Two Years

Tomorrow will mark two years since the start of the Special Military Operation in THE Ukraine.

I remember very vividly the attempts of Russia to stop the NATO encirclement, and the repeated offers to avoid action if only Ukraine and NATO had declared membership for Ukraine off the table. But then there was more, as the Russians in the Donbas were systematically persecuted and, in fact, cannonaded.

Following the usual Anglo-Saxon pattern, NATO decided that they would force Russia to act, and then call them invaders. Around the 19 February, THE Ukraine began to shoot 2000 shells a day against the civilians in the Donbas, up from 20. Clearly, they wanted Russia to go in; thinking, in their immense incompetence, that the Ukrainian army, after 8 years of NATO training and rearmament, and with all the fortifications built, would easily defeat the Russian army. To this you must add the other fantasy, that the sanctions would cripple the Russian economy and force another colour revolution.


Russia reacted as it was clear it would. It recognised, by act of Parliament, Donetsk and Lugansk as independent Republics. Then they received the latter’s formal request for military help. Then they – again, by act of Parliament – authorised the Russian Government to intervene. This was the same pattern used by NATO to attack Serbia in, if memory serves, 1999. Then as now, no UN mandate was deemed necessary. What is good for the NATO goose must be good for the Russian gander.

What started then was the most colossal propaganda operation ever seen in the West, possibly worse than the COVID scare exercise. A wave of intolerance and Russophobia pervaded Europe in a way reminiscent of the Nazi book bonfires. Concerts cancelled because of Russian music, common citizen targeted in any possible way (not only with sanctions at home, but threatening their travel, aiming at their credit cards, etc.). Blank hatred.

Make no mistake, this hatred was not casual, or only due to perceived military reasons. It was very ideological from the start. On the one hand, the supposedly “tolerant” West with its Trannie ideology and his love for sodomy. On the other hand, a Country and civilisation more and more proud of its Christian roots, and determined to defend them against the onslaught of the Western Sodom.

This is the reason why everything became so extreme and, in particular, why the mainstream press – plagued with the above mentioned problems – lined up to demonise Putin, and Russia, and all Russians, with absolutely remarkable single-mindedness. If you, as a journalist or chief editor, allowed yourself to slack, you ran the risk of being dismembered by the pack of rainbow wolfs. Behind mass hysteria is, always, mass intimidation.

Tomorrow will mark two years from the start. Allow me here to repeat a concept I have explained so many times in this little effort:

the Ukraine never had a chance.

There wasn’t a day, or a minute, where the Ukraine could make it. Their only hope was to limit the damage. They almost got there five weeks into the conflict, but their Anglo-Saxon masters told them that no, they weren’t allowed to do it if they wanted to have any hope of integration with the West.

The fight must go on. But no worries, the West will give you all the weapons you need. You will only have to provide the dead. Meanwhile, your generals and high officers, together with your senior civil servants, will enrich themselves with the Western money. The West will conveniently close both eyes, so the machine can function unimpeded from pesky questions in the West.

At this point, a remarkable mistake happened. After the West had lied to Russia about the Minsk agreements, the Ukrainians thought the West would not lie to them about their support. Quite remarkable stupidity.

Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq all show that the West’s support is never to the end of the fight, but always to the end of their patience. When the cost becomes too high, the West cuts its losses. You are left with the dead and the ruins.

This is where we are now. It’s clear to everybody how this will end. The only remarkable event is how long it took for Westerners to understand the simple realities on the ground.

As to the Ukrainians, they are the makers of their own misfortune. I will shed no tears for Nazi idiots and Nazi sympathisers. The others have my compassion, but they are, in the end, a cautionary tale.

Posted on February 23, 2024, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Brilliant post!

  2. And yet, the madness continues. Every day, some western leader pledging to gift more weapons to Ukaine and insisting that other countries must do the same, to save the poor innocent Ukainians from annihilation.

    You are absolutely right about the propoganda. The whole scenario screams FAKE; yet still it drags on; and the silly little man in green – the most successful lying megalomaniac in history – continues to strut the world stage, demanding (successfully) that western coffers (which contain nothing but tax-payers’ money that has already been spent), should be emptied into his lap. Oh, and don’t forget, this is all the fault of that Evil Monster Putin who must be defeated, beacuse he is also planning to invade Latvia/Lithuania/Estonia/ Poland/Germany/France, etc. etc.

    Crazy as the scenario is, I suspect that it will implode very suddenly, and, I hope, sooner rather than later.

  1. Pingback: Two years into the NATO-created war in Ukraine, and the propaganda just won’t stop – non veni pacem