The Terrorists And The Dreamers

Whenever something tragic and difficult is going on, there is no scarcity of commenters who seem to think that, if they pray really hard, God will miraculously cause the end of the difficult situation.

Unfortunately, it does not work that way. Miracles are extremely rare, and whilst you are certainly allowed to hope for a miracle, you will understand that it’s not a practical proposal for daily action. In fact, it seems to me that this “miracle recipe” is a wonderful excuse for all those who just don’t want to say what should be done, because it would make them look “not nice”. It’s the pious version of not wanting to face reality.

We live in a world deeply steeped in the Fall. It is, also, a world full of Infidels, some of them extremely violent and bloodthirsty to the point of self-destruction. This is not a bug in God’s creation, it’s a feature.

Faced with evil – particularly, evil on the scale we have seen last Saturday – we cannot think that God will solve the problem for us. We live in a world that will always have such problem, and the solution of the problems is not in wishing that a Nanny God takes care of it, but in taking care of it ourselves.

There is a time for peace and a time for war. The horrible unpleasantness of this elementary fact is the same horrible unpleasantness that pervades the world, from its atrocious diseases to its heart-breaking injustices. Taking refuge in the hope for a miracle is like covering yourself with a piece of paper when it rains cats and dogs and praying God that he might cause the rain to cease, because you have no umbrella.

Hamas has sowed the wind, and here’s hoping that they will be reaping a huge whirlwind. This one is a proper, proper terror organisation, that has as its stated aim the destruction of Israel. I will be charitable enough to admit that the Hamas big whigs did likely not order the massacres of civilians; but these people are animals, poisoned by their extremely violent religion, and they will behave as such whatever their commanders – who likely have the same desire – think politically expedient.

Hamas is, also, deep in the doodoo. The US do not have enough weapons (and balls) to face Russia in the Ukraine, but they will jump at the opportunity to memory hole their Ukrainian fiasco and look good with their voters in defence of Israel, at a tiny fraction of the cost and military effort.

This is extremely bad news not only for Hamas, but also for the Ukraine. They are, by the way, both on the wrong side of Russia, who will interfere as little as possible in this matter, having far more pressing business very near home. Russia will, also, reap all the benefit of the decrease in US/European engagements in the Ukraine; something that was mainly fuelled by the little flags on the social media profiles, and dependent on it. When the attention shifts and the flags change colour, the money will behave in the same way.

I don’t know whether the rumours that the US approve of – and will help Israel to mount – a months-long, radical cleanup operation in Gaza are true. I hope they are, and I would think that, too, not enough. But one thing is clear: this Hamas stunt looks even more stupid on the Wednesday afternoon than it looked on the Saturday morning.

There is a time for peace and a time for war.

Let the Hamas-supporting Palestinians get a taste of the latter, and let’s see if it improves their extremely retarded brains somewhat. You can’t stay behind people like Hamas, and complain when the consequences visit your house. The same logic that says that the Ukrainians will have to suffer the consequences of the Nazi fanatics they have enabled demands that the same is exacted from the Palestinians.

Palestinians who are, between you and me, far worse than even the Ukrainians.

Posted on October 11, 2023, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on The Terrorists And The Dreamers.

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