I Am A Catholic! Of Course I Wish For Francis To Die!

Here’s hoping he visits Francis soon..

The Evil Clown has complained that there were those who, when he underwent his recent operation, wished that he died. These must be people inside the Vatican, then not many people were informed of the fact, which was clearly not planned.

Kudos to them!

Francis says that some people wished his death, as if it were something bad. Hilarious. Once again, he shows his entirely worldly thinking, he shows that he lives in a world where not being nice is an offence (an offence of which he has been guilty many times, btw) and being Catholic resembles a crime.

Not even a slow intelligence like Francis is, for a moment, thinking that these people, whoever they may be, wished him death because of personal animosity. No, he must admit himself that they wished he would die because he is a damn heretic and enemy of Christ and His Church.

If the Pope is a disgrace for the Church, it is perfectly fine and, most likely, the proper Catholic thing to do to wish for his death and pray the Lord that He may, in His own good time, make it happen.

On the contrary, I question your Catholic credentials if you wish that this Pope keeps ravaging the Church for a long time; then, to me, this is a very worrying indication that the thinking of the world (that is: the undesirability of “not being nice to someone”) is more important, to you, than the Church and the deleterious effects this papacy is having on, well, everything concerning Catholicism and salvation at large.

Whom do you love, Francis or Christ?

Even inside the Vatican, in what is now clearly a place resembling Sodom like it never did in the last 1000 years, there are people able to look around them, think straight, and draw the consequences from both.

I think that more and more Catholics need not only to wake up to the reality that they are, actually, supposed to wish the death of this man; but also that they should start to say this out loud every time they can. This would have, every single time, a beautiful, cleansing, eye-opening effect on the vast mass of Catholics-by-hearsay, or other Protestants and Schismatics, in that it would make them understand, with brutal efficacy, that if a person of proven Catholic credentials wishes the man dead, not one word of such a Pope can have any credibility.

Mind you: I wish the man death, but I do not wish him hell. This would, without any mistake, be a mortal sin, and I have no intention of wilfully incurring in one. No, I would love to, one day, be with the man in heaven, all our past sins and miseries cleansed and both happy in Christ’s presence. Believe me, this is a sincere wish. Still, not wishing Stalin hell is different from not wishing that he may die of a stroke as soon as may be. And yes, Francis is a plague very comparable to Stalin, and worse in many ways, because Stalin wasn’t Pope, and souls count infinitely more than bodies.

So there. A lot of people out there are either too much in love with their goodness, and/or afraid of committing a sin if they wish the man gone. They shouldn’t, and they aren’t.

I for myself will say it out loud that I hope the man meets His Maker today, this very hour.

I am a Catholic.

I do not sacrifice at the altar of niceness.

Posted on September 22, 2021, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. We as a family have been praying for his quick demise for the past 4 years. So I am very much in agreement. I believe it is our duty to do this for the health of the Church. Jim in Chile.

  2. I would heard a fearless diocesan priest suggest Psalm 109: 8 was applicable to Francis. ‘May his days be few: and his bishopric let another take.’ in Douay Rheim. Francis is leading himself and others to damnation. Hopefully he repents, but I would not be hopeful.

  3. My problem with this position is that you present only two alternatives: that Francis either dies or continues ravaging the Church. If those are the only two available scenarios then obviously the former is preferable to the latter but what about praying for the man’s conversion and repentance?

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