Italian Masonic Lodge Stated Cardinal Martini Was One Of Their Own

Makes your blood chill... Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini.

Makes your blood chill… Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini.


On the site Tradition In Action (no, this is not a Sedevacantist site) there is a rather stunning document. The document is not new, and I am surprised it has not received further echo.

The site has a screenshot of a tribute rendered by what I think is one of the two biggest Masonic organisations in Italy. We find therein a long rebuke of Pope Benedict for failing to mention the dead Cardinal at the Angelus of 2 September 2012 (this is what the Italian text says; the English translation does not seem very happy to me). But beside this, we find the clearly stated words:

Carlo Maria Martini volle essere iniziato Libero Muratore.

“Carlo Maria Martini willed to be initiated as a Freemason”

This is not the “wanted” as in; “he had the intention, but then he saw it would have been imprudent”. No, the clear meaning of the phrase in Italian is: “Carlo Maria Martini freely chose to be initiated as a Freemason”.

This seems to me a kind of bomb you cause to explode after one of your own has died, because to let it explode whilst he is alive would cause big harm to the brother Freemason. And in fact, it seems to me difficult to believe Martini would admit to such an affiliation and get away with it.

Whilst V II has botched this as well as many other fields, the last I have on the matter is the following declaration from the then head of the CDF, Joseph Ratzinger (“Declaration on Masonic Associations”, 1983):

“The faithful who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion….” and “…the Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic association(s) remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and therefore membership in them remains forbidden.”

Unfortunately, no word of excommunication anymore. Still, you can see for yourself whether being a Freemason is compatible with being a priest, much less a Bishop, much less a Cardinal.

This, my friends, was Carlo Maria Martini. If anyone knows of evidence brought from others – say, the family – that martini never was a Freemason, I will gladly examine and in case publish it.

Otherwise, it seems fair to say: “Cardinal Martini, the Freemason”.





Posted on February 22, 2015, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. How can one belong to the Kingdom of God and the court of satan at the same time? You cannot.

    Pope Leo XII: Quo Graviora – condeming secret societies
    Pope Pius IX: Qui Pluribus – on Faith & religion
    Pope Leo XIII: Humanum Genus – on Freemasonry

  2. You are wrong about excommunication. That is still in effect.

    from EWTN and other sources. And Benedict underlined this as well.

    The Church has imposed the penalty of excommunication on Catholics who become Freemasons. The penalty of excommunication for joining the Masonic Lodge was explicit in the 1917 code of canon law (canon 2335), and it is implicit in the 1983 code (canon 1374).

    Because the revised code of canon law is not explicit on this point, some drew the mistaken conclusion that the Church’s prohibition of Freemasonry had been dropped. As a result of this confusion, shortly before the 1983 code was promulgated, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a statement indicating that the penalty was still in force. This statement was dated November 26, 1983 and may be found in 13/27 (Nov. 15, 1983), 450.

    • Ah, “implicit”.
      It seems to me the old mentions it, the new one doesn’t. Means it’s not there (the excommunication).

      As to the rest, have you read my article?

      You are mentioning the same document I mention. And no, prohibition does not mean excommunication.


  3. This, my friends, was Carlo Maria Martini. If anyone knows of evidence brought from others – say, the family – that martini never was a Freemason, I will gladly examine and in case publish it.

    Otherwise, it seems fair to say: “Cardinal Martini, the Freemason”.



    Doesn’t it make more sense to find evidence proving that he was inducted?

    Your position reads to me in the following way:

    “I heard that Elvis is still alive.
    If anyone can show me definite evidence that he is dead and buried, please bring it forward.”

    • Your prospective is wrong.

      Once it has been declared by the Freemasons that he was one of them, this must be the evidence until contrary evidence. In Italy the membership to Freemasonry is a very grave thing. Anyone accused of belonging to it would easily sue to have this slander washed away from him. No masonic lodge would make such a statement lightly, or falsely. If you have read the Italian article, you will have noticed that a book is mentioned which would explain the details once published. No, there can be no reasonable doubt about it until there is evidence to the contrary.

      But if you compare Martini being a Freemason with Elvis being alive, I do not have any hope you will understand.



  4. Cardinal Maria Martini was not well liked by the Vatican insiders for his position on the pope’s infallibility and other issues. This is therefore a payback against Cardinal Maria Martini. I met a Canadian Mason not too long ago and he affirmed that within the walls of the Vatican there are at least two Masonic lodges in full operation composed of high ranking prelates. Here again, we have to ask : Is this info well founded or just rumors? Speculation or confirmations?

    • Oh for heaven’s sake: It comes from the Internet site of the Masonic lodge itself!
      How can this happen as “payback”? You can be sued for this in Italy.

  5. When the Loggia, which is not the first in Italy, published their eulogy after the funerals, there was some surprise, but the news found rapidly his way in the memory hole of the common public. But one only needs to read his writings, hear his declarations, consider the whole of his life, teaching and preaching, and the answer- was he a Freemason? -comes quickly and easily to mind.
    I live in Milan, I know what I write