Laymen And Priests

Not sure if Ravasi was there. But he could have been…

Cardinal Ravasi, who at 81 will, blessedly, not allowed to do damage at the next conclave, is on record with saying that Christ was “a layman”.

It really is quite disconcerting with these idiots. I do not think this is age playing tricks with the man’s mind. In fact, Ravasi seems to be still quite active, goes around here and there, participates in round table discussions (as in this case), tweets around when drug addicts singers die and, in general, does everything he can to show the world that he belongs to it.

What I think has happened here is that Ravasi has lost the faith decades ago, if he ever had it in the first place. At that point, he has become a sort of functionary, going here and there, reading speeches written for him by other people and, in fact, spewing platitudes for a captive audience of journalists and assorted boot lickers.

When that happened, clearly the Cardinal has considered it superfluous to have any contact whatever with theology, or to refresh his mind with books dealing with the Catholic faith. You don’t go around, as a Cardinal, saying bull crap like that unless you have stopped dealing with your faith decades ago. But I am sure the Cardinal has said stuff like “the joy of Christ” thousands of times in these decades.

No, Christ was not a layman.

However, Cardinal Ravasi should be made to go back being one.

Posted on April 30, 2024, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Dissent, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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