God 2.0, Or: The Communion Of Saints According To Frankie.

Die soon. No, really. Die soon.

During his audience of 2 February, Francis piddled out of his potty in such a grievous way that, if we did not know how evil he is, we would think he has gone gaga. I am referring, as you have certainly understood, to Francis’ out-of-this-planet fantasies about the Communion of Saints.

Of the Communion of Saints we know this: that, whilst they are on earth, heretics, schismatics, apostates, and excommunicated are in no way part of it. There is no discussion about this. The only discussion that is possible is about the scale of evil Francis carries in his – hopefully terminally diseased – fat person.

Of course one can say that, say, a heretic who manages to save his ass in the end (and we hope many do) becomes, at death, a Catholic and part of the Church Penitent in Purgatory. However, as long as he is a heretic he is, emphatically, not part of the Communion of Saints.

Similarly, one can, unless I am mistaken, say that a person who is baptised and a member of the Church in good standing is part of the Church Militant, however big his shortcomings, for as long as he is a member of the body of the Church and wants to be one. However, when this person, even if baptised, puts himself out of the communion, for example by committing apostasy, then he is not part of it anymore.

This isn’t difficult stuff. It also follows common sense. Why does Francis, then, try to confuse yourself into believing absurdities such as the apostate (no less!) who would still part of the Church Militant? The answer seems pretty obvious to me: To Francis, it is perfectly irrelevant whether you are schismatic, heretic, apostate, or excommunicated. In his propaganda, God treats everybody in the same way, and the bond you have with him is entirely unconditional. You could not put yourself out of the Communion of Saints more than you could put yourself out of the Milky Way.

There is no other explanation to his words. As to his motives, they are, by now, entirely obvious. The guy does not believe in God, and he will do all he can to make you lose your faith and substitute it for his cult of social hatred and globalism. However, he does not call it that way. He calls it being “surprised” by the “spirit”, as if a Perfect and Immutable Good could have “surprises”.

In God there is no change, because change implies imperfection. In God there is no movement, because movement implies change. God and His Truth are so unchangeable, that they are even outside of time. The very idea that God would “surprise” you today with something new that wasn’t there yesterday is a complete denial of everything that God is.

I think a seven year old boy, in good faith, understands this. Every adult not willing to lie to himself grasps it immediately.

The problem here is the old, lewd atheist who wants you to forget Who God is, and the multitude of adulterers and perverts, or their relatives, yearning for God 2.0, courtesy of a buffoon in white.

Posted on February 3, 2022, in Bad Shepherds, Catholicism, Conservative Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. Francis is not merely fat. His additional bulk is caused by the apparatus he wears to feed medication directly into his body. He was told in October that he had c. 6-7 months to live, hence his crazed dedication to destroying as much of the traditional Church as possible, in the limited time he has left. Your scathing and honest comments are a real tonic. Keep them coming!

  2. Heresy like this comes because “The Greatest Commandment” – that which underlies all other Commandments *of God* – is subverted.

    Prefatory admonition of Our Lord:

    “You err, not knowing the Scriptures, or the power of God”.

    1: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, whole soul, whole mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.”



    2: “The second is like to this, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”.


    3: “Upon these two commandments hang *all the Law and the Prophets”.

    (Matt 22: 29-33)

    The false version advanced by heretic Pharisee Bergoglio: “Thou shalt love thyself with all thy heart, soul, mind; and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself”.

    This is the whole conflict in a nutshell: between the Roman Catholic Church and the false Bergoglian Pharisaical Church of Self.

  3. Well, my knowledge is simpler. I believe that the Communion of Saints is made up of the happy Saints in Heaven, the penitent Saints in Purgatory, and the militant Saints on Earth.
    I believe that heretics and other bad people are not saints.

  4. Joseph D'Hippolito

    What Francis’ statement essentially does is turn Catholicism into a club instead of a commitment to Christ. Group identity means everything, not faith. It’s *exactly* that kind of attitude that Christ castigated the Pharisees about!

  5. I was reading one of the vintage booklets on your site, “Tell her you’re a Catholic”. It describes the life of a lay Catholic: Church before breakfast on Sunday, regular morning and night prayers, confession, fasting, abstinence…plus Catholic Action, which I suppose meant lay activities in the world. How long gone this is as a picture of Catholic life – my friends don’t even say Grace before meals, and look at me like I am a loon for doing so. And we certainly cannot put the blame just on Francis, this diminution of Catholic practice has been going on as long as I have been alive. But now that Francis has gone full-blown Lutheran ‘saved by grace, sanctified by grace, zero effort on our part’, there is nothing left to make Catholics distinctive. Not even the ‘fish Fridays’ in the local diner. All gone.

    • Catholic Action is a big Catholic organisation. Very powerful in Italy when I lived there.
      You will be pleased to know that more people than you think still live this Catholic life. They are more difficult to be found, though..

  6. Mundy, while we pray God to remove this scourge that is leading souls to Hell, we’re also seeing how God brings great good out of evil, as more and more Faithful Catholics are standing up publicly. This recent posting at the Remnant introduces Fr. James Mawdsley, who it says spent over a year in solitary in a Burmese prison, for encouraging native protesters there to fight government oppression, before becoming an FSSP priest and now giving up his faculties to go public against Francis. Withstand Francis Publicly & Fr. Mawdsley Interview

  7. sixlittlerabbits

    It’s great that a multilingual man protested and reprimanded tBergoglio for his heresies. Poop Fransoros continues to seek to nullify all doctrines of our beloved Church.

  8. It isn’t often I experience joy – my personality is too cynical. But reading the summaries of saints in the missal, followed by intercessory prayers to them, brings me joy for a few precious moments. Example: “The Persian nobles, Marius and Martha, came with their sons, Audifax and Abachum, to Rome to visit the tombs of the Apostles St. Peter and Paul. They were cast into prison, tortured and martyred in 270”. Such heroism! I am in awe of people who give up their lives rather than deny Christ. It’s haunting in its nobility. In today’s church it’s as if they had lived on a different planet and not just at another time. I see they were knocked off the universal calendar in the ’60’s because there was no concrete evidence i.e. filmed by a tv crew to confirm it. The oral history of their martyrdom – which was extremely accurate in those days because your survival depended on your memory – doesn’t count. The iconoclasts did this to many saints. Now we pray to our “brothers and sisters” who don’t inspire us to anything.
    The entire Communion of Saints got tossed because Protestants don’t pray to saints so we can’t. Except now, thanks to Pope Francis, we can pray to his personal saints of heretics and apostates and persecutors. The example of the lives of these ‘saints’ can only guide us to hell which is where Francis obviously wants to send us. Why? Because he’s afraid of being alone there.

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