From The Life Of A Traditionalist Priest


The Bishop complains because when he was an altar boy “he could only keep his hands so far apart”.

A first parish priest tells him the Traditional Mass is invalid. 

A second priest says it is prohibited. He seems to relent after being showed the documents, then tries to have the mass suppressed again.

The bishop says the people only understand Spanish, you see…

You may think this is a joke, and something like that could never happen in the Church after Summorum Pontificum.

You would be wrong.

This is the first hand experience of a Catholic priest in once proudly Catholic Mexico.

May the Lord reward this good man of God. 


Posted on February 23, 2014, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Speaking of Spanish, the secularists wish to remove the Cathedral in Andalusia from the Catholic Church. It was formerly a mosque which was built after tearing the Basilica of St. Vincent down. The article is in Spanish, and it is a petition to keep the cathedral in the Church.