The Revolt That Isn’t There

Mickey Mouse

The LA Times is very afraid. 


The Los Angeles Times (no link, and please don’t go clicking around for it; trust me on this) has the usual mediocre heap of organic waste concerning the Church. On Easter Monday – evidently short on things to write about – they invented a story about the Vatican that fully reflect the face news mindset of the libtard media. 

The article  is wrong in so many ways you know it was written by people, and for people, unable to think logically. It presupposes a revolt against Francis that never took place. It places the heart and epicentre of the revolt in what is no more than timidity and cowardice of one of Francis’ useful idiots (Cardinal Mueller). It depicts the Church like a party or a public company: something that can simply change course, and that’s that. 

The very way the argument is presented (along the lines of “some say church doctrine has changed, the enemies of the Pope says it hasn’t; some of them are very powerful, like Mueller”) is laughably absurd and clearly shows the total absence of a Catholic mindset. Nor is it any excuse that many Cardinals and Bishops seem to lack the mindset, too. It’s not difficult to know how the Church works. A journalist writing about Catholicism should actually be on top of the basics. But no, we have the blind writing for the stupid. Commiefornia for you.

What angers me – besides the total ignorance of the basics of Catholicism – is the whiff of Stalinism that comes out of the article. It reads like a piece describing the obscure working of a powerful lobby of enemies of progress. The sad truth is that they aren’t the former, and don’t  have the gut to be the latter. What they do is meowing around, even as they keep stating what a nice chap Francis is and how all his heresies are in fact very orthodox, if we bend over backwards as we should.

The article appeared yesterday. I think the LA Times needed some spitting on Catholicism to kick off the post Easter season. The sources are all pretty old, so there is no “news” to report about. It’s just a marmalade jar prepared before the time for use when there is some extra space available to spit on the Church.

What is worst of all, though, is this: such articles may persuade the one or other among this bunch of cowards that they are really working on some kind of “resistance”. Fake news creating fake ideas in Mickey Mouse “conservative” prelates.

What a bunch of baloney. There is no resistance among the hierarchy. What passes for such is a limited number of people not able to do more than whisper some truth whilst Francis shouts his heresies, and they even do so whilst saying that Francis is on their side. There is a desert of cowardice and heresy that at this point only Divine intervention will cause to cease. Francis is now in the fifth year of his disgraceful Pontificate, and the number of FrancisCardinals and FrancisBishops keeps growing unchallenged. If he lives another couple of years it is clear that the point of no return, barring a divine intervention, will be reached. I am pretty sure it will get worse before it gets better. This is what we get for tolerating a hierarchy for which heresy must be explained away, or meowed against, rather than stomped and destroyed in front of the entire catholic community.

The revolt that isn’t there is allegedly fueled by cartoon Cardinals who can’t do their job of challenging the clown Pope.  

Lord, have mercy!




Posted on April 18, 2017, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. The clergy evidently has decided not to be more Catholic than the Pope or perhaps more accurately, more Protestant than the Pope.

  2. The hierarchy separated themselves from the people forty years ago, when they foisted the unwanted Liturgical “reformation” on us, to deny us the chance of following a proven way to salvation. You speak harshly of the present Pope and bishops. and many reject you and your message because of your clear and uncompromising message that we are being betrayed daily by our chief shepherds.How we would love the cozy relationship we imagine from our childhood. God give you fortitude and pertinacity in announcing the truth for many years!

    Until the bishps’ fear of Francis is overcome by their fear of God at the Last Judgment, things will only get worse, as you say. Happy will be those who have a trustworthy and faithful priest, who will continue to nourish their faith by giving them the Sacraments. Francis’s road for change in the Church passes next through complete destruction of the sacramental system.created by Christ Himself.
    The Church will become Mercy Inc., as in the USA, distributing “welfare” to all, at taxpayer expense.

  3. Rebellion against Trump? Valiant, according to the LA Times. Rebellion against Francis? Misguided at best evil at worst according to the LA Times. (Don’t hold your breath waiting for the local ordinary – remember when the thought he was “conservative? – to write an op ed and set the Times straight.)

  4. “Francis is now in the fifth year of his disgraceful Pontificate, and the number of FrancisCardinals and FrancisBishops keeps growing unchallenged. If he lives another couple of years it is clear that the point of no return, barring a divine intervention, will be reached. I am pretty sure it will get worse before it gets better.”

    Have you considered the possibility that Francis is the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation?

    • I have.
      My conclusion is that he is far too mediocre, stupid and not subtle at all.
      Only an idiot or one who hates Catholicism can fall for his lies.

  5. “This is what we get for tolerating a hierarchy for which heresy must be explained away, or meowed against, rather than stomped and destroyed in front of the entire catholic community.”

    Very and sadly true. Just look at how “Catholic” apologists and intelletuals defended JPII’s arbitrary moral revisionism concerning capital punishment for murder and his syncretic view of ecumenism, especially concerning Islam.

    This is what happens when the papacy becomes a cult of personality.

    In many ways, JPII laid the egg that Francis is hatching.

  6. I agree that Bergoglio is too mediocre and stupid to be the False Prophet, but would wonder if he may be the Destroyer prophecized by St. Francis put in place to prepare the way for the False Prophet.

  7. In the past our NWO controlled government had supported all the stupid, ruthless, corrupted tyrants of the world in order to direct them doing the dirty works, now Satan, the master of this evil organization is behind and using this useful idiotic Francis to destroy the Catholic Church. Domine Jesu Christie, libera nos a malo.