Oh No!! Not Another One!!!!

A trannie who tried to open fire in Joel Osteen “megachurch” has been killed by locals before he could carry out the expected massacre.

Several aspects in this story are very predictable.

The tranniedom. I think this guy was a man thinking he was a woman. It might be the contrary. Who knows. These people are so disfigured by Satan it’s really difficult to tell.

The Christophobia. Joel Osteen’s ‘megachurch”, a huge presence in Austin, was the chosen target. This is interesting. You would think a Christophobic trannie would attack the very expression of Christianity, which is the One True Church. Instead, Pervobastard obviously chose the most media effective one. I think this was because, in its evil narcissism, the man thought an attack on Lakewood so-called church would give him more headline after he dies. Yes, they can clearly be as vain as that.

The pro-Palestinian leftism. As you would expect from a Trannie, this guy supported the bloodthirsty terrorists over in Gaza. Makes sense. Besides sharing their love for Satan (whether they know it or not), the Trannie and the Hamas cause have this in common, that they are the oppressors believing themselves the victims. It seems natural that this guy would identify with bastard assassins. Mind, he did not write on his pistol his support for Hamas, limiting himself to a more anodyne “free Palestine”. But my readers know how to read between the lines. Plus, there is ….

The child as a human shield. Yes. In pure Hamas fashion, Pervoassassin brought a child to the scene and got, apparently, killed near him. The poor little child is, I am informed from a separate link, wounded. Can you imagine the scale of the evil? If you know Hamas modus operandi, you most certainly can.

We need to open our eyes to the scale of the evil that these people harbour, and to the danger caused by such satanical derangement.

As we are there, we might as well reflect that this guy was mysteriously classified as “non-Hispanic White”, apparently (again, from another link) something that is becoming very fashionable in order to hide the inconvenient ethnic background of many criminals. It goes to show that in XXI Century’s USA, your public authorities will lie to you about absolutely everything.

This time, it has gone relatively well. In retrospect, a megachurch in Texas does not seem a place a smart homicidal trannie should pick.

But again, these people are evil mad bastards, so they might not really care.

Posted on February 13, 2024, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. If I may- the shooter was a ‘transman’ and the critically wounded child is her son.
    This took place outside Houston, not Austin, which is the state capitol.
    I am old enough to remember when Hispanics were adamant about being counted as “White” in censuses. This changed in the late 1960’s.

    In my former parish, many of the men conceal carry at Mass.

  2. The murderer was a woman who has used several male aliases in the past, so it’s not clear that she was an actual trannie. (E.g., George Eliot and George Sand were wonen, but not trannies.) Her real surname was Moreno, which is an Hispanic name. The 7-year-old child with her was her own son. He is in critical condition amd may not survive. The murderer was stopped by two off-duty officers who had their own guns. Had nobody in the congregation been armed, it would have been a slaughterhouse. And yet the article that I got the basic facts from — which I refuse to honor by linking it — could only go on and on about how horrible Texans are for fighting against “red flag” laws, whose proponents claim that such laws would prevent psychos from ever getting their hands on a gun. But such laws might also deprive decent people like the men who saved the day at the Lakewood Church from having guns.

  3. Excellent news that this Pervobastard (love your neologisms!!) was shot dead, apparently by two cops attending the service. Nice to know that Texan males go to church prepared for anything, Same link says that the child is in a critical condition.

    I can’t understand what is meant by a ‘non- Hispanic White’. Photos show that the perv is very much on the dark side, physically as well as mentally. Presumably, just another attempt to ‘blacken’ the white race!