Crumbling Edifices


On 2 May of the Year of the Lord 2021, Father Z published a blog post about St Catharine of Siena. I will try to link to the article here, but it seems not to work.

The blog post is, like every other one of the same author, very interesting. It would appear that this saintly woman “travelled widely” and “was enormously influential”.

How does this, pray, square with the usual feminist narrative of women who were treated, more or less, like dirt, and certainly as radically “inferior beings”, before “emancipating” themselves? Well in one word, it doesn’t. Letting aside the issue of the travels (which already demolishes a good part of the narrative), it is the fact of her enormous influence that gives the lie about the role of the woman in the pre-emancipation age. This would never be possible if Catherine had been considered, qua woman, unable to exert influence. You will find no child, bar Jesus, able to exercise such “enormous influence”; and even Jesus chose to exercise his influence later in life.

It appears clear that the, undoubtedly, very manly and very “patriarchal” Christian society of the time was extremely ready, eager even, to be influenced by a woman who was also – besides being woman – very young!

Watch with me the feminist edifice of lies crumble in front of your eyes, leaving behind a huge cloud of smoke and debris everywhere.

It is extremely wrong, and the result of the stupidity of our times, to make women’s position and human dignity directly related to her voting rights, or to her ability to parrot men in this or that activity. It is like thinking that cats will be inferior to dogs until they are finally allowed to bark.

Intelligent women have always been influential. However, their influence was exerted in a different way than the one proper of men, and was used (when a good, positive one) in perfect harmony with the special graces that God has given specifically to women. It appears, as we read in the blog post, that men of the past perfectly understood this. I wonder how many men, today, can think with the same lucidity; though they have, no doubt, smartphones vastly exceeding the computation ability of their ancestors.

Also, it is not known to me that St Catharine of Siena, who was “enormously influential”, ever used her influence to advocate for women’s vote, or women’s emancipation, or the right of women to become part of the Imperial armed forces, or priestesses, or deacons, or lectors at Mass. It is, in fact, not known to me that this saintly woman ever thought that there was anything fundamentally wrong with the societal structures of her time.

But no, we are to listen to Hillary Clinton and (*if* she is a biological female, of course; which is said in jest, but not so much…) Michelle Obama. They clearly know better than St Catherine.

Modern Western societies are deeply, deeply intoxicated with feminist poison. Yes, even many males who think themselves conservative. They might think of themselves in that way, but every quisque de populo in a factually independent, largely self-administered city (“Comune”) in Italy in, say, the XII or XIII Century, would have actually laughed at hearing these people defining themselves as manly, or even “conservative”.

They would, in a word, laugh at people with such smart phones, but unable to get the basics of the God-given order themselves.

Posted on May 3, 2021, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. I believe that the feministas were just ticked-off that history doesn’t have much in the way of female stalins and hitlers and such.
    Luckily they can now point to such female equivalents in the likes of ruthbaderginsburg(dead), margaretsanger(dead) and gretchenwhitmer(waiting… waiting…).

  2. I recommend the book “Catherine of Siena” by Sigrid Undset, a Norwegian woman and convert to the Catholic Church, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1928. I read it last year and I found it such a fascinating book about this great saint.


    I’ve been trying to say this for years – thanks!!

  4. Fritz Culver

    Excellent observations here. There is no doubt that women have been mistreated as women throughout history. But this must lose its significance in light of the fact that men have also been mistreated as men throughout history. It’s just the way it is in a world where sin is pervasive. It is the irrationality of Feminism that boils down to stating that women have suffered unjustly because they haven’t been granted the suffering of men. It’s driven by the sin of envy, to state it simply.

  5. George Renner

    A powerful argument in favor of women! I am humbled!

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