
In a rather surprising (to me at least) turn of events, Klaus Schwab will step down from his role as (if memory serves) executive director of the World Economic Forum. This is the billionaire’s club aiming at making peasants like you and me work for their enrichment and ideological satisfaction in a Christ-free world, where you will own nothing and will be happy (I think these words are generally linked to Schwab himself) and will toil in the brainwashed certainty that you are doing your job as the obedient servant of your very enlightened, extremely rich masters.

I do not think that this marks a step back in the WEF’s desire for world hegemony. I think, however, that this marks the end of the brash arrogance very aptly represented by Mr Schwab, a man practically begging the Putins and Xis of the world to take him out just to send a message that sovereign countries can bite pretty hard.

Schwab was not physically taken out, but it is clear that his particular brand of obnoxious arrogance had backfired. I suspect that he, and others, understood that once you put together a collection of very powerful billionaires challenging and pretending to influence entire Continents you need to thread very carefully.

The next phase, the one of the careful threading, begins now.

The evil intent and the anti-Christian agenda will continue unabated, but it will have to become far more subtle, certainly far less vocal and, unavoidably, less effective.

The puppets of the billionaires – the people like Macron, or Trudeau – cannot operates as freely if they don’t have an ideological NGO foot soldiers army behind them, and the times when such an army could be set up without the world noticing are gone forever. Therefore, a new situation is created, where the same reaction that led to Mr Schwab stepping aside will also make it far more difficult to operate in the shadow.

The billionaires’ authoritarian, godless cat is now out of the bag. You can’t put him in the bag again by just swapping faces for someone who looks less like a movie villain than Schwab, and tries to be a bit less obnoxious.

On the contrary: it was the aggression of the Schwabs, both direct and indirect, that gave wind to the sails of the Macrons. When this aggression is finally outed as an open threat to the Western (and.. Eastern!) freedom and sovereignty, operating will become more difficult, and being subtle about that will help a bit, but not so much. The equivalent of a horse’s head on your bed will, in fact, become more likely.

Billionaires can, as we have seen in recent years, also fall from windows and balconies, or die in tragic aeroplane accidents. I am told they splatter on the ground like everybody else. No, really!

If you ask me, the headlines are flattering, and the “forums” filled with escorts and, likely, cocaine, must be very agreeable to these people. However, call me cynical if you want, but I think that every billionaire who thinks he can operate like he is his own state, and can go, alone or with his buddies, against powerful, real ones, will one day discover – when he is mid-air – that he has made the same mistake that other billionaires have made before him.

Who knows: Mr Schwab might have started to suffer from balconphobia, and have decided that stepping aside slowly is preferable to falling down fast. I don’t know. They don’t tell me these things. But it always seemed strange to me that powerful States like Russia or China or India allowed these people to go around the world openly grooming politicians.

Hubris always has a price to pay.

I think Mr Schwab started to understand it.

Posted on May 23, 2024, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. I was looking forward to reading about the montrous Schwab.. Why has the post become inacccessible?

    Mary Cowling.

  2. God does not allow the devil to completely cover up his rear end.

  3. Great post! Thank you.

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