Urgency, Cardinal Burke Edition

“Can you feel my urgency?”

“The urgency of a response to the dubia derives from the harm done to souls by the confusion and error, which result, as long as the fundamental questions raised are not answered in accord with the constant teaching and practice of the Church,” Cardinal Burke said in the interview.

“The urgency weighs very heavily on my heart,” he said, adding he has seen “a great deal of confusion, also people feeling that the Church is not a secure point of reference.”

Can you believe this guy? Amoris Laetitia is now one and a half years old, and he still talks of an “urgency” that “weighs very heavily on his heart?” This is not even a normal kitten; this one is the runt of the litter. 

In the past, responses to heretical statement took a lot of time. Information traveled very slowly, and a long time was needed merely to communicate, much less to organise. 

Today, information travels all over the planet in a matter of hours. Nowadays, there is no universe in which a person can talk of “urgency” after eighteen months and not lose face. 

This man has no guts, and no shame. No guts, because he keep not doing his job. No shame, because he keeps posing as the hero eternally about to go to war whilst he keeps staying comfortably at home.

A paper tiger is worse than a self-confessed kitten. 

Man up, Kitten Cardinal. The world is waiting. 


Posted on October 4, 2017, in Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Cardinal Burke is a “TwoIst”, in that he is V II to the core.
    Could this be because he attacked the SSPX, from the Confines of a Conference in Oregon, most recently, winning the Applause of “The Panel In Detroit” on “The Download?”
    Could “The O. D.” be wielding their influence?

    BTW, Adorable little kitten!

  2. Agreed. We understand waiting in order to give a chance at a response from the Bishop of Rome. But how long should that go on? He gets it, he knows what is happening, if he wanted to respond, he’s had more than ample time.
    There is such a thing as waiting too long. This is the right time. We are tired of hearing the talk as well. What does talk mean anymore. There are moments that call for talk and moments that call for men of action!

  3. It reminds one of how, in Yes Minister, when Jim Hacker wanted something done, Sir Humphrey would tell him of how he was “fully in favor of” the stated goal, but would proceed to do nothing anyway.

  4. While the (especially Catholic) world is waiting….
    I would you to know how they are everything but lazy…
    Bergoglio wants all Protestants: the new Eucharistic prayer is almost ready.

    PS. I know links are not allowed, do what you want with the comment, I wish just to let you know about this.
    Veritas et Gratia!

    • Links are allowed if posted in moderation and with explanation.
      Dropping the link without any information will most likely get it binned.

  5. ilovevictoriasbows

    Burke reminds me of a Rino (Republican in name only) who doesn’t really care one way or the other as long as they continue to get reelected and enjoy the power, prestige, perks and pensions. Whether the country drifts Leftward drip by drip is of no concern. Whether Vatican ii was planned and/or exploited by modernists, freemasons, communists, atheists or Protestants, it’s the law of the land (like Obamacare) and anyone who refuses is “schismatic”.