Francis And The Duck Test

In case you had any doubt, I am talking of Francis.

Zanchetta was the first appointment to Bishop in Argentina after the Evil Clown was elected. Basically, he was the first of the “boys”, of the group Francis must have known for decades. A personal friend, too, so the Evil Clown knew him very well.

Do we realise how near that is? How are the odds that this guy deceived Francis for who knows how many years about his perversion? How much more likely it is, instead, that Francis knew of his homosexuality at the very least, and very possibly of worse things besides, and still helped the man to progress to the rank of Bishop first, and still kept covering him after he fell from (official) grace?

And what is this habit of Francis of sending homo clergy to bankers’ posts? Does Monsignor Ricca ring a bell? A man, the latter, under whose roof Francis still lives?

What is wrong with this guy?

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

If Francis appoints fags, is close friend of fags, protects fags, and lives under the roof of a fag, what the heck is he?

These questions need to be posed. We have left the realm of “coincidences” a very, very long time ago.

Posted on August 8, 2021, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. grassrootgonzo

    I think that cat was let out of the bag with his “Who am I to judge?” comment.

  2. Fr John O’Conner O.P. a good dominican was telling us in the ’80 that there were a very militant sodomite group infiltrating in the highest rank, taking over the most important places, especialy in America and German.
    He was talking about very aggressive militant group, not just one or another club of nancies.
    What happened to this good father?
    What happened with all that information that came from him?

    It should be a wonder if evil clown was and is not one of them.
    Besides, do we remember testimony of Bella Dodd?

  3. I try to keep my comments short and few. Still, I have to say that you have some of the best commenters on the web. I imagine I would be happy to know most of them.
    Your clarity and simplicity are very important. In the world as it is, you really help to decipher the chaos with your straightforward posts, and this is one of them. Thank you!

    • Thanks Mary! I think we are all interested in the truth, rather than sugary, diabetes-inducing “inclusions”. A lot of the quality (mine as well as others’ ) comes from that..

  4. If you want to see who somebody is, look at their friends. He adores Communists, dictators, atheists, abortionists, Marxists, pagans, unbelievers of any stripe, apostates, dissidents, and homosexuals. He dislikes and persecutes faithful, traditionalist Catholics. Connect the dots.

  5. Amen to all here, especially Kate R.

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