A Queens’ Boy Marches On The Bronx

If memory serves, Trump got not much more than 10% of the votes in New York City in 2016 and 2020. It might have been a bit more, but nothing earth-shattering.

It, therefore, surprised even me to see an enthusiastic crowd of several thousand people – might have been more than 10,000, perhaps 15,000, though I don’t believe some of the figures I have read – in the South Bronx, of all places.

Of course, I do not think that Trump will carry New York, city or state. I do not think he was there for that, either, though the official statements will obviously be more bellicose than this. However, what I have seen – and what I think was the plan all along – was to give the most shockingly impressive demonstration of how, among people who actually work for a living, Trump is getting increasingly more popular, even in deep blue zones.

The enthusiastic crowd present in the South Bronx was, from what I have seen, largely made of locals. The guy is not a taboo anymore. He even hails from New York. Trump has been campaigning around eight years now, he is as familiar a household face as any other American you can care to mention. There will be far less taboos surrounding him now than in 2020, and the shameless persecution he is being subjected to will make him stronger.

I don’t think the MSM will give great publicity to this astonishing feat; but this is, whilst disgraceful, not really a big limitation factor for Trump. The people who are moving to his side now are not doing so because they have seen other Trump supporters on tv. They are doing so because they are so fed up with Biden and his screw-upsparticularly on the Ukraine, on the perverts, on the economy, and on immigration – that Biden’s support is being eroded from the centre, and the staunch support of countless bots on Reddit and X does not compensate for the real problems the man is causing.

Of course, Joe is not really worried about this. In the hours when he remembers his name, he reflects that the Democrats control all the shitholes in the Countries, bar none, and will be able to steal millions of votes. But what if Trump’s dominance becomes so big that they have to have recourse to xtreme fraud ™ to “win”? Will the Country tolerate it for the second time in a row? We shall see.

For the moment, what I see is a show of force, a display of popularity in the very fortress of his opponent, that even I had a jaw or two dropping. It really, really is impressive.

If this context were clean, it would be already abundantly clear who will win. But it isn’t, so it isn’t.

Pray that Trump stays safe, and that his and our enemies will not prevail.

Posted on May 24, 2024, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Will the Country tolerate it for the second time in a row? We shall see.

    It’ll be interesting to see, in a world where that which was unthinkable yesterday morphs into the commonplace today. Year by year we tolerate greater and greater outrages that formerly no one would have believed we’d ever tolerate.

    Maybe the last straw will turn out to be something completely unexpected that, up to then, will have been pretty minor.

  2. Sadly, the “a” word is a possibility. One that becomes closer to reality the closer he gets to victory. (Or perceived victory).

    I do hope that he is well protected but no protection is perfect.