Number One Incubator Of Evil

The new American sport: oinking.

Just a few days ago, the two Presidents of the United States and Russia have spoken to the public.

Demented Joe Biden, in his State Of The Union speech, has embraced all sort of satanic issues, from abortion to monstrousgenderism.

Vladimir Putin, in Sochi, has spoken to the world youth and has defended, with beautiful words, motherhood as the wonderful mission of the woman.

This is, in fact, what things have come to. The nation that, not many decades ago, defined itself as “God’s own country “ (a wrong claim even then, but founded on deep Christian religiosity), has now become Satan’s Number One Incubator of Evil. Meanwhile, the old “evil empire”is, slowly but constantly – and most likely, irreversibly – coming back to its Christian roots, and espousing that solid no-nonsense thinking that comes with Christianity.

The speed at which the United States have gone down the drain has been terrifying to behold. If you ask me, the main reason is not necessarily the dem/maga confrontation. It is the march through the institutions that a generation of deranged, godless people has successfully carried out, invading and utterly deforming great parts of the school and university system and, from there, vast part of the public administration and even of the private economy, as the Government can now, through its buying power, heavily influence and even dictate the governance of the company wanting to make business with it. Of course, plenty of good people remain. But the scale of evil is staggering.

In Russia, the contrary is happening, and a very strong educational system is supporting the aims of this re-emerging nation.

Look at the two Presidents, and tell me who is the evil one.

Posted on March 8, 2024, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Agreed. Give me Putin any day over the insane, demented and murderous Joe Biden. War (death), abortion/child sacrifice (death) and child castration/mutilation (death) is all he is offering…that and destroying our economy and potentially killing millions more in poverty. Putin, give me Vlad:+) God bless~

  2. “…the Government can now, through its buying power, heavily influence and even dictate the governance of the company wanting to make business with it.”

    I think it’s actually the other way around. I think the oligarchs of business have co-opted the government and its coercive police powers (Exhibit A: covid). The officials who are supposed to protect us from the excesses of big business are all bought and paid for. It’s not one man, one vote; it’s one dollar, one vote. It always was, really; it’s only now becoming obvious and undeniable.

    It occurs to me that, in order for mankind to be undeceived about the godless “Enlightenment” experiment, it will be necessary for the paragon of the “Enlightenment,” the American Empire, to fail conspicuously and catastrophically. I do not mean the American nation, the people to which I belong and that I love, which is something distinct and constantly under assault by its own government. That can and should be saved, but can only be saved by us acknowledging and submitting to the Kingship of Christ and the Queenship of the True Church, His Bride. I’m afraid it will take something apocalyptic to make us do this.

  3. Agreed. I’m an American but Putin is a better leader than Biden any day.