The Ass And The Saint

Not the saint.

You will say I am easily angered by Francis. I will reply that it is more so, that Francis is extremely angering. One of the traits of the man I can stand the least is his taking the right people and abusing them to propagate the wrong message.

The last example is Saint Pius X.

Even my red fish knows that Francis is all that the Saint abhorred, both as a man and as a religious. It is likely that the great Pope could not even conceive a pope of such evil as Frankie. Still, he hated the likes of him strongly enough, with that righteous anger proper of the Saints.

Francis, instead, who clearly hates the man with a passion, wants to anger us with praise lavished to the man. How does he do it? Of course, by abusing him to propagate the wrong message.

Pius was, he says, close to “suffering humanity”, as if the other Popes before or after him weren’t. He was, also, against war. You don’t say, Sherlock?

What made Pius X the great Pope, and the great Saint, Francis completely ignores. What is an obvious trait of every good man, he tries to manipulate into another social justice and pacifist abuse.

I doubt the saints in paradise ever get angry.

But I suspect the great Pope is taking notice anyway.

Pray for us, Saint Pope Pius the X.

Intercede for us so that this most unworthy successor of yours may soon get his reward.

Posted on April 18, 2024, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Dissent, Good Shepherds, Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Every day I pray that another Pope Pius X (if any such exists) will be elected at the next conclave. Just think how the Church would be transformed!

    Of course, the worldly powers will already be plotting to ensure that a Francis mark 2 is elected (recall the U.S. intervention in the succession to Pope Pius XII, but in our day multiply that a 100 times). Still, we must continue to believe that with God, all things are possible.

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