That Feeling…

You know that feeling, when you read about powerful prelates espousing some strange, distinctly non-Catholic cause, and something inside you knows that things aren’t right?

Yes, I mean those powerful Bishops and Cardinals. The “concerned” ones. The ones who speak “for the poor”. The ones who are always ready to espouse the easy causes.



Cosmic injustice.

The “downtrodden”.

The “undocumented”.

Then you remember the curas villeros in Argentina, who disappear in the dirty slums of Buenos Aires to get the most disgusting sexual favours from all sorts of desperate perverts. At that point, you start to connect the dots, observing that the advocacy for the “downtrodden” can, very easily, hide a predatory desire for people either already totally corrupted, but which the “social work” gives easy opportunity to approach; or else, the ability to attack the vulnerable and to blackmail them because of the important position the powerful “social worker” slash priest slash prelate has in that already very corrupt environment; a position that can be the difference between, say, getting a decent job or remaining destitute.

There seems to be a common theme, is it not. A lot of these “social workers” appear to have had different motives than simple social work. How many of those corrupted curas villeros has the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires protected? How many are, like that archbishop, zealous apostles of the “social work” of the priest themselves? What is it, that these powerful men are hiding?

Could it be that all that social preaching is just a huge covert operation to allow an entire mafia of perverted priests and prelates to protect each other and climb the ranks of the Church through the net they have created; some of them, in time, becoming powerful and continuing to serve the same mafia-style organisation of which they are part, to which they have been linked all their lives, and which could destroy them if they stopped working for the “group”?

Am I being a conspiracy theorist here?

I don’t know.

I might be right.

I might be wrong.

But then I read this, and I know what to think.

Posted on May 5, 2021, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Dissent, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. I read “this” ( and do certainly agree that the tide is against Mahony’s innocence. One vignette in that article referencing Fr. Baker is that if Fr. b’s private “confession” was in fact a Confession Abp Mahony had no choice but to not report him, sending him to rehab was good but returning him to sin again was unforgivable.
    The circumstantial evidence is certainly stacked against him though.

  2. Jewel Atkins

    I truly think this may be the case. Here in Pennsylvania, the assistant coach of the national championship Penn State football team was finally caught trafficking children through a charity he’d set up for underprivileged boys. The thing is, everyone knew. Everyone covered up for him. Even when he went to trial, all were saying what a caring nurturing man he was. There have been cases where social workers take children from their dysfunctional single mothers and place them with even more abusive lesbians or homosexuals. Two cases come to mind where these children were adopted, tortured, raped and murdered by their new parents. When the last Taboo falls, the taboo of robbing a child of his innocence and no one dares speak against it for fear of being called phobic and intolerant, surely God’s patience will be done. I pray the imprecatory prayers. Is that wrong?

  3. My archdiocese’s “nighty-night baby, I love you” Tobin was made a cardinal by Pope Francis. Tobin blesses LGBT couples at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Newark. He says that the church calling homosexuality “intrinsically disordered” is “very hurtful” and “harmful”. The idea that there’s a cabal of these clowns rings true.

  4. Mary K Jones

    Given the timeline and the sheer number of accusers, as well as the archbishop’s belligerent refusal to cooperate, it certainly makes the suspicion of a strong case against him. I am sorry for those children being abused—it happens a lot to immigrant children apparently. And I’m sorry for the others. Ruined lives. It seems these characters don’t fear God, judgement, or hell. That’s frightful. Jesus, mercy!

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