The Christianity-Free Pope: Frankie And The Problem Of Suffering.

“I am more stupid than you’ll ever know, you darn Catholics!”

After yesterday’s post, let us discuss what Jokester In Chief actually said when he played celebrity with Fabio Fazio.

The guy, in a word, admitted that he has no answer for the suffering in the world. He spoke of children, but the issue is obviously of universal relevance, it not being clear why the suffering of an innocent adult should be more understandable than the suffering of a child.

Once again, Francis shows that his head is a Christianity-free space.

I was five when I was informed, in detail, about the original sin. I mean, I knew about it before, but at 5 I was informed about it in detail. In fact, I distinctly remember that on that occasion I was informed that the original sin is exactly the reason why people get: 1) ill and 2) old.

It does not take a genius to understand the lesson here. In fact, one does not even need to be intelligent, so that even Francis is not exempt from knowing the basics. Plus, the guy has scrounged an existence in a Jesuit seminary for several years, so he actually should know a bit more than a children of five in Kindergarten.

There was no illness in the Garden of Eden. No old age. No suffering. No war. No ugliness. Not even taxes.

Suffering is the price of disobedience, and this explains its existence perfectly well.

Naturally, one might ask why God allowed disobedience in the first place. But this is a discussion about the mystery of iniquity, which has perfectly reasonable answers (as far as a mystery can have them) and can only be properly understood once the discussion has been framed within the proper context: the Fall.

Francis gets nothing of it. The guy simply has no Christianity in his arrogant, thick, lewd, Church-hating head. He talks of suffering like he is a savage in the Amazon Forest, or an atheist in northern Sweden. He just has no clue about what Christianity is.

He also has no idea in his (dumb) head that does not come from the atheist world. When asked about the suffering of the innocent, an average Christian would likely retort (and a decent Pope would instantly retort) “you are clearly talking here about the millions of children killed in their mother’s womb every year, deprived of life for the convenience of their mothers”.

None of this. Not one world. This idiot talks with an atheist and he only shows he thinks like an atheist.

This unspeakable clown has been pope almost nine years now.

Truly, he will be taken as an example of the indefectibility of the Church long after he has gone where God has decreed he should go after his miserable sojourn on this earth.

Pray that he dies a painless death as soon as may be. Ideally, today.

Away with this clown.

He has made enough damage already.

Posted on February 9, 2022, in Traditional Catholicism. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. PM. Hi Mundy.
    I just want to say that I appreciate all you do for the Church. Unfortunately I suffer every Sunday from the NO Mass and have done so for the last 50 years.
    It’s people like you and reading Michael Davies (I met him once) and Deitrich van Hildebrand that keep me going (I am now 83).
    I hope one day that the whole nonsense of Vat2 will be overturned and that we return to true Catholicism. That all the career and homo clergy get kicked out and we have holy priests like we had when I was a boy.
    Take care.
    God bless.
    I will say a prayer for you.

    Paul Hellyer

  2. My constant prayer is “Lord bring back the Church”.
    The Church will come back one day. Not in my life time. But it will come back before the end of the world.
    There is a remnant. . .

    • That’s the beauty of it, Paul. Knowing that whilst the situation on the battlefield looks messy, the war is already won.
      I take comfort from this every day.

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