Surrounded By Fools

I see them around me all the time; on the train or on the bus, or walking rapidly in busy streets. I see fatties permanently eating, and businessmen permanently talking. I see people already working on their laptop at 7:30 in the morning, and people interminably yapping to their friends at 7:30 in the evening.

I know that most of them are atheists, because this is what most of the country is, and I add to that number many Mohammedans, and many ethnic Sri Lankan and Indians who, if you ask me, are just as far away from their false gods as many Whites are away from the true one.

I keep wondering what goes on in their mind. Are they living with this constant, unspoken, unaddressed fear of the inevitable end? Do they actively try to make sense of what must be, in their eyes, surely a senseless existence? Do they reflect on the simple fact that, without a God, even their agitating and fretting about peace, the environment, or the welfare of cows they don’t even want to be born, are not different from the agitating of the termites creating their termite houses, or from the working of the spider hoping to catch his fly?

I look around me, and I see this huge army of ants working tirelessly, many of them to the point of even compromising that very life after which they think there is nothing, in the hope, perhaps, of getting to the status of Fat Termite, or getting a fat fly in the form of a big car, as the years go by and the hard questions become less and less avoidable. I look around me and I wonder how they can make sense of it all. I wonder, in fact, whether they are even interested in the question.

And then I see them creating all these ersatz religions: environmentalism, pacifism, veganism, “animal rights” bigotry, perversion advocacy, and all those other -isms which our mad age continues to create; and all these ersatz religions tell me that the ant may be happy – ant-wise, of course – working all its life without pause, but humans will never be happy with the life planning of an ant, or of a spider.

Every now and then, you see someone confusingly trying to find the light. Every now and then, you have a Russell Brand holding a rosary, at least searching. Most of the people around me don’t do even that.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. This tells me that I am surrounded by fools. These fools vote for all sorts of abominations, and I think that most of them are there just to make them feel better with themselves.

Democracy is so overrated.

I do not think that the situation will change much in my lifetime. In the time that is left to me I might see the deflation of the gender madness, but I doubt that I will see any meaningful decrease of the number and virulence of ersatz religions.

The Church, whose jobs should be to lead people to the true religion, seems more interested in the ersatz ones. We are surrounded by fools even among those busying around an altar, and who knows how many of them don’t believe in what they do, either.

I will strive to live and die refusing to be one of the fools, and trying – if I can – to let some of the fools find reason. But I know that the fools will remain the greater part of the population and might, one day, try to have me put down like a dog or a horse, so that they can keep trying to catch bigger flies as they try to feel good with themselves in one of the countless ways of fool people’s choosing.

Democracy is so overrated.

In fact, it has become another of those ersatz religion, but where the ants do not even notice how easily manipulated they are.

Nothing makes sense in their life, and they just don’t care.

Posted on April 26, 2024, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. We don’t have a democracy, we have an oligopoly run by the elites, whose mission is to lead humanity away from God where there is hope to a place of insanity and hopelessness where death will be preferred to living. Reason: Less people on the planet is more happiness for the elites.

  2. Written in the spirit of the Book of Ecclesiastes.

  3. I have similar musings. I am surrounded by unbelievers and count most of those in my retiree social circle as such. One person, who is well into his 70s, politely declined my offer to discuss the big matters that invariably pop up as one looks death in the face. Knowing he was raised nominally Baptist, I offered to guide him on how to get right with the Lord in life’s twilight. This person’s drive in life is setting up his wife, 25 years his junior, and his adopted daughter, in absolute comfort after he exits this dimension.  I guess at some level that is his corporal work of mercy, no? His politics are conservative and he seemingly embraces no “ism”.  His Russian wife, whose dad was Muslim and mother Orthodox, is healthy and currently is not interested in either the moon god or the True God.

    Everywhere I look I see “mission territory” but The One True Church is seemingly not interested in evangelizing in its midst. Instead the local bishop issues a letter explaining the beauty of Tucho’s blessing of practitioners of fudge packing. 

    There is no institutional outcry over transgenderism whose tentacles are everywhere, (I see bearded women several times a week, and men with silicone breasts and lips all over media, sports and entertainment).  There is no denunciation by Churchmen of the viciousness of feminists in the promotion of abortion in our post-Roe world. Paganism rules the day. The Church is weak and is craven to the wider culture. 

    • Scary. Where do you live, Utah? I live in England and do not have the experiences you mention more than perhaps once a year, if that.

    • We split our time between two states. In one, I have access to the SSPX, which helps me to maintain my sanity. It is in that diocese that the pro-blessing of fudge packers letter by the diocesan bishop (elevated by Francis to oversee a vast geographic area) was issued. The service/entertainment industry is huge in this state and truly, bearded women are legion as baristas, hosts in restaurants, etc. Men posing as women are in similar positions—glamor jobs as concierges, waitstaff in upscale restaurants, etc. And we are increasingly seeing men with male physiques,deep voices, open shirts with hairy chests, but wearing nail polish and full facial makeup applied thickly.  Then there are just the freaks who could be either sex, but you do not want to stare too long. Many are very overweight. 

      The other state, historically conservative, is strangely known to have a capital city that is a haven for lesbians and transgenders. It has the requisite Harvey Milk Blvd as do many large American cities.

      You cannot turn on midday or evening network news without seeing an anchor who is a man posing as a woman. You must have a critical eye. My husband has much more difficulty identifying transgenders, but woman have a good sense of whether a person is a fraud. Weathermen seem to be consistently real men for now. I believe Ann Barnhardt recently predicted an explosion of transgenders in media.

      The American institution known as PBS is comprised of publicly funded broadcasts. Programs on history, geography, antiques, classical music, Sesame Street are typical. Much drama on a show called Masterpiece Theatre” is imported from England. We loved Endeavor, but later viewing of English detective series is repellent with liberal use of men cast as women. I can always spot them. When every cell in their body screams XY, they cannot be XX as tarted up as they try. I’m under the impression men posing as women are legion in Old Blighty. They are certainly mainstreamed in British drama. 

  4. M., I know you are aware of the Bud Light beer marketing debacle as a result of putting a trannie on a can of beer. You wrote about the unctuous woke woman whose brainchild that was.

    To prove the preponderance of trannies in Western society did know of the Target Corporation ladies swimsuit debacle? Target Corporation, a Canadian behemoth, stocked womens’ two piece swimsuits with generously cut bottoms to accommodate a phallus and nuts. These items were featured in front where summer swimwear was showcased. An outrage ensued in the USA. The last I heard was that these items would be moved to a more discreet location in the store. (I cut up my Target Red Card and have not shopped there since the dust-up). 

    My husband and I went to a play this past winter at popular venue on a large American campus. In the men’s restroom, my husband reported, was a basket of feminine hygiene products. We will not be supporting that theatre again. You know this happens in 10,000 campus restrooms across the land. And woe to the man who says he will not take that crap!

    You must look critically at your fellow human beings. Overweight, soft looking creatures with beards, frumpy clothes, and smallish hands for frame could well be a woman. More delicate facial features under that beard could mean XX. It’s quite incredible the effect of male hormones on female facial hair growth. Males posing as women are generally easy to spot. Many have their Adam’s apple shaved, but still, the build is XY with breast, butt, and often lip injections. They wear lots of makeup.  My husband spotted one at the gym a few days ago!

    The world is spinning out of control.

    Our Lady of Victory, pray for us.
    St Joseph, pray for us.
    St John the Baptist, pray for us.

    • I honestly think this is much more a US than a UK problem. It’s complex, but for example the explosion of mental health issues in the US has no equivalent counterpart anywhere in Europe. It’s not that I have men around me who pose as women and I don’t notice them. It’s that they just aren’t there.

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