Divine Mockery, Or: Fat Asses, Grand Pianos, And Our Good, Caring God.

This will be on Francis’ death certificate…

As we all know, “do not judge” Pope Clown The Fat Tool of Satan likes judging a lot. He likes, particularly, judging others as judgmental, when he is, with great probability, one of the pettiest, most judgmental (in the wrong way) cowardly, poisonous, wayward clergymen that ever lived.

It is also well known that the same guy has been warned by doctors that he needs to eat less, and that his sciatica and mobility problems come from his inability to keep his insatiable piehole at bay.

Well, what do you know: “do not judge”, judgmental little fatso was unable to get on the popemobile and has to be put on it with artificial means. I can imagine the scene, with the big hippo trying to help himself, the people around him trying to help him, but failing because of the sheer mass of the ungulate, and the guy finally having to be hauled on the car like a sort of satanical grand piano. If they have used a lift for the wheelchair I hope they did not skimp on its quality. I suggest industrial strength.

Imagine that: the guy who has made an extremely stupid sermon on gluttony some time ago, obviously accusing us of his Marxist version of it (you know, the “this is that” little spiel Marxists love to play), is the same guy who keeps slowly killing himself out of sheer… gluttony.

Oh, the irony! It is as if an extremely funny God was having a great time showing to those faithful to Him the barely believable, but very funny hypocrisy and stupidity of this man in their minutest details.

It is as if a good, caring God would, through that fat ass, invite you to relax, pray your Rosary with more fervour today, do not fall into the trap of thinking that a horrible Pope is an existential problem for the Church (or a challenge for the Catholic faith), and go on with your life, smiling at that fat cretin, and knowing that, try as he may, Francis will never manage to damage or dilute the greatest gift that God has given you: the beautiful, luminous, glorious Catholic faith.

We do not know what challenges lie before us. We might have a Francis II that is, if this is possible, even worse – perhaps in more subtle ways, which would be most pernicious – than Frankie The Freaking Fatso.

But what we know is this: the way to, with God’s grace, pave the way for our salvation will always be open to us, because God desires our salvation and asks us to collaborate with His grace to, one day, merit it.

Francis has no role to play in this. He will never sway a God-fearing Catholic.

He will just become an object of delicious Divine Mockery.

Posted on March 8, 2024, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. This fat pig of a pope is the physical reflection of what my loser baby boomer culture has wrought on the world-wretched excess, wretched materialism, wretched self centeredness and wretched everything else.