want to be excluded, right?

Catholicism is not its rituals, liturgy, sacraments, and sacramentals. Catholicism is, first and foremost, the obedience to Christ and adherence to Christ’s rules which is the cause of the very existence of all these sacraments and sacramentals, and of all these rituals and this liturgy, in the first place.

Everything that the the Church does, she does as an expression of this obedience to Christ.

Taking a sacramental (and, again, it could be everything else) and saying “let’s have version 2.0 of it, so that we keep being Catholics whilst actually being perverts” is exactly the contrary of why these sacraments and sacramentals exist in the first place.

This is so obvious, so absolutely self-evident, that there would be no need to explain it to anybody. Alas, when the head of the CDF is a cucking fretin, and a homo one to boot, this is what happens.

This is, by the way, so typical of Francis. Double-tongued, hypocritical, obfuscating, and utterly satanical.

Soon, Satan might be kissing Francis, making him entirely sick with his mouth.

Oh, no wait.

Even Satan is disgusted by these people.

Posted on December 20, 2023, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Dissent, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. I anticipated your need to cool off a bit. I don’t think I’d have liked to read what you’d have written if you had not taken a bit of a break first. And yes. You’re right. These are not nice people and their time will not last forever. I have refused to think or speak about it. I am still angry and disgusted.

  2. We all want to be genteel, but in such times it is starting to be psychological torture to see the evil being done and at this point witness such relentless verbal restraint. One gets the impression if current Catholics were present at pivotal events, like St. Joan of Arc at the stake, they’d be too afraid to speak up, “I don’t want to be rude”. This is only increasing frustration and Catholics are going to start to walk away.
    Catholics are hoping to get Cardinals and bishops to actually respond, to do their jobs and live out their vocations. They aren’t there for the meal plan and trips! St. Robert Bellarmine has spoken about popes and the discretion of Cardinals to remove them, and bishops are heads of their sees, and they can just say no, this we will not do. All American bishops did is as usual, put out another explanation of how this isn’t so bad, all is well, sleep tight. Bergoglio is an apostate, there is not a Catholic bone in his corpulent body. His words and actions have made this abundantly clear, and he is surrounded by smaller devils like himself.
    He says what is not Catholic.
    He emits what is not Catholic.
    He does what is not Catholic.

    What more do Cardinals need? We don’t have to wade into resignation weeds, the answer is there in church history.
    He’s not Catholic, he teaches a different gospel. He cannot be a valid pope. Remove him.

  3. We have all these Catholics out there defending the “orthodoxy” of this document, that it changes nothing about what the Church teaches, etc. etc. etc. That these arguments are being made, and that “offensive to pious ears” is apparently no longer a thing, proves that Catholics are no longer horrified by sin.

    Authority is meant to serve truth. How right Archbishop Lefebvre was, then, in recognizing that, when the devil pits our Catholic instinct for truth over our Catholic instinct for authority, we must prioritize truth.

  4. There is no reason to get angry, provided you comprehend this latest development (Fag-duciary Supplication) in its proper context: the further divergence between the One True Catholic Church and the Bergo-Tucho, Sodomite Antichurch. Once you understand this essential distinction, you’ll see that we’re just progressing closer to Our Lady’s Triumph, and the end of all this insanity.

  5. Francis was Fernandez’ mentor in Argentina and he promoted him up the clerical career ladder when he was the Bishop of Buenos Aires and when he became pope. Just last year, Francis brought him to Rome, made him head of the CDF, then made him cardinal. To put it mildly, they have a very special relationship. Fernandez is the ghostwriter behind all of Francis’ encyclicals, apostolic letters, etc. Francis has appointed over 80% of the cardinals who will vote in the next conclave. They had to be likeminded men to be chosen, and will most likely vote for who they think Francis would have wanted, and who will carry out his particular “vision” for the church.

    I know this is only speculation, but if this pattern continues, we face the very real possibility of Pope Tucho before too long. If not Tucho, then one of Bergoglio’s other favorites. Without divine intervention, this seems to be the likely result. Then what happens?

  6. Francesco and Tucho remind me of every 60s priest I’ve ever dealt with or heard preach. The cynicism and malice with which they make such pronouncements is appalling. Such damage to souls.

  7. Excellent post, Mundabor! I do hope that this latest fiasco continues to backfire on Frankie boy and his evil side-kick, Count Dracula’s look-alike. I truly think Our Blessed Lord is allowing him sufficient rope to hang himself.

    One thing I have discovered, in consequence of all this, is an organization called ‘The British Confraternity of Catholic Clergy’, who have protested against Fiducia Supplicans. Their statement does not include individual names, but a previous one does, and it is good to see that a few of the serving priests in London are members. I wonder if the Cardinal will dare to speak up, although there is little doubt about which side he will take if he does.

    Incidentally, I must congratulate you on your choice of the pictures which accompany your blogs. They are always spot-on, but this one is my favourite so far: a tray of faggots!!! Hilarious!!!

  8. 😉 Just a small correction:
    “HE’S NOT FRANCIS” (Antonio Socci).